I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 93 Genetic Potential, Earth Core Lizards and Undersea Mermaids (1/2)

During the five thousand years of struggle between humans and half-humans.

Four civilizations have grown stronger.

The first one is the lgigi Martian human civilization.

[Utilizing the secondary civilization technology package given by the Anunnaki, the LGigi Mars civilization developed a relatively complete Martian civilization. They always monitor everything on the Blue Star and record it in detail. They abide by their duties and faithfully complete the tasks assigned by their masters. Work tasks, until one day, a group of people arrived, breaking the tranquility. 】

Outside the solar system, a fleet of twenty-one battleships shuttles through the top of the solar cover, crossing the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt...

Chu Tiange took a step forward and came to the main ship.

This alien intelligent race was relatively unfamiliar to him and he had never seen it before, but he could probably guess who they were and even where they came from.

The Sirian race from the constellation Sirius, Canis Major.

The Sandial people once said that the DNA of Blue Star humans and Sirians are basically the same, and their origin should be the Siren race that Enki plundered to the Blue Star mainland and modified part of their genes, that is, the Gendaya race. Among the Maya people, According to records, the Gendaya human race is the first human race on Blue Star.

In fact, the appearance of the Sirians is completely different from that of the Blue Star humans.

The Sirius is about 1.2 meters tall, covered with blue-green skin, with pointed ears and two long tiger teeth. It looks very much like a green-skinned vampire, or the legendary elven race in Western magic stories.

Taking a quick look, I felt like I was seeing a small version of Avatar.

The only surprising thing is that there is a third eye like emerald between their eyebrows.

"Canis Major...three eyes..."

There is a dog with three eyes, Erlang God Yang Jian is civilized!

Chu Tiange connects lively thinking and bold imagination.

"The distress signal from my grandpa Taizu and the others disappeared in this small galaxy group. You all should keep your eyes open. If you find any abnormal information, report it immediately."

Leader Yi just finished speaking.

A crew member reported: "Leader Yi, we discovered traces of technological civilization on a red rocky planet."

"Pay attention to concealment and dive to the planet to find out information."

at the same time.

As a slave of the Anunnaki race, the lgigi race was given a second-level civilization technology package by Anu. Therefore, its technological core is the same as that of the Nibiru civilization, focusing on genetic technology.

Scientists from the Martian human race LGigi made a surprising discovery.

An LGigi scientist said: "The genes of the Blue Star Rem tribe and the Yanhuang tribe are very weird. Two sets of DNA sets with completely different degrees of unblocking were formed at the same time."

"The Lemu race has about 7% of ordered genes, while the Yanhuang race only has about 2%. Why are the two races that appeared at the same time so different in their genetic maps?"

"And have you discovered that there is an extremely unreasonable thing? Unblocking 2% of the Yanhuang people is several times stronger than unblocking 7% of the Rem people."

"According to the analysis of the genetic technology data given by Lord Anu, the levels of gene unblocking are different, and the types of abilities and levels of power are different. It is obviously illogical for the Yanhuang humans."

Another scientist thought for a while and responded: "Have you considered the existence of the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and the Rem Yoga Technique? The Yanhuang people rely on this body refining technique to gradually strengthen their strength."

The young scientist nodded: "The most bizarre thing is that the existence of two major body refining techniques, as if tailor-made for these two races, can continuously restart the sealed genes... According to the results displayed by the telemetry gene detector , the genetic sequence of the leader of the Yanhuang tribe, Du Hongjian, has been developed to 9%! And the power he possesses is infinitely close to the maximum power that the Blue Star Celestial Body can carry. It is simply too terrifying. If it continues to grow, it is estimated... Du Hongjian's full blow can blow up the entire Blue Star."

