People in Kyushu think so.

Yu Yiqian's team developed a serum that resists the X virus and a genetic agent that allows humans to evolve.

The zombie crisis should be over, right?

Moreover, with the blessing of controllable nuclear fusion technology and anti-gravity technology, human beings will surely be able to break out of the Blue Star in the near future, break the shackles of the first-level civilization, and become a second-level civilization like the Three Dial Civilization, able to freely sail around the world. The vastness of space.

But can the crisis really be resolved?

outside the projection screen.

Some human wise men lamented: "Things are not that simple. The words Meteorite No. 2 and weakened version of the X virus can't help but remind people of...Meteorite No. 1 and the enhanced version of the X virus."

"And don't ignore one thing. The eyes of the Three Dials are always staring at the heads of Professor Yu Yiqian and Dr. Shanglu."

When everyone heard this, their hearts palpitated and tightened. Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, it suddenly rose to their throats again.

That's right, the biggest crisis for mankind is not the X virus and terrifying zombies, but the attack by alien civilization.

Above the heads of Mr. Yu and Shang Shen, optical stealth aerial cameras have been hovering.

Due to the projection relationship, it is only observed by people outside the screen.

As for the future or the parallel world in the picture, they have no idea that their every move is being monitored by the Three Dials.

Narrator explains.

[Human beings have unlimited potential. The scientific research capabilities of Yu Yiqian and Phytolacca gave the Sandial people a sense of urgency, so Baka ordered Batu to use the No. 1 meteorite. 】

In the screen, inside the Three Dials base.

Batu came to report: "Your Excellency, the human genius Phytolacca has developed the secondary anti-gravity technology. At the same time, the human wise Yu Yiqian has also conquered the weakened version of the X virus, and even successfully developed a genetic medicine."

Balu was impatient: "Human beings are too variable. In order to prevent them from leaving Blue Star, in my opinion, we should just use the No. 3 large meteorite to destroy everything."

Baca's heart sank, and he waved his hand: "Put in the No. 1 meteorite first. We still have time to experiment, and they humans have no chance to leave."

Outside the screen, the human beings were shocked. They were shocked to hear that there were not only meteorites No. 1 and 2, but also the large meteorite No. 3.

Wave after wave, is it really going to destroy humanity?

Damn the three-dial people, damn the three-dial civilization!

Tens of billions of people in Kyushu are full of anger, but they don't know how to vent it. They can only rant and curse in anger.

Batu controlled the quantum transmission machine and dropped the No. 1 meteorite to Blue Star, right in the middle of Bingzhou Green Grass Park.

Super volcano eruption.

The volcanic ash covers the sky and the sun, leading to the arrival of extremely cold winter.

Volcanic gases are emitted in large quantities, air pollution is aggravated, the air is enriched and poisoned, and an oxygen crisis breaks out.

Acid rain covers most of Kyushu, polluting surface fresh water and causing a drinking water crisis.

The greenhouse effect is intensifying, glaciers at both poles are melting, seawater is pouring in, and coastal cities are moving inward.

Natural disasters occur frequently, creating a desolate and dilapidated scene in the apocalypse.

However, no matter how violent the natural disaster is, it is not as violent as the enhanced version of the X virus!

[Due to disasters and viruses, the population continues to plummet, and China’s top leaders have to start the fire inheritance plan-Space Wandering. 】

[Led by Phytolacca, a large aerospace science and technology center is formed and serves as the chief engineer of the space wandering project. 】

[Phytolacca understands that in order to successfully complete the space wandering project, that is, to successfully develop a human spacecraft, three elements must be present: energy, power and control. 】

[Energy includes controllable nuclear fusion technology, power includes anti-gravity technology, and control requires another epoch-making science and technology—curvature engine technology. Without this technology, human spacecraft may not be able to leave the solar system until they die. 】

[So Phytolacca led the team to start a new round of research and development of new technologies. 】


The people of Kyushu were all silent.

The No. 1 meteorite brought an enhanced version of the X virus, which was highly contagious and rapidly contagious. In addition, it hit the Green Grass Park super volcano, causing a series of serious natural disasters.

Humans can no longer live on Blue Star.

We can only find another way.

"Without the warp engine technology, let's not talk about whether humans can leave the solar system, but just talk about the strike capabilities of the Three Dial Fleet Space Carrier... A human spacecraft with only the simplest space navigation will not be able to withstand it at all, nor can it be avoided in time, even if it is If you are lucky enough to leave the Blue Star, it will turn into a bunch of fireworks in space.”

A wise man explained it this way.

The statement is very pessimistic, but very pertinent.

Without warp engine technology, humanity would be doomed.

"Come on, God of Merchant!!"

People from all over Kyushu prayed for Phytolacca.

At the same time, I also broke into a cold sweat.

The screen switches again.

[In 2031, the top leaders of China ordered Galangian to be responsible for forming a new human army to regain the lost territory of Kyushu. In the same year, the new human army embarked on a journey, pushing forward all the way, with overwhelming momentum! 】

With tens of billions of people watching.

The new human army is confident and high-spirited, fighting the enemy bravely, constantly regaining lost ground, and good news from the human camp comes frequently.

Tens of billions of viewers were both excited and frustrated.

Excited people, they found themselves in the new army of humans.

The frustrated one is naturally a member of the zombie camp.

But in general, after watching the movie, people finally have good news, which is exciting.

Then the scene changed again, to two years later.

Outside the Haizhou base area.

