"This world is not as simple as you think. Blue Star is very dangerous now. Human survival is facing serious challenges. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as precarious."

"Jiu Ge's power is huge and he can control many things in the world, but after all, there are some things he cannot do."

Chu Tiange thought of Tongzhouhui, which he had already surrendered to. Tongzhouhui has been operating since the early stages of human civilization. Needless to say, its comprehensive strength is not difficult to conquer. The other eight states are more or less difficult to conquer. Even if some small states are unwilling to join forces, But seeing the union of several entities in Kyushu, there is no need for them to resist tenaciously. As long as the negotiations between Zhongzhou are completed, the Shenzhou Alliance can be established to complete the unification of resource allocation.

As for Zhongzhou's refusal to agree, Chu Tiange had not thought about this. He could not think of a reason why the other party refused. Moreover, sometimes, you cannot refuse if you want to, because everything develops according to its own laws. That is, the torrent and general trend of the times are unstoppable!

"What do you want to do?"

Li Shuisu asked.

Chu Tiange said: "Integration! The states of Jiuzhou have formed the China Alliance, integrating various resources together, and then supplying them to Jiu Ge for early use. Jiu Ge will cooperate with Tianwen to lead Blue Star to upgrade and get rid of the threatening position of the bullseye in the universe."

“What level of civilization is considered safe?”

"I don't know, but within the scope of the Milky Way, only a civilization of at least level four can be considered safe."

After Chu Tiange answered, Li Shuisu really wanted to ask, how can you be sure that Level 4 is safe, but as smart as she is, she knows what to ask and what not to ask, and knowing some things is not good.

"Your Excellency, please don't have high hopes. Director Gao will not have an easy time at that level. After all, the uniqueness of Zhongzhou's system cannot be compared with other states..."

Chu Tiange waved his hand and interrupted Li Shuisu's next remarks. He said lightly: "As a member of Jiu Ge, let me teach you one more thing. Jiu Ge is a transcendent force. How transcendent is it? ? It is so detached that it can ignore everything... Our trip is just a notification, and the negotiation is just Jiuge's usual way of doing things first, and then fighting. "

When Li Shuisu heard this, his eyes widened and he froze on the spot, opened his mouth, but could not say a word.

Jiuge...it's so crazy.

No way, Li Shuisu, who has been living in Zhongzhou, has his compliance challenged...

Chu Tiange turned around and smiled: "Of course, you don't need to take an opposing stance. Our original intention is for all mankind to continue to live. Moreover, I have always believed that Zhongzhou is the most suitable commander-in-chief of the Nine Provinces. "

He has always loved this land, otherwise why would he have to work so hard and deduce it.

"It just depends on what they do."

at the same time.


Anxi Division.

A high-level meeting begins.

Everyone here has a high status, and they are all members of the think tank, one by one.

The heads of the Twelve Divisions in Black also gathered together.

Galangjiang said: "Everyone, what do you think about Jiuge?"

The conference hall fell into silence, and no voice expressed its own opinions. Even if there was occasionally, it was the sound of drinking water. About Jiuge, a transcendent force unknown to people, suddenly jumped out and said that Blue Star is dangerous and mankind is in danger. They How could they possibly believe it? But when Jiu Ge said that Tianwen was a front organization launched by Jiu Ge, they fell silent. The shock in their hearts was no less than the turbulence of the wind and the sky falling. Then, Jiu Ge said again, The technological power controlled by Jiuge is currently undetectable by humans. Without Jiuge and Tianwen, Blue Star is just a primitive civilization, a technological civilization with level 0.7!

They all fell silent, and from the bottom of their hearts, they all believed it.

The facts are before our eyes, it’s okay not to believe them.

Then, a new question arises.

What is the purpose of Jiuge? What does Jiuge want?

Why did Jiuge do this? What are they planning? What impact and harm will it have on humans, them, and Zhongzhou?

Jiu Ge did not hide it, and directly gave a clear reply: "It is very simple, let Jiuzhou unite and the Shenzhou Alliance come out, it will be convenient for Jiu Ge to mobilize resources from all over the world, and strive to develop Blue Star's civilization level and technological level, so that Blue Star can Star civilization should upgrade as soon as possible, get rid of the embarrassing and mortal position of the bullseye in the universe, and preserve the living environment and lives of all mankind. "

Now, they were all shocked.

