I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 54: Shocking Martial Arts

Chu Tiange took a deep breath of the numbing high oxygen.

Suddenly, he felt inexplicably refreshed.

Just like when you urinate, you can't help but shiver.

Accompanied by a slight dizziness, people can't help but want to lie down and take a nap.

The 40% oxygen concentration caused some people to die due to severe oxygen intoxication reactions, and at the same time, it also allowed some people to successfully break the second gene lock.

After breaking through the second gene lock, people gained a hundred times the terrifying power, extremely strong self-healing ability and the ability to adapt to the giant oxygen environment.

In addition, research has found that human life expectancy is quietly increasing. According to the rate of cell aging, it is expected to increase life expectancy by 80 years. In addition, the advanced version of the gene drug has the effect of increasing life expectancy by 50 years. Now the average human life expectancy is about 200 years.

The intuitive feeling is rejuvenation. For example, a grandfather over 60 years old, after breaking through the second gene lock, his face directly returned to the appearance of a young and handsome guy in his early twenties.

At this moment.

In the major defense fortresses on the Buddhist Tibetan Plateau, there was cheering and joy, and everyone's face was filled with confident smiles.

People realized that their chance to counterattack had come, their chance to recapture lost territory and regain their homeland.

[In 2100, it took eight years for the Shenzhou Alliance, the surface human camp, to successfully break the shackles of the second gene lock and become protohumans, except for a small number of people who could not adapt to the giant oxygen environment and were eliminated! At this time, the total population was 150 million. ]

Protohumans, that is, prehistoric primitive humans.

At the end of the prehistoric giant oxygen era, the first batch of primitive humans appeared. They were born with powerful strength, terrible self-healing ability, and extremely long lifespans.

[In 2101, the Shenzhou Alliance ordered the formation of a protohuman army, aiming to recapture Kyushu and regain their homeland. At the same time, they kept a close eye on the sky noble human camp. Once the other party dared to steal the fruits of victory that they had exchanged for the lives of countless compatriots, they would be killed without mercy. 】

The sky human camp has mastered cutting-edge technology, but is obsessed with personal power and the secret of longevity. It is willing to start the giant oxygen era and use all living beings as test subjects. It has reached the point of being crazy and inhumane. The people on the surface remember every blood feud and blood account, and engrave it in their hearts.

Now, people have finally overcome difficulties and broken through the second gene lock. How can they let the other side pick the fruit easily?

If they dare to come down, they will be resolutely eliminated.

Chu Tiange stood above the Buddhist Tibetan Plateau, watching the teams and rows of the original human army marching towards the Kyushu region and the human city.

But if the source is not cut off, the surface human camp will eventually suffer from it and will still be controlled and manipulated by the sky camp.

That's right, the source is the ecological negative oxygen ion generator.

【The Shenzhou Alliance clearly realized that humans had finally won a chance of victory, and they must not be destroyed by the Sky Camp such as Shi Wei. Therefore, the trapping and hunting plan was launched, and the anti-Sky noble camp alliance headed by Du Hongjian was established, with the purpose of intercepting Shi Wei, saving the kidnapped human intellectual elites, and destroying the third-generation ecological negative oxygen ion generator. 】

【In addition, the second major turning point in the fate of mankind has arrived. After thirty years of dedicated research, Du Hongjian suddenly realized and created the first version of the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique. From then on, the era of warriors will begin. 】

Chu Tiange was shocked.

"Yanhuang Body Refining Technique?!"

Has it moved closer from the technology side to the martial arts side?

Du Hongjian's residence.

Twenty years ago, when Shi Wei opened the Giant Oxygen Age, he led a group of Tianwen confidants and held some of the group's elite intellectuals hostage to the three major space bases.

And because he failed to seize power, he was imprisoned in the Shi family dungeon and was later rescued by Li Kongqing.

For twenty years, he kept a low profile and studied the Huang-Lao academic, Taoist secrets, and various traditional martial arts.

It took him a total of thirty years to comprehend a complete set of life science breathing techniques.

The human gene lock is too complete and stubborn, difficult to break through, and difficult to grow. Unlike all living things, the gene lock is not stable, and it only needs a little stimulation to break it and then stand up.

Humans are too difficult.

It is difficult, but because of this, once a breakthrough is stimulated, the potential is unlimited.

Of course, we cannot ignore every major reshuffle in nature caused by environmental changes. Animals and plants have paid for evolution. From a purely racial perspective, they are much more miserable than humans. Some races even failed to survive the giant oxygen environment and were directly extinct.

This set of body-training breathing technique is based on the theory of life science. It consumes giant oxygen and breathes it in and out, dissolving it in organs, tissues, cells and other parts of the body, and finally transforming it into a special biomass energy, which then breaks the layers of defense of the gene lock. As long as the gene lock is continuously broken, the human body can become stronger and possess incredible and terrifying power.

