I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 158: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (1/2)

He went to the Centauri galaxy group for two purposes.

The first purpose is to build the first line of defense for Blue Star's outer space as the only way for cosmic civilization to invade Blue Star Civilization. In addition, the Sirius Civilization and Three Dial Civilization are not high-level, so it is extremely suitable to be used as the first line of defense for Blue Star Civilization. .

The second purpose is to verify the deduction system. Based on version 4.0, when deducing the main world, observe changes in other civilizations and deduce the baseline shift of the main world in time and space.

The crisis on Blue Star has been temporarily lifted, and more difficult challenges are about to come.

Chu Tiange couldn't wait, nor did he want to wait.

Regarding being a savior, he didn't have this great (secondary) idea. He didn't want to silently acknowledge and bear the burden for the entire human race to move forward alone.

He does not have that responsibility or obligation.

You can't just sit back and enjoy the results while others do nothing. Therefore, if humans want to develop, survive, and get rid of the bull's-eye position in the dark forest, they must rely on themselves.

With great ability comes great responsibility.

His ability is great, so he naturally has to bear more. Although he does not like this moral kidnapping theory, he is willing to help the human race to the best of his ability to get rid of the nightmare fate of the bull's-eye in the universe. He does not say to what extent he can help. At any height, he can at least provide a ladder for mankind to ascend.

After things were arranged on Blue Star, he formed the scientific and technological development framework of Tianwen Group, which was the first ladder he built for Blue Star. People can continue to fill, enrich and improve according to this framework, and climb up the ladder. As for how high people can ultimately climb, it still requires the efforts of all mankind.

What he can do is to protect and lend a helping hand when the human race is weak and when the Blue Star civilization is weak.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them how to fish.

Half a month later, Chu Tiange embarked on a journey into outer space.

This was his first space travel without systematic absolute protection and non-deduction time and space.

He brought two people with him, Su Fangmu and Xin Yuzhu.

"The universe is huge, with billions of civilizations. The place we are going to is called Centauri, which is very close to our Blue Star."

Chu Tiange patted Su Fangmu on the shoulder.

Genius Su Fangmu actually has deep space phobia...

"Don't be too nervous, relax, and try to relax as much as possible. You have to learn to overcome it. Our road is destined to conquer the stars and the sea. Space navigation may become mainstream in the future."

"Don't worry, sir, I'm fine."

Su Fangmu took a few deep breaths and forced a smile, but his face was pale, showing the fluctuations in his heart and the instability of his physical condition.

The six major phobias, including abyssophobia, trypophobia, deep sea phobia, gigantophobia, claustrophobia, and acrophobia, are collectively known as mental nightmares and safety-free comprehensive phobia disorder, or SAMD for short.

Moreover, deep space phobia ranks first, because other phobias will only occur in specific occasions and environments, but deep space phobia is different. It can be watched when it raises its head, and even in the Vast areas such as oceans, deserts, and grasslands can cause this phobia.

And the sky, the vast starry sky, because of its mystery and unknown, is the most fascinating and the most worrying.

"According to the speed of our spaceship, it will take about three days to sail to our destination!"

Chu Tiange did not use the three-dial battleship, but the golden Nibiru Emperor fleet.

If the Three Dial Fleet had waited until Centauri or Sirius, it would have been several months before the day lilies were cold.

The fourth-level elementary Nibiru civilization, its Anunnaki golden emperor fleet, is fast and beautiful in shape, like flying golden celestial bodies.

Level of luxury, five stars.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the Oort Cloud.

A piece of ice and rubble, there is no intersection of time and space, that is, there is no astronomical flying object.

"I remember that a solar cage phenomenon appeared in several copies, and there was a four-dimensional creature lurking around the Oort cloud... It is hard to imagine what kind of existence a four-dimensional creature should be, and it can be energized. , non-material...but it is difficult to be 100% sure that they are energy and spiritual rather than material.”

[Does the host want to see the appearance of a four-dimensional creature? 】

"May I?"

Chu Tiange was in high spirits.

[Okay, use the power of time and space to feed it and lure it out. 】

"Feeding, seduction, space-time power? You mean the God Particle?"

[Yes, God particles are their spiritual food. 】

"Okay, I'll try."

Chu Tiange took out a time machine and took out the storage unit of the God Particle.

"Arrange a small flight capsule for me. I want to conduct an experiment in the Oort cloud. You go first and wait for me outside the solar system."

Xin Yuzhu nodded: "Okay sir, I will make arrangements right away."

Xin Yuzhu is Chu Tiange's absolute right-hand man, he does things without ambiguity, and he never refutes his superiors. He basically never questions what Chu Tiange wants to do, what he orders, and what tasks he orders. Moreover, he never questions what Chu Tiange asks him to do. It can always be done in the fastest time and in the most stable way, with perfection and perfection.

