I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 85 Industrial Development of Biomass (1/2)

The deduction continues.

Rem Yoga, which focuses on meditation, combines biological energy with thinking and willpower to achieve a high degree of unity of body and consciousness. It divides the human body into seven energy chakras, namely the Muladhara Chakra, the Navel Chakra, the Sun Chakra, and the Heart Chakra. The throat chakra, ajna chakra and crown chakra correspond to the seventh level of physical training, or in other words, the seven levels of yoga.

At the same time, we pay attention to the unity of knowledge and action, which requires self-discipline, insight, posture, combination, balance, unity, intelligence and rationality.

After all, Ahu's talent is not as good as that of Du Hongjian. It took 150 years to combine the seventh level of Yanhuang Body Refining with the perceptual power of the pineal gland to evolve the seventh level of Yoga. As for the eighth level, regardless of Yanhuang Body Refining Ahu has tried countless times whether it is a technique or a Rem Yoga technique, but he has never been able to create one.

Ahu has poor cultural foundation but good physique. He is a beastly life form with a savage growth type. As long as he is trained in the eighth-level physical skills, he can break through in minutes.

Du Hongjian was different. Not to mention his own intelligence, he had studied Zhongzhou martial arts and Taoist classics for thirty years in order to create the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique. How could Ahu compare with him.

But fortunately, hard work can make up for weakness, and the stupid bird flies first. Ahu never gave up the idea of ​​deducing the eighth level of yoga and Yanhuang Refining Technique. After the death of Princess Yoga, Ahu was heartbroken. In addition, there is a reproductive problem between the lycanthropic tribe and the Lemu tribe. Isolated, the two had no heirs to take care of, so Ahu stayed in seclusion in the temple for a long time, concentrating on deriving skills and pursuing higher levels of life. The remaining fifty wolf beast transformers accompanied the leader and stayed in the temple. Guard left and right.

[Once Rem Yoga was promoted, subtle changes occurred in the life form of the Rem people, and their perceptual abilities also increased explosively. 】

It only took a hundred years.

The average height of the Lemu race has increased to one meter six, and is still growing. Especially the new generation who started practicing yoga during their childhood growth period are more likely to grow taller.

As for perceptual strength training, take planting crops as an example. You do not need to place the seeds against your forehead to transfer biological power bit by bit. You only need to stand on the ridge of the field and simply exert your biological power to directly promote the growth of rice.

"The development is going very smoothly. If this continues, maybe the Rem tribe can regain the glory of their ancestors and awaken the mysterious third eye power!"

[Just when the host thought that the Rem human race was developing smoothly, uneasy turmoil gradually appeared in the city-state era. 】

[Because people possess Rem Yoga, not only do their physical forms change, but most importantly, they gain powerful power. 】

[People's minds gradually become no longer pure, and their pursuit of beauty and harmony begins to transform into power and material aspects. 】

[The major city-states have gradually become corrupted, the ruling class has solidified, and the lives of the people at the bottom cannot be guaranteed as they should. Crime incidents occur frequently and the probability continues to soar. 】

[Finally, in 107,630 BC, King Lamit Thirty-one of the city-state of Lamit, Carter Lamit, launched a war against the most powerful Soria city-state in the eastern part of the continent. 】

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Once a person has power, power, and money... the chance of becoming bad will increase accordingly.

As a saying goes: just because the crime rate in remote areas is not high does not mean that the local people are simple and kind, just because they have no opportunities.

Rem Yoga gave the Rem people powerful power, and their ambitions grew exponentially, giving them the opportunity to break the rules!

The original intention of Ahu's derivation of Rem Yoga was to make the Rem people stronger and have the ability to protect themselves in a world infested by wild beasts. As a result, it became the fuse of today's war.

If Ah Hu knew about this, I'm afraid his intestines would be filled with regret.

Outside the city of Soria.

The armies of both sides faced off.

"Carter, you dare to violate the will of the temple and start a war wantonly. Aren't you afraid of divine punishment from God?"

Carter Ramit is a direct descendant of his brother Yoga Ramit.