The old scientist continued: "More than that, it was found during monitoring that the descendants of the Yanhuang and Lemu tribes all have about 5% of ordered genes. Although their individual combat capabilities are not as abnormal as Du Hongjian's, they are not as abnormal. The genetic sequence has been reasonably unlocked to 5%, which has extremely high potential to break the current level of life. "

"Therefore, the degree of unblocking of the genetic sequence cannot be 100% regarded as a manifestation of power. It can only be said to be a kind of potential. Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and Rem Yoga Technique are both human exercises for developing genetic potential."

Scientists asked curiously before: "By the way, what proportion of the genetic sequence of our Martian race is there?"



"Our upper limit is very low and there is no lower limit. When Anu Shangzun created our race, the gene fragments implanted were limited, only 1% of the effective fragments."

"Can we practice Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and Rem Yoga Technique?"

"We have tried countless times, but all have failed. Otherwise, how could I say tailor-made design?"

Chu Tiange frowned and asked the system: "What impact does the ordered probability ratio of genes have on the human body? In other words, what is the essence of gene locks?"

[The host must have guessed that, yes, the essence of gene locks is the chaotic factors hidden in disordered genes. 】

[If you want to make chaotic factors orderly, you must constantly break through the shackles of genes and forcibly sort out the genetic sequences. 】

[Billions of intelligent races are the founders of various civilizations in the universe. If there were no intelligent creatures in the universe, there would be no civilization. That is, intelligent creatures are all entropy-reducing species and do not conform to the overall flow of the universe. 】


A kind of thermodynamic physical quantity, that is, the ratio of heat to temperature.

In astrophysics, it is often used to describe the degree of chaos of things and characterize the uncertain state of the system.

[Continuous entropy reduction will smooth out chaotic factors and transform into orderly laws, thus having higher potential and infinite possibilities. 】

[Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and Rem Yoga Technique are not so much cultivation of source skills, but rather a forced generator for sorting out chaotic factors, or an oxidation catalyst for entropy reduction. 】

Chu Tiange nodded.

The essence of human development is the orderliness of entropy reduction.

The essence of human beings becoming stronger is the infinite expansion of potential.

The essence of Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and Rem Yoga Technique is to tap into the potential of genetic order.

Therefore, in terms of potential, the Rem tribe is superior to the Yanhuang tribe.

But it happened that the Yanhuang tribe could suppress the Rem tribe.

This is probably related to the different levels of physical refining techniques.

As for LGigi, he has a big head and a small body. You can tell at a glance that he relies on his brain to make a living, and his development limit is limited. The second-level peak civilization is the highest limit. It is impossible to break through to the third-level civilization without unblocking the ordered genes. However, as a slave of the Anunnaki, LGigi's upper limit was locked from the beginning. Therefore, no matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape their fate.

So deduced.

Chu Tiange looked at the three-eyed Sirius people. Their genetic potential should be higher.

This is intuitively reflected in the innate abilities one has from birth, such as the supernatural attribute of the three eyes.

Sirians are born with three super-powerful eyes. Individual differences are different and they have different superpowers. Assuming there are 10% ordered genes.

Later human races, such as the Rem race, closed some DNA in DNA inheritance, leaving only 7%. The appearance is reflected in the fact that although the three eyes have disappeared, they can still use perceptual power and tap into the potential of Rem yoga. Next, the perceptual power continues to increase.

The Yanhuang people have 2%. Not to mention the supernatural power of the three eyes, even the perceptual power in the pineal body has basically disappeared, leaving only a little bit of the mysterious ability of the sixth sense.

Scientific tests have shown that the pineal gland has a retina-like photoreceptive ability, can recognize different colors in nature, and has strange sensory awareness. For the simplest example, if you secretly look at a beautiful woman, the beautiful woman will feel telepathic. Soon It will give you a responding look. This is the wonderful induction of the pineal gland.

After communicating with the Yanhuang people, the genes of the offspring were once again blocked.

Therefore, the new fused human race, which can be called the golden age human race of Blue Star's native human race, has 5% ordered genes and 95% useless genes. The human race in the Golden Age generally had long lifespans and had high martial arts potential.


Chu Tiange thought of a possibility.

