I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 88 Mahjong Three-on-One (1/2)

Fifty years.

It's not long, but it's not short either.

The Mariana Trench, that is, Guixu, is swallowing up the sea water crazily.

In Guixu, there is a sci-fi underwater mechanical fortress.

In the highest floor of the castle.

Xin Yuzhu's eyes flashed with blue light, and she was reading the parameter data in the energy supply station.

Fifty years ago, she discovered and confirmed that there was a naturally formed small space-time wormhole under Guixu, so she used a small part of the God particle in the time machine to expand the wormhole.

Since then, the big wormhole has swallowed up the sea water more crazily than before, causing the sea level to drop by more than six meters in just fifty years. At the same time, it has obtained energy reserves that can supply the normal operation of the destiny server for five hundred years.

"We can't continue to swallow up crazily, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble."

Xin Yuzhu stared at the real-time picture sent by the monitoring aerial robot and muttered to herself.

The monitoring screen shows.

In the Atlantic Ocean.

A continent that has been submerged for who knows how many years is about to emerge. Some hills and mountains on the continent have even emerged, forming islands on the water.

The God Particle in the time machine is extremely magical. It can not only open the space-time wormhole, but also repair the space-time wormhole.

"Let's repair the wormhole to its original state first."

At this moment.

She suddenly received satellite monitoring alarm data outside the atmosphere of Blue Star.

The satellite monitoring screen came, forming a three-dimensional projection in front of her, and the black waves like a flock of crows were pouring down to Blue Star.

Xin Yuzhu frowned. Is it her future self who came to arrest her?

Chu Tiange noticed this scene and was slightly shocked.

Is everything arranged?

He had already vaguely guessed that the Gendaya continent that sank and emerged because Guixu swallowed the sea water to supply energy to the destiny server was the legendary Atlantis or Atlantis!


At the same time.

In the west of Misuo Continent, Crescent Plain.

The word "New Moon" was named by Du Hongjian. It specifically comes from the covered land irrigated by two rivers. The two rivers, the Disi River and the Young Didi River, meet to form a fertile plain in the shape of a crescent moon. The new moon is not the dark moon of the new moon, but rather the shape of a waxing moon.

The human civilization that originally designed the time and space of the Civilization·Beast Blood Boiling copy is now a new moon technology civilization.

Fifty years ago, 32.5 billion people lived crowded in the heart of the new moon, developing industrial technology rapidly and steadily, especially the basic industries related to food were the most prosperous. There was no way, the first rule of civilization survival: ensure food supply first!

If there is no food, how can the race reproduce and survive? Everything can only be stopped.

Therefore, for fifty years, the new moon human civilization has been eating for food, working hard and struggling for food.

After all, there are 32.5 billion people, and most of them are genetic warriors, all of them are "real gluttons".

In addition, family planning, which disappeared for decades in the previous life, was put on the agenda again, and the control of fertility was quite strict. The plan required that newlyweds could only have one child, and each newborn child must be strictly reported and examined. Once the medical examination found an unqualified fetus, it would be aborted immediately.

During this period, the propaganda slogan was "fewer births, better births, and a happy life, otherwise, wait for hunger!"

Fortunately, after fifty years of precise and strict control, the total population not only did not increase, but decreased by more than 2 billion. Most of them were the older generation, and their lifespans had come to an end.

Although a lot of effort was put into eating, other corresponding industrial developments did not fall behind, especially in the field of aerospace technology, which developed very fast. There were already dozens or hundreds of rockets in the sky, and at the same time, spacecraft were also being prepared for manufacturing.

About thirty years ago, the Crescent Moon humans launched the first rocket into the sky, and soon, satellite images came.

They were surprised to find that the world they were in was actually the Blue Star!

Prehistoric Blue Star!

For three reasons, people did not find that the world they were in was the Blue Star before, although they had some doubts in their hearts.

First, the geographical location of Kyushu and Siyang is wrong.

There are only three continents and one sunken continent in the whole world, but the weird thing is that some mountains and rivers can correspond to the landmarks of Blue Star, such as the five great lakes of Mu Continent, the Huangjiang River in the east of Miso Continent, and the Crescent Plain and the Two Rivers Basin where they are located, which are roughly similar to the distribution of some mountains and rivers on Blue Star.

But Mu Continent and Miso Continent are located in the south, close to the Antarctic Circle. Secondly, most of the geographical locations and mountain distributions cannot find the corresponding geographical features of Blue Star.

Therefore, they have always been suspicious, but dare not confirm.

The second point is that there is no moon.

That's right, Blue Star has no moon to protect it. At night, when you look up, the sky is full of stars, but there is no moon.

Therefore, they have always believed that this time and space should not have much connection with Blue Star.

The third point is that there is a hot tide layer in the atmosphere.

The term "four seasons like spring" can accurately represent the ambient temperature and natural climate of this world.

No matter where you are, it is spring all year round, hovering around 26 degrees all year round.