Thinking about it more carefully, Tianwang Xin Yuzhu was inhuman after all, but Su Fangmu was not like that. No matter how smart he was, he still belonged to the category of human beings, with rich emotions and human nature, so he expressed concern: "Sir, you just Isn’t it too risky to fly a flight pod?”

Chu Tiange waved his hand and smiled: "I mainly think about the entire spaceship, otherwise I can just physically fly into space without worrying about my safety."

Su Fangmu: "..."

The body is in vain - so terrifying.

I was worried for nothing and forgot that the man in front of me was the real master.


A small flight capsule broke away from the fleet and became stranded within the Oort Cloud.

After Chu Tiange waited for the fleet to leave, he opened the flight cabin.

At the ninth level of physical training, one can completely rely on the physical body to cross the void.

He took out the God Particle unit.

Release one unit of God particle energy in the storage unit.

The green-gold radiance covered a large area.

The energy fluctuated obviously. With Chu Tiange as the center, not a single small meteorite existed within a radius of several thousand kilometers, and all of them turned into powdery residue.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes.

I felt a heat coming from the bottom of my heart, which was an involuntary trembling in my body.

The body consciousness is causing fear, which is the pressure of the superior species on the "bloodline" of the afternoon species. Let's consider the pressure of the bloodline for the time being.

Suddenly, his vision went dark.

When he opens his eyes again.

He has come to a mysterious space. Everything in this space is extremely distorted, and the true appearance cannot be seen clearly. The colorful distortions are like the symptoms after eating poisonous mushrooms.

He glanced around warily.

At this time, there were lights like fireflies, dots surrounding him, as if they wanted to take him to a certain place.

Chu Tiange took a deep breath, followed the firefly's guidance, and came to a mercury-like mirror.

In the center of the mirror, like a stone thrown into a lotus pond, ripples appeared on its own, spreading out in circles.

In Chu Tiange's stunned gaze, a face that looked exactly like him appeared in the mirror, and then the neck, belly, arms, legs... until the projection of the entire person was fully realized.

Then, the virtual shadow reached out its hand, and with a bang, it emerged from the mercury mirror.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes: "Copy?"

He quietly circulated his strength throughout his body.

"Who are you?"

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"I am shadowless, formless, and formless... I should be the only four-dimensional creature in this universe."

His eyes were dull, hollow, and heartbreaking.

"What's your name?"

"Me? Nameless."

"Nameless... Why did you settle down in the solar system?"

"I am everywhere in this universe, but I promised the universe to help it take care of this place."

"He is the...consciousness of the universe?"

"Forget it, he is a one-dimensional creature and the only one-dimensional creature in this universe."

"One-dimensional creature..."

Chu Tiange couldn't imagine how an infinitely small or infinitely large point could have life. Its life existed in the form of consciousness. It was the universe itself. In other words, countless stars, planets, and even every life form in this universe were all in it. In the body, it is even smaller than bacteria.

Extremely humble, extremely insignificant.

Tiny as dust.

The meaning of cosmic consciousness...perhaps this is the real mystery.

"Then what does your existence mean to civilization, or to the intelligent beings and humans in the three-dimensional space? Destruction? Help? Protection?"

After Chu Tiange finished speaking, Siwei said: "To be precise, it doesn't make any sense."

"Then why do you exist?"


"How to escape? Death? Dimension advancement?"

"Under natural circumstances, I will not die, I can only ascend to another dimension, but..."

"But the way for organisms to ascend has been blocked, and there is no possibility of high-dimensional life."

"Why is the road blocked?"

Chu Tiange frowned. He also wanted to upgrade his life to a higher dimension and become an immortal and immortal being who controlled the ten or even eleven dimensions of the universe.

"It stems from a cosmic catastrophe, a catastrophe that no one can avoid or escape."

After a pause, he continued: "The catastrophe swept through countless universes, and trillions of time and space collapsed and shattered. The catastrophe jumped the long river of time and space, running rampant without any restraint or restriction. In the catastrophe, high-dimensional creatures died one after another.”

"Even the strongest ten-dimensional creatures could not survive... They went to destruction along with different universes. During that time and space history, countless universes, both inside and outside, were filled with black holes, buried by great catastrophes. Countless civilizations, vertical ten-dimensional creatures, horizontal nine-level civilizations... In other words, all nine heavens and ten earths were destroyed, and no one was left. "

"What about you?"


He laughed at himself: "My existence is simply a joke and a mistake. I woke up at the end of the catastrophe. By chance, I hid in the gap between the three and four dimensions and survived. I am a four-dimensional creature. After the disaster, I can only survive in the gap between the three and four dimensions." Survive in the three-dimensional universe..."