"If the genetic sequence is 100% converted into ordered genes, the entropy is reduced to zero, and the chaotic factors are completely eliminated, what will humans become?"

【have no idea. 】

As soon as he finished asking, he expected that the system would answer "I don't know." "It doesn't matter if you don't know. I'll answer it for you. He should become a god, a god that is beyond the body and spirit, because there is no zero entropy in nature. If there is one... In the parlance of a fairy tale, it can be said to be a supreme practitioner who has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements!"

The system didn't respond, but it didn't refute either. It seemed to acquiesce to Chu Tiange's statement.

In other words, the ninth level of genes is not only not the limit, but it is just starting. Du Hongjian has only opened 9% of the ordered gene sequence at the ninth level. Subsequently, 91% of the genes are waiting to be sealed... Once fully opened, it is difficult to imagine. How powerful can a person be? Maybe he can make all things come to life with one thought, and all things perish with one thought.

But the words seal and unblock make people a little creepy. Who sealed it?

Able to place genetic locks and seals on hundreds of millions of intelligent races... Hiss, if there is such a creation god, it should not belong to a human-shaped intelligent race, it should belong to an absolute rule and order, the source of the universe, and even say , it has the majestic power that can only be possessed by the eleven-dimensional creatures in the Euonymus Corollary.

[While the host was thinking wildly, the Martian race and the Sirius race faced off. 】

The Sirius human race’s second-level elementary civilization.

The Martian human race LGigi started out as a Level 2 civilization, but its development has been relatively slow. It is still in the Level 2 elementary civilization stage, but its research in the field of genetic technology has already reached the Level 2 advanced level.

The leader of the Sirius fleet, Yi, really didn't expect that Martian civilization had a second-level level. They were discovered not long after they dived to the surface of Mars.

Yi said: "Your Excellency, we have no ill intentions in coming here. We just want to look for traces of our people."

The leader of the lgigi group snorted coldly: "There is no malice? Why didn't you inform us in advance? Instead, you secretly lurked to our Mars without saying a word."

Yi knew he was in the wrong, so he apologized first and said, "I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. We came here specifically to look for the clan members. We really have no ill intentions towards you."

Both major civilizations are second-level elementary and have equal rights to dialogue.

The lgigi leader asked: "In that case, you should leave as soon as possible. There are no people of your tribe here."

Yi patiently explained: "But the signal from our people did disappear within the coordinates of this galaxy."

The leader of LGigi's dark eyes flashed with a faint light: "Oh? The last set of signals received indicated that it disappeared in this galaxy?"

"Yes, sir, please make it easier for you."

"What civilization do you come from?"

"Canis Major, Sirius civilization."

The leader of lgigi looked as if it was just what he expected.

"Kill them!"

"Leave no one alive!"

Yi and other Sirius people were stunned. Why did they start a war over a disagreement?

But Yi and others were not stupid and reacted immediately.

"You killed our people?"

Yi was furious. No wonder the coordinates of Grandpa Taizu disappeared. It turned out that he had been killed.

"Get the fleet ready. Follow me to fight back and avenge our ancestors!"

The Martian civilization and the Sirius civilization started from this war and continued to fight for 100,000 years in the future, with no end in between.

[The Martian people and the Sirius civilization fought for a hundred years, and Sirius people kept coming from Sirius to support them. In the end, the two civilizations fought selflessly. One side fought for revenge for the people, and the other side fought to protect loyalty. In the end, the battle affected the entire Mars, and Mars became a battlefield of smoke between the two civilizations. 】

【100,040 years ago, the tug-of-war between the Martians and the Sirius began. This period was a white-hot stage, because both sides suffered heavy losses and were really angry. They no longer fought simply to protect their masters and avenge their tribesmen, but wanted to annihilate each other. 】

Okay, they are angry and they are going to get serious.

Sometimes, a war between civilizations is like a fight between two people. The more they fight, the more angry they get. In the end, they can't stop it and have to fight to the death.

