Chu Tiange turned back and glanced at the library. There were about three million volumes of jade slips. It took him three thousand years to read and memorize them all, and he knew them by heart.

He had a comprehensive understanding of the immortal civilization.

The Immortal Civilization is the Taichu Civilization of the first generation of humans on Blue Star.

The system uses the words "intelligent beings" because the physical quality and life level of human beings at that time were very different from those of modern humans. To put it simply, immortals are in the sky, but people today can only be called mortals, and mortals are on the earth. .

Therefore, immortals can be called perfect human beings.

After rolling up the last jade slip, Chu Tiange slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that human beings simply rely on technology is not enough... I want to make human beings stronger, and I want the Blue Star human civilization to expand in the Milky Way, in this galaxy cluster, To show off on different interstellar stages such as the Virgo Super Galaxy..., first of all, the individual must be strong..."

The highest primate race of a civilization must have a strong body. For example, the golden human race of Nibiru has a particularly strong body and can stand in space with its body without any harm.

"Want to promote the Yanhuang physical training technique?"

He glanced at the Sutra Pavilion and raised the corners of his mouth: "Actually, it's not necessary!"

There are countless cultivation jade slips in the library pavilion. He finds the basic level of low-level cultivation methods and throws them out first, and then gradually leads the entire human race to practice and strengthen the body. In fact, the genetic potion he initially threw out, other It is subtly improving and changing the weak constitution of the human body. Of course, compared with the immortals of the immortal civilization, the Blue Star mortals are far behind.


The main world is very polluted. Nuclear fusion technology has just been applied. In addition, the air pollution caused by industrial development has not yet been controlled and solved. Relying only on the self-purification and adjustment ability of Blue Star is simply not enough to recover.

"Industrial development has brought about the Age of Dharma Ending. In this case, I will help Blue Star - the 'spiritual' energy to revive!"

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Let's deduce it first and speed it up a little."

[Five thousand and four hundred years ago, Jiangge Li Nie'er proclaimed himself emperor in Changqing Mansion in Xiaxiangxiong area, but in fact, the Mu family had full control behind the scenes, and the Jiangge Li family became puppets again. 】

[Five thousand three hundred years ago, Zhigong Zampu inherited the throne of the Seven Heavenly Red Kings and ruled from top to bottom, which enabled the entire Tubo Empire to recover economically and develop rapidly. 】

[In 5120 BC, the Jiangge clan, under the control of the Mu clan, launched the first wave of attacks on the Tubo Empire, but was defeated. 】

[Five thousand years ago, Budai Gongjie succeeded to the throne of Tubo and attacked and killed the Jiangge tribe in Xiangxiong area. Jiangge and Li Congyuan surrendered, claiming to be vassals and willing to pay tribute to their Tubo superiors every year. 】

[For the next three thousand years, there were no more battles between the two empires. 】

The dynastic struggle has come to an end for the time being.

"Now the focus of the deduction is on the three major non-human races and the major sects and churches in the world."

[Good host. 】

The deduction continues.

[In 4800 BC, the Holy Fire Sect took root in the northern Xinjiang region. Since then, the Holy Fire Sect has become the dominant one in Northern Xinjiang. Later, it spread to the Guangming Peak of Kunlun Mountain and established the Sun and Moon Ming Sect. It was the main altar of the Holy Fire in the Eastern Continent and held the alchemy magic weapon. The Eight-faced Holy Fire Order is so powerful that no one dares to disobey when it commands the heroes. 】

"Guangmingding? Mingjiao? I said..."

Later, Chu Tiange read through history and discovered that it turned out that the Holy Fire Sect really existed in the Kunlun Mountains, and the main altar of the "Huo Sect" was established. Moreover, it can be called the Dachengsheng Sect in the entire northern Xinjiang region, and the local people are devout to it. Faith, unswerving determination.

