I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 107: The Selfish Gene and the Overlap of Space and Time (1/2)

Chen Mujin took Chu Tiange to see Wei Mao.

"You only have half an hour."


Hospital rules stipulate that the duration of visiting patients is no more than once a day and only half an hour at a time.


He saw Euonymus again.

Wei Mao was in good spirits and took the initiative to say hello to him.

"You're here."

"Well, I have some doubts in my mind and I want to ask you."

Wei Mao smiled and said: "You should call me teacher. To be honest, you have learned much more about quantum mechanics and relativity from me than from your teacher Lu Ying."

Chu Tiange nodded and smiled: "Okay, Teacher Wei, the student has a question, please answer it."

"Tell me, what's your problem?"

Euonymus asked in a good-natured way. He lazily leaned on the window sill, bathing in the warm sunshine, with a relaxed and genuine smile on his face.

"What kind of existence do you think brain memory or soul consciousness should be?"

Wei Mao let out a light sigh, looked at Chu Tiange in surprise, and asked, "You seem to have discovered something extraordinary."

Chu Tiange didn't explain much. He couldn't go back in time and witness the strange origins of his childhood. He only said: "By chance, I discovered that the brain is not reliable, or that memory is not reliable."

"That's right, I think it's normal. Brain memory is inherently unreliable. In other words, reliability is relative. The appearance is related to the soul, but the essence has nothing to do with the soul. As for the brain, it is just a component of a carbon-based precision biological instrument."

Wei Mao held his chin and said: "I have a friend in the hospital, a senior sister from the same school. She is three years older than me and has a PhD in the field of bioengineering. She may give you a more accurate answer to this question. "You have to understand one thing. As a physics scholar, I have almost zero similarities with biology."

Chen Mujin interjected: "Zhou Nan, thirty-five years old, is from southern Anhui. He originally had a PhD in biology from Annan University. He stayed at the school to teach and worked at the Annan Institute of Biological Sciences. Two years ago, he suddenly had a profound enlightenment and discovered the illusion of life, so he took matters into his own hands. Something, come to the mental hospital for hospitalization.”

Chen Mujin said this, but in his heart he was speechless and helpless. Why would all these promising young people with great time and great future go to a mental hospital?

Chu Tiange: "...Great enlightenment? Understanding life? I think she came to the wrong place. She should go to a temple to become a monk."

Chen Mujin shook his head: "No, I don't mean that she saw through the rolling world in her spiritual realm, but that she discovered the ultimate mystery of the human body and the nature of the soul and consciousness from a biological perspective, which caused her mental problems."

Chu Tiange asked curiously: "Director Chen also believes in the existence of the soul?"

Chen Mujin shook his head: "I am responsible for saying that I don't know, and it is not biased. I think that the insufficient evidence at present cannot prove whether the soul exists. Until there is conclusive evidence to support it, I firmly do not believe it, because Scientific attitude requires rigor.

In fact, from a medical point of view, human death begins with organ aging, complete organ failure, and brain death. Medically, individual death can be determined.

But it is very interesting. Some medical experiments or death case statistics show that after death, the overall weight of the human body will decrease by 21 grams, but this is not absolute and varies from person to person. Moreover, the repeatability of the 21 grams figure is relatively low. The most important thing is that it cannot be ruled out Oxidation reactions and sweat evaporation occur in the human body. Therefore, this statistical experiment that proves the existence of the soul not only gives people a sense of mystery, but also contains some subjective conjectures and beautiful scientific fantasies, which is not enough to be used as strong evidence to prove the existence of the soul. "

At this time, Euonymus cut off the topic.

"The words "subjective consciousness" come out of your mouth, which means that you believe from the bottom of your heart that the soul consciousness is real and exists, Dr. Chen!"

Chen Mujin nodded without rebuttal: "I don't believe it in medical science, but I believe it in terms of spiritual belief. After all, I burn incense and paper for my deceased ancestors every year. When my relatives and family members have something to do, I also go to the temple to pray for blessings and ask God. "

Wei Mao smiled: "Okay, let's get back to business."