Carter Ramit is in his early thirties, has a handsome face, is 1.65 meters tall, and possesses the fifth level of Rem Yoga.

Carter is a qualified tycoon. He believes that if he wants the Lemu race to develop and grow, the backward city-state system is simply not feasible and greatly limits the development of the current era. Therefore, he must complete the unification of civilization, abolish the decadent city-state system, and establish the Lemu people. The Mu Empire!

Carter snorted coldly: "God spread the Rem Yoga technique for the development and growth of the Rem race. However, the backward city-state system restricted the development of civilization. As the leader of the largest city-state of the Rem race, Carter, as the leader of the largest city-state of the Rem race, is granted by divine authority. King Ramit must bear the primary responsibility for the prosperity of the Rem human civilization!”

Hearing this, the King of the Soria City State couldn't help but rant: "You talk about benevolence, justice and morality, but in fact you, Carter, are full of evil. You are just starting a war for power and desire. Why do you say it so grandly?!"

The city-state system has evolved from the system of electing chiefs to the monarchy of small states, and now to the oligarchy of large states. Carter, as a monarch with a bright vision and great talent, knows very well that the Lemu people should follow the trend of the times and complete the great cause of civilization. Unification and creation of imperial centralization is the most correct path at present.

The corrupt city-state system will only hinder the development of the civilization of the Lemu race. To be more specific, hundreds of millions of Lemu people are living in dire straits today, and the people are in dire straits. The only way to save all living beings is to destroy the old system and implement a new order. .


The war is about to break out.

On the battlefield.

Some Rem warriors use biological power to wrap arrows, and one arrow can travel hundreds of meters.

Some Rem warriors use biological power to stimulate plant vines to trap and kill hostile forces.

Some Rem warriors hold spears and sharp blades, and every move has a green glow, which makes it easy to break monuments and crack rocks.

Even Carter, the first fifth-level yoga monk of the Rem people, directly uses the huge biological power to form a strong energy wall, which is invulnerable to water, fire, swords and guns, and can wrap himself up and fly into the air. He captures the king first, breaks into the enemy camp, and kills the king of the Soria city-state in one fell swoop.

Chu Tiange exclaimed in admiration, the battle of the green magic throne is exciting!

The release of biological power is very similar to the magic attack of green plants.

[The Rem War started from Soria and lasted for thirty-five years. Because Carter's military talent is outstanding, the army attacked and won every battle, pushing all the way, attacking cities and strongholds, and was invincible! 】

【In 107,595 BC, the 70-year-old Emperor Carter unified the Lemuria continent, abolished the city-state system, and established the first highly centralized city-state collective of the Lem civilization - the Lem Empire! 】

The capital, Lamit.

Carter ascended the throne and became emperor.

You need to pray in the temple to win the divine power.

Carter successfully met Ah Hu.

"God, your people Carter Lamit express their highest respect to you."

Ah Hu had just finished his retreat, and he failed again. He still had no clue about the eighth level.

But as soon as he came out of retreat, he heard that the development of the Lem people had suddenly jumped from the city-state era to the empire era? !

He was very angry when he learned about the cause and effect.

His original intention was to make the Lem people have a strong self-protection force, rather than targeting the internal tribesmen.

In Carter's 35 years of fighting, the number of Lem people who died was the highest in the history of history.

But, the matter is done.

Is he going to kill Carter?

Apart from the warlike nature, the empire under Carter's rule was stable, harmonious, prosperous, and people's living standards rose sharply.

It was indeed a million times better than the corrupt city-state era.

For the empire and the people, Carter was definitely a good emperor. Even if he fought wars and killed countless people, whoever claimed to be the king would stand on a pile of bones and look down on the world. One general's success was achieved by the death of thousands of people. There was nothing to say.

Speaking of the root cause of corruption in the city-state era, Ah Hu felt extremely depressed for a while. He regretted it very much. If he could do it again, he would never create Rem Yoga again.

"I hope you can treat your people well. If one day you become a tyrant, I will immediately abolish you and establish a new king!"

Carter sweated profusely when he heard this.

"Carter understands that he must devote his life to the development of the Rem people!"

