I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 202: I was mistaken for a big boss

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my martial arts training can crit!

The Bodhi Sage felt as if he had come out and pretended not to read the almanac.

Cause his current situation is very bad.


He felt a mighty force penetrating behind him, getting closer and closer, and he could feel as if his back had been squeezed in. He was shocked by sweating all over, condensed his energy, and turned around with a punch. go with.

Want to knock the opponent back.

But when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he was shocked in his heart, and saw Lin Fan and Li Daoduan coming side by side, attacking with both fists, banging his forehead with one punch, and banging his chest with one punch.

"Damn it."

The Bodhi Sage feels bad.

Two punches came, and there was no way to avoid it. He could only resist, but to be honest, he would rather hit Li Daoduan's fist than Lin Fan's fist.

The strength of this guy has reached the point of horror.

"You have no martial ethics, this seat will teach you to end arrogantly."

"King Kong lightning strikes!"

The Bodhi Sage roared, his vigor covered his whole body, his **** spun out like two blue dragons, and the fingertips formed a revolving vigor.


The **** of Bodhi Sage's hands collided with the fists of Lin Fan and Li Daoduan respectively.

A moment of collision.

He found that something was wrong. Li Daoduan's strength was not bad. If he were alone, it would be easy to counter-shock the opponent, but now, the other finger collided with the fist, the strength is overwhelming, making him...

Seeing Bodhi Sage’s fingers numb, and then, with a click, the fingers broke, and the opponent's vigor penetrated his arm, the arm swelled, the blood vessels burst, and the blood stained the ground.

Endure the extreme pain.

After performing his body technique, his toes fell to the ground for a moment, I saw that his ankle, a circle of revolving force appeared, with a bang, the ground cracked, the speed of the Bodhi Sage increased sharply, and the sky was about to be far away. Escape.

He knew he was not an opponent.

The end result of continuing to fight with each other is a dead end, and there is absolutely no way to survive.


Sage Bodhi looked down, his ankle was caught by the giant palm, and he was startled, and saw Lin Fan's face show a shocking smile on his face.

"Want to leave, did you leave? I and my senior brother worked together to **** you. If you run away, wouldn't you be laughed at."

Lin Fan sneered, violently slammed Bodhi Sage to the ground.

The Bodhi Sage felt the irresistible force coming.

Look down.

The distance between his face and the ground was only a slight difference, and he hurriedly stretched out his hands to support the ground.

The ground burst.

The huge movement attracted the attention of the soldiers.

Many soldiers rushed out one after another, but they didn't dare to approach for a while seeing the momentum ahead.


The soldier commander shouted.

Rows of soldiers stood in rows in an orderly manner, drawing bows and shooting arrows.

call out!

call out!

The sound of breaking through the air swept through.

Lin Fan and the others didn't take these arrows to heart.

The arrows of ordinary soldiers couldn't even break through the strength of the body guard.

at this time.

Sage Bodhi was dizzy by this blow, his mouth was full of blood, and a few teeth were thrown off.

"Asshole, you are looking for death." Bodhi Sage roared like an angry tiger, his palms slammed on the ground, his body spun at high speed, his feet turned into shadows and kicked towards Lin Fan's chest.

Li Daoduan didn't know where to find a pillar of the house, embraced with his arms, covered the pillar with strength, hit his waist with a thump, and slammed on Bodhi Sage's waist fiercely.

Saint Bodhi's eyes widened.

"My waist..."

If only Li Daoduan played against Bodhi Sage, it would be hard to say who wins, but now with Lin Fan joining, for Bodhi Sage, he will be severely suppressed by a large mountain, and his breathing becomes short of breath.

"Brother, take advantage of his illness and kill him." Lin Fan shouted.

"it is good."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan and Li Daoduan used the profound meanings of Xuanwu true powers, the same moves, the same profound strengths, but the strengths were different.

The Bodhi Sage's eyes widened and his heart beat.

He smelled death.

He wants to run.

But he knew that as long as he ran, he would inevitably die, because he couldn't avoid the ultimate move of the two. If he resisted, there might be a glimmer of hope.

"Ah! I'm fighting with you."

The Bodhi Sage roared wildly, a golden light erupted from the body, and the body gradually swelled, with dense stripes appearing, which should be a certain unique feature of cultivation.

At this time, he burned his blood crazily.

