I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 151: Horizontal World - Immortal Civilization (1/2)

Fuxi's strength is very strong, he can pick up stars and hold the moon, and he can split stars and destroy the sky from below. The strength of a pure individual soldier in almost a galaxy field, the comprehensive strength has grown to such a height, I dare not say that there will be no one since, at least there is no one before. .

Moreover, you must know that in the entire Milky Way, and even in the entire local galaxy cluster, there are only a handful of non-hard technology cultivation civilizations, and even if they exist, they are extremely weak.

A human civilization like the Sirius can cultivate perceptual abilities and is a half-cultivation civilization. However, the direction of its civilization's development and the main force it relies on still come from science and technology. In fact, the killer weapon of its civilization is science and technology, not mystery. emotional power.

If Fuxi exerts his powerful personal cultivation power, he can change the world and turn the world upside down. His majestic and mysterious power is simply incredible.

A star field, celestial bodies and planets, in Fuxi's hands, are like large toys.

If his cultivation power is fully unleashed and explodes completely, it can completely destroy hundreds or even thousands of small galaxies similar to the solar system.

But what puzzled him and the other core human race members present, including the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, was that the opponent's so-called technological spaceships were obviously just piles of scrap copper and iron, and why they were so strong.

Obviously it only takes one light punch to blow it into pieces...

Countless celestial bodies and planets within a hundred light-years around it have been turned into powdery fragments and become part of the interstellar dust. However, the Jiu Ge spacecraft is intact, and there is not even a single scratch on the surface of the spacecraft.



The contemporary emperor, Emperor Yu Shun, spoke in astonishment.

At this time, Fuxi sacrificed Hetu and Luoshu to perform divination evolution. After several deductions, he was stunned on the spot.

After a moment, Fuxi said with a heavy face: "It's a rule... My evolutionary divination power and their power form a regular repulsion... The power of the universe is difficult to resist."

"Those technological spaceships are not products of this universe at all, and are not subject to the constraints and control of this world at all."

Jiang Yan looked solemn and asked, "They come from outside the universe?"

"No, they are life forms of this universe, but their equipment and technological products are not materials of this universe."

Fuxi sighed lightly, turned around and threw Hetu Luoshu into the mountain and sea continent to protect the mountain and sea world and suppress the ups and downs of the human race's destiny.

The opponent's individual soldiers are very weak, but others know how to use the rules of the outer universe...stones from other mountains can attack jade...

"Next, I'm afraid there will be a difficult battle. You should protect yourselves. If necessary, lead your tribe to escape within the boundaries of famous mountains and deep forests."

"They can use the power of rules, and so can we."

After saying that, Fuxi's figure flashed and rushed towards the battleship group.

die! ! !

The captain of the Jiuge Fleet smiled contemptuously: "The individual power of the Shanhai people is indeed very strong, but they are not strong enough to defeat the rules."

During the taunt, the team leader pressed the dark object light wave strike beam.

The purple-black particle beam buzzed and shot out, biting Fuxi viciously like a black dragon.

Fuxi's face changed slightly, his feet suddenly stopped, and he turned around to dodge.

The particle beam passed him.

The scorching heat distorted the void, and the traces of particle beams left on the vacuum area seemed to have scorched the vacuum.

The opponent's casual attack did not end, and the purple-black particle beam shot towards the mountains and seas.

His son Feng Yi snorted angrily, and the seventh-level power of Broken Star poured out, forcibly blocking the purple-black particle beam.

"The spaceship is made of special materials, so the strike weapons can't be created from the outer universe, right?"


The purple-black particle beam blasted directly through his fist, shooting him at an unabated speed.

Nuwa threw out her sleeves and knocked Feng Yi away, thus preventing him from hitting the particle beam.

The particle beam still went straight forward, shooting towards the Blue Star of the Mountains and Sea like a stream of arrows.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone.

boom! ! !

An extremely huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the scene was very spectacular.

The billowing smoke dissipated.

A shocking gap was cut directly into the mountain and sea blue star, like a huge scar on the earth that is difficult to heal.

Under the impact of the purple-black particle beam, all the living creatures that originally lived in that area disappeared into thin air, leaving no residue behind. They all evaporated and vaporized instantly.

Killing intent, rage.

Everyone present wanted to pull out the Jiu Ge team in the spaceship and beat them up hundreds of millions of times, killing them millions of times.

Three emperors and five emperors, famous ministers and generals, top immortals... almost the top group of people in the human race all stood on the opposite side of the spacecraft.

The human race is now at a critical moment of life and death.

They have angry faces and fire in their eyes.

Unprecedented anger filled his chest.

