Planning of departmental responsibilities continues.

The Dongjun tribe is the Yangshen tribe, that is, the sun god. It is mainly engaged in war and attack. It is dressed in green clouds and white neon clothes. It raises a long arrow to shoot at the wolf. In the future, the Dongjun tribe will gather a group of strong men with peak personal combat power to defend Nine songs of dominion and authority.

Xiangjun Department, Xiangjun is the God of Water, the best is like water, water benefits all things without struggle, water is the source of life, and in Jiuge, it is blood! Picking sedge and lychees in the water, picking rong in the water, and plucking the leaves of the wood. In the Five Elements, water grows trees, and they thrive.

Xiangjun can be used as a headhunter and Jiuge envoy for power diplomacy and inviting talents.

Xiangfu Department, Xiangfu people are the spouses of the original Xiangjun, and they are the spouses of gods. Men and women match each other, so they are not tired from work. Their soil is bright and their hands are in the Marsh, and they gather the Xuanzhi from Tuanlai.

It can manage and coordinate Jiuge's internal affairs for the internal administrative department of human resources, and formulate talent files and resource management databases, which complement and complement each other with the Xiangjun Department.

However, some poems say: Mrs. Xiang "rided a flying dragon to march north" when she was angry. That is to say, Mrs. Xiang had a unique personality, arrogance and fierceness.

This means that in Jiuge, just like in ordinary enterprises, it is not easy to offend the human resources department. After all, they are in charge of point performance and reward and punishment execution of downward allocation management.

Comparing the two, Xiang Jun seems a little too gentle, even showing a little sweet talk.

After all, Xiangjun is a bit like the sales department of a company. He talks about people and lies. He has a gentle and gentle personality, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he takes care of things.

Da Si Ming Department, Da Si Ming is in charge of human longevity, life and death, blessings and misfortunes, wide open the gate of heaven, let me ride on the mysterious clouds; let the wind blow the pioneer, let the drizzle sprinkle the dust.

In the future, the Great Si Ming Department will be used by the mysterious side tribes, and all immortal monks can belong to the Great Si Ming Department.

The gate of heaven is wide open, black clouds are rising, the wind is clearing the way, and the heavy rain is washing away the dust.

"How long is it for you to die?"

It means: I will decide who will live longer and who will live shorter.

The King of Hell tells you to die at the third watch, but who dares to keep someone alive until the fifth watch?

You can also cooperate with the Dongjun tribe, which is at its peak combat power, to consolidate the supreme power and majesty of Jiu Ge.

Shao Si Ming was the descendant of Shao Si Ming, the head of the priesthood. Shao Si Ming was respectfully called "Sun", and his wife had a beautiful son.

What is "Sun"? The grass is luxuriant, and the family is full of descendants. The descendants represent the future, just like the sons of merchants trading fire, which symbolizes a better future. Compared with the human race in the world, it can be classified as a technology side!

Therefore, Phytolacca can be attributed to Shaosi Mingbu.

Moreover, whenever the evil star or comet comes, Shao Si orders "I will support you with my long sword," and raise your sword to defeat it and protect your young son.

Demon stars and comets (called broom stars and bad stars in ancient times) can be compared to extraterrestrial forces.

In other words, whenever there is an invasion by an alien civilization, the young commander on the technological side will hold up the technological sword and defeat it with one strike!

Hebo tribe, the God of the Yellow River in the ancient Sidu, has a revered status and can be the department of wise strategists, those who are good at planning, those who are good at scheming, those who have deep and secretive cities, those who dare to use the world as a chessboard, all living beings as chess pieces, and those who are spread out in a chessboard. Listed in the Hebo tribe.

In ancient times, the Yellow River water house was calm and calm, but one day when the storm surged, it could flood and cause disasters, sweeping away all living beings. He Bo could stir up the world's storms and stabilize the storms.

Mountain ghost department, the four mountains suddenly chirp like howling, the sound is heard ten miles away, the grass and trees are all withering and dying, there are ghosts in the mountains, sudden, floating and uncertain, like ghosts, the ears cannot hear, the eyes dare not see, the mouth cannot speak!

He specializes in collecting and organizing intelligence information, responsible for assassinations and beheadings, and does some things that are difficult to operate on the surface of Jiu Ge.

The National Memorial Department, the National Memorial Department, is in charge of state affairs, the soldiers who died in the national memorial ceremony, and is in charge of military affairs.

This department was established to recruit elite soldiers to defend Jiuge.

