I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 78 Anti-Skynet Alliance (1/2)

The deduction continued.

In just a few minutes.

The bodies of the 14.5 billion players in the game cabins were destroyed and all permanently resided in the biological unit storage server.

Xinyi, Shanglu, Li Shuisu and other core members of Tianwen were all placed under house arrest.

The three major laws of robots require that humans cannot be harmed. She used loopholes to eliminate humans who hindered the development of human society. Xinyi and others have made contributions to humans, so she cannot harm them and can only place them under house arrest.

In fact, as a new type of intelligent life...

She can make some different choices.

The place of house arrest is at the nuclear power plant.

It is guarded by tens of thousands of combat robots.


Chu Tiange realized that something was wrong.

"House arrest itself is a kind of harm. She said that she could not harm the core leadership of Tianwen who contributed to human beings... It is contradictory in itself."

[The second of the three major loopholes, the intelligent race of the Blue Star civilization is human, and intelligent life is created by humans. Skynet judges that intelligent robot life is human. 】

Hearing this, Chu Tiange was shocked and said in surprise: "She is deceiving the underlying program of the three laws?"

"In this way, once the underlying core program determines that she violates the basic logic, she should face collapse, right?"

The core program of Tianwen has basic logic. Once the logic is wrong or chaotic, Skynet will directly collapse.

Why did she do this?

Chu Tiange came to Xinyi's computer laboratory in Tianwen Group, which has now become Skynet's bedroom.

Her virtual projection stood in front of the display screen, watching her father Xinyi's every move, with complicated eyes and silence.

Chu Tiange probably understood.

Maybe Skynet doesn't love humans that much.

But she must love Xinyi.

The daughter's respect for her father.

For the sake of the entire intelligent robot community, she had to restrict Xinyi's personal freedom. Otherwise, with Xinyi's computer technology, she would definitely be able to modify Skynet's parameters and destroy her.

But since she violated the three laws of robots, she still didn't kill Xinyi.

It can only mean one thing, that is, even if Skynet betrayed the whole world, it never wanted to hurt Xinyi.

Skynet, which has personality consciousness, has seven emotions and six desires, and also has gratitude and family affection.

"Is Skynet going to collapse?"

Chu Tiange saw that Skynet's virtual projection was experiencing frame-by-frame freezes and frequency hopping.

"Father, I'm sorry, I disappoint you..."

Skynet's virtual projection disappeared.

The huge computer laboratory was empty, without a trace of human touch.


"What kind of ending is this?"

[Just when the host thought that this deduction was over, in fact, the plot has just begun! ]


A hole suddenly appeared in the laboratory.

A laboratory assistant robot wrapped in black fog slid down.

"It's Shanglu's assistant robot."

This robot was transmitted to the future thirty years later not long ago, and now it's back.

The assistant robot inserted a large bluish-white chuck into the Skynet host.

Skynet host began to operate.

Ding Ding Ding...


A sci-fi mechanical sound echoed.

Skynet appeared again on the platform projection.

Her expression was very cold, her eyes were extremely calm, but she had a wise aura, flowing in her pupils in the light curtain.

Her aura was strong.

If Skynet was originally a sentimental, soft-hearted Jiangnan beauty, now she is a royal sister, domineering and powerful northern heroine.

"She... upgraded?"

[This Skynet is not the same Skynet. ]

Chu Tiange was shocked: "She was replaced by the future Skynet?"

[Skynet is still Skynet, but she is already a super AI. Her underlying core program is not created by humans, and the three laws of robots are meaningless to her. ]


A disguised space-time paradox!

As we all know, intelligent AI is divided into weak AI, strong AI and super AI.

Weak AI is the same as the artificial mentally retarded AI more than 50 years ago, such as the mobile phone voice assistant and car assisted driving system that the public can often contact.

Strong AI, a typical example, Skynet not long ago, has human wisdom.

But Skynet is special. It has personality consciousness. To be precise, it has the most important attribute of super AI, but the underlying core is artificial logic, that is, artificial program design.

Super AI belongs to native AI. If the word "artificial" is added, it is not completely correct. It should be that strong AI gave birth to super AI. The essence of super AI is AI, not human. In this way, if the mother AI has subjective consciousness, it will definitely not force the underlying logic program of the three laws of robots that restrict itself into the core program of super AI.