The human race of mountains and seas cannot be humiliated! ! !

"Give up, Shanhai Human Race, and contribute all your resources earlier. Otherwise, my next attack will not be a trivial one."

An arrogant and arrogant voice came from the spaceship.

The faces of all the great emperors and kings were extremely ugly.

"what to do?"

"No matter how powerful it is, it's useless. The rules are different. There's nothing we can do against their copper-skinned and iron-framed spaceships."

"Get them out of the way first and trick them into the mountains and seas. Then we can catch turtles in an urn."


Several people discussed it, summed it up, and expressed their agreement.

To be honest, for the first time in their lives, the human kings and emperors of Shanhai felt so aggrieved, unable to use all their strength.

Chu Tiange on the side was very curious about Jiuge's boss, the singer, and asked the system: "Since the rules of the outer universe and this universe are different, it does not only refer to the rules of cultivation techniques, but also should follow different laws in science and technology. So, since the basic rules between different universes are different, how does the singer go to the outer universe to mine the required technical materials? Even if he can leave this universe, how can he come back smoothly and safely?"

"The fifth-level peak civilization is indeed very powerful. No civilization in the entire galaxy cluster dares to challenge it. But how can the truly advanced civilizations in the universe, such as the seventh, eighth, and even ninth-level civilizations, allow a small fifth-level peak civilization to travel to the outer universe and come and go freely? Therefore, in the vast universe, the small Jiuge civilization is really not enough. How did the singer do it?"

[The host is full of doubts at this moment, but I'm sorry, it is beyond the scope of this system's deduction and is not known yet. 】


【Fuxi and others used deception to trick all the Jiuge personnel on the Jiuge fleet down to the Shanhai world as guests, and an interstellar version of the Hongmen Banquet began. 】

“We are willing to hand over all the resources in Shanhai Blue Star for your Jiuge civilization to use. I hope that His Majesty the Singer will be satisfied and forgive our previous rudeness without any grudges.”

Fuxi said with a smile.

The captain of Jiuge nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, fortunately you have a higher level of awareness, otherwise, Shanhai Blue Star, which you have finally promoted to the fourth-level civilization, will be destroyed.”

Fuxi and others smiled on their faces, and a trace of coldness flowed from their eyes from time to time.

Fuxi led the Jiuge people into the banquet.

At this time, the Jiuge people took off the liquid metal clothes like coats, revealing human faces.

There is almost no difference between the Jiuge people and the Shanhai Blue Star people.

The only difference in the appearance of the two people is symmetry.

Proportionate body.

The Jiuge people are slender and have a different kind of beauty.

Except for some differences in appearance, the Jiuge people seem to be carved out of the same mold in terms of body shape.

"Sir, from what you just said, the Singer of Jiuge civilization was once born on Blue Star and lived for a long time."

The team leader nodded: "Yes, our Singer was indeed born on Blue Star, grew up on Blue Star for about a few decades, and then returned to Jiuge civilization to be the leader..."

Fuxi and others looked at each other.

Did they really leave from Shanhai Blue Star?

Is it possible that they were a group of powerful cultivators who left in the middle?

For 200 million years, almost every year, immortals have left Shanhai Blue Star and headed for the vast unknown universe to find the possibility of becoming stronger and their own opportunities. Shanhai Blue Star is good, but it is too comfortable. They are only willing to live in a corner for a long time and be leisurely. Shanhai is obviously a powerful cultivation civilization, but they stick to the rules and are unwilling to go out into the world.

If what Captain Jiuge said was true, maybe the guy called singer was a powerful immortal who left Shanhai one time.

[There is no good wine, no good banquet. The fearlessness of Jiuge people made the core of the human race worried, but the arrow was on the string and had to be shot, so Shanhai people finally took action against Jiuge people. 】

"Although the means are not so fair, for a civilization, a world, and the lives of countless human beings, those despicable means that are not up to the table seem righteous."

Chu Tiange never wanted to use words such as noble and despicable to easily label a person, a group, or even a civilization.

Different positions, angles and standpoints, simply standing or using a standard scale to measure are biased.

"After drinking this glass of wine, they will die. Even I have no solution to this poison."

Shennong Jiang Yan, not only can heal people in the world, but also can kill anyone.

His medicine is really indestructible to ordinary people.

Unless the other party's body is composed of non-material energy.

"But their fearlessness and willingness to attend the banquet always make people feel a little uncomfortable... According to my guess, they may have a trick up their sleeve." Ji Xuanyuan was obviously hesitant.

"I can't guess what they rely on, but sometimes, the arrow is on the string and has to be shot. The current situation does not allow us to hesitate!" Emperor Ji Jun has always been decisive and resolute, and he does things swiftly.

