I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 52: The Age of Giant Oxygen (1/2)

The deduction continues.

[Shi Wei works as the vice president of Tianwen Group, and his long-suppressed desire for revenge can finally be suppressed. 】

Annan Shijia Hotel.

The property under Shi Longrui's name was a second-generation rich man. His father ran seven or eight large hotels. After his death, he inherited it.

Everyone held a banquet to celebrate Shi Weirong's promotion to the position of vice president.

The banquet started not long ago.

Li Shuisu, Ye Zhixin, Wen Yuan, Du Zhong and others all felt in a trance and extremely uncomfortable.

After a few struggles, they all fainted.

High-dose special anesthetics cannot withstand even injections of genetic agents.

All group executives at the banquet were placed under house arrest.

The basement of the hotel was converted into a dungeon, and there was a room full of senior executives of the group who were chained to crosses.

Shi Longrui collected the blood samples of all the male senior executives of the group, and the final test found that one person's DNA matched Shi Wei's paternity.

"Ucommia ulmoides... I always thought it was Ye Zhixin, but I never expected that it was you!!!"

Du Zhong smiled bitterly: "If I said that Huaying and I are innocent, would you believe it?"

"Shut up!"

Shi Longrui was furious.

"Euzhong, are you a man? Don't dare to admit it."

Eucommia ulmoides snorted and remained as talkative as ever: "I know in my heart whether I am a man, but whether you are or not is hard to say."

Shi Longrui was deeply stimulated by his hidden illness and whipped Eucommia ulmoides several times.

"That's enough, Shi Longrui! Don't make any more mistakes."

Li Shuisu got angry.

I don't know what kind of medicine Shi Wei gave, which can make everyone lose all their strength. Even if Li Shuisu wanted to use the water element ability to save everyone, he couldn't.

"Wrong? Sui Su, do you dare to say that I am wrong? Hua Ying cheated on me, she stole people! She and Eucommia ulmoides worked together in secret, and gave birth to evil offspring. She made me happy to be a father, and she gave me several children. Ten years...you said I was wrong? Where did I go wrong? "

Shi Longrui's anger surged into the sky, roaring like a madman.

"No, things are not what you think. In fact, Huaying did not betray you. Shi Wei's birth was not an accident, but..."

Ye Zhixin made a weak sound.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Ye Zhixin was whipped several times in pain.

"Facts speak louder than words. I believe in science and DNA reports. It's useless no matter what you say. Today, one of you will die!"

"Wait, wait until my bastard son comes back and let him kill you one by one with his own hands."

"Especially you, Eucommia ulmoides!!"


Shi Wei came holding Jacaranda’s urn.

"Dad, my mother is here. She will witness with her own eyes that her enemies die one by one. Go and accompany her, go to hell with her!"

"Shi Wei, don't be deceived by Shi Longrui, he...wuwuwu..."

The mouths of the senior executives are all blocked by mechanical chucks.

"Go on, son, the first person you want to take revenge on is Eucommia ulmoides. In the past, he was the one who bullied your mother the most, and even took advantage of his position to do dirty things."

Shi Wei raised his gun.


Li Shuisu and others struggled hard and burst into tears.

No, no, that's not the case!

This is not the truth!

Damn Shi Longrui!

"Next, Ye Zhixin, he was your mother's former boss. Half of the responsibility for your mother's death belongs to him."


[Under Shi Longrui's instigation, Shi Wei eliminated his enemies one by one, and used the safety of the entire group's senior executives to threaten Li Shuisu to sign the group's share inheritance rights to Shi Wei. At the same time, he forced a group of non-core group senior executives to hand over all their power. . 】

[In 2077, the position of president of Tianwen Group was changed. Du Hongjian was kicked out of the board of directors. Shi Wei succeeded as president and carried out drastic reforms, constantly eliminating old people and cultivating new confidants. 】

[At this moment, Shi Wei is a mature careerist. He is dissatisfied with worldly power, but covets longevity and powerful power. As soon as he took up the position of president, he immediately restarted the life science genetic laboratory and asked Yu Yiqian's team to restart their research on genes. Research on Potion II has been inconclusive. 】

[Until 2078, Shi Wei found a document from Li Shuisu's safe, speculating on the Mega Oxygen Age investigation of ecological negative oxygen ion generators. He was ecstatic that he could finally get a glimpse of immortality and power. 】

[In the same year, Shi Wei approached Li Shuijun and his wife and asked them to start the era of giant oxygen, but Li Shuijun and his wife refused to agree. Shi Wei was prepared to use force! 】

Li Shuijun hurriedly found Du Hongjian.