[Carter ascended the throne and worked hard to govern the country. The economy of the Rem Empire prospered, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Soon, the early industrial sprouts based on biological power appeared. 】


"Industrial buds based on biological power?"

Chu Tiange came to the famous University of Biotechnology in the capital of Lamit, the empire.

A plant machine made of special plant fiber is running on its own, continuously transmitting vigorous biological energy.

A group of Rem human wise men were ecstatic.

One wise man boldly speculated and imagined: "If we load the kinetic energy machine onto looms, tree boats and animal-drawn carts... maybe we can get unmanned automatic equipment."

The emergence of the world's first biological source kinetic energy machine marked the birth of the early industrialization buds of Rem civilization.

The direction of its development is different from that of the human race in later generations. The symbol of the industrial buds of the human race in later generations is the steam engine, but the two have the same purpose.

【After Carter's death, there was a chaos among the 18 sons fighting for the throne. Later, the seventh son Nat won the battle and successfully ascended the throne. 】

【Nat was keen on expanding territory, so he expanded the empire to Mesopotamia and Mu, assimilated the local indigenous tribes, and unified the world. 】

【Carter's descendants have inherited for hundreds of generations, always adhering to Carter's ideological principles, fully developing bio-energy industrial technology, and working hard for the progress of Rem human civilization. 】

【One hundred and six thousand six hundred years ago, the Rem civilization had a very high level of bio-energy development, and the bio-energy industrial technology was highly developed, and the empire crisis appeared! 】

Chu Tiange came to the capital of the empire, Lamit.

At this time.

Lamit is not much different from the modern metropolis of later generations.

There are high-rise buildings, parks and shopping malls, entertainment venues, schools and factories, etc.

On the wide road, vehicles that look like cars are driving in an orderly manner. They are called bio-energy vehicles. The engine does not burn gasoline, but consumes bio-energy.

【Due to the advanced biotechnology, prosperous economy and high education level of the era, people were dissatisfied with the centralized sanction management system and yearned for human rights equality, so the civil strife in the empire intensified. 】

【106,580 BC, Butch Lamit, the last emperor of the Rem Empire, was driven out by the Council of Elders, and the empire fell apart in an instant. 】

"Is the human rights equality system going to be established?"

Children who grew up under the dragon naturally hope to see human rights equality.

But unfortunately...

【The 28 elders of the Council of Elders had their own ulterior motives, all wanting to ascend the throne and enjoy supreme power, so the civil strife of the Rem civilization began. 】

【The civil strife lasted for two hundred years, and the technological level of the Rem civilization directly regressed by a hundred years. The major cities of the three continents turned into scorched earth until Ahu broke through the pass and ended the war. 】

Inside the Ramit Temple.

Ah Hu, who had gray hair on his temples, shook his head in disappointment, "Failed again..."

Originally, he had no plans to study the eighth level of Rem Yoga and Yanhuang Body Refining Technique. However, over the past thousand years, the wolf beast brothers have passed away one after another, so Ahu had to seize the time to study the eighth level!

Regardless of the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique or the Rem Yoga Technique, as long as they can study the eighth level, their beast-turned-race can postpone aging and death and continue to live forever.

But unfortunately, he didn't do it.

The lifespan of the seventh-level wolf-human beasts is much shorter than that of the tiger-human beasts. Judging from the thirty-nine wolf brothers who have died so far, the seventh-level peak can probably make the beast-human wolves live about 1,500 years.

And how long can he, Ahu, a beast-turner of the Tiger clan with a seventh-level peak cultivation level, live?

Calculating from the life span of the ordinary wolf clan and tiger clan, the wolf clan is about fifteen years, and the tiger clan is about twenty years. From the life span of the beast-turned wolf clan, it can be estimated that the seventh level can increase the life span by about a hundred times. In other words, his Lifespan is coming to an end, less than a few hundred years.

Ahu looked at the remaining eleven old beast-turned-wolf brothers and said with great guilt: "It's all my fault that my qualifications are mediocre. After spending more than a thousand years, I still haven't been able to derive the eighth-level technique. "

"Brother Tiger, time is also destiny. You and I can be transported to this world and live for another fifteen hundred years. It is already a great gift from God. Why do you have to be too attached to it?"

