I can deduce the direction of civilization

Before the end of Chapter 58 (1/2)

Two armies confront each other.

The final battle between humans and ferocious beasts begins.

The decisive battle took place on both sides of the Huaijiang River.


"To protect the human race!"

"Fight for humanity!"

People regard death as home and hunt beasts bravely.

But the army of ferocious beasts, not knowing life or death, marched forward and ran rampant.

Du Hongjian knew in his heart that there was no point in continuing to work and it would only cause unnecessary casualties to the human race.

Du Hongjian told Li Kongqing: "You and Gao Shuai will apply. This decisive battle requires mushrooms, large mushrooms."

The oppressive feeling brought to him by the Purple-Shirt Dragon King was so strong that he even suspected that the Purple-Shirt Dragon King had broken through the fourth level of gene lock.

In order to verify whether the purple-shirted dragon king was a fourth-level ferocious beast, when Li Kongqing applied for a big mushroom, Du Hongjian wore a mecha and held an alloy long knife, preparing to test the opponent's depth in person.

Before testing.

First use heavy weapon bombardment, plasma weapons, pulse cannons, magnetic missiles... etc. to greet them all.

Wave after wave of high-energy heat only blasted away a few tough purple scales as big as a basin.

If a third-level ferocious beast undergoes this treatment, it will definitely turn into minced meat.

Du Hongjian can confirm with 80% certainty that the Purple Shirt Dragon King is a fourth-level ferocious beast.

The remaining 20% ​​is for him to verify personally. The most important thing is that he has a reason to test it himself.

At present, the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique can only be practiced to the third level, and the fourth level has not been written yet. The reason is that there is no reference basis and experience.

If he can test out the strength and weakness of the fourth-level ferocious beast, it will help him develop the fourth-level body refining technique.

Nine overlapping waves cut.

The first cut, the wind rises and the waves surge!


Ten meters of blue light and cold light fell on the purple-robed Dragon King.

In an instant, a white mark seven or eight meters long was left.

Du Hongjian's face was solemn.


The Nine-fold Wave Slash is considered the strongest martial art of the human race, but it has no effect against the purple-robed Dragon King? !


It has nothing to do with the martial arts itself. It's because the person using the martial arts is too weak and unable to unleash the true potential and real effects of the martial arts.


Although the internal organs were not damaged, the strong shock still caused the purple-shirted dragon king to feel great pain. The red round eyes that were five or six times larger than the lantern seemed to be gushing with anger.

He opened his mouth and rushed towards Du Hongjian.

Du Hongjian dodged and kept building up his strength.

Back and forth, more than three hundred rounds.

The purple-shirted Dragon King suppressed Du Hongjian throughout the fight and had the absolute upper hand.

After dodging a blow from the divine dragon and wagging its tail, Du Hongjian gritted his teeth.

Drive the mecha soaring upwards.

Cut down diagonally.

The second cut.

The waves are crashing on the shore!

Hundreds of meters of blue sword light spurted out from the special long sword, pouring down like a stormy sea, rolling and sweeping away.


on the ground.

The purple-robed Dragon King climbed up a skyscraper, raised his head and gazed at the stunning light of the sword, his vertical pupils slightly closed.


The purple-robed Dragon King is actually a purple dragon. After his fourth evolution, he is lucky enough to have some dragon powers.

Opening his mouth and spitting out, a thick stream of water spurted out.

The flowing water turned into a spear, catching the sword light like a star arrow.

The swords and water guns collided.

boom! boom! boom!

Thunderstorms roared over the building.

The shock wave spread to a radius of ten miles.

Major buildings collapsed one after another and turned into rubble.

In the middle stage of the third level of physical training, he can resist the dominant beast.

The odds are too slim.

Du Hongjian felt like he was being hit by a heavy truck, and flew backwards. Suddenly, his tongue felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of hot blood, which directly covered the mecha's mask with a layer of blood foam.

Du Hongjian no longer loves fighting.

Escape using the mecha.

It was obvious that the opponent had become a fourth-level ferocious beast. If he continued to fight without overestimating his capabilities, his life would be at stake.

Just experience the power of the fourth-level ferocious beast firsthand, and then give up when you feel good. There is no need to fight to the death.

at this time.

