I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 138: The Path of a Monk (1/2)

The so-called Gangqi Peak Festival is not an ancient sacrificial ritual handed down from ancient times.

It is a man-made sacrificial ceremony that has only appeared in the past fifty years, aimed at worshipping the sacred mountain and expressing faith.

As the world's recognized first sacred mountain, a large number of tourists, sectarians, and believers come to worship every year.

Several major sects discussed and decided to hold a grand centralized sacrificial ceremony.

So, there was the Gangqi Festival two days later.

As for tonight...

Xin Yuzhu can easily investigate secret information from all over the world as long as the information exists in the Internet world.

However, no relevant information can be found in the Internet world, not even a word.

The information feedback given by Xin Yuzhu made him a little disappointed.

Chu Tiange's mind moved slightly, and his figure disappeared in the hotel room.

After adding the practice method, his mental power increased by many times.

Carrying himself, Feng Xu flew in the wind, like an immortal. He wore a mask, but did not hide his figure, deliberately leaving it for satellites to shoot. He wanted to let the superiors know that there are immortals in the world, and there are powers in the world that they cannot control. Only in this way will they pay attention to the promotion of martial arts and popularization of martial arts. Otherwise, the superiors will be crazy to promote martial arts education.

In today's society, it is okay for a small group of people to learn martial arts, but if it is popularized by the whole people, it will give people a sense of not doing their job properly.

At the same time.

Satellite Monitoring Center.

Observers are patrolling Zhongzhou in the sky on a daily basis.


He was stunned.

"What is that?!"

Expand the satellite's field of view.




Several observers on duty on the side expressed dissatisfaction with his surprise.

"Xiao Li, what are you crying about?"

"I was just about to take a nap, but you yelled and I'm completely sleepy."

Xiao Li shook his head, his eyes wide open, he swallowed hard, and said, "Brothers... I saw a fairy..."


Then Xiao Li played the previous video.

Several observers took a look and were stunned, their mouths wide open enough to swallow a duck egg.

There are fairies in the world? ?


After a few breaths, Chu Tiange arrived at the top of Gangqi Mountain.

A glance at it and found some clues.

Gangqi Mountain is a solid stone, and it is a basalt with a relatively high hardness. It does have its own space inside, but it is definitely not the light silicon warship of the mechanical queen Xin Yuzhu.

He raised his hand and punched, the fist wind was like a dragon, and the light golden wind wrapped around his fist and made close contact with the top of the mountain.

Golden light exploded!

Boom, the earth shook.

The monks from various sects who were rushing over from afar were all stunned.

"What's going on?"

"An earthquake?"

"That direction... seems to be the Gangqi Mountain?!"

The group quickened their pace.


They broke through a corridor.

They jumped and landed lightly in the space of the mountain.

There were several skeletons.

Chu Tiange's eyes flashed with **.


[As the host saw, they are the lizardman Noah trio. ]

As expected!

Chu Tiange suddenly felt a little depressed.

"Noah and the others have always been on Blue Star... They firmly control the Tongzhou Association and the order of the upper layer of this world."

"The main world has been infiltrated a long time ago..."

From the moment Chu Tiange obtained the system, he took on an important responsibility - saving the world, saving Blue Star, and redeeming the human race. Whether for the sake of the human race or selfishly for his own longevity, every time he deduced, he would directly or indirectly help the human race upgrade and help Blue Star escape the blow of the cosmic bull's eye.

The scene before him now told him that Blue Star had been controlled and infiltrated by Tongzhouhui a long time ago?


How could he accept it.

[I suggest that the host should go to the lower level to have a look. ]

"No need for your advice, I will not agree that the main world was infiltrated and controlled by Tongzhouhui. If Tongzhouhui is really that powerful, why is there no news about them in the first few copies? Don't tell me that they can travel through any time and space to avoid disasters when disasters and destruction occur on Blue Star, just like six-dimensional and seven-dimensional creatures."

Chu Tiange's tone was flat, but there was a bit of emotion, which might be related to the omnipotent grasp when deducing time and space. In the main world, there was no overall control and God's vision observation. Therefore, the desire for control and the power of control were misplaced and mismatched, resulting in an unbalanced mentality.

[A possibility, the possibility is divided into root cause and future uncertainty. ]

"How do you say root cause? How do you say uncertainty?"

Chu Tiange's tone was not good, and the system always used some awkward nouns to prevaricate him.

[Root nature is the singularity of variables, also known as the origin point, which can be a person or an event, the joint action of invisible and tangible forces. ] M.

[Uncertainty, starting from the starting point, the uncertainty execution tree diverges, triggering countless possibilities. With the birth of new singularities, countless uncertainties occur. ]

[Root nature and uncertainty, the two are integrated into one, forming point variables and axis variables, which is a possibility, but the direction of civilization has millions of possibilities. ]


Chu Tiange shook his head speechlessly, talking nonsense with him.

Turned and walked downstairs.

Came to the next floor.

