The sudden situation scared everyone.

Ozawa was in pain, grimaced and cursed "Baga", and pushed Muto hard, but at this time, Muto was surprisingly strong and bit Ozawa's neck tightly.

"Baga, don't stand there, come and help, Muto is crazy!"

Ozawa looked painful, roared in his mouth, and resisted Muto's enthusiasm with both hands, but Muto was too kind to refuse, and even if Ozawa used all his strength, he could not shake Muto at all.

The construction team reacted and rushed forward. Seven or eight five-foot-tall men piled up to suppress the violent Muto.

Despite this, Muto also bit off a large piece of greasy meat.

"Baga... Muto you..."

Ozawa covered the wound that was bleeding, and was furious, almost greeting his mother.

Suddenly, Xiaoze felt a pain in his head, like a needle piercing a sharp thorn, his eyes turned yellow, and he looked at the group of people stacking up in a bloodthirsty way.


Xiaoze rushed forward.



Beside a burnt cherry tree, Chu Tiange saw this scene and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

"This is a real-life version of Resident Evil."

"If it is not stopped in time, the consequences will be disastrous and will threaten the survival of the people of Kyushu."

At this time, the system sounded and the deduction continued.

[Qizhou immediately controlled the first virus outbreak point in Shengxue Mountain. Soon after, Qizhou virologists and biologists extracted the pathogen from the bodies of Muto, Xiaoze and others. After research, it was found that the virus had a terrifying infection characteristic and only acted on the human body, and was named X virus. 】

【At the same time, relevant experts found that the X virus is not only transmitted through blood, but its main transmission is actually inhalation transmission, that is, air transmission, so the whole world began to warn, but it was too late. At this time, the virus has been dormant in every corner of Kyushu and can give human civilization a fatal blow at any time. 】

Has the X virus been quietly lurking all over the world?

Chu Tiange was stunned, and suddenly thought that the volcanic ash and volcanic gases that entered the troposphere and stratosphere, and the X virus, were also spread to the world along with the atmospheric flow.

【Time passed in a flash, and another week passed. The X virus has spread widely in Qizhou. 】

Chu Tiange's figure appeared above the Qizhou State Tower.

From a high place, overlooking the entire Kyoto Prefecture from a God's perspective, he had a panoramic view of the current situation.

At a glance, his smooth breathing was stunned.

The prosperous metropolis a week ago has now become a ruin, with broken walls and thick smoke everywhere, and explosions coming from all directions from time to time.

On the street, vehicles were everywhere, crashing, blocking or overturning.

A group of zombies covered in blood were hunting for fresh food in the streets and alleys.

The whole city was shrouded in desolation, bleakness and killing, which made people feel desperate.

If I had to use one word to describe it, only the word "hell on earth" could express it.

[In just one month, due to the crazy spread and rampant spread of the X virus, Qizhou was completely destroyed, and only a very small number of people were left hiding in underground fortifications. ]

"One state is destroyed in one month. The power of the X virus is simply too terrifying."

Chu Tiange was shocked.

If the X virus really appeared in the main world, could the Jiuzhou humans on the blue planet resist it?

The answer is probably no.

Very pessimistic.

But there is no way, the X virus carried in volcanic ash and volcanic gas can be transmitted through the air.

Air transmission cannot be avoided at all.

After all, humans cannot not breathe.

Although safe houses that artificially produce oxygen can be realized, they can only be used by a small number of people, and most ordinary people have no chance to enjoy them.

[When the Qizhou ** virus was rampant, signs of X virus infection appeared in all the states of the nine states around the world. Once discovered, they were directly isolated, but the root cause was not eliminated, which was useless. Therefore, each state specially established an X virus research team and devoted all its efforts to the research of X virus serum at all costs. ]

[At the same time, the top leaders of each state ordered to urgently build defense fortresses, make the worst-case plan, and prepare for the inheritance of human torch. ]

Chu Tiange came to the primeval forest in the hinterland of Zhongzhou in an instant.

Emergency shelters with oxygen circulation systems rose from the ground.

Cart after car of strategic material reserves were pulled into the shelter.

Important books and materials carrying human civilization were also transported to the shelter.

With a thought, he came to the Zhongzhou X virus research base again.

