Most of humanity's crises come from within. M.

If there is an external crisis for the human race, there is no doubt that the entire human race will be united and united in dealing with the outside world.

And if there is an internal crisis, the era of 100% nest fighting will begin. The human race's nest fighting is more cruel, cold-blooded and ruthless than any other race.

The demons and beasts have left the world of mountains and seas along with the Demon Ancestor Rahu, which means that from now on, the Blue Star Mountains and Seas will be dominated by the human family. The remaining alien beasts and demons are too weak to become a climate. In addition, the sea of ​​​​blood has dried up, and there is no more Styx. Or the rebirth of Rahu.

People thought that the human race would usher in peace, and beauty and happiness would follow.

However, people still underestimate the human race, their human nature, and their own desires and ambitions.

Those dirty and dirty things called the seven emotions and six desires dominate and control the life of everyone in the human race.

It drives mankind to move forward, regardless of darkness or light.

It would be fine if the human race were just mediocre mortals. At most, they would work hard for life and how to live a better life.

But there is a special branch among the human race.

Immortal clan!

They are powerful, and they exist only to pursue power.

Some of the human nature and desires that they regarded as weaknesses were all left behind.

A person who is greedy for money and lust is not terrible, and a person who is greedy for power is not terrible.

The most terrifying thing is that a person has no desires and desires, only wants to become stronger, and is not restricted by others or other things.

Immortals are just such a group of people.

Their cultivation level is high enough. They fully enjoy the rich and even luxurious material supplies. They only strive for longevity and strength. Their spiritual world is rich and colorful. They work hard for longevity and long-term vision. Strive to achieve eternity, uniqueness and strength.

There is a difference between immortals and mortals. Mortals do not have the lofty and great thoughts and beliefs of immortals. Three meals a day is their pursuit. Being simple and unsophisticated, they can spend their lives safely even if they are rich.

They pursue a healthy family, long for children and grandchildren, and grow old together with their lover... Mortal people have many desires, which are complex and simple.

Therefore, there is a difference between immortals and mortals.

The two cannot live together for a long time.

Otherwise people will go crazy.

Immortals can also go crazy.

Once the human race fights with the immortal race.

The human race... will perish.

After all, the criterion for judging Xianfan is the level of cultivation, whether they have broken star power and cultivation.

[Mountains and Seas Thirteen Thousand Years] Huangdi Ji Xuanyuan gave way to Emperor Zhuanxu. 】

[The conflict between the immortal race and the human race is getting deeper and deeper, and they even started to fight. 】


A figure flew out from the Zuixian Tower, like a piece of humanoid garbage that was thrown away casually.

"Are mere mortals worthy of eating at Zuixian Tower? If we immortals eat with you, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing our status?"

"You little mortal, you don't know what you can do. Before you come to the Zuixian Tower to eat and drink, you don't ask where the Zuixian Tower is. This is a high-end place for immortals to gather. Not just dogs and cats can come in and have a meal. of."

Facing the cold looks and cynicism from all the immortals, the young man who was thrown out looked as ugly as dirt. He shook off his sleeves, wiped off the dust on his body, took a serious look at Zuixian Tower, and turned around to leave with deep meaning.

The young man is the young patriarch of the Gaoxin clan, and his name is Ji Jun.

Who is Ji Jun?

His great-grandfather Ji Xuanyuan and his uncle Zhuanxu.

The kings of both generations were relatives.

Ji Jun later became the third emperor of the Five Emperors, named Emperor Ku.

Is Ji Jun's cultivation level high?

To be honest, Broken Star Level 2 is just average.

But there are not many strong men at the third level of Broken Star who can defeat him.

Moreover, Ji Jun is only seventeen this year. Seventeen can cultivate to the second level of Broken Star. There are only a few in the whole clan and even in the world.

But Ji Jun doesn't like to talk about status and force. He likes to have fun with the people. He often hides his cultivation and treats him as an ordinary mortal. Ordinary people among the people travel around and enjoy themselves freely.