[100,350 years ago, the battle line between the Sirians and the Martians stretched to Canis Major and Centaurus. In order to fight the Sirians, most of the Martians moved to the Centaurus Tridial System, and only a very small number of Martians continued to wait on Mars. At this time, Mars had been damaged beyond recognition due to the war, and the remaining Martians had no intention of developing technology. They only hoped to successfully complete the surveillance mission assigned by Anu and wait for the Nibiru Anunnaki fleet to come again. ]

"That lgigi that went to Centaurus will develop the later Tridial civilization, right?"

[It is beyond the scope of this deduction and cannot be predicted. ]

Chu Tiange raised his eyelids slightly, something was wrong.

The system did not respond positively, one aspect was because it was beyond the scope of the deduction time and space, and the other was that in the alien copy, the Tridial civilization once said: The Sirians belong to the newly promoted second-level civilization force, while their Tridial civilization belongs to the old second-level civilization.

But according to the situation just now, the Sirius people became a second-level civilization force many, many years earlier than the Martian Tridial people.

There must be some changes in the middle.

"Continue to deduce."

[In addition to the development and situation of the Martian human race lgigi, the earth's core lizardman civilization and the seabed fishman civilization have developed a relatively high level of intelligent civilization. ]

The center of the earth, the lizardman civilization.

Chu Tiange came to the center of the earth.


There is a different world.

The entire center of the earth is empty.

There is a huge artificial sun hanging above the head, which serves as lighting and heating. Its exposure and heating temperature can be controlled by itself.

"The center of the earth civilization, the lizardman..."

The center of the earth, that is, the core of the blue star under the ground, can also be called the blue heart.

[As the three main forces of gold mining, the lizardmen have high intelligence and are unwilling to be slaves of the Fayum tribe such as Monra. However, because they belong to the mortal half-human race, their supernatural powers are weak and they dare not resist. Therefore, 4,500 years ago, they opened up the inner world of the earth and secretly developed the inner world civilization for the reproduction of the race. ]

These lizardmen are about two meters tall, with vertical pupils, flat noses and wide mouths. They are humanoid creatures. They are covered with blue-gray scales all over their bodies. The coccyx drags a long tail. They have a pair of sharp claws that can split stones and are very useful for mining. They also have thicker thorny skin armor. When modifying the genes, Enki and Ningma specially gave the lizardmen the genetic attributes of high temperature resistance, low oxygen resistance, and high stress resistance.

Thick skin, excellent endurance, and sharp claws make the lizardmen the absolute overlords of the inner world of the earth.

"Except for aerospace technology, the science and technology fields in all aspects are not inferior to humans."

[Lizardmen are very diligent, smart, studious, and know how to be patient. The lizardmen only need to hand in gold on time every year to have a lot of time to develop scientific and technological civilization. At present, the lizardmen civilization has fully broken through the first-level civilization except for aerospace technology. ]

Lizardmen have the potential to be heroes. They are diligent, smart, studious, and patient.

Build high walls, store up food, and slowly become kings.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes and thought of the future. Some conspiracy theories say that behind the world, lizardmen control everything... Now it seems that it may not be impossible. As long as the blue planet is not destroyed, the lizardmen can survive for a long time, hiding in the inner world, and developing in a cowardly way. They will be safer than any civilization on the blue planet.

[At the same time, on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the fishmen who dig gold on the bottom of the sea established the fishmen empire. The fishmen civilization did not embark on the path of scientific and technological development. Because of their talents, they have some special abilities, so they are the kings of the seabed and rule over billions of aquatic creatures. 】

Merpent tribe.


Chu Tiange came to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.


Mosaic body protection!!!

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, there is a merman empire.

Ancient books record:

Outside the South China Sea, there are mermaids, who live in water like fish, but do not give up weaving. When they cry, pearls will come out of their eyes.