He said to Chu Tiange: "What I can tell you is that memory and soul are related, but there is essentially no relationship. Of course, this is what she told me."

"Well, what should I say?"

Chu Tiange adjusted his sitting position to a comfortable position and prepared to listen attentively.

"First of all, you have to understand one thing. What is memory? Where is it?"

Wei Mao said lightly: "Memory, simply put, is experience. It is all the personal experiences of a social individual in the collective environment of human society, that is, a collection of personal experiences and knowledge, translated into cold numbers, It is like a string of compiled virtual characters that are continuously absorbed into the brain from the outside world, and its real storage area is within the gene, to be more precise, the base pair!"

Chu Tiange nodded in agreement: "I once saw a paper on genetic neurology, which included a linkage experiment between cell unit computers and genetic biological crystal cells. The experiment proved that a large amount of genetic information can be stored in DNA fragments, which means that internal It has a large amount of storage space, accurate to the most basic unit - base pairs. There are about 100 billion cells in the human body, and each cell contains about 3 billion sets of base pair sequences, so it can store a lot of information, and some biological computers The large number of code strings that can be stored after loading the neuron gene crystal is the use of the storage effect. "

This experimental report and paper should not have been published yet. The biological cell unit computer and neuron gene crystal are in the copy of Skynet, and they are technological products that will be fifty or sixty years in the future.

To put it bluntly, part of the core technology of Destiny server technology comes from the biological computer and genetic crystal elements.

However, Zhou Nan can now confirm that the human brain's memory is stored in base pairs. It is not simple. This senior Zhou Nan's vision and academic research field are indeed very deep.

Speculations are different from assumptions. Today's computers and wafer technology cannot reach the level of biological genetic units. Therefore, DNA information storage only exists in theoretical theories, and in practice it is almost zero.

There is no strict boundary between genius and madness.

During the deduction of time and space, Zhou Nan did not perform very well. It seemed that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of his thinking, a mental dead point, unable to extricate himself, and eventually became a true psychotic patient.

On the contrary, his cousin Zhou Hua, who is Xin Yi's first assistant in the computer laboratory, has made a contribution to the Destiny Server technology that cannot be underestimated, and can even be regarded as taking the most credit.

The two may be related in some way.

Wei Mao nodded: "Since it is confirmed that memory is stored in genes, let's distinguish the relationship between soul consciousness and memory. Zhou Nan said that in this universe, any living body with soul awareness can actually only be regarded as a kind of carbon-based container. The carrier, and our consciousness all comes from the great matrix of consciousness, which is the cosmic consciousness of this universe!”

Chu Tiange was surprised and said: "It has the meaning of the theory of division of cosmic consciousness and the destiny of reincarnation."

"Yes, she always believes that the unity of soul consciousness and body is actually not perfect and not absolute, because, she said, genes are too selfish!"

"Selfish genes?"

"That's right, selfish genes. She describes genes as controllers, individual gods and masters! And we are just the carrying tools of genes, a kind of tool people. She habitually calls them gene machines. She said that humans start from birth. From adulthood, study, work, marriage, having children, and even aging and death are all controlled by genes in an orderly manner. Even all wonderful experiences and emotional experiences, even the most basic self-protection mechanisms and innate reproductive abilities, are all controlled by genes. Genes secretly control us, we are just a carbon-based fiber-like shell machine with temperature!”

The argument is very cold-blooded, and the human touch is so indifferent that it is even annihilated.

It is equivalent to completely impacting the original civilization, culture and moral system of mankind. To put it bluntly, your mother gave birth to you and loved you not out of her own will. In fact, it was a series of maternal love that was forced on the mother's body by genes in order to continue. Behavior to protect the growth and development of the offspring, and to replicate, perpetuate and immortalize the gene.

"Genes can control all material expressions of the human body, but there is one thing that genes cannot control."


"The soul consciousness body cannot control the soul consciousness body that is separated from the universe consciousness body. The collision of these soul consciousness bodies will breed a substance called memes. She calls them memes. Memes are specific to human beings. In actual society and life, as a feedback of cultural attributes, we humans, or in other words, the brilliant civilization created by billions of intelligent beings in the universe, are derivatives of the confrontation between memes and genes!”