Fang Hai led an elite intelligence team to go out on a mission.


Boot camp just ended.

As a new recruit, Fang Hai is about to be sent to the company.

"Hey, Brother Hai, is that you ten years from now?" said his comrade, pointing to the sky.

Fang Hai took a quick look.

Fang Hai in the picture is more mature, his skin is darker, and he has tendons all over his body. Looking at the rank on his shoulders, oh, senior colonel, that's not low!

"It looks like my future self is on a mission."

"But I have to say, this senior colonel is so handsome!"

Comrade: "..."

within the screen.

Fang Hai's intelligence team discovered a new form of giant zombie.

Not only were they shocked, but people outside the screen were also shocked.

[The enhanced version of the 】

After hearing the narration, the people of Kyushu were stunned.

Fifty times the power?

Genetic medicine can bring ten times the power to humans, right?

In this way, how do new humans fight against new zombies?

Bingzhou guys are really restless, worthy of the title of Blue Star's shit stirrer. Before they die, they will drag the whole world into trouble. They once saw on the projection that before Bingzhou's demise, they dropped ten mushroom eggs on the west coast. It didn't seem like much at the time, but now Well, I have a headache!

Due to the strong variability of the X virus, catalyzed by the radiation of mushroom eggs, the mutation will only accelerate, and the current situation of mankind will deteriorate.

The situation has not reversed, nor is it developing for the better.


Most of the members of Fang Hai's team died, and Fang Hai himself was seriously injured and hospitalized.


Tens of billions of people with sharp eyes immediately noticed that something was wrong with Fang Hai's state.

"I'll spare you for a moment, just for a moment..."


Haizhou Hospital turned into a hell on earth.

Soon, the Haizhou base area fell again.

Tens of billions of people in Kyushu were immediately fooled.

"They've all been injected with serum..."

People's throats were dry, and people finally saw the light of day. Now the only light was once again swallowed up by darkness.

Recruit camp.

Comrade: "Brother Hai, you're done."

Fang Hai: "..."

An instructor came over with a dark face: "Who is Fang Hai? Come with me."

Fang Hai silently raised his hand.

[The X-1 virus in the new form of giant zombies has the ability to infect new humans, turning them into super zombies with a hundred times the power of ordinary humans. 】

A hundred times more powerful? !

The new humanity is finished.

Tens of billions of viewers are filled with sadness.

[Under the massive attack of the super zombie army, the new human army was retreating steadily, and the human camp had to retreat to the underground defense base again. 】

Zhongzhou Base No.1.

I saw surveillance images from major base areas.

Galangal and others were heartbroken.

Yu Yiqian's face turned pale and he said with great pain: "The X virus has mutated. Everything was discovered too late. There is no time. We are too late."

Soon, Dr. Li Shuijun brought bad news: "Gao Si, teacher, more than a dozen underground defense bases have been breached."

"Can't the defense base protect them too?"

Galangian frowned, and his burly body trembled slightly.

Dr. Li Shuijun, who was almost forty, choked up.

"Because super zombies have the mind of an eight-year-old human, they can easily break into the defense base."

Yu Yiqian sighed deeply and said desperately: "Zombies are starting to gain intelligence, which means that humans have been eliminated."

Then, Yu Yiqian hesitated for a moment, and his eyes returned to clarity, "No, we have the last hope, Phytolacca!"

[The superiors ordered Phytolacca to immediately launch the space wandering plan. Although the Phytolacca team had not yet developed the curvature engine technology at this time, mankind was already in danger and could not delay any longer. Survival was the first element. 】

Zhongzhou No. 2 Base.

The surviving people devoted all their efforts to building spaceships, working day and night to advance one battle after another.

Phytolacca did not dare to delay for a moment and stayed at the spacecraft research and development center day and night, responsible for all matters related to the spacecraft project.

Even, I still take some time out of my busy schedule every day to calculate the core formulas and models of the curvature engine.

If it hadn't been for the injection of genetic medicine I, Phytolacca's body would have collapsed long ago.

Outside the screen, tens of billions of viewers in Kyushu clenched their fists.

My heart is in my throat, I can't control my breathing rate, and my breathing is rough and disordered.

On the one hand, super zombies with eight-year-old wisdom continue to attack cities and territories, and the defense lines of the new human army collapse at all levels.

On the other hand, there is not enough time left for Mr. Yu to develop a new serum or a higher version of genetic medicine.

Therefore, the last hope of the human race can only be entrusted to the hands of Phytolacca.

Come on, God of Merchant!

Can mankind keep the last firewood?

It’s up to you!

[Half a year later, a spaceship called Hope, built with all human efforts, slowly took off, carrying the last half million humans into space. At this time, Blue Star was completely reduced to a zombie country. 】


people see.

The Hope spacecraft took off from Base 2, carrying mankind's last hope and flying into space.

That moment.

Tens of billions of people were moved to tears.

It has nothing to do with state, age or gender.

I am only moved by the human spirit of daring to fight bravely.

However, there are always some rational people who realize that there is really hope for the Human Hope?

Annan University.

Du Zhong raised his head to watch the projection. Because his sister was involved, he was extra calm.

"No! No!"

"What's wrong, Adu? What's wrong?"

Du Zhong analyzed: "In scientific experiments, researchers will not allow experimental materials to leave the laboratory. Similarly, the Tridal people will not let humans go easily. Without the support of curvature engine technology, human spacecraft cannot avoid the attack of the Tridal fleet at all."


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