At present, the first version of the Yanhuang body-training technique can allow people to break through from zero to the third level, that is, to break the triple gene lock.

"Yanhuang bones and blood are inherited from the same lineage, so it is called Yanhuang body-training technique!"

Du Hongjian handed the organized body-training technique to Gao Liangjiang, who first passed it on to the loyal elite, and after killing Shi Wei and others, he would popularize it to the whole people.

The scene changed.

An elite team of 500 people was practicing the Yanhuang body-training technique.

They sat cross-legged, facing due south, with their hands hanging down, hollow in front of their belly buttons.

With every inhalation and exhalation, a frost-like white mist spurted out from both sides of his nostrils. With a sharp inhalation, a breeze blew around him. With another sharp exhalation, a beam of frost arrows spurted out of his mouth, like a white silk.

Chu Tiange's spiritual power swept over and he could clearly feel that their bodies were constantly solidifying, tempering and consolidating. A vigorous vitality was flowing in their bodies, and the source of this was the strange biological energy.

Oxygen cannot be counted as energy, but through the special operation method of the body refining technique, it catalyzes the oxidation reaction in the body to form a strange biomass energy, similar to ATP, but definitely not ATP, at least it cannot be explained by molecular peptides and nucleoside phosphates.

He couldn't help but think of prehistoric civilization, that is, the third solar era, the Lemurian continent, the Lemurian civilization!

A prehistoric civilization that was very skilled in the use of various biological energies in a legend.

[When an elite group of primitive human warriors practiced the Yanhuang body refining technique and made rapid progress, a Hongmen Banquet that everyone knew was about to be held. Like the Chu-Han contention in the past, this Hongmen Banquet also set the foundation for the future world situation. 】

Li Kongqing came to find Du Hongjian

"Brother Du, everyone is waiting for you. The news has been notified. If Shi Wei dares to come, he will die!"

Du Hongjian nodded and instructed: "Let the elite soldiers ambush in advance. Don't show your true colors easily. Follow my instructions."

"But Brother Du, will Shi Wei really come? He knows that this is a Hongmen Banquet!"

"He will come."

Du Hongjian opened the drawer and quietly lay a document, which was his father's sperm and son donation and disclaimer agreement statement.

Yes, Shi Longrui was not good at that time, and Huaying did not betray Shi Longrui. Although Huaying is an intellectual woman in a metropolis, she is loyal to love and has a traditional conservative character. She is a model.

Similarly, Shi Longrui has been working hard, taking drugs, consulting, and visiting famous doctors. He hopes to have an heir to inherit the incense, but the result is useless.

Huaying saw everything, so she sought the help of a national-level genetic medicine expert within Tianwen Group, hoping to achieve in vitro test tube cultivation.

But unfortunately, Shi Longrui had a bag full of dead sperm. Medical experts checked them over and over again, but found that none of them were alive.

She had no choice but to use the medical sperm bank donation method and in vitro test tube embryo culture.

As for why she chose Du Zhong, it was not a coincidence or any other meaning.

It was just because Du Zhong's son Du Hongjian was too outstanding!

Huaying was jealous of Du Hongjian's excellence.

At that time, Du Hongjian was simply the legendary "other people's child". At a young age, he showed intelligence and amazing business thinking. He was deeply favored and loved by Li Shuisu, and even once pointed out that he was the future successor to Tianwen's president.

Therefore, Huaying found Du Zhong and asked him to donate sperm...

In general, Huaying and Du Zhong are innocent.

However, Shi Wei did not know the above inside information, but was used by Shi Longrui to kill the core leaders of the group at that time, including his biological father Du Zhong.

Just use This secret is tempting, I don't believe Shi Wei will not come down from the sky.

Chu Tiange: "..."

It's really bloody.

He immediately thought of a well-known historical figure in his mind.

Among men, Lu Bu, among horses, Red Hare, Fang Tian Huaji, specializes in stabbing his adoptive father. This Shi Wei is not bad either. After several copies, he has both his biological father and his adoptive father.

[While the Hongmen Banquet was carefully planned, some powerful giant beasts in the giant beast camp had completed the second evolution first and became the overlord-level beasts! ]

"Second evolution? Overlord-level beasts. "

A fierce word indicates danger!

Chu Tiange took a step forward and was thousands of miles away in an instant.

On the coast of the East China Sea.

A dragon seven or eight meters thick and hundreds of meters long was hunting in the sea.

This overlord dragon was covered with purple-black scales and bone armor, with purple mane on its back, a long jaw and a big mouth with a snout, fan-shaped whiskers and tail fins, serrated horny spines on the top of its head, sharp teeth and claws, and it was waving its teeth and claws in the water of the East China Sea, making waves.

"Very strong!"

Chu Tiange said while stepping on the dragon's big head.


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