Mermaids are found in the East China Sea. The big ones are five or six feet long and look like humans. Their eyebrows, eyes, mouth, nose, hands, claws, and head are all those of beautiful women. Their skin is white like jade, without scales, but with fine hair of five colors, light and soft, one or two inches long, and their hair is like a horsetail, five or six feet long, and they are Y-shaped, just like men and women. They are mostly obtained by widows near the sea and raised in ponds. When they have sex, they are no different from humans, and they don't hurt people.

In fact, it is true.

In front of Chu Tiange.

Male and female mermaids are like elves. Both men and women are beautiful. Yes, male mermaids can also be described as beautiful. It must be said that the fish people are blessed with beauty.

At this moment.

Two mermaids are playing.

A blue-haired mermaid opened her mouth and spit out water arrows.

Another blonde mermaid stretched out her hand to draw a circle, and the water formed a vortex shield, trapping the water arrows firmly and making them unable to move.

The blue-haired mermaid said in surprise: "Sister, your strength is getting stronger and stronger!"

"As a merman warrior of the Merman Empire, I must not slack off for a moment. In the future, I will use my strength to protect the entire empire, my father, my mother, and you, a little one."

The blond merman looked to the west and sighed: "They are too strong. We have been enslaved for thousands of years. My life has only been fighting for one thing, defeating Atlas and liberating the entire Merman Empire!"

The blond mermaid princess swore a declaration and made a great wish. Her green eyes flashed with ambition.


Is there a dispute between the Merman Empire and the Atlantis Empire?

[Four thousand five hundred years ago, the Merman Empire was established. The Merman Empire followed the instructions of Enkiningma and Monra and went to the bottom of the sea to pan for gold. When they panned in the waters ruled by the mothership of the Atlas underwater city, they were arrested and hunted by Atlas, and began a rule of more than four thousand years. 】

"What does Atlas want a group of mermen for?"

[To solve some needs. 】


【At the same time, for reproduction. 】

“Is there no reproductive isolation?”

The scene changed.

He came to a deep sea area, where there was a group of humanoid monsters covered with dark green fish scales, surrounding the outer periphery of the Atlas City mothership.

Those humanoid monsters were covered with green scales, their limbs were clearly differentiated, but there were webbed tissues between their fingers, and they had layered oblique gills on their necks, which opened and closed, swallowing and exhaling oxygen in the water. In addition, they all had hideous faces, with a protruding thick lip on their flat fish faces, and their dead fish eyes were extremely spaced and turned outwards. Their faces were also covered with dark green scales, and some mucus would be secreted from time to time between the scales.

“Deep Diver??”

Is this thing the hybrid offspring of the Atlantean human race and the fish-man race?

【100,180 years ago, the army of the Fish-Man Empire, led by the new queen Sophia, launched an attack on the Atlas City mothership. 】

The fishmen are good at "magic", but they are ultimately defeated by Atlas's second-level advanced civilization technology weapons.

The war lasted for sixty years. The fishmen's resistance campaign failed, and the empire's queen Sophia was arrested and became the queen of Atlas.

Chu Tiange: "..."

Sophia is indeed very beautiful, but doesn't Atlas dislike the fishy smell?

Forget it, everyone has their own preferences.

[100,000 years ago, the photon striker was upgraded and the energy was completed. At the same time, the photon information transmission device built by Atlas was completed. 】

Photon information transmission device...

Chu Tiange came to the bottom of the water magnetic field. There were three huge underwater golden towers located above a small natural space-time wormhole. The arrangement of the golden towers corresponded to the three stars of Orion.


The golden tower actually came from the Atlantis civilization?

Later archaeological excavations found that there were indeed underwater golden towers in the Bai, Mu, and Da waters at 30 degrees north latitude.


Shouldn't the golden tower be a specialty of the Mud Snail Empire?

If the photon information transmission device of Atlantis civilization is the Golden Tower.

Then, why did the Mud Snail Empire, as the race that created Nibiru, use the Golden Tower as the tomb of the pharaoh, and the corresponding location is also the three stars of Orion. Did the Mud Snail Empire rebel?

[Just when the host was confused, the Anunnaki gold digging team came again. ]


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