With long hair flying and red pupils, the Bodhi Sage, who has been driven to a dead end, can sit and wait for death, and can only go all out, hoping that there will be a glimmer of life.

Lin Fan and Li Daoduan looked at each other.

Outrageously shot.

The strength of the Xuanwu true kung fu intertwined together, condensed into the strongest blow, and slammed towards the Bodhi Sage.


A violent roar erupted.

The strength formed destroyed all the surrounding houses, and a radius of tens of meters was razed to the ground. The soldiers who took action against Lin Fan had already been shocked by the scene in front of them.


Don't even know what to say.

Can only stand stupidly in place.

The dust dissipated.

Lin Fan stood with Li Daoduan, looking at the deep pit ahead calmly and indifferently.

The Bodhi Sage was lying quietly in the deep pit, his blood stained the ground, his eyes gradually lost consciousness, he didn't move, and he didn't even have any strength. He was too miserable at this time.

The bones all over his body were shattered.

Those two strengths were fatal blows to him.

Lin Fan walked up to the Bodhi Sage, lowered his gaze, and said, "Have you ever thought that such a scene would happen?"

The Bodhi Sage moved his eyes slowly.

Muddy eyes stared at Lin Fan.

Due to the collapse of the strength, the body gradually decayed, where there is still the same appearance as before.

The Bodhi Sage wanted to speak, but only moved his lips a few times, but it was difficult to make a sound.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Lin Fan raised his foot, and under the horrified gaze of Bodhi Sage, he dropped his foot and slammed his head cruelly, as if holding a stick to crush a watermelon.

Bloody and domineering.

"Brother, how?" Lin Fan asked.

"Very good." Li Daoduan knew that he hadn't exerted much effort and was able to defeat the Bodhi Sage so quickly, mainly relying on the Junior Brother, if it weren't for the strength of the Junior Brother, it would be difficult to kill the Bodhi Sage.


He was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the strength of Junior Brother was so tyrannical.

It's really scary.

"Brother, why don't we go on a slaying precept? Once the incense sticks time, we will leave." Looking at these big soldiers, Lin Fan thought of the poor women in the dungeon.

What a wonderful woman, think about those brothers in Tianjiu City, they were basically bachelors last time, and they were given to Huohuo before they even found them.

Who can tolerate such a situation.

"Okay, but before the murderous precepts, the brother is not going to touch the corpse, the Bodhi saint as a master of the National Teachers Association, there may be something good on him." Li Daoduan reminded, after all, he still found the feeling of being a brother. It is the most unavoidable process to pass on some experience to juniors and walk the rivers and lakes.

Often the end of not touching the corpse is to miss a lot of things.

If Lin Fan knows what Senior Brother thinks.

It will definitely be helpless.

I don't know how many times I have touched the corpse, but now he has no interest in touching the corpse, because there is nothing he needs.

Shanmen now provides him with everything.

Big medicine, cheats, etc., as long as you want it, you can get it.

Why endure the pungent smell of blood and touch the corpse.

"Brother, this guy was so **** and horrible by us that he didn't want to face him. If the brother wants to touch him, then I will wait for the brother together." Lin Fan said.

Li Dao dun said: "Forget it, then don't touch it. Depending on his situation, there may not be any good things, so let's just do it."

"Okay, a stick of incense, start." Lin Fan fixed his eyes on the soldiers.

For those soldiers, they have not yet felt the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Fan and Li Dao twisted their bodies vigorously, and rushed towards the leading soldiers. A massacre broke out. Where are these ordinary soldiers their opponents.

The rumbling continued.

There is no move or killer move, just the force bursts and pushes away.


A few days later.

Lin Fan and Li Daoduan chased all the way, and finally found the Chen Gong and his wife in a temple in the wilderness. They were in the dark and observed carefully.

"Brother, there are a lot of masters," Lin Fan said.

Li Daoduan said: "Junior brother, we can't face the enemy for too long. Our goal is to rescue Chen Gong and his wife, so as to prevent the entanglement from becoming angry and embarrassing the Chen Gong and his wife."

"Yeah, I know." Lin Fan nodded.

Many people escorted Chen Gong and his wife.

Let's not talk about anything else. Take a closer look. There are probably thousands of soldiers escorting. The team is very large, and he saw several familiar figures, among them Yaotian.

As for the other masters, according to their strength, they are indeed masters, but facing Lin Fan there is only a dead end.