Li Kongqing's application to his superiors was successful.

Order all personnel to evacuate as soon as possible.

The elite warriors wearing mechas obeyed the orders one by one, controlled the mechas and flew away.

Half an hour later.

A big mushroom dealt a blow to the beast army and the purple-shirted dragon king.

The whole world held its breath, waiting for the satellite footage to come in.

The billowing smoke dispersed.

Beast carcasses everywhere.


The purple-robed Dragon King still stood proudly on top of the mountain of beast corpses, coldly scorning the direction of the human base camp.

The hatred in his eyes was palpable.

hiss! ! !

The entire human camp couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

That's a big mushroom!

Apart from pigeon eggs, the human race is the most powerful killer weapon.

The fourth-level dominator-level ferocious beast is so powerful! ?

The purple-robed Dragon King roared wildly, as if venting his anger, turned around and fled into the waters of the East China Sea, disappearing.

Chu Tiange could vaguely understand why the fourth level was so abnormal and powerful.

Take him and the Zombie Emperor as an example. Both he and the Zombie Emperor are fourth-order powerhouses. He has 50,000 times the strength, and the Zombie Emperor has 100,000 times the strength. According to the comparison of the martial arts system, he is in the middle of the fourth level.

The third level and the fourth level belong to a watershed, that is, more than 10,000 times and less than 10,000 times. The increase in strength of 10,000 times is too large. Therefore, it can be completely classified as the first level of physical training, one, two, and three, and the intermediate level of physical training, four, five, and six. , and advanced physical training...

[In 2124, the purple-shirted Dragon King recovered from his old injuries, and his overall strength increased by three points again. He led the army of water beasts to make a comeback, and Kyushu fell one after another. 】

[In 2125, the fourth level of Yanhuang Body Refining Technique has not yet been deduced and derived. At this time, the army of fierce beasts has already arrived at the city. The sovereignty of mankind in Jiuzhou is in jeopardy. The total population at this time is about 5 million. ]

Zhongzhou, Jingji Prefecture.

"General Gao, why don't we release another big mushroom? Although it can't strangle the Purple Shirt Dragon King, it can stop the pace of the fierce beast army."

Li Kongqing suggested.

The silver-haired Gao Liangjiang rubbed his temple. At this time, Gao Liangjiang is more than 140 years old. Based on the average age of 200, he is not young, about the same as 70 years old a hundred years ago.

"For two months, we have been releasing big mushrooms... The whole Jiuzhou has become devastated. If we continue to release them, Blue Star will completely become a high-radiation world."

Gao Liangjiang's meaning is very clear. He can release it, but he can't release it again.

Du Hongjian nodded and sighed deeply: "The fourth level of body refining will be deduced soon. Let's leave first and go to the three major bases to avoid the sharp edge."

Blue Star can no longer grow big mushrooms.

Otherwise, even if the beasts are eliminated, what can they do?

The high-radiation land of Jiuzhou cannot allow people to live and work in peace. Do people have to wear radiation-proof protective clothing every day? Moreover, the radiation decay cycle is calculated in billions of years. Humans...

The radiation decay cycle of small mushrooms is short. Depending on the core elements, the period types range from eight days, twelve days, several months to decades. However, the power of small mushrooms is weak. It is not very effective against the army of beasts, especially against the Purple Shirt Dragon King.

Old Marshal Gao Liangjiang asked the think tank to discuss the best plan.

"Execute the survival plan."

"First, integrate the existing resources on the ground as soon as possible, and let all the surviving humans move to the three major bases to temporarily avoid the fierce beasts."

"Second, let Du Hongjian lead the martial arts geniuses to continue to promote the high-level body refining techniques, and strive to launch the fourth and fifth levels of body refining techniques as soon as possible, so as to wait for the day when we can retake the land of Jiuzhou."

"Third, study various advanced scientific and technological strike weapons, and promote science and martial arts at the same time."

"Fourth, study the science and technology to eliminate the radiation of Goroentgen."

"Fifth, send the spacecraft Explorer to the unknown deep space to find a new planet suitable for human survival and reproduction."

"Sixth, restart the research on genetic drugs..."

"Seventh, vigorously develop aerospace technology..."


The plan sequence was arranged in an orderly manner.