Chu Tiange frowned: "According to this, aren't the bacteria and viruses around us also controlled by genes? How can they control themselves to attack themselves?"

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"Hahaha!" Wei Mao laughed: "Okay, I kind of like you, young man. Your thoughts are the same as mine. That's what I asked her at the time. What do you think she said?"

"How to say?"

"The existence of bacteria and viruses is much older than human beings. Not counting other civilizations in the universe, it only exists on Blue Star about four billion years ago! It stands to reason that they should reproduce brilliant civilizations. In fact, They are the driving force behind everything. If you think it’s nonsense, don’t worry, just listen to me.”

"Bacteria and viruses are too old to exist. They are the earliest forms of life, which means that their bodies only have genes and a thin layer of protein... I wonder if you haven't seen the precise material structure of some bacteria. They have gears. The meshing transmission has a standard power device... The components that can be formed are proteins... And in the most primitive ocean of life, the so-called organic compounds are nucleic acid compounds and some protein-like substances... This shows that we humans originated from they."

"To be precise, we come from genetic control, constantly upgrade and optimize, stand out in the selection and competition of natural selection, survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, and evolve from the simplest life form to complex human intelligent life individuals!"

"As for bacteria and viruses, they are just parasites and executors of surveillance and eradication. After all, don't forget that some case groups, when the individuals are imperfect and defective, will get sick...or even age and die. They serve as The work of eradication and eradication, even in human biology, has given them a unique status and name - decomposers! From the origin to the end, they penetrate all the life activities of all living things. "

"Therefore, the driving force behind all life forms is the genetic boss, and the soul consciousness body divided by the consciousness of the universe is the boss that dominates the life forms!"

"The two 'gods' cooperated with each other, competed with each other, or fought with each other, so intelligent life, cultural derivatives, and even technological civilization appeared accordingly!"

Shocked by this statement, Chu Tiange fell silent.

"Let me give you an example."

Wei Mao pondered for a few seconds and said, "Just use the computer and code you just mentioned as an example."

"The human body and all your external behaviors, including but not limited to language and movements, can be regarded as the human-computer interaction interface of the computer, that is, the operation interface. The permissions you can have are only the simple user permissions of an ordinary administrator. "

"The internal computer running programs of the human body, such as language types and habits, movement inertia and degree, are genetically programmed with core codes and have certain restrictive and specialized settings. You can use them but cannot change them unless you Able to master super administrator permissions.”

"It's like if you gain weight and have a belly full of fat, can you control the gastrointestinal absorption and reduce the absorption? Or control the gallbladder to secrete more bile to break down triglycerides? No, you can't."

"For another example, if your hairline rises and you gradually become bald, you can't control your hair to grow again. If your hair turns white, you can't make it black. If you are short, you can't control yourself to grow taller again. , even the emotions you can control most are not easy to control. All you can control is the access interface with controlled access permissions. "

"Going back to the brain itself you mentioned, suppose that the soul consciousness is hidden in the brain, but the brain itself has a self-management mechanism, and the internal core programming is also compiled by genes. The most obvious feature is to manage the heart. For example, you are When I was sleeping, I suddenly felt like my feet were on the ground and I was shaking. It was the same as the medical defibrillator ADE, which was a bioelectrical stimulation to the brain. "

"And when you question the existence of the brain, it will immediately form a strange consciousness and tell you that if you die, the brain will die too. This is the selfish gene."

"So now, what do you think your memory is? Is your brain playing tricks on you?"

"Why does the soul have memory?"

"Can you speculate on the relationship between the two?"

Wei Mao asked several rhetorical questions, but Chu Tiange couldn't answer any of them and had to remain silent.

Wei Mao smiled: "Don't worry too much, it's not a good idea to get carried away."

Euonymus stood in front of the window with his arms folded, as if embracing the sunshine. His fluffy hair showed a hint of maroon in the sunlight.

Chu Tiange's brows furrowed into the word "Chuan", and he slowly breathed out after a long while: "If genes and memes are compared to two armies in the human body, the information within the base pairs is intelligence, and the soul consciousness has been stealing Get information from the genetic camp!”