After observing for a while, Li Daoduan said: "Junior Brother, look at those masters who are surrounded by the carriage, it is a bit difficult to start directly, but I have a way here, but I don't know if it will work."

"Brother, please speak."

"Junior, you take the initiative to show up, and then don’t get close to the carriage, just slaughter those soldiers. The masters of the National Teachers’ Association will never sit back. They will definitely stop you, but the ordinary masters are not your opponents. Then Yaotian will definitely come forward. When their attention is attracted by the younger brother, I will shoot again." Li Daoduan said.

Lin Fan said: "Brother, why don't you attract, I will do it."

Li Daoduan looked at Lin Fan bitterly, as if he wanted to say, Junior Brother, do you really want Senior Brother to speak so clearly?

Regardless of other circumstances, it is really difficult to save some face for the brother.

Lin Fan noticed the look in the eyes of the brother, and immediately understood, "Just follow the method of the brother."



Outside the temple.

Yaotian observed the surrounding situation, but found nothing. He was very puzzled as to why his teacher wanted him to find Chen Gong and his wife, and in any case, to ensure their safety and send them to the capital.

These two cultivation bases are average, and they are not masters.

It also has a strong ability to forge weapons.

It seems to have an ancestral forging heritage.

He was thinking.

I have some doubts in my heart. Could it be that the teacher wants to build something?

It's just that the teacher never told him this, everything was his guess.

Inside the carriage.

Chen Gong and his wife looked indifferent, and did not show any timid look because of being caught.

"Madam, I might be thinking of what the National Teachers Association wants me to refine." Chen Gong said in a deep voice. When he first started, he didn't think about it clearly. He was just an iron man. Why would the National Teachers want me? Catch him.

Later, I thought that his best skill was to strike iron, and the national division would catch him to build some kind of weapon.

The National Division of Ordinary Weapon National Division will definitely not look at it.

Thinking that the ancestors once built a terrible weapon, he knew why the national division wanted to arrest them.

"Husband, could it be..." She did not dare to say, although she hadn't seen it before, there was a record of that weapon in the genealogy.

"Yes, it's that weapon." Chen Gong said.

Why is he so affirmative? It is because some time ago, a mysterious person specializing in taking human keel appeared on the rivers and lakes. One of the main materials for building that weapon was the perfect keel.

Need to use a special technique to intercept the perfected keel.

And the quantity needed is extremely large.



"Yaotian, long time no see."

Lin Fan appeared from the dark with a calm expression and walked slowly.

Yaotian frowned and looked at the figure that appeared. He didn't expect to meet each other here. Is he trying to save the Chen Gong couple?

It just doesn't look like it at all.

"What are you doing here?" Yaotian looked calm and calm. He knew that this guy was very strong. Even he might not be his opponent. It's just that he didn't panic at all. It's not that the opponent does not mean that the opponent can How will you be.

"Of course..." Lin Fan smiled, before he finished speaking, he started to attack the soldiers around him, "Of course it is to kill more soldiers."

The soldiers near Lin Fan were very unlucky.

It was blown directly by the strong road, as if a mountain smashed on his body fiercely.

Even a master with a cultivation base could not hold Lin Fan's strength, let alone these weak soldiers.

"court death."

Yaotian was furious, but he always felt something was wrong, and then said:

"Canglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, you guys will go up to me."

He must guard the people in the carriage.

And Lin Fan broke into the group of soldiers and slaughtered, which was something he couldn't tolerate.


Suzaku and the others looked at each other, seeing a trace of fear in their eyes.

"Follow me."

Bai Hu, who was not beaten enough, hesitated when seeing the three of them. He couldn't help showing a look of disdain. Then he leaped up, running vigorously, and headed directly towards Lin Fan.

They were able to repel each other by joining forces.

There is still no problem now.

Suzaku and others nodded.

Seeing that the white tiger is already on, what else can he hesitate about, mainly because he hesitates and is punished severely.

at this time.

The white tiger displayed his fascinating knowledge, and a domineering tiger phantom emerged, rushing towards Lin Fan magnificently.

"Good coming, Yaotian, I want to see when you can see it."

Lin Fan rose into the sky with his hands into claws, using his profound knowledge of profound martial arts, his strength became a giant eagle, which fell from the sky and landed on the shoulders of the white tiger.

