I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 109 The positioning of human beings to themselves, when the Blue Star unification is in prog

When Wu Yan was thinking with a broken face, his shoulder was tapped, which woke him up.

"Wu Yan, in fact, you don't need to think so much."

Although his roommate was also full of bitterness, his mood was still normal.

"Do you think the world watcher is despising us humans? No, he's not, he's simply stating a fact.

Another roommate said.

"Yeah. Saying that he despises human beings may be our self-righteous thoughts. I think the world observer is more like simply saying the law of the dark forest, and then evaluating human beings normally."


Wu Yan came back to his senses and smiled bitterly.

It seems that he really thinks too much.

How could a mysterious existence like the World Observer do such a low-level thing as contempt for human beings. After all, normal people don't despise ants, isn't that self-indulgent?

However, these words are enough to make human beings clear about their own positioning.

"Oh, that's right.

Wu Yan nodded, sighed, and opened the comment area again.

At this point, the comment section has become a mess.

"....the universe's '14 Laws of the Dark Forest', is this the reason why alien civilizations attacked us? Because we foolishly exposed ourselves. Fuck, goddamn Stars!

"Human, arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful, and pathetic. What a correct assessment."

"Just like humans don't get angry because the ants he keeps are eaten by the woodpeckers he keeps. In the eyes of world observers, we are probably ants, not even guinea pigs, and alien civilization is the world Another more powerful ant raised by the observers. We are eaten, and it doesn't matter to the world observers. Thankfully, we still feel that we are precious experiments, guinea pigs. I feel that we have been destroyed, world observers Will avenge us human beings. Even trying to adjust my position is really funny.""

"Upstairs, stop talking, I'm autistic.

"Alas, there are alien civilizations out there, and there are world observers who treat us as ants. Where should we humans go?"

"What else can we do? It's better to rely on yourself. Since the world observers have a stocking attitude towards both sides, whoever is destroyed will not care. Then we have to work hard to become strong enough to resist alien civilizations. !"5

"Actually, when it comes to this, I am a little grateful to the World Observer. Although the World Observer has adopted a stocking attitude towards us, it is only occasionally interested, so I will cultivate it a little, even if our group of ants is killed by another ant. I don't care, but he always gave us the possibility to resist.

Genetic medicines, veterinary medicines, active cells of alien mother worms, and various developments in parallel worlds. If there is no world observer, we humans have only one result in the face of alien civilization, and that is complete extinction, and there is no second possibility.

And now, the World Watcher has given us the possibility to rebel. Although he never does much, just give us a possibility of development. Even the possibility of this development was made possible by the demise of a large number of parallel worlds of the Blue Star humans, but at least we have hope, don't we?35

"Yes, although the World Observer did not take us humans seriously, and even wiped out the entire human race because of a temporary idea, he really brought hope to countless humans in parallel worlds. There is no World Observer, Human beings in countless parallel worlds have only one outcome. After all, alien civilizations are really much stronger than us. Not to mention, there may be stronger alien civilizations staring at us.

"The universe's "law of the dark forest", the world observers put forward this point with great emphasis, and it is also to alert human beings. If you want to survive in the universe, you must rely on yourself.

"Gods in high places don't care about the beliefs of human beings. Because for them, human beings are dispensable. When the interest comes, give some blessings, or destroy them."

"Humanity has to reposition itself.

"Well, thank the World Watchers for their great vigilance. We are still the World Watchers' big licking dog! 35

"Lick dog +1, loyal dog +2.

"Lick dog +2, loyal dog +3. Ant +**.

Looking at the comments, Wu Yan and others were a bit dumbfounded, but they were really in a much better mood. This group of people, the analysis is really reasonable.

Although it is true that world watchers do not take humans seriously, the status is no different from that of ants. A lot of things may be done out of interest. But there is no doubt that it has really brought hope to human beings in countless parallel worlds. Although the cost is high, there is still hope, which cannot be denied.

"Enough of you guys. Well, I'm actually a dog licker too.

Immediately, Wu Yan also made a comment with a complicated smile.

The elders of the star country, the queen of the lion country, the king of the red sun country, the elder of the tall dog country, the elder of the bear country, the elder of the water goose country and other high-level leaders from all over the world are also solemn. They think a lot more than ordinary people.

Xuanguo, Zijin Pavilion.


Elder Xuan Guo tapped on the table, and after watching the movie, video, and many comments, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Humans should be less delusional about something." Immediately, the first elder said complicatedly. "Otherwise, if you anger the world watchers, the human race will really be finished. 35

Humans don't get offended by ants crawling around their feet. But if you climb up the body, it's different.

"Also, alien civilizations.

Xuanguo Great Elder looked solemn.

Before, he wanted to hide the controllable nuclear fusion technology, but now, it is different.

There are alien civilizations peeping, and human beings can only rely on themselves. If you continue to fight 733 in the nest, you are really courting death.

"Blue Star, it's time to unify."

The elder Xuanguo took a deep breath and made a certain decision.

Every country is giving out research funding to study the same projects. This is undoubtedly a great waste of talents and resources.

Without the peeping of alien civilizations, human beings will continue to do so for hundreds of years.

Unification is a must. Technology must be raised to new heights before alien civilizations attack this world.

The meteorite problem must be solved first, and the follow-up war with alien civilizations.

Everything is for survival.

Immediately, Elder Xuanguo directly asked his assistant to call Elder Xingguo.

At the same time, on Lu Jie's side, he drank the black tea that Hubby made, and looked at the comments on the Observer website with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Skynet also timely reported the movements of the high-level human beings such as the elders of Xuanguo.

"This time it really scared them. However, there is no way, this is also the best way to achieve the goal. Let the Blue Star truly unify without bloodshed, no longer have the boundaries between countries, only the Blue Star civilization. 99

Lu Jie smiled lightly.

Well, this time, with such a big change, you should get a lot of deduction points.

Thinking of this, Lu Jie took a sip of hot black tea again.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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