
"What is science?"

"I think unscientific science is science!"

"Science is not necessarily truth, but truth must be science."

"Science can be denied, because the times are different and the level of technological development is different. In different times, the same scientific question may have two completely opposite answers. This is the greatest charm of science."

“Explore, discover, solve the unknown and deny the known, and be convinced to find the real answer, the truth!”

“Unscientific things are not necessarily wrong and may be the truth, but this unscientific truth must not have been proven, otherwise this truth is scientific.”

"Finally, do you really understand what the truth is?"

"It is the rule, it is the order, it is the Taoist attainment, the Buddhist attainment of Buddhahood, Vajra Enlightenment, and the real person's enlightenment!"

"Advanced theology, I call it an ideological philosophy, belongs to the category of science. Do not deny it absolutely under the guise of being non-scientific."

"Because your denial only comes from your usual views and limited cognition, get out of this circle, observe carefully, and take a good look at the nature of this world!"

"Not long ago, our Divine Eye System in Zhongzhou launched a set of radio signals into the universe for the first time. We hope that one day we can find geo-civilization and establish contact with our Blue Star humans."

Chu Tiange is sleeping in the classroom.

At this time, the system prompted him: [Host, today’s deduction can begin. Do you want to start the deduction? 】

Chu Tiange thought for a while: "Before the deduction, I would like to ask, during yesterday's deduction, who... was that me?"

[The system cannot give the correct answer for the time being, but the host must believe in the system and believe that the system is the only one that exists in this universe. And because the system is the only one that exists, the host is also the only one that exists in the universe. 】

"Okay, let's start the deduction."

【This deduction...】

At this time, the teacher Lu Ying suddenly said: "Classmate Chu Tiange, please answer the question about the laws of the universe and the methodology of understanding various celestial bodies."

"Oh well."

Chu Tiange shrugged and thought to himself: "It seems we can only wait until after school to perform the deduction."

In fact, Chu Tiange has not been able to react yet.

About a month ago, his soul traveled here from a place called Earth.

Like most online articles, I got an unfortunate thing called a system, and then started to deduce time and space.

He deduces every day. He deduces without looking at the results and only figures out a new one. In other words, he deduces new time and space lines repeatedly every day.

"Teacher, I won't answer your question for now, but I don't think it's appropriate to send radio signals into the universe."

Ha ha ha ha……

The whole class burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard. Who do you think you are? You can still control your hair and not emit radio signals?"

"Isn't it a good thing? Firstly, it proves that our human race has developed a scientific and technological civilization. Secondly, it is to find an equivalent and similar civilization."

"How wonderful it is to be one family in the universe."

"Maybe, there is a civilization where all the beautiful ladies are..."

"Comrades, I am willing to be the first to sacrifice. For the sake of harmony and friendship, let me get married."

Chu Tiange dismissed the sarcasm from his classmates, "Haha, you know what, from the moment the radio signal was emitted, Blue Star has already started suicide mode. In other words, Blue Star will be finished soon." , when the time comes, you, you, you, and you... you will all die."

"My darn thing!"

After being ridiculed by Chu Tiange, he got up to deal with a group of hot-tempered boys and wanted to give Chu Tiange a good look.

On the podium.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

"Everyone shut up!"

"Sit down!"

Lu Ying stopped the boys first, then glared at Chu Tiange: "What nonsense are you talking about? Just answer my questions honestly."

Chu Tiange didn't care at all: "Teacher, have you ever heard of the Law of the Dark Forest?"

The whole class was stunned.

Lu Ying frowned slightly: "No."

Chu Tiange then explained the laws of the dark forest in detail, making the whole class feel an inexplicable chill.

Finally, the boy who had previously disliked Chu Tiange sneered: "What bullshit Dark Forest Law, it's just nonsense... You have such a good imagination, why don't you write online novels."

"That's right, sensationalizing!"

Lu Ying pondered for a long time, thought about it, and said: "Your rule system has loopholes, and it cannot be scientifically proven. Even if it is scientifically proven and truthful, it will be overturned in the future if it is not guaranteed."

Chu Tiange didn't take it seriously: "No matter what, it doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, but since there is a possibility of it happening, why do you need to do risky things?"

Lu Ying shook his head: "I dare not forget my country because of my humble position...but I won't forget if I don't forget, but I can't change."

at the same time.

in space.

A spaceship with stealth mode turned on headed for Tiannan style in Zhongzhou, Blue Star.

[Host, I need to temporarily shut down this system, otherwise it will be easily detected. 】

[In addition, remind the host that it is best to change your external appearance. I don’t know how far Blue Star has developed at this time. 】

"Okay, I understand."

After the system disappeared, Chu Tiange used the material scepter to change his appearance.

School of Physics, Annan University.

In the corridor of the School of Physics, he met Senior Shang Lu, who was still verifying the nuclear fusion formula.

“It’s strange that he can see me in front of the black hole, which shows that the level of technology is not low, but Shang Lu is still working hard on it?”

But the system did not explain it to him.

He thought about it for a while, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Not synchronized.

Or, not absolutely synchronized.

The Chu Tiange in this world did not develop according to all the evolutions he had experienced.

Came to the back door of the professional class.

Saw Chu Tiange confidently talking about the Dark Forest Law...

Sure enough, his guess was confirmed, the two worlds were not synchronized.

Not developing synchronously...

“Let me see how far you have deduced.”

Chu Tiange connected to the network of this world and screened out the figures of “explosive” technology or technology companies.

However, after searching, he was stunned.


There is no Tiange, no Jiuwen, and even the hot news does not have any special "sudden" or "explosive" news.

You know, every time a new technology is asked, it will trigger a series of shocking events in China and abroad, but here, there is nothing. The hot news is all about various female celebrity scandals and male celebrity cheating.

Finally, I finally found in the side news of Annan City that someone had witnessed a mecha warrior flashing by in Nanshan Scenic Area.

"It seems that this Chu Tiange has no ambition. Is he just playing with time and space?"

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Humans have no desires, which is terrible."

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