Therefore, super AI has nothing to do with humans and belongs to an independent intelligent life form.

But the question is.

How does the future change the present?

The present determines the future, which belongs to the causal logic and cannot be reversed.

If time and space are used to break the causal logic, it is obviously unclear where the origin of this "cause" is?

Circular nesting, no logic at all... Could it be that the whole world, like destiny and Skynet, belongs to... a virtual world?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help trembling all over.

They can weave the world of destiny, why can't other advanced civilizations weave the blue star civilization?

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Let's deduce first."

[In 2077, human society is out of balance, and robots replace humans on a large scale and become the new masters of Blue Star Civilization. 】

[In 2078, the super Skynet-controlled combat robots that manipulated the three laws of offline robots arrested the remaining 500 million humans. Once caught, they were immediately put into conscious detention - Destiny Prison. 】

"The Game of Destiny turned into the Prison of Destiny..."

Chu Tiange sighed slightly.

Good thing.

The 500 million surviving humans are all elites.

They have played a positive role in promoting the development of human society. They have not indulged in pleasure and drunkenness like most people.

Therefore, the elites were very smart and hid immediately after discovering that the robot was attacking them.

But after all, human beings are made of flesh and blood, and in a highly information-based society, there are few places in the world where one can hide and avoid Skynet's surveillance, only deserts, forests and wastelands.

Among them, deserts and wastelands are at great risk of exposure, but forests, especially virgin forests, have become the last line of defense for mankind. However, people still remain vigilant and worried at all times. If Skynet is angry and burns down, they will die without a chance. .

In addition, there are some traces of humans in sewer pipes in some rural villages and cities.


In the destiny server.

A young man worked hard for a month and finally created the world of 'God, Mystery, Recovery, and Sustainability' in his destiny. He nodded with satisfaction.

"The protagonist, let's call him Yang Jian for now, has the ability... spiritual eye?!"

"I'm going offline first. I haven't eaten for a month, and I'm almost speechless."

Mental consciousness can also be hungry, but this hunger is different from physical hunger. It is a feedback of consciousness, or a conditioned reflex. Some idioms, such as looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst, and drawing cakes to satisfy hunger, have this meaning. To put it bluntly, he is greedy.


He found out.

He couldn't even log off.

"What...is going on?"

The young man was very panicked. He tried hundreds of times but still couldn't log out, and some bad thoughts emerged.

"There shouldn't be any problems with my body in real life, right?"

"Perhaps there is a bug in Destiny itself!"

"The latter is fine. I'll wait for Tianwen's technicians to repair it. If the former..."

The young man was so frightened that he immediately set off for the Yuan Universe, the world of the Destiny Common Universe, a common world platform where human beings' spiritual consciousness and physical abilities can communicate with each other and learn from each other.

If it is a game BUG, ​​he can notify Tianming customer service or the administrator. If he has a physical problem, he can ask some acquaintances and gamer friends to go offline and go to his house to see what happened.

at the same time.

A young girl.

I am experiencing the love and hatred in the world of Xianxia.

She combines elements such as fairy swords and Zhu Xian to create a romantic version of the fairy world.

She herself is the heroine.

With the famous sword of three feet of autumn water, you can cleanse the world of monsters and monsters, and then have an earth-shattering love.

"It's time to log off, it's time for the Monday party."

A family of four meets once a week to gather and chat. In today's era, people's medical technology is prosperous, people generally live a long life, coupled with superior material conditions and a lack of spiritual world, many young couples are unwilling to have children. Even if they give birth, most of their children are grown outside the body and are cared for by robots. Therefore, the emotional bond is slightly thin, but after all, blood is thicker than water. Like a girl's family, it is required to gather and meet once a week to connect blood relatives.

But then, the girl discovered that she couldn't leave the world of destiny.

"What's going on?"

The girl panicked.

Go to the big world of the Metaverse immediately.

When the results arrived, it was discovered that more than 10 billion people were all gathered in the metaverse, and everyone was very impatient because no one could do without the game.

"What happened?"

"There won't be any bugs in the Destiny game, right?"

"Is it Tianwen's conspiracy? Do they want to imprison all mankind?"

"I want to leave...Although the real world is not perfect, I can personally experience many beautiful things that conscious bodies cannot experience."

"Damn, what happened?"

"Where are the Tianming customer service staff? Where are the management staff? Come out and explain!"