[In 4750 BC, the Holy Court stopped expanding to the Eastern Continent and turned to preach to the Southern Continent until the Vatican established a separate altar of the Holy Court. 】

[Four thousand seven hundred years ago, the Guangminghui developed to the west, and its disciples and members increased to 80 million. It is said that wherever the sun shines, there is a Guangminghui. 】

[Four thousand six hundred years ago, the Brotherhood and the Guangming Brotherhood were integrated into one body, which was called the Guangming Brotherhood. 】

[In 4560 BC, Dracula, the fourteenth generation descendant of Cain, became a disciple of Merlin and became Merlin's alchemist - apothecary. The reason why Dracula became an apprentice to learn alchemy was because of one thing. Save the Vampire Clan, return the Vampire Clan to the Qiong Clan, and turn the vampire bat bloodline back into the Qiongbird Dapeng bloodline. 】

Dracula is a direct descendant of Cain. He was cultivated by Ye Chengqi and was awarded the title of Grand Duke. He can be said to be young and promising. Because he is extremely talented, intelligent and studious, he was later accepted by Merlin as one of the seven direct disciples.

Concentrating on studying pharmacy, a branch of alchemy, in the entire Hermetic alchemy system, except for Hermes and Merlin himself, Dracula's alchemy level is actually no weaker than Abel.

But for Dracula, it was simply not enough, far from it.

If he wants to undo the holy water curse of Hermes, his alchemy skills need to continue to be strengthened and practiced.


He has been a teacher for eight hundred years.

Finally, I was able to compete with the founder Hermes in the art of alchemy, but I found that the curse of the holy water... has no solution!

Avalon, Camelot.

"Ancestor, is it true that holy water has no solution?"

Dracula asked Hermes.

Hermes nodded: "The main material for making holy water is a high-purity version of magnetite. The philosopher's stone I refined, namely Regulus Antimony, has the power of magnetite, but Regulus Antimony is not magnetite after all. Ou Shi... Back then, I got a piece of magnetic Ou stone by chance, but it has long been used up."

Hermes looked at his young disciple and sighed.

He fully understands the origin and general situation of the Vampire Clan. It can even be said that if it were not for the holy water he refined, the Qiong Clan would still be the Qiong Clan and not vampire bats that lurk day and night.

Hermes felt a little guilty, but he didn't regret it. As an alchemist, no matter how dangerous and terrifying his works were, he would not regret it, because he was an alchemist!

Just like... can you blame the first person who invented swords, weapons and even gunpowder?

In fact, not only can't you, but you should call his inventions great!

The point is not the existence of dangerous goods, which are not dangerous. The point is the person who uses dangerous goods and the user's mentality.

"Master, where did you get the lodestone? I also want to try my luck."

"I found that lodestone in the waters below Weimo Longren, the place where Longba Xinrao Miwo landed in Atlantis, but I advise you not to waste your efforts. At the beginning, I searched almost all the waters of Atlantis and found tens of thousands of lodestone wastes, and only found a small piece of lodestone that had not been used."


Dracula was a little desperate. The end of alchemy was Hermes, but Hermes couldn't do anything... What could he do?

"Okay Dracula, if you can't restore the distorted bloodline to the original Qiong Niao Dapeng bloodline, why don't you try to evolve in another direction of mutation."

"What do you mean, ancestor?"

Hermes explained: "There are 24 hours in a day, 12 hours of sunrise and 12 months of night. Countless major forces fight during the day and sleep at night. Think about it from another angle. If your blood clan is further optimized in the vampire bloodline, can you become the only king of the night?"

Dracula heard it: Hey, it makes sense!

During the day, the major forces quarrel with each other, and at night, it is as quiet as death. Now the blood clan can only hide during the day and come out at night. In this case, why not become a king of eternal night!

"Optimize blood? Ask the ancestor to teach me."

"First, appearance. Make some potions to help your people change their appearance with green faces and fangs, so that they can integrate into human society."

"Second, starting from the two points of sleeping time and desire for human blood, see if you can help the blood evolve, reduce the sleeping time and blood supply objects, not limited to humans themselves."

"Third, the free switching of the Peng state. I suggest that you evolve like a completely bat-mutated blood. Now half Peng and half bat limit your blood power."


Hermes' suggestions were all recorded in detail. Since then, the vampire blood family familiar to later generations was created by the vampire ancestor Dracula.

"Thank you for the teachings of the ancestor god."

Dracula said goodbye and left.

Hermes looked at Dracula's back and shook his head: "Blood..."