Euonymus raised his thumb and praised: "Not bad, he has understanding."

"Everything you have experienced from childhood to adulthood, no matter how big or small, will be recorded in your genes, but it is difficult for your conscious body to detect some deep information. For example, it is difficult for you to remember everything from your birth to the age of five. What happened, or what you were doing at this time a week ago, your soul consciousness cannot accurately detect. Maybe sometimes you can remember it accurately, but many times it is vague and vague. Unclear.”

"But since your body only has ordinary administrator access permissions, it is impossible for you to call all kinds of information stored in genes without the help of your conscious body. In a word, your permissions are not enough!"

Chen Mujin knocked on his watch: "Half an hour is almost here."

Chu Tiange turned around and asked Chen Mujin: "Can I meet Senior Sister Zhou?"

Chen Mujin shook his head: "Zhou Nan only leaves the room once a month. She usually hides in the ward and never leaves the door. I want to see her in the middle of next month."

"Okay, please let Director Chen know when the time comes."

Chen Mujin nodded helplessly: "Okay, I just have one request. No matter what Zhou Nan says, just listen to it as a story. Don't take it too seriously. I don't want to take on another patient."

"Okay, understood."

Chu Tiange smiled and continued to turn around and ask Wei Mao: "Teacher Wei, let me ask you one last question."

"you say."

"From the perspective of the theory of time and space in physics or the theory of multiple time and space, can the me in adult time and space put the me in childhood time and space from another time and space into this time and space?"

Wei Mao came from the window to the table and chair and sat down, clasping his hands to support his chin. He said: "The components of space and time are single and downward, involving the concept of entropy. I will teach you when you come next time. Let me talk first. Talk about your doubts. You and yourself in this time and space can exist at the same time, but the forms of existence cannot be the same. Otherwise, the correction of time and space will produce two lines, dividing two different time and space. Of course, once time and space cannot be corrected, time will Collapse, entropy chaos, the world is like a glass, falling to the ground and shattering! "

"Can't they exist on the same space-time axis at the same time?"

From the events of Su Xiaonuan and Su's father and mother, we can see that they changed the time and space plot, but they did not separate two lines. At most, they gave Su Fangmu some more memories!

Euonymus stretched out his index finger and shook it from side to side, "No, no, no, there is a special situation between two parallel lines, you ignored it."

Chu Tiange's eyes lit up: "What you said... coincides with each other!"

"Binggo, the answer is correct, yes, coincidence, a special kind of parallel line. Once you try to change the past, no matter multiple time and space, or this time and space, the time and space axis will change, because slight changes have little impact on the time and space plot, or it Some simple corrections have been made. In short, coincidence is also a type of parallel world... But some people will experience some adverse effects and side effects in the coincidence event, especially when the coincidence event occurs in an area with high energy field response... Maybe there will be a large-scale space-time flash event.”

"Flash of time and space?"

Wei Mao hesitated and explained: "A collective memory modification event will cause very bad things to happen, such as collective prediction of the future, collective madness, or receiving another overlapping memory... The flash of time and space is very scary. It happened once in history, causing all the people of a kingdom in the western Qinzhou to become mental patients. "

"There shouldn't be any space-time flash, right?"

Chu Tiange didn't think that saving three people who should have died would have such a big impact.

Wei Mao waved his hand: "It's okay. If the time and space flash incident really breaks out, we will find a way to erase people's memories. People, ignorance is the happiest. The more you know, the deeper the pain."

Chu Tiange nodded approvingly: "Well, erasing memory is a good way."

Chen Mujin on the side said inappropriately: "Classmate Chu, seeing how you all sang in harmony, I think you need to take a mental test."

Chu Tiange raised his hand: "No, just chatting."

"Your idea is really dangerous. How about I give you a mental test? I'm not kidding, I'm serious. Don't worry, you are a student of Lao Lu. I will do a mental test for you for free without any charge."

Chu Tiange: "..."

Do I look like someone who is short of money?

No, is this a matter of lack of money?

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