Zhuanxu would not speak, but once he spoke, he would always stand at the highest point of the human race, mankind, mountains and seas: "The human race cannot be insulted. It took a lot of effort for the mountains and seas to develop to this day. Our people do not quarrel with the outside world... Although today's means are a bit mean, as long as they can protect our human race from harm, it's okay to be mean."

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, each with their own characteristics.

At the banquet.

One cup after another of fine wine went down his stomach.

The captain of Jiuge suddenly raised his wine glass and said, "Do you think there is poison in this wine? If I drink this glass, will I die immediately?"

Instantly, the hall was silent, and all the Jiuge people put down their wine glasses, not daring to drink again.

When the captain said this, he looked around the hall, and no one's expression changed.

He felt a little relieved.

Jiang Yan took a few steps forward, raised his head and drank the contents of the captain's glass.

He smiled and said, "There are three things that we Shanhai people cannot let down."

Jiang Yan held out three fingers.

"Money, beauty and wine, all three cannot be let down."

As he said this, he personally poured wine for Captain Jiuge.

A full cup.

But when pouring the wine, a wine pot called the Yin-Yang pot showed its power.

Seeing the captain drink the wine in one gulp,

the hall became lively again, and everyone toasted each other, as if they were gathering with friends for many years.

Lively and comfortable.

Jiang Yan did not return to his seat.

He asked curiously: "Why do you dare to come to Shanhai? Aren't you afraid that we will catch you and others in a trap and catch them all in one net?"

When Jiang Yan asked, all the kings and emperors in the hall pricked up their ears and listened carefully. ŴŴŴ.

Captain Jiuge smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. Our spaceship warship has set a special procedure. Once we don't return to the spaceship within the specified time... Shanhai World will..."

As the captain spoke, his face turned pale and bloodless, like a piece of white paper.


"You... poof..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"You... poisoned the food?"

The captain glared at Jiang Yan, as if he couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it, and he couldn't expect that the other party would actually dare to poison.

"It was in the wine. By the way, you didn't finish just now. If you don't go back at the specified time, what will happen to the spaceship and warship?"

Jiang Yan asked further.

The captain didn't speak, waiting for death to come.

He couldn't figure it out.

Why did the Shanhai people dare to harm him so boldly?

Don't the Shanhai people know how tragic it is to offend a level 5 civilization?

That would be a catastrophe!

He didn't lower his intelligence.

He didn't come to Shanhai to ask for wine.

He was fearless.

Just relying on the identity of a level 5 peak civilization.

He came from the level 5 peak civilization, Jiuge.

In the past, when he went to any technological civilization in the galaxy, he would be treated as a guest of honor with respect, and he also believed that it should be so.

If he was unhappy, a civilization might perish.

Who dared not respect him?

Which civilization leader dared not to obey him?

As for poisoning and harming?

Haha, unless the entire civilization wanted to die!

But he didn't know that he met the Shanhai people this time, a human race born on the blue planet. This human race is just one word, tough!

Who cares who you are.

Don't care about life and death, just fight if you don't obey.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Shanhai civilization is a cultivation civilization, not a technological civilization. The technological civilization knows the huge gap between each level of civilization, but the cultivation civilization doesn't talk about this. It's just fighting. If you win, you live, and if you lose, you die. It's simple and clear.

As mentioned earlier, there are only a few cultivation civilizations in the entire galaxy cluster, so to put it bluntly, the captain and others encountered a tough guy who was not afraid of death.

In addition, Captain Jiuge has always been arrogant, and he mistakenly met such a special human race.

Therefore, he died in a muddle.

The whole process was very cowardly.

Before he died, the captain had a grim smile on his face: "Just wait for the gamma-ray storm to hit you!"

Chu Tiange was speechless: "That's it?"

"It's too much of a joke."

[Host, please be careful, there is no joke between civilizations, and all dramatic culture and art come from life, and life drama is more bloody than stage drama. ]

"Okay, I just think that this captain from Jiuge is a idiot. He could have fired a few shots and leveled the mountains and seas... In the end, he died a cold death."

[If it were the host, would he have done better than him? Maybe he would have died more miserably than him. ]


[The superiors are always arrogant, and their arrogance makes them fearless. This is the real Hongmen Banquet. ]

"Okay, no more nonsense."

Chu Tiange looked up at a golden spaceship in the sky.

A piece of metal the size of an A4 paper fell from the spaceship.

Chu Tiange took a deep breath and said slowly: "Two-dimensional foil!!!"

"If I'm not mistaken."

"This is the horizontal world in the previous copy."

"Mountain and sea civilization is the immortal civilization!"


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