Dracula did not immediately return to the family to inform the news, but turned to the palace of the great wizard of Master Merlin.

Merlin did not join the Divine Court or other organizations, but served as the national teacher in the Great Eagle Empire, and was a teacher and friend of the current United King. He had a very respected status in the Great Eagle.

"Teacher, I went to see the master."

Merlin looked at his disciple and said, "Look at you, you look sad, the result is not ideal."

"Yes, teacher, the master has no way to solve the holy water."

"Is there no way for him?"

Merlin frowned, looked at his disciple with regret, and sighed deeply: "If he can't solve the curse of the holy water... I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic."

The hall fell into a brief silence.

At this time.

Someone outside the door reported.

"Master Merlin, His Majesty King Voltigron wants to see you."

"Oh? His Majesty is here, please come quickly."

Merlin replied.

Dracula shook his head. He understood that the teacher didn't have a good solution, so he got up and left.

"Teacher, I'll take my leave first."

"Okay, you go back first, but don't worry too much. I'll help you think of a solution later. The world is full of fate, and there are mutual generation and mutual restraint. Since there is a curse under the holy water, there is magic liquid to break it."

"Thank you, teacher, for your trouble."

Dracula bowed to express his gratitude.

"You and I are teacher and student, so there is no need to do this."

Dracula turned around and left, and bowed to the Eagle King Voltigron at the door: "Your Majesty."

"It's Mr. Dracula."

The two exchanged greetings.

Dracula noticed the little guy that Voltigron was holding, and he half-knelt down to greet him: "Hi, Prince Uther."

"You are the Grand Duke Dracula of the Seven Heroes of the Empire, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness, I am Dracula."

Uther's round eyes turned and said, "Duke Dracula, can I learn alchemy from you? People around me say that you are the best alchemist in the empire."

"Oh? Why does Prince Uther want to learn alchemy?"

"Igna is sick, and I want to make medicine to cure her."

At this time, Voltigron explained: "Igna is the princess of a neighboring country and the cousin of the Duke of Cornwall."

"Is that so." Dracula nodded: "Okay, as long as Prince Uther wants to learn, I can teach him."

"Thank you, Duke Dracula."

"You're welcome, Your Highness."


You may not be familiar with Uther, but everyone should know Arthur. That's right, Uther is Arthur's father, an outstanding monarch during the period of the Three Great Eagles.

Dracula informed the tribe of the news, and the elders of the tribe almost quarreled.

"What? There is no antidote?"

"How can there be no antidote?"

"Since there is poison, there must be an antidote. As the saying goes, there is always a counteracting factor..."

"If God wants to destroy our Qiong Clan, does it mean that the Blood Clan will never be able to change back to the Qiong Clan?"

"Alas, God's will is such that it cannot be undone."

"Since Hermes suggested that we become fully mutated bat vampire bloodline... let's give it a try. What he said makes sense. The power of our bloodline has been reduced and suppressed. If this continues, within five hundred years, the entire The family will no longer have immortal blood. The Qiong clan cannot die, and the blood cannot be lost...Dracula, you can refine the medicine. As long as it is beneficial to our family, vampire blood will be vampire blood!"

"Yes, since there is no hope for the Qiong Bird Dapeng bloodline, then we should find a way to make the vampire bloodline stronger. Just like Hermes said, as long as the vampire bloodline becomes stronger, our Qiong Clan, oh no, our Vampire Clan will dominate the night. ”

Then, the elder representatives of the whole clan voted unanimously in favor of abandoning the extravagant idea of ​​restoring the bloodline of Qiongniao Dapeng, and tried every means to further strengthen the vampire bloodline.

"Dracula, our clan leader will give you a promise. As long as you can evolve the bloodline of the blood clan, the position of leader of the blood clan will be handed over to you."

Dracula was extremely moved: "What about ancestor Cain?"

"He has fallen asleep, and he is not suitable to be the leader of the clan now. He is the guardian of our vampire clan."

"Okay, I'll do my best."

"By the way, Dracula, if you want to successfully take the position of patriarch and secure this position, you must do one thing."

"What happened?"