He saw a familiar figure among the people in white coats, Professor Yu Yiqian, Dean of the School of Biology at Annan University, doctoral supervisor, top scholar and academician in the field of virology and genetics!

In the main world, not long ago, Professor Yu, who had retired for retirement, was rehired and returned to the school to give a public speech, so Chu Tiange recognized him at a glance.

[The X virus research team headed by Professor Yu Yiqian worked day and night, but gained little. ]

The eighty-year-old Yu Yiqian said to the middle-aged man in military uniform: "Director Gao, the X virus has a complex genetic composition, and it may not be possible to develop the serum in a short time."

Director Gao Liangjiang of the Anhe Department showed sadness on his resolute face. Just before he came to the base, he received a message.

A large-scale outbreak of X virus infected people occurred in a port city in the East China Sea Province, and now the port city has fallen.

Millions of people have lost their precious lives.

And most of the soldiers who went to deploy defenses also died.

Gao Liangjiang took a deep breath and said: "Please, Mr. Yu, lead the team to continue to study the X virus, and strive to save the two billion people in Zhongzhou from fire and water as soon as possible, and save the building from collapse. All resources needed will be granted and used first."

Yu Yiqian looked solemn and promised: "Don't worry, Director Gao, no matter what, we will go all out to develop the X virus serum as soon as possible."

Then, Chu Tiange appeared at the X virus research bases in Yanzhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Qinzhou and other places.

It turned out that no one achieved much.

[While major scientific research teams were at a loss to research the X-virus serum, the dormant X-virus finally broke out, and the real-life version of Resident Evil officially arrived. 】

Chu Tiange came outside the Mulin Palace in Yanzhou.

The zombies wandering on the streets are ragged, their eyes are dull, their faces are hideous, and they are covered in blood.

It seems that the capital of Yanzhou has fallen.

He took a step forward and stood on the tall stone statue of the goddess, overlooking the earth.

The level of chaos in Bingzhou is no less than that of Yanzhou.

Suddenly, he saw a large mushroom cloud rising from the west coast of Bingzhou.

And accompanied by a huge roar and strong radiation waves, it impacted in all directions.

"Bingzhou has begun to put mushroom eggs."

The strong halo made Chu Tiange couldn't help but squint his eyes.

While sighing at the huge power, I can't help but feel a little palpitated, coming from the terrifying deterrent of the ultimate weapon.

He jumped down, and the picture around him jumped with tens of billions of frames. When he landed, he was already under the romantic iron tower in Liangzhou.

Not surprisingly, the entire romantic city has turned into a hell on earth.

He frowned and walked worriedly on the street, turning a blind eye to the zombies approaching one after another.

[Three years have passed quietly. Except for a few large states that have the ability to build oxygen circulation safety fortifications and underground defense fortresses, 90% of the world has fallen. The zombie era is coming! 】

[At this time, the population of Kyushu dropped sharply from 10 billion to 70 million, and the current population continues to plummet. 】

[While Bingzhou is exporting mushroom eggs crazily, the X virus is also undergoing some unknown mutation and evolution. 】

Radiation from mushroom eggs caused X-virus to mutate?

Chu Tiange's face was gloomy, and the Bingzhou guy knew how to mess around, which made things worse.

The human condition will change from extreme poverty mode to hell mode.

The population continues to shrink from tens of billions to 70 million. Then...will there be no hope for mankind?

He stepped out and appeared in Zhongzhou No. 1 Underground Defense Fortress.

The people were all sallow and thin, obviously showing symptoms of long-term malnutrition. However, judging from their clothing, before the disaster, most of them belonged to the powerful and elite class.


Chu Tiange could only let out a long sigh.

From ancient times to the present, this has been the case in all disasters. It is too difficult for ordinary people to survive and it is not easy to survive in the cracks.

[While the host was worried and lamenting, two years later, the scientific research team headed by Yu Yiqian finally deconstructed the X-virus genetic map and successfully developed the serum corresponding to the X-virus. 】

[By injecting virus serum, people are no longer afraid of X virus infection. Therefore, people secretly accumulate strength and prepare to retake human cities. 】

[Time passed another spring and autumn, and in the spring of 2030, an accident happened again! 】

X virus research base.

"Mr. Yu, one of my elite warriors is infected. Please inject him with a serum and give it a try!"

Gao Liangjiang excitedly pulled Yu Yiqian's arm.

