The alien race, the life weapon launched by the designer, was completely wiped out.

So, next, will the designers continue to attack Blue Star human civilization?

What confused Chu Tiange was the designer's purpose in attacking humans.

According to Hesse's Law, strikes are relatively aimless, but some strikes are directed strikes with target points.

In the last deduction, the alien civilization won a great victory, unified Blue Star for millions of years, and was finally destroyed by a higher civilization. This shows that the cosmic civilization has never stopped attacking Blue Star, and if the attacking party is the designer civilization, then, Their attacks are intriguing.

It's too contradictory to surrender and fight, to raise first and then kill.


It is possible that, like the Three Dial Fleet, the attack was carried out with some experimental purpose.

"The deduction continues."

[In 2070, Tianwen led the continuous development of Blue Star Technology, and soon entered the buffer zone period. The overall technological level development decelerated and stagnated. It was still in the upward stage, but it was still far away from the second-level civilization. 】

[In 2074, Du Hongjian deduced the sixth-level body-refining technique, and incorporated the fifth-level body-refining technique into the teaching materials, further improving the genetic warrior system. 】

[In 2077, Yu Yiqian’s team found a special active DNA code set from the gene map of alien life. As long as they control this special active DNA code set and create different genome-targeting javelins, most gene defective diseases can be prevented and treated. At the same time, special The strong replicative ability of the active genome can be used to cultivate specific immune body organs and limb tissues using the cells of the demander, that is, to cultivate non-rejection fully immune artificial organs and limb connective tissues. 】

Chu Tiange came to Tianwen Biological Gene Experiment Center.

Yu Yiqian's team successfully deciphered the genetic maps of the Alien Queen and Alien Warriors and intercepted the special active DNA code group.

"Just use a special active DNA code set as a genetic template and create different targeting javelins in a targeted manner, which can neutralize the sources of defective gene mutations in the human body, such as different types of cancers, malignant tumors, blood diseases, and various congenital genetic diseases. , diseases such as albinism, congenital heart disease, congenital cartilage and brain hypoplasia can be effectively cured! ”

"The clinical treatment effect of other genetic diseases is also excellent, such as organ failure, uremia, etc. It is really not possible to directly use the strong replicative ability of special active genomes to cultivate new organs and tissues in vitro nutrition dishes. Currently, our artificial organs The clinical trial of the device was a complete success. Five hundred people who volunteered for medical treatment did not experience any immune rejection reactions. The good news of medicine for human beings to be free of major diseases is coming!"

Li Shuijun, on behalf of Yu Yiqian's team, publicly announced the current status of alien gene research and the technical achievements achieved.

Everyone in the Biotechnology Center was cheering. Humanity's medical technology has advanced several steps. From today on, ordinary people and gene warriors no longer have to worry about various genotype terminal diseases, or even the destruction of internal organs and the rupture of muscles and limb tissues. If it is lost, it can be cultivated in vitro, re-transplanted, installed and used.

At first glance, it seems that if human beings find and use the method of life extension, they will live forever. However, this is not the case, because any organ and limb part of the human body can be replaced...but the brain cannot be replaced.

In fact, the brain can also be cultivated using biological genes. It can be used as long as it does not cause immune rejection. However, from a moral and humanistic perspective, it is not allowed! Du Hongjian and other senior officials immediately signed an agreement to never cultivate brain tissue.

Because if the brain is replaced, a person can live...but is that person the original person?

In the field of spiritual consciousness research, humans are too little involved, and they dare not try to fool around easily.

What if a humanoid, cold-blooded, inhumane monster emerges? Moreover, being able to do this is cold-blooded enough.

In addition, it is true that genetic warriors rarely get sick, but it does not mean that they will not get sick. Especially for some congenital genetic diseases, even after breaking through the genetic lock, some parts of the genetic disease will still remain.

Moreover, everyone is a martial artist, but not everyone is a genetic warrior. Warriors require talent and time. Many ordinary people are busy working and rushing to make a living. They can barely get the advanced version of the injection when the official medical system supplements most of the reimbursement ratio. Gene medicine, where is the spare money to practice genetic martial arts?

