This meeting determines the future development of Blue Star. It is the human race's long-term plan and a new chapter in the human race's eternal foundation.

Dissect, analyze, and understand the content of Chu Tiange’s speech, and thoroughly study and implement it.

Eventually a set of scientific guiding theories was formed.

Ideologically, he is forward-looking for the development of human race.

In science, it is the unanimous appeal and expectation of the vast human race.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the contradiction between people's scientific needs and material culture has become increasingly apparent.

Regarding this special contradictory phenomenon, Chu Tiange believes that they are just looking for trouble and have enough to eat!

Quan La went to Zhongzhou in the middle of the last century to practice and make sure that every one of them behaved like the third grandson.

In this case, why not go to the front line to shine and experience the spirit and glory of our ancestors.

Or go work for the War Needs Preparation Group and participate in labor service.

There is a saying that getting rich through hard work is nonsense, so let’s just do the same and everyone should be distributed according to their work!

Ten years of hard work is not as good as previous generations, so get to the starting line and compete again. This round is fair and just. If you lose again, don't blame others.

Of course, the reality is crueler than imagined.

“Committed to fairness!”

“What to do about injustice?”

"Of course I'll get back to my original shape."

"Tian Wen, Jiu Ge and the underworld are treated equally, the capable ones go up, the mediocre ones go down, and the same goes for the Immortal Court."

"Blue Star needs new order and rules. Since we have formulated rules and regulations, the convention cannot be violated. Once violated, it will be irreversible. In reality, the rules and regulations are to serve us."

"However, without the collective bottom, we are just castles in the air, rootless duckweeds!"

"Therefore, seize all available resources, concentrate on developing science and technology, and work together for life for Blue Star Civilization!"

Chu Tiange was born at the bottom, and he knew very well what the masses wanted, wanted, and longed for in their hearts.

That's right.

Just respect!

Money only comes second.

Money without dignity is a bit dirty.

"As the most prominent sect of the four major forces, Tianwen must shoulder the heavy responsibility of being the leader."

"The three major forces are secretly trying to help Tianwen Group develop without leaving any room."

"Now Blue Star has taken the lead in breaking through the shackles of secondary civilization in the energy field."

"In the next year, after we have fully broken through the second level, we will begin to enter the first level of preparations."

"There are no just battles in the universe, only the plundering of resources. It is a life-and-death war, because there are only so many resources. If you don't fight, you can only wait to die, starve to death, die of drought, or die of waterlogging."

"Everyone, the situation is approaching, and our lives must be fought for!"

"And this battle is not fought alone, but requires everyone to participate, and no one can be left behind!"

“The essence of people, a civilization, and a collective is not how many natural resources, nor how powerful weapons, nor how many sophisticated scientific and technological means, but people. Civilization should be people-oriented, and people are the foundation of civilization. Any group will not exist without people. It no longer has any meaning.”

"Therefore, please call everyone, let those who are running for a few taels of silver wake up, and make the dirty world a better place."

"Let the dark world become sunny."

"Everyone, no matter how noble you are, please remember that people are the core of your noblest nature."

"Similarly, we can serve as guides and navigators, but we are not all. The Blue Star is not the Blue Star for our group of people, but the Blue Star for everyone."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is true, but it does not mean that the greater the responsibility, the more you have to bear, or even all of it."

"When you win, they win without hesitation. In the end, if you enjoy the fruits of victory more, they will also feel unbalanced."

"And when you lose, they will put all the blame on you, complain and blame."

"This is human nature!"

"In my eyes, at the beginning of human beings' nature, there is no distinction between good and evil. The so-called moral laws give nature the attributes of culture. A strong culture creates the strong, and a weak culture creates the weak. This creates rules and order in the human world."

"Human nature cannot be considered. Therefore, you only need to bear what you should bear, and as long as you enjoy what you should enjoy, without crossing the line or involving the infringement of interests, everyone will be in peace."

"No one is a saint. If you want to raise judicial standards to a high moral level, only the status quo can do it!"

"Infinite resources, relatively small population!"

"Thus, the cosmic conquest is unstoppable."

"Blue Star has a population of tens of billions. If it could occupy the solar system, it would not be crowded, but there would still be intrigues."

"And if you dominate the galaxy, even if one person is divided into one civilization, it will be more than enough. Then why will there be a war?"

"As for ambition, you can just go abroad to fight... In short."