One up and down, make a few moves against each other.

Bai Hu was shocked, no matter where he could resist, when he was thinking of pushing Lin Fan back, he saw Lin Fan locked his shoulders with his claws, and suddenly lifted him up.

The intertwined strength covers the white tiger and forms a sphere.

"Let go of him." Suzaku shouted.

"Give it back to you."


The white tiger was like a prey in Lin Fan's hands, torn to pieces by the ferocious beast. In the blink of an eye, the original white tiger was instantly torn to pieces.

The stump with a broken arm fell from the air.

The Suzaku and the others who were watching showed fearful expressions, and the pace of rushing gradually slowed down, froze on the spot, looking stupidly, completely dumbfounded.

They didn't expect it.

The white tiger was just fine, and it became like this in a moment.

Horrified in my heart.

"How could it become like this."


Lin Fan descended from the sky and landed peacefully, "White Tiger, the four elephants are too weak, but the courage is commendable. It is a bit capable of daring to be the first to rush over."

The feeling of strength improvement is cool.

It took a little effort to deal with the Four Elephants.

But now... it's just a matter of skill.

"Suzaku, Canglong, Xuanwu, what you three are looking at doing, come on and let you go on the road together." Lin Fan hooked his finger towards the three of them and waited for them to die.

"Yaotian, we are not opponents, when do you want to see." Suzaku turned around and looked at Yaotian with an anxious expression. She didn't know what Yaotian thought.

Watching them die?


Yaotian was in a dilemma. He didn't know what to do. He looked around. This was probably a trap. The opponent appeared to lure him out of the carriage.

Seeing Lin Fan rushing towards the Four Elephants, Yaotian knew that if he didn't make a move, the three of them would definitely die.

no way.

Even if it is a trap, it can only be used.

Lin Fan smiled secretly when he saw Yaotian coming, and after all he chose the four elephants.

But his body shape changed, and he brazenly confronted Yaotian.

in a blink.

Dozens of tricks.

Yaotian was shocked and found that Lin Fan's strength was stronger than before, and if he continued, even he was not an opponent.


Seeing that the younger brother had successfully led away the opponent, Li Daoduan made a move and rushed towards the carriage, as long as he rescued the person and left immediately.

"Sure enough, it's adjusting the tiger away from the mountain."

When Yaotian saw Li Daoduan's figure, he knew that it was exactly what he thought, but even if he wanted to go back now, there was no way.

The guy in front of him haunted him.

Let him not be distracted.

At the same time, he just glanced at Li Daoduan and was almost brutally murdered. Lin Fan fingered sternly and dedicated himself to his life gate. If he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

And just now.

A figure came from a distance, as if walking in the air. It was clearly far away, but it appeared in front of you in the blink of an eye. I don't know what a genius this is.

Wearing a mask, this figure slowly landed on the top of the carriage.

Li Daoduan's expression changed slightly, and he did not expect a mysterious person to appear.

Just as he was about to move his hand towards the other party, Junior Brother Lin's voice came from his ear.

"Brother, fast back."

Although Junior Brother's words made him a little uncomfortable, Li Daoduan was not stupid, and Junior Brother was shocked at such a level of cultivation, indicating that this mysterious person who appeared inexplicably was definitely not that simple.

Volley changed his posture, and then retreated quietly.

"Meet the national teacher."

The soldiers surrounding the carriage saw the people coming, put down their weapons in a clatter, a fanatical color appeared on their faces, kneeled on their knees, and shouted like a pilgrimage.

Lin Fan separated from Yaotian and quickly returned to his brother.

Seeing that the national teacher was coming, Yaotian did not chase Lin Fan, but came to the carriage and respectfully said: "Yaotian pays homage to the national teacher."

Call the national teacher outside.

Inside is a teacher.


"Senior brother, I'm in trouble, and I may not be able to save it." Lin Fan said solemnly.

Li Daoduan said: "Are you sure of joining hands?"

"No, this national teacher is strong and bottomless. I look at the other side as if I see an abyss. Maybe I can escape but I can't fight it." Lin Fan said.

Li Daoduan was horrified, but he didn't expect Junior Brother to give him such a high evaluation.

Never heard of it.

at this time.

The national teacher looked at the two voices in the distance, and a deep and steady voice came, "Are you the orthodox school Lin Fan?"

"I am."

