I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 127 The analysis and sigh of the elder Xuanguo! (3/4 for subscription!)

"It is too difficult for human beings to win the Star Devouring Dragon by force. It should be said that it is definitely impossible to win in a short time. Then, if you want to remove the hidden danger of the Star Devouring Dragon, there is only one way for human beings, and that is when the Star Devouring Dragon reaches the solar system. Before, the starship was used to actively intercept him and wake him up on the way he was drifting, and then induce him to change his direction."

"Fuck, what the boss said, it's really reasonable. It's obviously a bad act on the front. This method is very feasible.

"Then here comes the problem. If human beings do their best, they can build a starship in ten years. But how do you know which direction the star-devouring dragon came from? Has he never changed direction and turned straight toward the blue? Is the star coming? That's too much. And if you want to stop him halfway, you've already reached the place close to the solar system, and the possibility of success is too small.

"What I said upstairs is indeed a problem. And there is a problem. When the Star Devouring Dragon came, it seemed to be in a semi-sleeping state, but with such a large body and thick scales, the human weapon hit him, It is estimated that it is the same as mosquito bites on humans... at most it is an itch. An attack of this level can anger the star-devouring dragon and force him to chase the starship.

So turn? This is also ~ is a problem. ""

"There is also the most important question... The speed of the star-devouring dragon is much faster than that of the starship.

"It can only be said that what the landlord said is indeed reasonable, but the operability is too small. Alas, the right time and place and the presence of omnipotence do not guarantee success. 35

"That's right. Humans are still too weak. Facing this starry sky monster, it's hard to resist."

"In this situation, we can only pray that in our world, and other worlds, there is no Star Devouring Dragon drifting here. If there is, it would be really bad luck."



Wu Yan looked at it and smiled bitterly.

Well, a little too whimsical.

Right now, all I can do is really pray.

At this time, the senior leaders of the world's major powers, such as the elders of the Star Nation, also had a heavy face.

The information revealed in this film is amazing.

Although there is also good information. That is, the unification of mankind is indeed a good choice. But more bad news. In the starry sky, there are still monsters like the Star Devouring Dragon wandering around. Being targeted can only admit to being unlucky. Also, the so-called 'Wandering Blue Star' plan that can bring 'hope' to mankind.

For a time, their hearts were heavy and they laughed at themselves.

Xuanguo, Zijin Pavilion.

The elder Xuanguo also listened to the assistant's report and fell into deep thought.

Ordinary people think that the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan is very feasible, but the Great Elder sees a different taste.

Once the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan is launched, the result of stopping Blue Star's autobiography is that the world's population will plummet by more than half. After all, the dungeon can't hold that many people.

Then, there is a very serious question.

Relying on this method, even if human beings can escape the attack of huge meteorites, it is nothing more than that.

Since Blue Star is likely to be under the surveillance of alien civilizations.

Human actions, how could they not know. They will surely respond.

At that time, whether there were still huge meteorites was a question.

Yes, it's not a good thing.

No, that's even worse.

That means that the alien civilization has changed its policy and will launch a more dangerous attack next.

Humans may not be able to escape.

Running away with Blue Star, it looks romantic, but it is actually possible to be caught up by an alien civilization.

The technological level of the two sides is too different.

Even starships that start to flee to the depths of the starry sky may not survive. Not to mention the entire Blue Star.

Rather than saying that the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan is to save the world, it is better to say that the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan is to give an explanation and a delusion to the people of the world. Make them feel that there is still hope for humanity.

The real purpose is just one of the means to make all mankind struggle.

The high-level human beings in that world really pin their hopes on the starship that was the first to escape from the solar system.

Because that is a starship that has been researched with all its strength over the years. They can only pray that the Blue Star at this time has not been monitored by alien civilizations. If it has not been monitored at this time, then it is possible for human beings to truly leave the fire of civilization.

Instead of being caught up like other parallel worlds, and then completely destroyed.

It's just that human beings never thought of dying. This time, instead of dying on the alien civilization, a more terrifying star-devouring dragon came.

"Human beings are so miserable."9

The elder Xuanguo sighed deeply and pressed his eyebrows.

"The 'Wandering Blue Star' plan is a complete waste of resources, time, and energy.

.....for flowers 0.

Xuanguo Great Elder shook his head and said.

The tragedy of the parallel world is vividly remembered. Naturally, he would not implement this absurd plan in his own world.

"However, the Great Unification did not disappoint me.

Immediately, the elder Xuanguo muttered to himself again.

In this parallel world, after the unification of human beings, the level of technological growth is much faster than other worlds. Not even the Skynet world could compare. Undoubtedly, he slightly achieved his expected goal.

However, this is not enough. Far from enough.

"The real hope, perhaps, is antimatter technology."

Xuanguo Great Elder muttered to himself in a deep voice.

Controlled nuclear fusion technology is not enough. Far from enough.

Want to repel alien civilization, or repel the star-devouring dragon. Antimatter technology must be researched.

This is the real hope.

To this end, after their world has also achieved great unification.

He'll try to get the world's top scientists not to waste their energy on that mess.

There is only one goal, and that is to develop antimatter technology in my lifetime!

"Mainly, there is still no information on alien civilizations. 35

Immediately, the elder Xuanguo smiled bitterly.

If there is information on alien civilizations. Humans will not fall into this field either.

If there is information on alien civilizations, know the specific locations of alien civilizations.

Then, they who know the 'law of the dark forest' can completely use the means of perishing together to force the alien civilization and the Blue Star civilization to coexist in harmony.

That way, human beings can really survive.

When people all over the world were talking about it and the elder Xuanguo sighed, Lu Jie took Hubby, who chose to watch anime, in his arms and watched the anime together.

Hubby is his little maid with signs of the birth of a 'mind'. That being the case, as the master, it would be good for him to help Hugh a little.

As for why it is anime, because Lu Jie feels that compared to grand movies, the daily series of anime is more suitable for cultivating 'mind'.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

The next day, after eight o'clock in the middle of the night, when the system's deduction function had cooled down, Lu Jie took Hubby aside and chose to conduct a new deduction.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) One,

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