The elder of the wealthy clan had bright eyes and solemnly said: "Avenge the vampire clan. Only in this way will the clansmen be convinced by you!"

Dracula raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, rich man?"

"As the most outstanding alchemist in the world and the number one alchemist of the younger generation, you use your best ability to take revenge - treat others in their own way... drugging the Abel family!"

Since the Qiong clan was exterminated, Abel came to live in seclusion in the north of Europa.

Why come to the frozen and snowy north? To put it bluntly, it’s just for peace and quiet.

Abel is a relatively cold person, cold on the outside and cold on the inside.

There are only a handful of people and things in the world that are worthy of his memory and remembrance, but as for family and friendship, they are all gone.

In the northern part of the continent, he encountered a tribe called the Predator Tribe, transliterated as Vikings.

He met, fell in love, and fell in love with Carlitos Nicholas, the daughter of the Viking patriarch, and eventually got married. With love, he was no longer lonely. Later, he gave birth to a bunch of children, and then led his descendants to move to the southeast.

After hundreds of years and thousands of years of development, Abel and his descendants were active and enthusiastic about spreading their branches and spreading their descendants. They had considerable power and influence in the north-central and southeastern parts of Europe. Their family name is Nigu. pull.

Abel no longer wanted to use the surname Joan, which he deeply hated, so he used his wife's surname of Nicholas as the name of his large family.

The Nicholas family has a great influence in the north, central and east of Europe. Without him, Abel has a very good background. First, he and Merlin are brothers, and they worship under the sect of Hermes at the same time. They have great experience in alchemy, magic and The three methods of astrological divination are quite talented, but the three are not outstanding and are relatively balanced. Secondly, Abel is the adopted son of Adam, the leader of Shenting, and Adam's adopted son is equivalent to the deputy pope of Shenting. Just two awesome identities, plus his own His skills are not weak, and he can easily become famous in Europa.

This day.

Abel is teaching magic to his descendants.

"Next, I will teach you a magic called Animagus, a form of transformation."


Abel transformed into a three-meter-tall silver wolf.

It caused a burst of cheers from the surrounding juniors.

"The new Animagus I created, I named it Madness. Once we become Mad, our own strength will increase several times, while ordinary Animagus only has the effect of transformation, and its own Strength cannot be increased.”

Dracula transformed into a vampire bat and sneaked into Nicholas's mansion.

Using a method similar to Abel's, poisoning the food.

In the kitchen of Nikolai's mansion, the sealed spiritual liquid he had developed for more than ten years was poured into the food...

Sealed spiritual liquid can seal the power of a cultivator, causing changes in his bloodline, and the direction of the influence of the change is determined - moonlight, as long as the moon appears and is radiated by the moonlight, it will mutate and directly become crazy, especially the moon's The stronger the moonlight, the greater the changes and the crazier they become!

"In the past, you poisoned me, and today, I will do the same!"

"You prevent my vampire clan from seeing the sun, and I will prevent your Nicholas clan from seeing the moonlight!"

Dracula's eyes flashed coldly, and when he heard a movement outside the kitchen, he immediately turned into a bat and sneaked away.


Abel led a group of descendants to practice Animagus madness for a whole day!

Dinner in the evening.


The moonlight shines on the earth.

The members of the Nicholas clan felt a little dizzy, their eyes were red, their bodies were out of control, and they had thoughts of bloodthirsty killings.

A young tribesman beat his head and looked uncomfortable: "Old Ancestor... I... feel so uncomfortable... Roar!!!"

The young tribesman's size suddenly increased by three feet, and his clothes were torn apart by violence, revealing a body of thick wolf fur. He bared his teeth and roared at the moon.

Become a werewolf.

"Going crazy? No, involuntarily going crazy?!"

Abel frowned, feeling puzzled and didn't understand why such a change occurred.


roar! roar! roar!

There were waves of wolf howls coming from various courtyards in the Nikola tribe.

Then, the clan members' fighting and screams were heard.

Abel's heart sank, something happened!

And... why did this scene feel so familiar? !

Chu Tiange, who was standing by, recalled the birth of the werewolf clan in the legend.

"It is said that the origin of the werewolf clan is related to an alchemist... It seems that the unofficial history is not nonsense."


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