The hottest time in summer is no higher than 30 degrees.

The coldest time in winter is no lower than 20 degrees.

The reason is that there is a hot tide layer in the atmosphere, which has good heat preservation and moisture retention capabilities and blocks most of the radiation of ultraviolet rays from the sun.

The atmosphere is divided into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere (warm layer or thermosphere), and outer layer (exosphere)

The atmosphere between 85 kilometers and 800 kilometers is called the ionosphere, also called the thermosphere and the warm layer. However, this was not the case in the prehistoric time and space of 100,000 years. It should be more appropriately called the thermal layer.

There are a large number of hydroxide ions in this layer, coupled with the highly dense ionization state, coupling and collision from time to time will form a large number of water molecules. However, due to the geomagnetism of the Blue Star and the ultraviolet rays of the sun, the water molecules are electrolyzed to form hydroxide again in a very short period of time. Ions... In this way, the cycle repeats, and the thermal layer appears.

However, the ionized layer of the blue star's atmosphere in later generations was only hot but not humid, and contained only a large amount of atomic oxygen. Beautiful auroras formed by the convergence of charged particles can often be seen in the polar regions.

To put it bluntly, where is the water? Where did the water go?


The core layer of humanity is exploring some strange natural phenomena on Blue Star.

"That's outrageous. Where's the moon?"

"In fact, according to some ancient cave paintings discovered by archaeologists in previous lives, the moon suddenly appeared in the sky about 10,000 years ago. However, before that, there was no record of the moon in the even older cave paintings. ”

"Perhaps one day in tens of thousands of years, an unknown asteroid will be captured by the gravity of the blue star."

"Do you think the moon is a monitor placed by some alien civilization in the orbit of the Blue Star? After all, it has only one side aimed at the Blue Star. Furthermore, according to our lunar probe survey, the composition of the lunar crust is It is an iron-nickel alloy with a purity of more than 90%, and is proven to be hollow inside, storing a large amount of water... From the tidal changes on the Blue Star's surface, it can be inferred that the large amount of water inside the moon will produce reciprocating cyclic motions, and Movement is bound to generate potential kinetic energy, that is, energy supply, so no matter how you look at it, the moon is like a delicate celestial monitor.”

There was a heated discussion about the threat theory of alien civilization.

Suddenly, Director Shen Jiangshen, who is in charge of the New Moon Human Monitoring Center, reported an emergency situation.

"Dear leaders, approximately 80,000 spaceships and warships have appeared outside the atmosphere and are descending on the ground."


The entire caucus was in uproar.

Chu Tiange turned around and came to the leading carrier of the First Atlantis Army.

This large mothership is different from the spaceships of the Three Dial Civilization, the Human Civilization, the Galactic Mechanical Empire, and the Designer Civilization.

Big, surprisingly big!

It presents a three-layered concentric structure shape. The first layer has a diameter of 80 kilometers and an inner diameter of 60 kilometers. The second layer has an outer diameter of 40 kilometers and an inner diameter of 20 kilometers. In the central part, the center of the circle with a diameter of about 2.5 kilometers controls the overall control. district.

Between the three concentric rings are staircase corridors at 45 and 60 degrees, and glass-like corridors at 120 degrees downward.

Every 100 meters there is a crystal-shaped hexahedral 100-meter-tall pillar that is hugged by five people. The crystal pillar emits a soft white light, continuously absorbing the light energy of the star and supplying energy for the normal operation of the entire mothership.

Rather than talking about a space carrier, it is better to call it a city ship. Inside the city ship, there are schools, temples, shopping malls, clubs, arenas, etc.

Atlas, the first crown prince of the Atlantis Empire, lives in the central temple of the mothership.

He is two meters tall, with a slender build, golden skin, and a head full of fashionable long curly blond hair. He is wearing a black gold armor and has a golden spear in his hand that symbolizes power.

"Your Highness Atlas, the civilization level of this planet is less than level one. It only takes a vanguard fleet to destroy them, so why bother coming with a large army."

A group army general asked in surprise.

Atlas's eyes were like those of a hawk, and he glanced at his subordinates and said indifferently: "Idensol, you are wrong. You are absolutely wrong. In the battles and killings between civilizations, you must not underestimate any enemy!"

"Since the beginning of the Imperial Crown Prince Succession War, I have conquered more than 400 civilizations. I will go all out in every battle and never give the other side a chance to breathe."

"Do you know why I am so cautious?"

"I don't know."

The general bowed his waist and stood with his hands down.

Atlas said expressionlessly: "Because of fear! Because of fear!"

"I'm afraid of losing!"

"There is only one imperial throne, and I must not lose. Once I lose, no matter who of my nine brothers and sisters succeeds to the throne, we will all be expelled from the star field of the Orion constellation."

Atlas said in a faint voice: "My father, Poseidon, is leading the imperial expeditionary force all the way to the west. I wonder if they can return within ten thousand stars. The empire cannot be leaderless. The first crown prince must always belong to me!"