At this time, Du Hongjian was studying various Taoist and Tibetan classics, studying the thoughts of Huang Lao, and occasionally learning traditional martial arts to strengthen his body and live in seclusion.

After being kicked out of the CEO position by Shi Wei, Du Hongjian lost his goal. In order to relieve his depression, he could only visit ancient times and practice martial arts for fun.

Not to mention, he really has great understanding and experience in both Huang Lao's teachings and traditional martial arts, and he is getting better and better day by day.

Du Hongjian joked: "What's up, Uncle Shui Jun, you look so hurried and panicked. This is very different from your usual calmness!"

"Shi Wei is crazy. He kidnapped Kong Qing's family and insisted on letting me start the era of giant oxygen!" Li Shuijun's face was ashen, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

Du Hongjian realized the seriousness of the matter, banged the table and cursed angrily: "This bastard is getting more and more excessive, he is simply crazy!"

As the previous president, he has the right to know the secrets of the Mega Oxygen era.

Naturally, we understand that once the era of giant oxygen begins, the situation in Jiuzhou will change, and the world is likely to fall into turmoil.


Du Hongjian shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have been kicked out of the group's board of directors. Now I have no power at all, and I can't do anything."

"Try it. How can you know if it works if you don't try it?"

Li Shuijun believes that if anyone can save Tianwen and Jiuzhou, only Du Hongjian can do it at this moment.

He and Shang Lu and others have knowledge but no power, nor scheming and business strategies. How can they seize power and control Tianwen?

Only the previous president, Du Hongjian, can do it!

[With the help of the old people in the group, Du Hongjian regained some power, one for revenge, the second for seizing power in Tianwen and cleaning up the door, and the third for all living beings in the world and saving mankind, and even joined forces with Shenzhou to deal with Shi Wei together. 】

【But at this time, Tianwen's self-defense force was too strong. Without using a big killer, Zhongzhou could not match Tianwen. Many battles ended in failure. In addition, Shi Wei promised Zhongzhou's superiors with huge benefits. Even if Gao Liangjiang insisted on resisting, he could not reverse the outcome. In the end, Du Hongjian's plan to retake power failed. The old people who participated in the seizure of power were liquidated one by one. Du Hongjian was placed under house arrest by Shi Wei. Since then, all the power of Tianwen has been concentrated in one person! 】

【Under Shi Wei's coercion and inducement with the lives of his entire family, Li Shuijun had no choice but to tell Shi Wei the core key to open the giant oxygen era. Later, Li Shuijun felt ashamed of the Jiuzhou human race and committed suicide. 】

【In 2080, the giant oxygen era is coming! 】

Chu Tiange overlooked the land of Jiuzhou.

High oxygen concentration is not necessarily a good thing in the early stage. On the contrary, the harm it brings is even more harmful than the X virus.

Three generations of ecological negative oxygen ion generators have been developed, and each generation has a backdoor, that is, inducing the morphological deformation of giant oxygen bacteria and causing the metamorphic enzyme reaction group to erupt violently.

Efficiency, increased to a hundred times.

In less than a month.

The oxygen concentration in the ambient air surged to 24%.

People have long adapted to 21% oxygen concentration, and suddenly came to an oxygen-rich environment, and directly had an oxygen intoxication reaction.

A coffee shop.


People yawned, drank coffee, and looked lazy.

Most people in the plains showed fatigue, weakness and drowsiness.

If the oxygen concentration continues to rise, people must wear masks or portable ventilators to venture out, just like in the era of low oxygen.

In the era of low oxygen, the oxygen concentration ratio was 18%, and people needed to wear oxygen masks when traveling.

Now, in the era of rich oxygen, the oxygen concentration is 24%, and people need to wear low oxygen masks.

Humans have technological means to resist the sudden surge in oxygen-rich environments.

But in nature, all kinds of creatures and wild animals could not bear the oxygen-rich environment and fell into a terrible catastrophe.

Three months later.

The oxygen concentration rose to a terrifying 27%

Quite a few people died painfully due to severe oxygen intoxication reactions.

In the natural biosphere, 75% of animals died and some species were on the verge of extinction.

