I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 112 Live broadcasts all over the world, shocking pictures! (4/4 for subscription!)

"Notify the world and broadcast the video. At this time, all mankind has the right to know."

Elder Xuan continued to speak.

"That's not good.""

Elder Lion frowned.

"If it is told to all human beings, it will cause huge panic.

Elder Water Goose sighed.

He could imagine the despair on the human face.

"It's all here, it's useless to hide and tuck. Instead of hiding and blocking news, it's better to take the initiative to inform all human beings that a new crisis has appeared, but there is still hope to stimulate their desire to survive. Like The former world watchers put pressure on humans in parallel worlds to push their limits. This time we have to push ourselves to push our limits."

Elder Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Under the domination of the desire to survive, human beings will burst out their amazing potential, so that there is hope of escape.""

These words made all the high-level human beings present - silent.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

Immediately, they sighed and raised their hands.

"Times have changed."

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie was amazed.

The high-level human beings today are far more enlightened than before. Not everything is hidden to death.

Sometimes, it has to be announced to the public to force all mankind.

Of course, after being forced, it is hard to say whether it is madness or destruction.

"System, speed up the timeline.

Lu Jie pondered for a while, and said.

[After the high-level human beings of the Blue Star Civilization decided to announce the matter to the public, they began to prepare. Three hours later, all the video websites around the world were switched to the World Conference Room, and all human beings were stunned by the sudden screen change. 】

The system explained, and then quickly stopped.

Afterwards, Lu Jie teleported to Yuanxuan Country, now on the street of Shuidu in Xuanzheng District, and saw people on the side of the road stunned and exclaimed. They looked at the screens hanging from the buildings or the scenes from the virtual reality TV stations on the roadside.

A large number of barrages began to cross.

First, there is a series of question marks, and many people are surprised by the current situation.

"What's the situation? Suddenly switch the page and broadcast the world conference room.

"Let me go, so many big guys are together, why do you feel that there is something important to announce?

"Don't feel it. It's the truth. You didn't see that those big bosses looked ugly and heavy, and even our elder Xuan looked a little ugly."

"Well, so, what bad news is coming?"

"No, is it because the alien civilization has already called in advance?"

"No, I don't want to die yet."

"It's said that this plan is very problematic. It's too ridiculous to want to build tens of thousands of planetary engines and steering engines. The first step is to let the blue star slowly stop its autobiography, then the blue star will enter the ice age, and it is now under construction. It's hard to say that the dungeon can accommodate all human beings. If it can't hold it, the rest will die. In the second part, since the alien civilization is monitoring our Blue Star, then our actions are all in the eyes of others. How can they be like us Implement the plan! 35

"One thing to say, I think so too. Did the alien civilization call in advance?"

"Hehe, upstairs, what's the use of saying these sarcastic words now. Now is a moment that concerns the fate of all mankind. Wouldn't it be better to say less sarcastic words?

"Oh, no way, this kind of day is really depressing..."

"Stop bbw, let's first listen to what Elder Xuan and the others have to say.

At this time, Elder Xuan, Elder Xing and others in the world conference room saw that the preparations were almost done. Most of the world entered the live broadcast room. They all took a deep breath and were ready to start talking about the current crisis.

Elder Xuan took a step forward.

In this regard, Elder Xing and others all glanced at him, but did not say much.

After the completion of the Blue Star Civilization, the great elders, kings or queens of their major powers became the high-level leaders of the Blue Star Civilization and all human beings.

But there are still differences.

It's based on ability.

Although they didn't want to admit it, Elder Xuan's ability and courage were above them.

For this reason, although the elders of Blue Star Civilization are not divided into superiors and subordinates, Elder Xuan is faintly the Great Elder of Blue Star Civilization.

"Comrades all over the world, now we have unfortunate news to tell you."

Elder Xuan's face was heavy and he spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, all the human beings watching the live broadcast were nervous and their eyes widened a little.

"Now, it can be said that it is the most dangerous time for human beings. Perhaps, it is more dangerous than the peeping of alien civilizations.

.....for flowers 0·

The elder Xuanguo continued to speak.

These words made all humans look at each other in dismay.

what the hell?

More dangerous than the peeping of an alien civilization? What the hell is going on?

For a time, human beings all over the world were full of intense anxiety and drooled.

"I won't say nonsense. Because no matter how gorgeous the language is, it is not shocking to see it with my own eyes. Next, please comrades to watch a video. This is a picture taken by the Space Administration. 99

Elder Xuan just wanted to say something out of habit. After all, speaking has become a habit.

However, in the end, Elder Xuan swallowed all the nonsense and spoke in a deep voice.

These words made humans all over the world look at each other in dismay. They were nervous and anxiously staring at the screen, wanting to see the next video clearly and not wanting to miss any pictures.


Want to know something more dangerous than alien civilization peeping, what is it!?

Soon, a video appeared in the eyes of all human beings.

That's a picture from space.

A huge monster broke into the solar system and flew to Neptune.

Then, he woke up, and his body began to deform, turning into a black-red dragon. Just spread the wings, there are several Neptune size.

Next, the scene that terrified all human beings appeared.

This black and red dragon, which is much bigger than Neptune, opened its mouth. The big mouth became bizarrely enlarged several times and ate Neptune in one bite.

Swallow Neptune... in my stomach!???????

All the human beings looked at this picture sluggishly, their bodies were stiff, their faces were pale, and a cold air shot straight to the sky. Although it was summer, they felt that it was even colder than winter, and the cold aura enveloped them.


The mobile phones and chopsticks in the hands of a large number of humans fell to the ground, but they did not respond at all, their bodies were still trembling, their faces were pale, their faces were full of horror, and they stared blankly at the live broadcast.


The monster that can devour planets came to the solar system and devoured Neptune!

Next, are you going to swallow the Blue Star?

Is this a crisis more terrifying than alien civilization peeping?

Really, no lie...!

All human beings began to think desperately.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) One.

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