"If you want to satisfy people's ambitions and desires, it's very simple. Increase resources! Make the pie of resources bigger, so big that people can't even divide it even if they want to!"

I have to say that when it comes to painting cakes, Chu Tiange is definitely not weaker than the old capitalists.

Even a hundred times more than capital. After all, capital only promises money, while Chu Tiange promises resources!

What are resources.

An intelligent civilization, a livable planet, a race, a planet's minerals...

To put it bluntly, work hard with me and achieve results, and I will give you the world!

Dare I ask, who can resist such temptation?

This is no longer as simple as being an emperor.

This is simply God!

Wait until the meeting is over.

An intense arrangement was quietly underway.

It's like a machine that originally ran at one hundred revolutions per hour. One day, a high-power engine was replaced, and the machine ran at tens of thousands of revolutions per second.

I can vaguely feel that the surrounding environment has become more active, and people have become more active, changing the decadence of the past.

People, the most fearful thing in this life is to have no hope.

Live with hope! You have to live by giving people hope. If people lose hope, they will be completely laid down and left to rot.

And the first thing that gives hope, the first way.

"It's education!"

"Provide a source of vitality for scientific development!"

"Establish Tianwen University of Science and Technology!"

"Establish Jiuge Martial Arts University!"

"Establish an underworld army!"

"Achievements of the Immortal Battle Group!"

"Requirement: Tianwen University of Science and Technology, anyone, regardless of age or academic qualifications, as long as they come to learn, we will teach. Students only learn courses that love learning. If you like biology, you can only study biology. If you like genetic engineering in biology, Then just learn the genetic direction, truly achieve what you learn, apply what you learn, apply what you learn, and become talented with what you learn!”

"There are three major destinations for those who graduate from the martial arts university. First, those who are particularly outstanding can join the Immortal Battle Group. Second, those who are outstanding can teach, join the army, and work at the grassroots level to enforce the law for people's livelihood. Third, ordinary warriors... Just be ordinary, but there are also requirements, which are to be strict with oneself, to be lenient to others, to be in reserve, and to be ready to go to the front line of the universe to provide support at any time. "

Underworld Army.

"With mechanical life as the main body, the soul of the living will not be separated after death, and it will be collected by destiny. It will be uploaded to the underworld server and downloaded to the bionic body. After living another life, you can be loyal to the Blue Star and reunite with your loved ones."

"No life or death, no disaster, no care, just move forward bravely and move forward!"

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Annan City, in a villa in the middle of the mountain.

A big bird is cracking melon seeds.

Next to him, Chu Tiange was enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree.

It has been three months since the meeting ended.

In three months, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Most of the hidden forces and powers in the past are now exposed to the public and open to the world.

"That's right, everyone should get moving and get busy."

"You can't do nothing and just win, right?"

“Blue Star’s bullseye strike status is almost gone.”

"And I have to start planning for my own destiny."

"System, prepare a new deduction. This time, I will deduce the future of Blue Star. In addition, I will go to the end of the black hole to see another world."

[Host, the deduction points are not enough for the upgrade at the moment, so the matter of going to the black hole should be postponed...]

Chu Tiange interrupted the system's refusal.

"System, you are the core of World Tree, but you are not World Tree, that is to say, you are not a perfect whole... I have been thinking about it for a long time these days."

"I want to complete you."

"A real system, or in other words, a real world tree, the original carrier of this universe."

[But I don’t know where it is, how can the host know? 】

"I don't know." Chu Tiange shook his head.

"But I know one thing."

“I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain!”

"So, in order to find your true identity, but also to find him! I have to go through a black hole and go to other universes!"

Old man Li Su said.

At the beginning and end of the world is the end of time and the balance point of the entire universe, and this balance point is obviously the legendary canopy node.

[Has the host been decided yet? 】

"Okay, let's get started."

[This deduction can start, whether to perform the deduction or not. 】


"Let's deduce it!"

[This deduction begins. 】

The surrounding images remain unchanged.

System sounds came in waves.

[At the beginning of Blue Star Calendar 2025, with the establishment of the secondary energy system of the solar energy shield, it marks that the Blue Star human civilization has entered the era of secondary civilization. 】

[Blue Star Calendar In June 2025, the four major power groups held the first expanded group meeting at the call of the host. Basically all the core members of the four major groups were present. 】

[After the meeting, Blue Star Kyushu launched a series of major reform measures. Since then, Blue Star has entered the era of cosmic civilization, completed a comprehensive Level 2 upgrade in early 2026, and prepared for the formation of the first cosmic expeditionary force! 】

Chu Tiange frowned: "Wait a minute, didn't you say that there is no me in the deduction, because you are the only one in the system, so I will become the only one?"