Yu Yiqian shook his head and sighed: "It's useless, Director Gao. We have tried many times. The virus serum only prevents resistance and there is no case of successful treatment after infection."

Yu Yiqian said this, but holding a light blue injection in his hand, he walked towards the young man who was firmly locked on the flat car, aimed at the upper arm and pierced it.

"Do your best and let fate dictate."

The young man on the flat car began to twitch wildly, his muscles spasmed, and his tendons and muscles were trembling. Because he had a tongue depressor in his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide, his roar was low and rough.

The convulsions continued for about three minutes, the bioelectricity of the whole body was disordered, and the blood pressure monitoring was unstable. Finally, the electrocardiogram turned into a straight line: drip, drip, drip...

The air was dull for about half a minute.

Yu Yiqian looked tired, looked at the young man and sighed, and said disappointedly: "Sure enough, we failed again..."

Suddenly, the heart rate monitor beeped.

Yu Yiqian turned back sharply.

"Xiao Li, did you touch the sensor?"

"No, teacher, I didn't touch anything."

Yu Yiqian's eyes lit up: "Quick, get on the defibrillator!"

"Call the medical team!"

"Draw blood, draw blood, get tested!"

After half an hour of busy work, Yu Yiqian burst into tears while looking at the inspection report, and looked up to the sky laughing.

"Director Gao, we succeeded, we succeeded, give me time, give me a little more time, maybe we can save all mankind!"

Yu Yiqian said incoherently and excitedly.

[In just six months, Yu Yiqian’s team analyzed the factors that balance the spread of the virus’s gene chain and successfully developed a genetic agent that breaks the first layer of genetic locks in the human body! 】

[After the injection of genetic medicine, the comprehensive quality of human body functions will be directly increased tenfold, and the life span will be increased by fifty years! 】

[But the only pity is that once infected by the virus for more than two hours, various organs in the infected person's body will become necrotic. Therefore, genetic medicine cannot save all mankind. 】

[Three months later, all residents of the major bases in Zhongzhou were injected with gene drugs, and their strength increased dramatically. People regained confidence in retaking the city and looked forward to rebuilding a beautiful home. ]

[During this period, except for the Zhongzhou base, which had a population of 15 million, the underground defense fortresses in other states were breached and occupied by the zombie army. Since then, Zhongzhou has been the only remaining human fire inheritance on Blue Star. ]

[After the fall of 2031, the new human army composed of young and middle-aged people injected with gene drugs left the underground defense fortress and prepared to retake the human city. ]

Chu Tiange watched teams of neatly dressed, high-spirited, and well-equipped new human armies emerge from underground.

He couldn't help but feel proud and emotional.

The human spirit never gives up!

However, just as he was watching excitedly.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and the audio and video stopped abruptly.

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared in the dormitory again.

"Fuck! Give me an explanation!"

Just when he saw the key moment, it ended with a 'click', which almost broke his mentality.

[The host has just acquired the space-time deduction system, and there are some basic tutorials that need to be taught by the system in person. ]

[Any deduced space-time has some major turning points. Such key time nodes can be used to save, so that they can be used to continue deduction and interfere with deduction when the deduction is restarted next time. ]

The term tutorial originally made him very dissatisfied, but it was different when it came to 'interference'.

The operability of interfering with the world is very large, and it may bring him different surprises.

But the specific effect will have to wait until the next deduction to try.

"The next deduction will be twenty-four hours later, right?"

[Yes, when the time is up, the system will automatically remind the host. ]

Speaking of time, at this time he noticed that the time display on the mobile phone had almost no changes during the deduction, that is, in the process of deducing the world, even if it has experienced thousands of years, it is only limited to a moment in the main world.

[This deduction is over, do you want to save it? Please name the archive! 】

Chu Tiange pondered for a moment and said, "Save it and name it Resident Evil·X Virus!"

As for naming, he has never had a talent, so he had to name it according to the core things in the deduction.

[You can draw rewards after the deduction. Do you want to draw? ]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining X virus, X virus serum, and gene medicine. ]

"... Draw a ghost prize, just give me what you want to give me."

Chu Tiange was speechless.

It's too confusing. At least you made a virtual roulette, but put a bunch of different items in different fan-shaped areas.

You say turn, I say stop, so there is a sense of ceremony.

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