"Well, I have heard of you, and I sent you a letter. Why didn't you let my black scales go? It was just a letter."

Lin Fan was quite surprised, thinking that the national teacher would definitely take action when he saw them without even thinking about it.

But I didn't expect the other party to brag with him here.

He whispered to the senior brother: "Brother, you withdraw first, and I will gather with you later."

"Is it because you can't run when I am, and you are sure to run when I am not?" Li Daoduan whispered.

"Well, that's right."

"Okay, Junior Brother, be careful."

Without hesitation, Li Daoduan turned and left.

Lin Fan has also been observing the national teacher. If the other party does not let his senior brother run first, he will definitely stop him, but he found that the national teacher hasn't moved, as if he didn't take the senior man seriously.


It seems to be right.

The guy in front of him did not put Li Daoduan in his eyes.

This made him think of an inappropriate metaphor, a little panda and a little rabbit, the value between the two, basically needless to say, who cares where the rabbit goes.

"The black scale mentioned by the national teacher is the eagle. I don't know it is the pet of the national teacher, but my pet is hungry. I swallowed it in one bite while I was not paying attention. I apologize, not intentional, hope The national teacher can forgive," Lin Fan said.

The National Teacher smiled, "It's just a pet, I didn't take it to heart. I am very interested in you. Do you have any ideas to join the National Teacher Association?"

Hear the words of the national teacher.

Lin Fan was indeed a little secretly happy.

After all, everyone wants someone to see his excellence, but secret joy is secret joy, but he feels that the head of the national teacher in front of him may not be smart.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I can't be a traitor, otherwise I have to be scolded by the world," Lin Fan said.

The national teacher said: "Your vision is too narrow, the world is like an ant, why care about the eyes of the world? Now you have five levels of marrow washing, the first four keels are complete, and the fifth level is close to perfection. The secret method accommodates every keel, you are Among the wizards I have seen, the strangest existence is also the one who has the most chance to leave this birdcage."

Yaotian and others were shocked.

They heard what the national teacher said.

My heart trembled fiercely.

Unexpectedly, the cultivation base of this guy in front of him was so terrifying.

The five-fold cultivation base of the marrow washing can compete with them because of the abnormality of the keel tempering and the secret method of containment.

The exchange between the two brought endless shocks to Yaotian and others.

Not to mention that Yaotian and others were shocked.

Even Lin Fan himself was a little confused.

This national teacher could actually see through his cultivation situation.

These eyes... are too scary.

No, maybe it's with some help.

"Well, what the national teacher said is reasonable, but...I am a layman, and I look at my eyes very much in the unexpected world." Lin Fan felt that this national teacher is very dangerous, and those who can't see through are the most dangerous.

Guo Shidao: "This is only your short-term thought. When you see more, you will know the meaning of this seat. Now you are far from reaching it."

"Haha..." Lin Fan wanted to tell the national teacher, please don't make trouble, but in the end, he gave him the word ‘haha’.

"You go." The national teacher thought for a while and said slowly.

Lin Fan was shocked and looked at the other party in shock. He was a little confused. He had made any preparations, such as preparing to go to the other party, and then escaped injured, but he didn't expect to let him go.

"You let me go?" Lin Fan asked rhetorically.

"Well, let's go." The national teacher's deep and steady voice is like muffled thunder. Even if Yaotian and others don't want to let the tiger return to the mountain, they are silent under the majesty of the national teacher. They dare not to be presumptuous and honest. Stay where you are.

"Can you make a request?"


"Chen Gong and his wife are my younger brother's parents, can you give it to me together?"

"No, but I can guarantee that when they finish what they should do, I can send them back safely." Guo Shidao.

Lin Fan didn't know what the national teacher thought.

It stands to reason that they are enemies and opponents. It's hard to tell if you don't meet each other. What kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

He looked at the national teacher deeply.

Hold fists.

"Thanks a lot."

The voice fell.

He just turned and left.

The thief who runs fast is afraid that the other party will suddenly regret it.

Yaotian looked at his mentor in confusion, completely unable to understand what the mentor was, and his methods were fierce. Anyone who disobeys him will not end well, and he will definitely be suppressed by thunder.

But I didn't expect to let the other party leave.

The Chinese teacher came to the carriage, opened the curtain, and saw the people inside, "Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen, you have been working hard during this time. You have heard what I said just now, and what you say counts."