Plants were not spared either. As oxygen squeezed the space of carbon dioxide, the plant kingdom also faced a major reshuffle.

Half a year later.

The oxygen concentration finally stopped rising, but at this time, the oxygen concentration accounted for 30% of the air!

A large number of animals and plants died, the biosphere was unbalanced, the food chain was broken, and the vicious cycle continued.

All living things were in danger.

The entire blue planet was devastated.

【At the end of 2081, people pointed their spearheads at Tianwen and Shiwei, believing that Tianwen and Shiwei should bear the responsibility, but Shiwei was not afraid at all and did not come forward to solve or bear the responsibility. Tianwen had the most advanced technology in the world, two major bases on Mars and the Moon, and more than a dozen space fortresses. Now he has been hiding in the Mars base, monitoring the development of the Blue Star from a high position. He ignored the clamor of the people of Jiuzhou and only contacted the dignitaries of Jiuzhou. For Shiwei, everything would be fine if the dignitaries were silent. After all, the big killer was still a fatal threat to him. 】

【In 2082, according to the calculation that the oxygen concentration dropped by 0.16% for every 100 meters increase, people only needed to go to the plateau of 5,500 meters to enjoy the original 21% oxygen environment. Therefore, the survivors set out for the plateau area. 】

【Among them, only the Buddhist Tibetan Plateau in Zhongzhou, with an average altitude of 4,000-5,000 meters, is most suitable for ordinary people to live. The states successively asked Zhongzhou for help, and Zhongzhou agreed, but they needed to sign the Shenzhou Agreement to safeguard the rights and interests of Zhongzhou. The states had no choice but to sign. At this point, the nine states were completed, the four seas were united, and Zhongzhou was unified. At this time, the total population was 280 million. 】

【At the same time, the core elites and wise men of mankind and some dignitaries who were willing to submit to Shi Wei were accepted by him and went to Mars, the moon base and the space fortress to temporarily avoid disasters, and to engage in scientific research, seeking giant oxygen to break through the lifespan and power secrets of the human body. The dignitaries expressed their approval and support. 】

【In 2090, the giant oxygen crisis that lasted for ten years finally ushered in a major turning point. In order to resist the erosion of the oxygen-rich environment, the animals whose genetic locks were not stable once again staged an evolutionary explosion. Moreover, the speed and time of this evolutionary explosion were beyond people's expectations and imagination! 】

【Humanity’s gene lock is too complete, so it has not been opened in time due to the giant oxygen mutation! 】

Chu Tiange stood on the plateau and looked up at the sky.

Nowadays, there are two camps in the human race.

One is the ‘Sky Power Camp’ represented by Shi Wei, which advocates the giant oxygen era and seeks a breakthrough in the evolution of life levels.

The other side is the ordinary human camp headed by the Shenzhou Alliance and Galangal, and all living beings are flesh and blood. They just want peace, stability, and survival.

Is he a natural villain? If Shi Longrui is gone in the main world, will Shi Wei exist in the future?

Shi Wei's ambitious personality, in general, has a lot to do with Shi Longrui's careful guidance.

There must be no Shi Wei in the main world!

Even if there is, there can only be an ordinary teacher Shi Wei.

For the first time, Chu Tiange's eyes showed the murderous intent of death.

Early 2091.

In the heart of Zhongzhou.

A well-equipped resource search and intelligence espionage team wearing hypoxic masks came to Rongcheng.

At this time, Rongcheng has been covered by tall plants, becoming a paradise for animals and plants to live and reproduce.

Not only Rongcheng, but all Zhongzhou, and even major cities in Jiuzhou are the same, turning into forest cities, with thick vines breaking through steel and concrete and merging with the walls.

The dominance of mankind is at stake.

"Team Fang, we found something strange... there's a big tiger... a big worm!"

The team members' lips trembled, and their voices became trembling.

Fang Xiaojun held up a high-powered telescope to observe the direction of the forest city.

"You are so brave, kid? Next time, don't tell others that you are an elite soldier brought by my Fang Xiaojun. Look how scared a tiger and a snake can be..."


"Big, big, big tiger! Big worm!"

Eight hundred meters away from them.

A more than ten-meter-tall tiger with hanging eyes was fighting with a giant python that was dozens of meters long and two or three meters thick.

"This is too fucking big!"

Fang Xiaojun opened his mouth and muttered to himself.


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