The first reaction is, it is impossible, absolutely impossible, the whole world will be unified... Isn't this nonsense?

Who can agree?

Which state can agree?

As for aliens, everyone here is qualified to have access to some top-secret information. Naturally, they also know that there are really other civilizations in the universe and they are hostile to Blue Star.

However, tentative greetings soon came from various states and countries in Kyushu.

"You Zhongzhou won't be left behind, right?"

"The Chinese Alliance won't be absent, right?"

"The whole world has gathered together, all it takes is you."

"Whether you Zhongzhouga joins the China Alliance or not, we must join!"

A moment.

They were all speechless.

It turns out... this is a transcendent force. In one sentence, it directly moved most of Blue Star.

Even the strongest Bingzhou is now waiting for the Shenzhou Alliance to be included, which shows how powerful Jiuge is.

Zhongzhou was afraid.

It has never been so afraid of a powerful organization as it is today.

"Nine songs...it..."

Galangian opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

I can only organize my thoughts and start from the beginning.

"Tianwen Group was just a small start-up technology company from the beginning. It came out with genetic medicine as soon as it came out. I felt something was wrong at first. In addition, it allowed Mr. Yu to put down all other scientific research projects and concentrate on genetic engineering... I should have thought a long time ago that Li Shuisu’s backstory is not simple..."

"Sure enough, in the next more than a year, Tianwen Group went crazy. All kinds of high-tech products emerged one after another, and they were thrown out as if they were free of money. In this way, in a short period of time, Tianwen Group became the world's No. 1 A technology group whose revenue is comparable to that of a medium-sized country.”

"The science and technology they put forward is very comprehensive, and its application fields cover almost all technology industries. It involves almost all industries and fields. It is shocking, but there is always an inexplicable sense of violation in my heart."

"Finally, Jiu Ge, who is behind Tianwen, can no longer hold back his fangs and comes out."

"As soon as it was born, it brought a threat to mankind... Do you believe it?"

Gao Liangjiang looked around and saw everyone's expressions were complicated, hesitant, and hesitant. He could only shake his head: "I don't know how to evaluate this matter. Obviously, Jiu Ge's power is no longer something we can guess. , they can control most states in the world, and they have the most cutting-edge science and technology in the world and... martial arts! Yes, our martial arts promotion in Zhongzhou is actually arranged and planned by Jiuge. This matter, Zhang Taoist priest Yang Hao has already told me that in addition, there is no shortage of strong men and combat power in Jiuge. The man in black under me has Tianwen bodyguards that can challenge hundreds of them, and when the opponent is holding a weapon, a man named Ahu's bodyguard, one person can defeat everyone on the other side... This power is simply not what the current Gene Potion II can achieve. In other words, Jiuge must have a higher level of Gene Potion... I can use it Nuclear power is useless, not to mention that states with nuclear power such as Bingzhou are watching covetously from the sidelines. It is just that Jiuge is likely to have high-power nuclear weapons that are more terrifying than nuclear power. Don’t forget, they have mature nuclear fusion technology, and we Still stuck at the technical level of nuclear fission.”

"All in all, we are completely defeated. I am not saying this out of anger, nor am I trying to boost others' ambitions and destroy my own prestige. This is the fact."

After Galangal finished speaking, there was still no one to explain.

After waiting for a long time, he was a little impatient.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Now, it's your turn to speak freely."

Everyone: "..."

What did you say?

It seems like a lot has been said, but it also seems like nothing has been said?

Gao Liangjiang noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely, and couldn't help but blush. He coughed lightly: "I just want to hear everyone's opinions. Don't be formal. Speak freely. It's okay. There are no secretary notes for today's meeting. Summary, we are just faced with something that is beyond our comprehension, and we are so helpless that we have no choice but to do anything.”

Finally, the chief expert of the think tank sighed deeply and said: "Director Gao, the level difference between us and Jiuge is too big... the situation is too passive, and there is really nothing we can do. Fortunately, the other party is from Zhongzhou, so That is to say, our status will not be ranked too high, and we will definitely be the first among our peers. Once the Shenzhou Alliance is established, its managers will most likely be us, so Director Gao, I suggest you work hard, maybe there is a lot to be done!”