If necessary, dare to go into battle and kill the enemy bravely, go forward and fight for the enemy, not afraid of sacrifice, and regard death as home.

The Ministry of Home Affairs requires that those who have absolute faith and loyalty to Jiu Ge should have the largest number of people in the establishment quota.

In the ritual soul department, all the first ten departments can be used to check and balance, and use ritual!

The rite, the preface, is responsible for Jiuge's internal punishments, rewards, merit and demerit trials, and the formulation of various order rules.

In this way, the Jiuge plan is completed.

It was written densely on a piece of paper.

Write wherever you think.

Then, with a twist of his fingers, it turned into ashes and printed out only the list of talents and points exchange system existing in this century, and handed it to Li Shuisu later as an observer.

Li Shuisu has good management skills. Those who are capable should work harder!

"System, how many deduction points do I have now?"

[Forty-seven million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty-eight points. 】

"How many deduction points are needed for System 3.0?"

【Fifty million. 】

There is only a little more than two million deduction points needed to upgrade to 3.0. If we let the genetic medicine fly for a while, it will be almost there.

Deduction points can not only be used to upgrade, but also have countless other wonderful uses. For example, one point can be used to travel back in time and space, which is very practical.

"According to your algorithm, System 4.0 should require 500 million deduction points, right?"

[Yes host, the upgrade rules increase tenfold. 】

Chu Tiange frowned, "There are about 10 billion people in the world. Even if they all contribute to me, they will only have 10 billion deduction points, and can only upgrade to system 5.0."

[Host, please rest assured that the influence on the world is continuous and the development space is uninterrupted. Intelligent creatures are the intuitive expression of world civilization. It can be understood that as long as the individual undergoes a driving change due to the behavior of the host, the deduction points can be harvested repeatedly. 】

In this way, Chu Tiange felt relieved.

He needs a lot of deduction points.

According to the system’s ‘harvest’ argument.

Genetic medicine has some limitations.

First, gene drugs are disposable consumables. It is difficult to harvest the second wave after harvesting one wave.

As for leeks, they need to be harvested one after another to keep the roots and grow seedlings.

Secondly, the cooperation between Zhongzhou Tianwen and the two sides is still in the ambiguous stage, so gene drugs must be sold only within Zhongzhou, one person one certificate, registration for purchase and injection.

Then, it is not easy to get 500 million deduction points.

Although the primary drug is only sold for 88,000, it is good enough for a quarter of the 2 billion Zhongzhou population to be able to consume it.

"Let's develop technology first, such as new energy technology."

Chu Tiange thought that Shanglu now has controllable nuclear fusion technology, plus the graphene battery technology and radio transmission technology he gave to Li Shuisu some time ago. The combination of the three can completely detonate the entire energy industry.

By then, the scope of influence will be very wide, such as the new energy of transportation, energy-saving electricity for commercial homestays, and clean electricity for industrial development, which can be used in almost all aspects.

From mobile phone batteries to industrial systems, from energy applications to transmission methods, it is an epoch-making technological innovation.

The market pie is too big. Tianwen is weak and may not be enough. Qualified business operators should learn to divide and share risks, achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

In addition, Tianwen’s slogan is: benefit Zhongzhou.

In this way, Tianwen and Zhongzhou will cooperate again. As for how to operate, it will be handed over to Li Shuisu and other relevant professionals. He only needs to control the direction behind the scenes and be a helmsman.



He explained everything to Li Shuisu as an observer, and then quietly returned to the office to continue slacking off and wait for the end of get off work.

There are three happiest things in life.

That is.

Slacking off in class.

Slacking off at work.

Slacking off on the bed.

The end of a perfect day.

Pack up and get ready to get off work.

Say hello to Li Shuisu and leave directly.

Huaying is very envious.

"Boss Li, you're too pampering him."

Li Shuisu's voice was slightly cold: "I don't want anyone in the group to talk about him behind his back."

Hua Ying nodded in surprise, indicating that she understood and knew what to do.

"Okay, go and prepare. We will hold a new energy sector project meeting later. All managers above the department manager level in the group must be present. No one is allowed to be absent. Our Tianwen will enter the new energy industry next."

"In addition, the state-level laboratory applied for Dr. Shang Lu must also be accelerated. You must follow the whole process and urge the higher authorities."

Tianwen has established a relationship with Anxie Division. Now it speaks firmly and stands up straight. Therefore, departments at all levels are quite cooperative and basically all green lights are given.


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