Yet, somehow.

Especially in recent years.

The social climate suddenly changed dramatically.

Immortals don't know when they started to feel that they were superior to mortals.

This made him feel a little chilled.

As the successor favored by several emperors, Ji Jun learned knowledge about governing the country, benefiting the country, and sorting out the people's livelihood since he was a child. Therefore, he often experienced the sufferings, joys, anger, sorrows and joys of ordinary people among the people... Unexpectedly , such a self-conceited thing happened, and such incidents are not accidental, but the norm.

He had experienced the same scene dozens of times.

"The immortals and mortals are all human beings, the only difference is their level of cultivation."

"Those with higher cultivation levels bully those with lower cultivation bases, and even those with lower cultivation bases are not worthy of dining with those with higher cultivation bases..."

"Uncle, it's time for you to take charge, otherwise the world will be in chaos."

"Class exists."

"People are divided into three, six or nine grades."

"In the long run, it would be too terrible."

After Ji Jun finished reporting, he looked worried.

Zhuan Xu saw Ji Jun looking concerned about the country and the people, nodded with satisfaction, smiled and said: "You have been traveling for a year, and finally you did not waste your time. You saw clearly and saw many things that you could not see in the deep courtyard of the palace." world.”

Suddenly, Zhuan Xu's voice changed, "I have known about what you said for a long time, but I have no control over this matter, and I can't control it."

"How can you not control it? You are the human king of the human race."

Ji Jun shook his head, Emperor Xi, Emperor Wa, Emperor Nong and Emperor Xuanyuan, as long as these four big bosses do not care about world affairs, Emperor Zhuanxu will be the co-lord of the human race and the most respected human race in the world.

Even some rebellious immortals did not dare to grin at the Emperor. After all, there were only a handful of Broken Star Level 4 experts in the entire mountain and sea. Unfortunately, Zhuan Xu was one of them.

Emperor Zhuanxu was not as pioneering and enterprising as the other emperors, but no one dared to underestimate him.

After all, how can a top figure who can become a great emperor and a king be ordinary and simple? Moreover, he looks like Zhuan Xu, a weak and abiding monarch. If you really think that he is weak and easy to bully, you will really lose.

Because, since Zhuanxu ascended the throne, the world has been peaceful.

Even though the conflict between the Immortal Clan and the Human Clan is increasingly intensifying, there is no confrontation at all, just polarization.

How difficult it is to achieve the words "peace in the world", I am afraid only those who are emperors know.

Zhuan Xu waved his hand and said, "There are some things I should talk to you about."

"You come with me."

Zhuanxu led Ji Jun to the underground palace in the secret room of the palace.

There are millions of books here, all of which are immortal books, as well as demons and demons’ cultivation techniques.

"During the period of Emperor Xuanyuan, in order to be able to fight against monsters, Emperor Xuanyuan resolutely promoted the method of cultivating immortals to the human race, allowing all human beings to be promoted to the immortal clan. However, it was later discovered that it was impossible for all descendants of the human race to be promoted to the immortal clan, and the immortal clan There are fundamental differences from humans on some levels - human nature!"

Emperor Zhuanxu thought that a long time ago, Emperor Fuxi once said the word human nature to him. Immortals have no humanity, which is not a curse, but immortals do not have all the good and bad qualities and attributes of human nature.

"When a mortal becomes an immortal after cultivating, he is no longer a human being!"

"Fairy, no one has unique humanity."

"They don't have love or hate, they just have contempt and rejection from the top to the bottom at the life level. In other words, what you experience and what you see are not the evil deeds committed by the immortals. Immortals are not malicious, they are just innocent Thinking that ordinary people are inferior is like looking at a dog or a cat, that kind of absolute condescending contempt at the level of life, and there is no complex emotion.”