There were a few more bones in sight, and a faint smell of rot came from the air.

There was no air circulation and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

But several bones surprised him again.

Giant bones?

No, no, the skull is flat and long, the jaws are long and the cheekbones are high, the eye sockets are divided into two sides, and there is an awl-shaped tailbone.

"It's the dinosaur people from Venus."

He descended another level along the artificially dug stone ladder.

Hundreds of bones were all tied up hand and foot by the cross. Some skeletons that were not firmly connected had fallen off the cross and were scattered into a messy pile. It was impossible to tell which part of the bones belonged to which part.

The superior man descends upon the fish.

"The fish people."

One more level down.

Chu Tiange felt even more terrifying.

Bones has nothing to fear.

But what's scary is that the creatures deduced in the previous copy are all gathered together.

The fourth floor.

Bones again.

The Bone Collection?

But the bones this time were obviously different from the bones before. To be precise, it was the first time he had seen them.

Giant bones!

The key point lies in the word human.

Humanoid giant bones.


"Are they Blue Star creatures?"

in ancient legends.

The giants were the first human race after the creation of the world. Due to various reasons such as climate change, geological disasters, etc., the giants gradually became weaker and shorter, and evolved into today's human race.

"Based on the height of the White Bones, their average height is about six meters... which is similar to the Golden Bloodline Anunnaki."

The final layer.

When we arrived at the fifth floor, it was no surprise that it was still a bone museum.

But this Bone Hall made him take a breath of filthy air.

First of all, there is a lot of space on this floor.

Secondly, there are bones...inhumans.

They are the bones of various animals.

However, the animals are no ordinary animals.


Incredibly big.

There are hundreds of animal skeletons, including birds, beasts, and aquatic animals.

"Why are there so many skeletons of strange beasts hidden in the Gangqi Mountain Peak?"

[A possibility of time and space is also a manifestation of dislocation. 】

There are two descending corridors that lead directly to underground rivers, which are the sources of four rivers including the Kongque River.

"The overall structure is very similar to that in the deduction copy, but the content presented is very different."

[A possibility of time and space is also a manifestation of dislocation. 】


"Can't you put it another way?"

Chu Tiange was speechless, always trying to stop him with words like snake oil.

Possibilities, possibilities, possibilities.

Everything is possible.

Maybe it’s your sister!

At the foot of the mountain.

Bonfire lit.

Five sects including the Buddhist sect, the Ben sect, the Shenghuo sect, the Yin Zhu sect and the Buddhist sect gathered together.

In addition to the five sects, some forces also sent representatives.

The Divine Court, the Fellowship, the Guild of Light, the Brotherhood, the Blood Clan, and the Werewolf Clan are waiting.

In addition, there are also some children from big families.

There were even representatives of monks from sects and aristocratic families in the Central Plains.

Rather than talking about a sacrificial ceremony, it is better to say a martial arts conference.

Chu Tiange quietly blended into the crowd.

"It's so lively."

He sighed deliberately.

The uncle beside him smiled and nodded, glanced at Chu Tiange, and saw that he was so young, he felt relieved: "Is this your first time accompanying an elder to a monk exchange meeting?"


Chu Tiange nodded without saying much.

The uncle looked at the bonfire circle and said excitedly: "Twenty years ago, when I attended the first exchange meeting with the elders of the clan, I was very excited. I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep for several nights..."

Chu Tiange and his uncle kept chatting.

The uncle is a Han Chinese and a representative of a certain sect in the Central Plains. In fact, the monk exchange meeting originated fifty-four years ago and is jointly led by the Buddhist Tibetan Sect. It aims to exchange monk culture and circles and revitalize the cultivation world. They would exchange experiences and learn a few tricks, but it was far from a martial arts competition.

If you really dare to fight, the Anxi Department will come soon, and one or two of them will be dragged into the station to drink tea. Gathering a crowd to fight and cause trouble? Just kidding, let’s get a sentence of two or three years! What? Do you dare to attack the police? Well, no matter how good your kung fu is, you can knock him down with one shot!

In order to maintain the mystery of the monks and add some sense of ritual, the cultural exchanges between monks in the auditorium were canceled and replaced by secret meetings at the foot of Mount Gangqi.

Hear about this situation.

Chu Tiange was stunned, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Damn it...a bunch of middle-schoolers!

But that’s fine.

It proved that this world was still the world he knew.

Even if there are inheritances of ancient cultivation techniques, they have become incomplete due to historical faults and the loss of precious inheritance. Moreover, due to serious air pollution in nature, basic breathing techniques cannot work. It is difficult for people to practice bioenergy. Over time, practice The circle of practitioners is getting smaller and smaller, not to mention that today, with the development and prosperity of science and technology, you can only be lucky enough to see one or two monks in traditional temples and old martial arts halls. In most other places, the monks who say they can practice are all liars. , or people with advanced symptoms of secondary school syndrome.

The old monk with the highest cultivation level cleared his throat: "Everyone, please be quiet."