The four words "poor literature and rich martial arts" are also vividly reflected in the gene warrior system. Take the tiny portable negative oxygen ion generator as an example. The prices of giant oxygen negative ion instruments of different grades, efficiencies and purity are basically different. Open licenses The rights are also different, and the service life of the equipment varies greatly.

Moreover, once the path to martial arts is started, the food supply and energy consumption will be quite terrifying. It is easy to say that it is fashionable not to use martial arts, but once it is used, it will consume a huge amount, and everyone, regardless of gender, will become a foodie.

Therefore, in comparison, regardless of whether science and technology is developed or not, and how high the level of civilization is, as long as there is a social form and intelligent life exists, the hierarchical consciousness will be differentiated, status, power and wealth will not be equal, and the material conditions and spiritual conditions enjoyed will be different. The supply is like cloud mud.

[In 2091, due to the rapid development of global industrialization, it was the era of Industry 6.0, the economy was prosperous, science and technology were flourishing, and the population continued to explode in the past two decades. At this time, the total population reached 20 billion! 】

Twenty billion?

Chu Tiange was slightly surprised for a few seconds, then didn't feel much at all.

It is normal for human beings to experience a population explosion.

Gene warriors continue to break genetic locks, human lifespan continues to increase, Tianwen technology develops rapidly, and the medical technology system is perfect. People do not get sick very often, but now even if they do get sick, they can be treated quickly.

It would be strange if the population did not explode.

But 20 billion...

Chu Tiange felt that Blue Star was too crowded.

Behind the congestion is the compression of resource shares and distribution systems.

[In 2110, there was a second big explosion in population. At this time, the population of Blue Star reached an astonishing 35 billion. Soon, Blue Star experienced a serious resource crisis. 】

Sure enough, a resource crisis broke out.

Blue Star's full population is 20 billion. In fact, 10 billion is the subsistence line, and 7 billion is the watershed. Above and below, the gap in per capita share is too big. What's more, with a population of 35 billion, Blue Star does not have the carrying capacity.

[In order to alleviate population pressure, Tianwen teamed up with Kyushu to develop large-scale Mars and moon base construction, and at the same time launched a space exploration plan. 】

[Via space elevators and spaceships, batches of humans have been evacuated to the two major bases of Mars and the moon, but the survival resource crisis itself has not been resolved. 】

[In order to solve the problem of resource shortage, Tianwen Group took the lead in launching a space exploration plan and a human voyage plan, aiming to find many blue-like planets with original ecology and rich resources. 】

Through the transformation of desert oasis technology, the desert has become an oasis, and three more provinces have been added to the northwest of Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou Northwest Oasis Space and Aerospace Technology Development Center.

Tens of thousands of spaceships are ready to go.

Li Shuisu asked Du Hongjian: "When you didn't allow the space exploration plan to be implemented, was it because of the alien crisis you anticipated?"

"Yes, Aunt Sui Su."

"But the aliens are still coming."

Du Hongjian understood that if the space exploration program was launched earlier, mankind might not have a resource crisis.

"I understand that part of the responsibility for today's resource crisis lies with me..."

Li Shuisu raised his hand: "I don't mean to blame you, but the appearance of the Alien Queen is not quite right... Do you understand what I mean?"

Du Hongjian's eyes flashed, but his face darkened, and he responded in a deep voice: "Actually, I have been alert to this matter for forty-five years, but the unknown secret enemy has never shown up. We are in the light, and they are in the dark." Dark, we have no choice but to block it with soldiers and cover it with water and earth."

"Too passive." Li Shuisu shook his head.

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't guard against a thief for a thousand days."

"The Great Voyage Plan is to transport humans into the universe, firstly to relieve the pressure on population and resources, and secondly, to evacuate and preserve the human fire. Even if there is only a slight possibility, the human civilization will not be wiped out."