Chen Gong looked at the national teacher wearing a mask, and fell into memories for a moment.

This person is so familiar.

It seems that when he was young, he followed his father and met the same people.


"Huh, where's brother?"

Lin Fan, who was running away, had been looking for the figure of the senior. It didn't take long for the two sides to separate. It should be possible to catch up, but he hasn't caught up until now. Could it be that he has gone wrong.

But soon.

He knew he was wrong.

In the distance, the senior brother is fleeing, the speed of escape is extremely fast, it seems that he has already reached his full energy, this is fleeing with his life.

"Brother..." Lin Fan shouted.


Li Dao ran very fast, he always believed what Junior Brother had said to him, and if he was not there, Junior Brother would definitely be able to escape.


Li Daoduan never thought that his cultivation base would be so stretched.

I haven't really felt this way before.

But for some reason, since I approached Junior Brother Lin, the level of contact seems to have skyrocketed a bit.


He heard a familiar voice.


He saw the junior chasing from behind, and took a closer look, but didn't find the chasing soldiers.

He hurriedly reunited with his younger brother, and as soon as he met, he was observing his younger brother's condition and whether he was injured.

"Junior Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's good, brother, you run so fast, I almost missed you."

"No, let's not talk about this first, how did you run out?" Li Daoduan was very curious. The national teacher was a master. Once the master stared at him, it would be very difficult to run.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I didn't run, I came out."


Li Daoduan was stunned by Lin Fan and didn't understand what he meant.

Lin Fan said: "I talked to the national teacher, and talked about the world. Maybe he found that the junior brother I was quite charismatic, and wanted to get me into the group, I refused decisively, and then he said...Go ahead."

"That's it?"

"Well, that's it, then I left. Also, he promised to send someone to send them back when Chen Gong and his wife did something for him. I think he, as a national teacher, shouldn't lie."

After hearing what Lin Fan said, Li Daoduan really couldn't believe it.

He stared at Lin Fan blankly.

The younger brother made him a little strange.

The face is really so big.

Lin Fan said: "Senior brother, don't think about it, it's okay, let's go back to Junior Brother Chen, he's afraid he is waiting in a hurry."


Near Crane City.

Chen Zhiyu stayed with Huihui. He waited for several days, but still didn't see the two seniors. He was very anxious. He didn't know what happened to the seniors.

Is it dangerous?

Thinking of this situation, he deeply blamed himself.

It feels like it is his fault.

If it weren't his business, this kind of thing wouldn't happen to the brothers.

He looked at Brother Huihui's pet, and found that Huihui had slept for several days, and when he was hungry, he went to the mountains and forests to catch wild animals.

Will never come back with the corpse of a beast.

It seems to be saying... you want to eat by yourself and go hunting. You were born a human, but relying on my pet to find food for you, can you make a face.


There was movement from all around.

Huihui smelled a familiar smell and hurriedly got up and whimpered...

Chen Zhiyu was ready to fight until he found out that it was the two seniors, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief.



The national division looked at the investigation in front of him.

The details of Lin Fan are recorded on it.

From the beginning of Tianjiucheng joining Qinglei League, it continued to Zhengdaozong.

The more I look, the more shocked.

The scalp was numb in the surprised national teacher.

"I have cultivated to this level in just a few years, is there a real evil in the world, or is it..." The national teacher couldn't believe it more and more.

He got up and took out a stone slab from a hidden grid.

There are words on the slate, densely packed, tadpole-sized words.

This was found in a tomb.

The owner of the tomb is unknown, and the record is unknown, but the content of the stone slab shocked him greatly.

The general meaning of the content ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a very long time ago, a trivial boxing gym accepted a disciple, and that disciple was about seven or eight years old when he joined the boxing gym, and he has been practicing for fifty years. Nine layers, and the nine bones are full, it is recorded that this enchanting disciple is a person from outside the sky, living here, re-cultivating his true body, and leaving here.

The content is only these.

Everything else has been blurred.

After studying at the National Teachers College for a long time, I thought of a possibility, that is the possibility of reincarnation and reconstruction of a person outside the sky.

When I saw Lin Fan.

This thought came to his mind.

Could it be that this disciple of the Orthodox School was reincarnated and rebuilt by a person from outside the sky?

Somewhat suspicious.

But not sure.

This is the reason why the national teacher did not make a move.

He wanted to take a bet.

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