Ahu smiled bitterly and shook his head. The more open-minded his brothers were, the more guilt he felt.

"Brother Tiger, the outside world is almost in chaos..."

The old wolf lycanthrope reported on the current development of Rem human society in recent years.

"Okay, I understand. You guys should practice well. I'll be back as soon as I go."

After Ahu said this, he turned to leave.

Eleven old wolf beast shifters blocked directly in front of Ahu.

"Brother Hu, as brothers, we should face things together. Let's go together!"

Ahu shook his head and refused: "No, this matter has nothing to do with you. At the beginning, I promised Yoga to protect Lamit and the Lemu race. It was only a personal promise. I can easily handle it by myself without you accompanying me. "

Bang bang bang...

"Brother Tiger, we will live and die together!"

The eleven wolves raised their fists and punched their chests. Their eyes were firm and sharp, and there was no trace of senility.

They seemed to be asking Ah Hu: Lian Po is old, can he still make a living? !

Ahu took a deep breath and glanced at the eleven brothers one by one. He said: "Brothers, external biotechnology has developed very strongly. The biological mushrooms they have developed are very powerful. We are old and weak, and we may not be able to survive the strong attack, but do you dare to accompany me to conquer all directions and conquer the world? "

Eleven old wolf beast transformers shouted loudly: "I am willing to conquer the world with Brother Tiger until death!"

Twelve veteran warriors of the beastly tribe came out of the mountain.

It was originally planned to directly suppress the twenty-eight separatist warlords of the Presbyterian Church as soon as they appeared.

But it turns out that biogenic mushrooms are much more powerful than technological and chemical mushrooms.

In front of the twelve lycanthropes, there was an army of millions of Rem.

A separatist elder sneered: "God? It's just a joke. If we hadn't thought of you for founding Rem Yoga, your Ramit Temple would have been destroyed by us long ago!"

Another elder also laughed sarcastically: "Old fellows, isn't it good to live peacefully for the rest of your life? Do you have to go out and wade in muddy water?"

"You are just a group of mortals with higher cultivation levels. Do you really think you are gods? Haha, that's ridiculous!"

"How old are you old guys if you don't take a pee and take a look at yourselves? Do you want me to bring you some chairs to sit down and have a rest? Hahaha!"

Ahu said with a straight face, "Brothers, there are people in this world who slander me, bully me, insult me, laugh at me, belittle me, belittle me, hate me, and lie to me. How should we deal with them?"

"Kill him!"

Eleven old wolves looked up to the sky and howled.

Ahu laughed heartily: "Hahaha, then kill him!"

Twelve figures charged towards the million-strong army.

Boom boom boom!

Big biological mushrooms were smashed down one after another.

In the end, only Ahu survived.

Fortunately, Ahu successfully destroyed the Presbyterian Church.

[The turmoil of the Lemu race has calmed down, and Ahu selected hundreds of talented elites to form a council. Since then, the two systems of universal election of representatives and the council have been reopened, and Lemu civilization has opened a new chapter! 】

[One hundred and six thousand years ago, Ahu passed away. 】

Before death.

Ahu called his direct disciple.

"Bury me in Lamit, together with Yoga... If one day you meet a human race, a human race that is different from the Rem human race, ask them if they know about the Tianwen Group and the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique... ...If the other party knows and if they are in need, you can help them if you are able...take good care of the Rem human civilization for the teacher...From today on, all my disciples will be called national teachers and enjoy special support and honors. The purpose of existence is only to protect..."

Ahu believed that if in that time and space, Xinyi and others defeated Skynet and achieved final victory, they would definitely send people to find them. As for failure... let's just say failure.

Ahu is dead.

The entire Rem race observed a moment of silence for three days.


Chu Tiange sighed.

After death, it is considered a great achievement to be hung on the wall and admired by everyone.

[Just as the host is sighing, the intelligent races from the four major dungeons of time and space arrive! 】

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