[Humans left the Blue Planet and went to Mars, the Moon Base and the Space Fortress for refuge. The Blue Planet became a paradise for fierce beasts of all races. 】

【In 2130, Du Hongjian finally derived the fourth level of the body refining technique, popularized it to the whole people, and used it for cultivation. People turned their attention to Blue Star again. 】

Chu Tiange came to the Mars base.

Throughout the base, excited discussions and cheers could be heard everywhere.

People were confined in a small base for five years, and it goes without saying how depressed they were. Now, they can finally return to Blue Star.

"Next, a large number of fourth-level strongmen will emerge in the human race, and Blue Star... At present, there are not many dominant beasts. In this way, the human camp should easily win the final victory."

【Just when the host and the human camp thought that the human race would win, the accident came again. 】

Chu Tiange: "..."

My god ⊙?⊙!

Come again? !


[In early 2131, after four and a half years of sailing, the Explorer 7 spacecraft returned. All the astronauts on the spacecraft were missing. At the same time, it brought a pregnant alien queen who was about to give birth. She needed a warm and suitable delivery room. Until she came to the Blue Moon Galaxy, she set her sights on the Blue Star. The oxygen-rich environment, green plants, developed water system, and fierce beasts (small snacks) everywhere are the most suitable for breeding alien babies. ]


Chu Tiange stood at the border of the Blue Moon Galaxy.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of the alien queen.

A spaceship similar in appearance to the Hope drove into the Blue Moon Galaxy from outer space.

He turned and came into the spaceship.

[The Alien Queen, the leader of the Alien race, has a larger body than the average Alien, more advanced intelligence, and stronger attack and defense. She can lay Alien eggs to reproduce the number of the race. When reproducing, she needs to be protected by other Aliens until the egg-laying bag is detached before she can move freely. At the same time, once she encounters a dangerous situation, she will be separated from the ovipositor and transformed into the most terrifying Alien. ]

[The Alien eggs produced by the Alien Queen have terrifying parasitic abilities. They reproduce and cultivate with the help of the bodies of various creatures, and can replicate the host's DNA, thereby intercepting and inheriting the host's power. ]

The Alien Queen has four arms, two long and sharp arms, and two forearms growing from the front chest, both with six fingers. There is a lizard bone thorn tail growing on the vertebrae, the two ribs are turned outward, the spine and shoulder blades are accompanied by spikes, and the legs are like a jackal's reverse arch.

The biggest feature is the shield-shaped head armor on the head and the huge ovipositor towed behind the body.

He scanned the Alien Queen with his mental power and found that her power was not weak, probably at the peak of the third level to the fourth level. He could intuitively perceive that the Alien Queen's power was definitely not just the fourth level. The egg-laying period was a relatively weak period of time. The real terrifying power should be at the fifth level. As for which level of the fifth level it was, it was not clear.

And the most important thing was that it had the ability to lay eggs and parasitize. The Alien eggs could parasitize the host body, and at the same time replicate the host's DNA, intercept and inherit the host's power. This ability was too terrifying and too abnormal.

If it parasitizes in the body of the Purple Shirt Dragon King, does that mean that when the alien matures, it will have the power of the Purple Shirt Dragon King?

Chu Tiange asked: "Why does the Alien Queen exist?"

Comparing the two copies of Resident Evil and Alien Visitors, Chu Tiange smelled a similar crisis again.

The Explorer series of spacecraft is used to detect possible planets outside the solar system that are suitable for human survival. It is one of the survival plans formulated by human wise men.

At present, Shanglu has not yet developed the curvature engine technology. In four and a half years, including the round trip, the Explorer spacecraft is impossible to leave the solar system...

In addition, the system used a word, missing. The astronauts are missing, which means that the astronauts may not be dead. If they are not dead, where are they now?

In addition, where did this Alien Queen come from? Is there an alien race in the solar system?

Was it found by the astronauts on a planet in the solar system, or was it intercepted and launched by a higher civilization?

[The system cannot find the exact answer for information that is not within the scope of deduced time and space. 】


So, I want to urge him to upgrade to 3.0 as soon as possible.

"Let's continue to deduce."

What kind of impact will the Alien Queen have on the two major camps of humans and beasts on Blue Star today?


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