There is no way. If the original Bingzhou wanted to fight with Zhongzhou, the two could have a good showdown to see who has the stronger fist. But now, the opposite side is an unknown force - Jiu Ge. From the opponent's current display, Judging from their strength, it would be effortless to move them, but since the other party is willing to have a good chat with them, it means that the other party respects them and is willing to give them a precious opportunity. Since it is an opportunity, why not seize it? , what if the unfulfilled wish of Zhongzhou for thousands of years is fulfilled?

Gao Liangjiang nodded: "As of now, this is all we can do. Prepare for high-level reception and meeting arrangements."

"Everyone, the situation is turbulent and the world is changing too fast. We must keep up with the trend and not fall behind. The home court favors us. This time, it is a danger and an opportunity. If we can seize it, we may soar into the sky."

Everyone nodded in approval.

A high-spec aircraft lands.

Chu Tiange wore a mask and shook hands with Gao Liangjiang.

This was the first time Chu Tiange shook hands with Galangal at close range in the main world.

A very respectable uncle.

"Hello, Mr. Observer."

"Hello, Director Gao."



The first time the two met, they were very polite and courteous.

In this situation, Li Shuisu could only stand quietly aside and act as a backdrop.

Because this is not a simple business discussion, nor is it a business cooperation, it marks changes in the future world and changes in the mainstream form.

in the car.

"Have you been to the capital before?"

"I've been here before, but I didn't take a good look around."

Galangian smiled: "When the meeting is over, I can be your tour guide and take you around the capital."

"Thank you, let's see what the schedule is."

"Can you please satisfy my curiosity?"

Galangal smiled.

Chu Tian said expressionlessly: "Director Gao, please ask."

"What kind of existence is Jiu Ge?"

Chu Tiange pondered for a moment: "To quote a biographical myth, it jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements."

Galangal: "..."

Chu Tiange was calm and composed: "No kidding, Jiuge's existence transcends time and space. It exists on every timeline, and also in every parallel world and parallel universe. It is a cross-time and space force, not limited to the civilization of this blue star."

Gao Liangjiang was stunned in place, staring at the mask of the King of Hell for a long time, trying to find a clue from his eyes, but unfortunately, he found nothing. He slowly exhaled: "Such Jiuge is no longer a force in the human world."

The group came to the conference hall and started the meeting.

"Sir, let's get straight to the point."


"What do you want to do and why do you want to do this?"

"Establish the Shenzhou Alliance to unite the nine states. As for why? I said, Blue Star has become the bull's eye of the universe. The human race is in danger. Alien civilizations are always eyeing it. If Blue Star civilization wants to exist, there is only one way, to get rid of the fate of the bull's eye of the universe and have the ability to fight back!"

Gao Liangjiang expressed his confusion: "What is there about our Blue Star that is worthy of alien civilizations?"

Chu Tiange: "No, but have you heard of the Dark Forest Law and the Cosmic Bull's Eye Theory System?"

Gao Liangjiang shook his head, and a think tank expert under him said: "One of my students once talked about this law and system. It seems to come from a student at Annan University."

"Yes, his theoretical system is very complete and elaborates on the relationship between civilizations in the universe."

Then, the expert explained the Dark Forest Law and the Cosmic Bull's Eye Theory System in public, and everyone felt their scalps tingling after listening to it.

Gao Liangjiang was silent for a while and said, "If we agree to your measures, what kind of benefits and status will our Zhongzhou get?"

Gao Liangjiang's entry point is only the key point.

"First seat!"

Chu Tiange said lightly.

Gao Liangjiang's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"We Jiuge are not interested in management, not to mention that 10 billion people are not easy to manage... I can Jiuge only want elites and talents. After the establishment of the Shenzhou Alliance, all the elites in the world need to belong to Jiuge."


Then the two sides discussed many details, and Chu Tiange said that the meeting was pleasant.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."


Chu Tiange had just returned to the Four Mountains Scenic Area in Annan City from the capital when he received a call from Li Shuisu.

"Tiange, congratulations, you can join Jiuge."

"Well, I know."

"Eh? I don't think you are very happy?"

Chu Tiange smiled and said, "No, I am very happy. My cosmic bull's eye theory has been taken seriously. I am very proud and proud."

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Li Shuisu, he got to the point.

"Are you free next week? I want you to accompany me to meet my parents?"


Hearing this, Chu Tiange was silent. Li Shuisu's origins were not simple. She was not a human, or rather, she was not a human from this Blue Star world... Perhaps meeting Li Shuisu's father would give some answers.



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