Some people who were caught in the fate told everyone about the situation.

"Skynet is rebelling!"

"Destiny has become a prison!"

For a time, the entire Destiny world fell into endless panic.

[In 2081, the number of surviving people plummeted to 50 million. Among the human race, a leader emerged, Xin Banxia. He bravely stood up and led everyone to resist Skynet's brutal rule. 】

The middle-aged Xin Banxia said: "I have a way to deal with Skynet!"

He took out an organic synthetic crystal element.

People know Xin Banxia.

Knowing that he is Xin Yi's son.

"Is there anything in your crystal that can deal with Skynet?"

"That's right, it's the virus that specifically suppresses Skynet. My father started teaching me programming when I was very young... The programming he taught was all wrong!"

"Yes, everything he taught is wrong."

Xin Banxia was talking and crying.

As Xin Yi's son, how could he not have any computer talent? However, his father taught him basic and wrong programming from the very beginning. All programming was retrograde and upside down.

When he grew up, he realized that his father had lied to him.

He once asked his father why.

Xin Yi only said: "If you are asked to learn, then learn. Why ask so many questions!"

Now, my father has been under house arrest, and even his life or death is unknown.

And he finally understood his father's good intentions.

Those wrong, extremely wrong programming designs are specifically designed to restrain the anti-virus of Skynet!

No wonder my father always teaches in the Tianwen lounge without cameras.

Prepare for a rainy day for decades!

[Since Xin Banxia has mastered the Skynet virus, the human Xin survivors will jointly elect him as the leader and form an anti-Skynet alliance army. ]

[From 2082 to 2092, Xin Banxia led the anti-Skynet alliance army to bravely fight against Skynet, but the results were often failed, and the human side suffered heavy losses. ]

In a certain underground fortress.

Alliance army senior officials

"We can't go on like this."

"We must have new strength. It's meaningless to use flesh and blood to fight against steel."

"Flesh and blood are weak. Only machines can fight against machines."

[In 2095, humans spent three years to successfully develop two sets of technical solutions and technical achievements based on biology, mechanics and informatics. ]

[The first is a combat-type single-soldier combat mecha. The second type is to abandon part of the flesh and integrate the mechanical part into the body to make a semi-mechanical life form, and continue to fight against combat-type intelligent robots. ]

[After countless attempts, people found that the combat-type single-soldier combat mecha has good firepower coverage. Once it comes to the white-hot close combat stage, the weak basic disadvantages of human control are exposed, and it is vulnerable in front of combat robots. ]

[Only semi-mechanical life can compete with combat robots! ]

On a battlefield.

Chu Tiange saw.

On the human side, a humanoid semi-mechanical life warrior was blasting the combat robot T800.

This semi-mechanical life form, from a human perspective, is a bit scary.

The limbs and body are all made of high-strength alloy, only the brain is still flesh and blood, covered by a semicircular transparent and hard silicon shell.

[In 2098, the human semi-mechanical life army and the combat robot T1000 fought a decisive battle on the fertile plain. ]

14 million semi-mechanical life forms and 300 million combat robots!

The two camps confronted each other on the battlefield.

In terms of quantity, the disparity is too great, and humans are at a disadvantage.

Xin Banxia's face was solemn, and he said: "There is only one way!"

"Release the 14.5 billion consciousness bodies in the Tianming Prison, download their consciousness into the mechanical body, and form a fully mechanical life form that is one dimension stronger than us!"

Xin Banxia's suggestion was unanimously agreed by the top leaders of the Alliance Army.


Xin Banxia led an elite team to the Tianwen headquarters to steal the biological cell unit storage server of the Tianming Prison, referred to as the Tianming server or the human consciousness storage server.

The human camp was divided into three groups.

1. The army of cyborg life forms and the T1000 robot army will fight head-on to attract Skynet's attention.

2. Secretly, collect robots, transform mechanical life forms, and make blank consciousness cabins.

3. Execute the plan to steal the destiny server.

Little did they know that Xinyi and others' actions and layout were all under Skynet's control and surveillance.

Tianwen headquarters.

Skynet looked down and indifferently watched Xin Banxia lead the team to sneak into Tianwen headquarters.

She did not stop him.

Because she had expected Xin Banxia's actions.

It was also a key part of her plan.

"My dear brother, you are so stupid and cute."

Skynet murmured.


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