Du Hongjian sighed sadly: "I just hope we think too much. The appearance of the alien might be a coincidence."

Even after he finished speaking, he didn't believe it himself. After all, he had the memory of two lives. He knew better than anyone that the appearance of aliens was definitely controlled by an unknown enemy behind it.


Tens of thousands of spaceships left Blue Star and headed for the vast and unknown starry sky.

They are like human seeds. Perhaps when they reach a suitable place, they can take root and sprout and carry forward human civilization.

In the past five years, the Great Voyage Plan has been implemented more than 150 times, transporting 30 billion people into unknown deep space.

At this time, Blue Star cooperates with the three major space bases, with a remaining population of about 7 billion, and the resource crisis is temporarily lifted.

Most of Tianwen's top executives, including Li Shuisu, Shang Lu, and Li Shuijun, have all left, and most of the elites in human society have also left.

Du Hongjian has not left. Now Blue Star Civilization needs someone to control, control and lead it, and he is the most suitable.

Du Hongjian murmured: "It's time to break through to the seventh level!"

At the same time, looking towards the three provinces of Zhongzhou Oasis, the last three batches of large navigation spaceships are preparing to set off.

The hometown complex is very strange. Some people don't want to stay for a moment longer and want to leave immediately, while some people are unwilling to leave even if they live or die. Most of them are old people who are nostalgic. Nowadays, the remaining population structure of Blue Star shows an extremely serious aging population.

After seeing how human beings are like pollen spores, projecting the fire of life into the universe, Chu Tiange believes that this copy should end.

"End push..."

[Just when the host was about to end this deduction, an unexpected surprise occurred. In 2115, the designer arrived. 】


The scene changes.

Come to Bingzhou Five Great Lakes.

A black hole appears in the sky.

A small space capsule jumped out of the black hole.

The space riding capsule has only a single cockpit and nothing else. It looks like the skeletal structure of some unknown creature. Using normal human thinking, it can be understood as a space version of a motorcycle.


The three-meter-tall designer came out of the space capsule wearing a space suit that looked like the skeleton of some kind of creature.

His skin was very white, as pale as white paper, without any blood.

His eyes were very dark, emitting a menacing and dark light.

Chu Tiange was surprised: "Is this the designer?"

Appearance is very similar to humans.

The designer got out of the riding cabin, took off his mask, and took a deep breath of the fresh air on the Blue Star. He stood still for a long time, took out a jar of viscous colloidal green liquid from his arms, and poured it slowly. Put it in your mouth.

He was silent for a moment, looking up to the east with an expressionless face.

A mecha came at great speed.

That's right, it's Du Hongjian.

After receiving reports from the monitoring center that there was magnetic field disorder in the direction of the Great Lakes in Bingzhou, satellite images showed that there were unknown flying objects and humanoid creatures parked on the banks of the Great Lakes.

Du Hongjian did not dare to stop for a moment, and hurriedly drove the mecha forward. He understood that the enemy behind the scenes had appeared.


A Jedi slash!

The seventh-level early warrior struck fiercely, and the sword light spread to ten thousand meters. The Great Lakes directly cut a large gap, and instantly opened up a ten thousand meter canal.

Boom! ! !

Du Hongjian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he arrived in time and intercepted the opponent.

In his field of vision, the three-meter-tall humanoid creature directly decomposed and collapsed.

Du Hongjian was surprised and puzzled. He believed that the power of the sword caused the alien creature to be crushed into powder, but he thought that the powder should be fragments and minced meat.

Rather than... decomposing on the spot, the wind blew and turned into nothingness, just like direct gasification and evaporation.

"Maybe the structure of alien life forms is different?"

Du Hongjian did not think much.

Chu Tiange on the side raised his eyebrows.

"Du Hongjian's attack power is indeed very strong, but it is obviously impossible to directly decompose and vaporize the designer. It should be related to the green liquid, right?"

[Yes, host, the green liquid is the original genetic life fluid unique to the designer civilization...]


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