"In the great catastrophe of the universe, multi-dimensional time and space fragmented, and all nine heavens and ten earths fell. Now, no matter whether this universe or the outer universe, there is only horizontal development, there is no possibility of vertical development, and life stops at three-dimensional life forms! Moreover, I have become a special existence, and with the improvement of the development of the three-dimensional space, under the constraints of the rules, I will also die in the near future. "ŴŴŴ.WenXueMi.Cc.

"Because the basic laws of countless universes in the new space have been modified."

After listening, Chu Tiange was silent, and asked after a long time: "Will such a great destruction sweep across the large space of this three-dimensional universe?"

"Yes, in fact, it has already begun."

"Can it be stopped? Of course, I know it's a bit whimsical, but as a living being in this three-dimensional space, I want to live, not die."

Yes, as long as you can live, who wants to die? Death is indeed the end of everything, but only when you are alive can you have hope and a future. It is better to live a miserable life than to die a good death.

He stared at Chu Tiange in a daze, and was silent for a long time before he said, "Imagination is not the same as foolish dreaming. What I can tell you is that it is possible!"

"But you must find the root cause of the catastrophe. I can feel that the catastrophe has roots, and there are countless possibilities for development. You can use the possibilities to find the roots. When you find the root cause of the problem, perhaps all the problems will be solved."

After that, he stretched out his hand and shook it, "I won't eat your meal for nothing. This is for you. It is the final proof of the multi-dimensional era."

A ball of light merged into Chu Tiange's eyebrows.

A huge amount of knowledge was instilled into him crazily. Chu Tiange only held on for three seconds and then fainted.

I don't know how long it took for Chu Tiange to wake up.

He was already in the small flight cabin, and the small flight cabin was exposed to the vision of the fleet in front.

"Thank you for your gift."

Chu Tiange sighed, "System, what exactly is the catastrophe and destruction he mentioned?"


"Don't rush to answer that you don't know. He said a few words, root cause and possibility. These two words are the true portrayal of your deduction system."

Chu Tiange said meaningfully.

[Regarding the great catastrophe and the great destruction, the system really doesn't know, but what it can tell the host is that the origin of the system is related to the great catastrophe and the great destruction of the universe. ]

Chu Tiange was silent for a while, "Okay, I understand."


The fleet continued on the road. Three days was not long or short. Along the way, no alien civilization was encountered. On the contrary, the solar system behind was a small star system flying in a spiral, with the Milky Way as the center, constantly moving away.

The world will not remain unchanged. The essence of the universe lies in movement.

Movement is development, and it is a collection of space-time properties.

The vastness and grandeur of the sky full of stars is a visual enjoyment that is not easy to experience on a planet.

This explosive impact is very tense, intoxicating, and occasionally contemplative.

Accompanied by the stars along the way, the Blue Star Westward Expedition Fleet, composed of 28 Nibiru warships, arrived outside the Centaurus Galaxy.

"In the center of Sirius and Centaurus, there is a long starry sky corridor. They call this canyon corridor the Star Gorge."

Su Fangmu looked at Chu Tiange in astonishment. He wanted to ask Chu Tiange: How do you know?

But he didn't ask, otherwise it would seem a bit stupid. He only said silently in his heart: Sir, you are really a god!

"Let's go to the Sirius Galaxy of the Sirius Clan first."

"I have a way to let us integrate into the world of the Sirius Clan."

As he said, Chu Tiange took out the four scepters.

"I will change your body shape to that of the Sirius Clan first, and then we will wait for the opportunity to act."


The Sirius Clan.

It is the only intelligent race in the Sirius Galaxy.

They are born with extremely developed pineal organs and can use mysterious sensory power as a third auxiliary force for defense, attack and daily life.

In this era of universal superpowers, sensory power is generally developing and becoming stronger, but the local Sirius people have developed scientific technology. In hundreds of millions of years, they have turned the local primitive ability system civilization into a second-level medium-to-high-level scientific and technological civilization. This is really commendable. It cannot be said that the path is wrong. If the Sirius people had taken the path of cultivation civilization, they might not have succeeded.

From the development of immortal civilization, we can see that the road of cultivation civilization is bumpy and tortuous, and it is not easy to flatten it.

Technological civilization is a quick route, while cultivation civilization starts at the cost of hundreds of millions of years. It is hard to say who is better or worse, but in terms of the passage of time, technological civilization is obviously superior to cultivation civilization.

The Sirius people have developed a good level of technology.

But what is worthy of praise is still the third force - sensory power. Note that the Sirius people do not have a third eye. What they have is the pineal gland, an extremely mysterious light-sensing organ!

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