[The system is the only one, and the host is also the only one. However, in this deduction, the host disappeared after the meeting and never appeared again. This means that the host has no replacement in this world. 】


Chu Tiange was dumbfounded, "What does it mean to never show up again?"

"In other words, in the future Blue Star will no longer need my role, so there will be my historical event at the beginning of the deduction, but at least one thing, a historical fact that has already happened..."

"I disappeared!"

"Never come back..."

"Black hole, because I went to the black hole, so I can never come back!"

"I fucking..."

[Yes, host, because the purpose of the host's deduction of this time and space is not to observe the future development of Blue Star, but to explore the secrets behind the unknown black hole. According to the information fed back by the host's pheromones and the universe's time and space, in this universe, the host has disappeared and can never return to Blue Star. Therefore, this world has no host, only the legend and historical past of the host, and at the same time, there is no need for the existence of the substitute Ye Zhixin. 】


Chu Tiange hesitated.

Good guy, this exploration is not a big deal, but he has played himself to death.

"System, you are not deliberately lying to me, are you? Just to stop me from exploring the back of the black hole?"

[The host wronged the system, don't forget the host, you and I are in the same glory, and we are in the same loss, and we are one body, living and dying together. 】

"Haha, my brain told me so, but can the brain and body really live and die together?"

"Forget it."

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "Whether I can come back in the future, I will go to the black hole!"

"I have a secret that I have to go."

"Have you seen The Truman Show?"

[? ? ? ]M.

Chu Tiange laughed at himself and said: "Now I think I am observing others, even the birth, aging, illness and death of billions of people, the rise and fall of billions of civilizations, but in fact, I may also be a poor little white mouse being observed!"

"I will add two more reasons for exploring black holes."

"One is that I am a student of astrophysics. I am full of curiosity and awe of the universe. Black holes are the most important and most easily overlooked of the six major research directions of this major! I want to explore it clearly."

"Second, it is to verify some truths of the universe, that is, The Truman Show!"

"I don't want this world to become Chu Tiange's world."

"Believe me, system, I am 100% sure that the me in the black hole is definitely myself!"

The system was silent for a long time and did not answer a word.

"Okay, don't worry about my ideas, just continue your deduction."

[In 2035 of the Blue Star Calendar, the Blue Star Civilization joined the Three Dials Civilization and the Sirius Civilization to start the cosmic journey. ]

[In 2050 of the Blue Star Calendar, it fought a great battle with the second-level advanced civilization Tianyi Civilization and won a great victory. ]

[In 2054 of the Blue Star Calendar, it fought with five second-level medium civilizations at the same time. Although there were twists and turns, it still won in the end! ]

[In 2059 of the Blue Star Calendar, the Blue Star Civilization was upgraded to the second-level advanced! ]

[In early 2060, the Immortal Court participated in the civilization journey and conquered the entire universe in just one year. Among them, the Mechanical Empire Civilization took the initiative to surrender and asked to join the Blue Star. The meeting between the Mechanical Queen and Xin Yuzhu caused doubts and suspicions within the four major forces. ]

[They believed that the sudden disappearance of the host was a conspiracy. ]

[So, Jiuge, Tianwen and Jiuge set off an anti-Chu storm from top to bottom, which was finally calmed down under the forced suppression of the Immortal Court. 】

【At this time, within the four major forces, except for the Immortal Court, more than half of the people in each department are native to Blue Star. 】

"Since the first group expansion meeting, the three major hidden sects have gradually surfaced and absorbed talented people and talents from all walks of life. Slowly, Jiuge, Hell and Tianwen have all become rotten."

"Where there are people, there is the world, and the world is where factions appear. As a result, the four major forces have become a place for fighting for fame, wealth and power."

"Most of the immortals in the Immortal Court are 100% loyal and powerful people drawn by him. The fundamental reason why they have not been infiltrated is that there are too few people with extraordinary martial arts talents, and few people can successfully advance to the Broken Star Realm. But in the long run, it will take less than a few hundred or a thousand years for the Immortal Court to slowly become rotten..."

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes: "People's hearts."

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