Hearing what his uncle Zhuan Xu said, Ji Jun was speechless. It took him a long time to come back to his senses: "But they are all human beings... they are all mortals who became immortals. Even if their cultivation level is higher, they are still human beings in essence."

Zhuan Xu shook his head: "It is precisely because they are mortals who became immortals that they became so surly. Of course, the word surly is from the perspective of human beings. If you look at it from the perspective of immortals, it is very common. ”

Ji Jun was silent.

Zhuan Xu stepped forward and patted his nephew on the shoulder, and said: "The prejudices in people's hearts are like a big mountain, and the prejudices between the higher and lower levels of immortal life are also a mountain that cannot be moved away, because you cannot let humans, who are the most advanced of all things, interact with each other. Pigs and dogs eat and sleep together... Even though my words are sharp, cruel, and inhumane, the fact is that from the moment I break through the Broken Star, I become an immortal, and the immortal is no longer a human being!"

Ji Jun continued to be silent for a long time before he said: "Uncle, if Broken Star cultivation can make people inhuman, why would you and I feel compassion for others, and why would you and I worry about the world?"

"If Broken Star cultivation can eliminate human nature, then what's the use of Broken Star cultivation? In your words, the Immortal race can no longer be regarded as a human race, but a brand new species, which means that the human race will be destroyed at the first sight. Even if there are still mortals in Blue Star Mountain and Sea who have not broken through to Broken Star, they will eventually be assimilated by the Immortal Clan or killed."

After Ji Jun finished speaking, Zhuan Xu was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Well, he is indeed a handsome man, with the appearance of an emperor!"

"Then according to your opinion, where will our human race or the immortal race go in the future?"

Hearing this, Ji Jun lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and replied: "Since the two races have been separated, let's separate completely. The Immortal Race can learn from the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu and lead hundreds of millions of demons and beasts across the vast world."

"As for the mortals who have not yet broken through the Broken Star, they cannot leave the mountains and seas in the first place. We simply let them practice patiently in this world. As long as they practice well and break through the Broken Star and become immortals, they can travel around the world."

Zhuanxu stroked his beard and smiled: "Your strategy is to expel the immortal as long as a mortal becomes an immortal?"

"No, I didn't..."

Ji Jun hurriedly defended.

Zhuan Xu raised his hand: "It's unrealistic. Even if you don't mean to drive them away, in fact, such a thing is already being done. Therefore, this matter cannot be done. Even if you want to do it, you can only mobilize the masses and voluntarily do it. There must be no coercion.”

Ji Jun scratched his head: "Both left and right are not good, so we can't just ignore it, right? Uncle... how about abolishing the immortal system? The cultivation system is artificially established, then it can be modified, abolished and re-established by people."

Zhuanxu said: "Guan, both of them are descendants of the human race and of Yanhuang blood. How can they be left alone? But Guan can't just manage blindly, he must effectively control and manage them."

"As for what you said about abolishing the immortal and mortal cultivation system and re-formulating it, it is tantamount to wishful thinking. Even if you do this, it will be difficult to popularize it because the current system is recognized by the people of Li and is deeply rooted in the bone marrow... In addition, , take a closer look at the immortal magic in this underground palace, cultivation level is never the main reason, the cultivation method is!"

"Because the techniques they practice are immortal techniques, not the human heart techniques practiced by humans."

"What's wrong is not the cultivation system and realm, but the technique..."

"But there is no right or wrong in Kung Fu. The only ones who are wrong are those who practice Kung Fu!" Ji Jun firmly believed this.

Zhuanxu sighed deeply: "Yes, there is no good or bad in the skills, only the people who use the skills secrets have good or evil... Therefore, Jun'er, before you ascend to the throne of the human king, you must do one thing, that is, to transform the immortal skills into the Tao of humans."

"Eliminate the divinity of the immortals and restore the inherent humanity of the human race!"

Ji Jun clasped his fists: "Jun, obey!"