"There are fewer and fewer practitioners among us. Today, there are less than ten thousand people who can practice Qi Sensing worldwide... The times are developing and society is progressing, but our group of monks and our cultivation culture are gradually regressing... …”

"Cultivation is not superstitious or anti-scientific. On the contrary, cultivation is scientific and authentic, and it is the only way for science to be reflected in the human body's self-improvement. It should be called life science, rather than relying on external objects to achieve strength. No matter how strong we are, if we are weak, then we humans will be weak after all. We must become stronger. As science and technology develop, we must also improve ourselves.”

"The circle of monks continues to shrink, and the cultivation techniques are gradually lost. We are heartbroken and helpless. As the head of the Buddhist sect, I have been practicing all my life. I developed Qi Sensation at the age of eighteen. I achieved it at the age of twenty-five and achieved success at the age of thirty. At the age of seven, I defeated my inner demons. At the age of forty-two, I gained the mercy of the Buddha. At the age of fifty-three, I listened to the Buddha’s message. Now, at the age of eighty, I have stopped at the threshold of the Buddhist hall and cannot make even half a step forward..."

"I don't have many regrets in my life. There is only one thing that often makes me toss and turn and keep me awake all night... Is our human race's excellent inheritance of cultivation methods... going to be broken?"

"In another fifty years, one hundred years, or even two hundred years, what will we, who are already in decline, be able to leave to our descendants?"

"Two hundred years from now, will there be such a thing as cultivation method? Will there be a group of people like monks?"

"I feel worried, even panicked."

"Technology is ultimately an external thing. If you don't cultivate yourself, you only cultivate external things. How can the human race stay strong?"

"I have held a monk exchange meeting for thirteen years. This year is the last year that I will hold it. Maybe in a few years, I will pass away. But I am unwilling to give up. Here, I ask you, I will definitely... Let’s pass on the things of our ancestors and don’t interrupt the inheritance of the monks!”

"Maybe thousands of years later, the wise men of the human race will confirm the scientific nature of the cultivation method and face the importance of the cultivation method. Only on that day will the day of humankind's take-off come..."

"It's a pity that I...including everyone present may not be able to see it..."

The old monk finished speaking.

Everyone present was silent.

Yes, the cultivation method was regarded as a standard by people thousands of years ago, but today, it has been stamped with the seal of feudal superstition.


It must be to keep lies and seek truth.

Why is it that the scientific nature of the cultivation method is completely rejected from the very beginning?

The sense of energy is not a fabrication, nor is it a secondary fantasy.



A young man punched a huge boulder.

He is a child of a local wealthy family and has extraordinary talents. In addition, he has been injected with intermediate genetic medicine and can easily break boulders with one punch.

"I, Mu Dongzhu, swear that I will devote my life to cultivation and promotion, so as not to let my ancestors interrupt the inheritance."

He inherited one of the twelve lines, the lineage of Prince Mu, and belonged to the direct lineage of Longba Xingrao Miwo.

The old monk Liao Chen nodded happily: "Prince Mu's lineage is formidable."

"Okay, I won't say much anymore. I'll leave the bonfire stage to you to exchange your thoughts and experiences. Everyone can speak freely, or even have a simple discussion. Just remember one thing and stop there."

"I'll go first."

A bearded member of the Holy Fire Sect said while standing by the campfire.

"The Holy Fire Sect advocates the god of fire and the essence of heavenly fire, and the fire of the five elements of the human body corresponds to the heart."

"The heart belongs to fire. Our Holy Fire lineage cultivates the heart. Despite our bad temper, in fact, the height of heart cultivation is second to none among all the cultivation methods in the world today..."

Chu Tiange left quietly, occasionally looking back and sighing in his heart: "This group of people... have the cultivation method in mind... they are very cute."

"They are forward-looking. Yes, cultivation is also a science and an important branch of life sciences. Technology strengthens the outside and cultivation strengthens the inside. Only by combining the two can human beings go further and further on the stage of the universe. "

"It won't be long before the cultivation method becomes popular, and genetic warriors will be passed down from generation to generation... The great world you want to see will definitely come."

He took a deep breath, controlled his mind, and flew back to the hotel.

The morning light is faint.

Xin Yuzhu sent over the information about the blood clan and the werewolf clan.

Blood clan.

Werewolf tribe.

Both clans are large clans inherited from ancient times. No one knows their background and origins. They only know that the reason for their mutation is due to their bloodline, which has been considered by the outside world to be a genetic disease.

There were also scientists who tried to study vampires and werewolves, but the results were obviously fruitless.

Furthermore, vampires and werewolves cannot easily transform outside, and they maintain the mystery of their race.

"The Blood Clan and the Nicholas Family have also been projected into the main world..."

"The degree of chaos in time and space is beyond imagination."

“How can we bring order to the chaos?”

[The overlap and intersection of time and space will only intensify. In addition, has the host ever thought that this incident itself is also a blow to civilization? 】

Chu Tiange's eyes widened, he was stunned and fell silent.

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