"Therefore, I can't make any mistakes, not even a little bit!"

All the ministers and ministers in the temple knelt on one knee.

"I am willing to conquer all directions with His Highness and unify the galaxy!"


The First Army, composed of twelve million Atlantis Empire warriors, lands on Blue Star.

Anchored on the continent of Gendaya.

At this time, the average distance between the mainland of Gendaya and the horizontal plane is about one to two meters, the deep depressions are seven or eight meters underwater, and the hilly and mountainous parts are all on the horizontal plane, forming small islands.

When 80,000 warships arrived, a huge water city just formed, and the glass-shaped corridor diagonally 120 degrees downward instantly turned into an underwater corridor.

Atlas stood at the door of the temple, and after taking his first breath of fresh air from Blue Star, he said: "Let's call this sunken continent Daxizhou!"

At this time, three-party fighter planes and ships from the Rem tribe, the Crescent tribe, and the Huangjiang tribe arrived.

"All soldiers, prepare to fight!"

Atlas raised his golden spear.

900,000 combat units were dispatched immediately.

Each combat unit was equipped with a commander and twelve soldiers, as well as a flying chariot and twelve flying aircraft!

The total number of soldiers was 11.7 million, but only 300,000 were responsible for logistics supply.

Chu Tiange stood in midair, overlooking the four camps.

A mahjong table was put together.

If nothing unexpected happened, they would face a three-on-one situation.

Du Hongjian led the New Moon Warriors Army to come, and as for the Huangjiang human race, they were just a bystander, and they were already declining, and their fire was weak, so they symbolically sent a team of 3,000 people.

The representative of the Rem people was the leader of the temple, Vika Lamit, who belonged to the blood of the Lamit Imperial Clan and controlled the strongest power of the Rem people.

Vika talked to Atlas: "Why are you here, sir?"

Atlas ordered his subordinates to turn on the Galaxy Language Translator, so that communication could be facilitated.

"Conquer, fight, and fight!"

Three conquests equal one kill!

Vika's face darkened, and he suppressed his anger: "Why?"

"To fight for something that originally belonged to me. Of course, it is meaningless to you, and there is no reason. You can understand that we kill for the sake of killing! Fight for the sake of fighting!"

Vika's expression was completely unbearable.

"If you want to fight, then fight. What do we, the Rem people, have to fear!"

Vika looked at Du Hongjian: "What do you think, sir?"

Du Hongjian smiled: "I have borrowed your territory and resources for fifty years, and now I am helping you. It is reasonable and reasonable!"

Vika laughed: "Thank you, sir. I, Vika, guarantee with the name of the temple and give you a promise. No matter what the result of today's battle is, your human race will no longer collect rent. The Rem people are willing to rule this world with you, the alien people!"

After that.

Vika gave an order.

"Rem warriors, listen to my order, kill!"

Du Hongjian stood in the void with his hands behind his back and uttered a word lightly.


Countless Rem warriors and gene warriors went to war with Atlas's First Army.

The Huangjiang team fought ambushes and guerrilla warfare. Damn, a team of a few thousand people is basically cannon fodder in a frontal war of tens of millions of people. Therefore, we just need to fight guerrilla warfare secretly!

The fighting style of the Huangjiang team made Chu Tiange think that the roots of the ancestors' fighting style were found.

[The arrival of Atlas and the First Army of Atlantis brought war disasters to the prehistoric Blue Star. The first war between the two sides lasted for three days, with no winner and loss. ]

[In Atlas's concept, there is only winning and losing, no draw, so Atlas established a temporary empire in Atlantis, named Atlantis, and regarded himself as the king of Atlantis, vowing to destroy the Rem human civilization and the Crescent human civilization! ]

Sure enough, Atlantis and Atlantis appeared.

Chu Tiange felt that the space-time paradox in the parallel world was full of loopholes, or in other words, the parallel space-time was an organic component of the space-time paradox. Once formed, there was a causal relationship. As for whether it was a cycle or not, it depended on the arrangement of fate.

Everything was arranged, everything was the best arrangement...

At this moment.

Atlas was furious in the temple.

Atlas, who had always been good at cultivating his qi, was very annoyed.

The subordinates were silent and dared not speak. The last time they saw His Highness angry was in a fight with His Highness the Second Crown Prince three hundred years ago.

Atlas was strong all his life and would never allow failure.

Among the civilizations he conquered, he conquered more than a dozen second-level advanced civilizations, but he actually lost to a civilization planet that was less than one level? It was simply outrageous!


"How can this small civilization, which is not even at the first level, resist the First Army of our Empire!"

"Moreover, their individual combat power is simply unreasonable...too unreasonable!"

"How can the human race have such strong individual combat power?!"

The intelligence officer reported.

"Your Highness, the intelligence has been obtained."

"This world...is not right!"


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