Then, Ji Jun asked again: "Modifying the skills can only be effective for future generations, but how to arrange for the current immortals?"

Zhuanxu smiled and replied: "Just like what you said, let a group of immortals leave the mountain and sea world first. Of course, let them leave voluntarily. In the vast universe, there is hope and future for them to pursue the road of strength, and that part of them will leave voluntarily."

"Second, it is to expand the world map and seek more cultivation resources."

"You mean..."

Ji Jun's eyes were full of brilliance.

"The fifth level of the broken star can capture the stars and the moon!"

Zhuanxu's eyes were full of longing.

"Which emperor did it?"

"Emperor Fuxi is about to break through!"


[Fourteen thousand five hundred years ago, the first batch of immortals in Shanhai bid farewell to Shanhai and headed for the vast universe in order to seek the path of becoming a strong man. ]

[Five thousand years ago, Fuxi, the first fifth-level star-breaking expert, used the Zhoutian Star Array to re-melt Shanhai, and a new Shanhai continent will appear. ]

[The appearance of a fifth-level star-breaking expert also means that Shanhai's cultivation civilization has broken through to the third level for the first time, which is equivalent to the third-level primary civilization. ]

This day.

It is destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Shanhai.

Emperor Fuxi controlled the River Map and Luoshu, and used the innate Bagua to guard the four poles and eight directions, protecting the Shanhai world and the people from harm.

The Zhoutian Star Array came later.

For a time.

The entire solar system was shining!

A steady stream of small celestial bodies flew in from all directions and poured in from around the solar system, like a celestial wave, one wave after another.

Under the guidance of the great power.

Countless small celestial bodies merged into the blue star mountain and sea world.

In the mountain and sea world, the area of ​​the only continent continued to expand.

The volume of the blue star was also growing.

Like a balloon, it kept inflating and inflating, and it became unlimitedly larger...

Until the sun seemed small in front of it.

In this case, the blue star could not revolve around the sun, but the sun revolved around the blue star.

Fuxi waved his hand and directly forcibly distorted the orbit of the solar system.

Fuxi looked down at the vast land and was extremely satisfied. He looked up and frowned: "The moon is too small, let's make it bigger, the sun and the moon shine together!"

Emperor Fuxi stretched out his hand and pointed, countless celestial fragments dissolved into the moon, and the moon began to grow and grow. In a few breaths, it was as big as the sun.

Fuxi said to all living beings and common people: "Now, the mountains and seas are infinite, and the famous mountains and rivers and major blessed places belong to the immortals, while the rich plains and urban farmland belong to the mortals. From now on, the immortals and mortals will not interfere with each other."

All living beings knelt down.

Emperor Fuxi said again: "I want to establish a heavenly court to be responsible for investigating the immortals and mortals, and have the same position and responsibility as the human king."

"Ji Jun, the great-grandson of Ji Xuanyuan, is Emperor Ku, that is, Emperor Jun, who should be the third generation of human kings and the first generation of heavenly emperors!"

"Give Emperor Jun a marriage, Xihe, Changxi, and Ehuang!"

All living beings knelt down again.

And the development so far has completely exceeded Chu Tiange's expectations.

"It's a complete mythological era."

"The myths of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors and the myths of Chu have all come out."

[On the eve of Ji Jun's ascension to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, he finally comprehended the great way of man. He modified the magic of the Million Immortal Books into the Great Law of Human Dao. The new cultivation system was established and soon popularized throughout the human race. 】

In the underground palace under the palace hall

Middle-aged Ji Jun opened his eyes, looked at the mess in the room, and smiled faintly: "Finally succeeded."

"The first gift I gave to the human race after ascending to the throne is the method of cultivating immortals, which can also become immortals while retaining human nature!"

"The method of cultivating immortals is divided into four realms."

"The first realm is to refine essence into qi; the second realm is to refine qi into spirit; the third realm is to refine spirit into emptiness; the fourth realm is to refine emptiness into the Tao!"


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