I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 131 Humans see alien civilization for the first time, such as the sense of despair staring i

Wu Yan and others saw it next. Although Zhao Lao and others in the movie are heavy-hearted, they still work hard to analyze and study them.

Time, just like a hundred years passed. In the past hundred years, Zhao Lao has developed Gene Medicine 4.5. Although the effect is more powerful than Gene Medicine 4.0, the defect is too big, making Zhao Lao helpless.

"Genetic Pharmacy 4.5, although it can increase the strength of the detached person in all directions, and even the lifespan. But the defect is really big.

"Yeah, if you give it to me, I probably wouldn't dare to inject it."

"Those who are detached themselves have a lifespan of more than 10,000 years. If they were injected directly, wouldn't they burst.

"If it were me, I would choose injections when I was about to die."

"You guys. Let's not say whether you have any. Even if we in this parallel world become transcendental, we may not live to the end of our lives. Unless we can escape the clutches of alien civilizations."5

Wu Yan muttered silently.

"Uh, that's right. Isn't this a runaway. The alien civilization hasn't appeared yet, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Don't forget the name of the movie. I guess that even if the alien civilization didn't catch up, other accidents might have occurred. After all, the universe is too vast and dangerous."


The rest were also talking.

It's just that the next 817 paintings shocked them all.

Because the picture returns to the solar system.

The first fleet of alien civilizations appeared.

"Fuck, is this the fleet of alien civilizations? What a style."

"It's really stylish..."

Everyone looked at the thirty starships that were neatly displayed and full of future technology in the solar system, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

Although the human starships have also done a good job, compared to the starship fleets of alien civilizations, it seems to be a little insignificant. The grades were compared all at once.

Later, they saw the image of aliens again.

There are double horns on the head, blue skin all over the body, and some scales on the body, which looks like...

"Captain Ginyu?

"Are you sure this isn't Ginyu from Dragon Ball?"

Wu Yan and the others began to complain in convulsions.

When they complained, the First Fleet of Lange Civilization took action.

After the human surveillance satellite in the solar system blew up, they guessed ten directions through the debris left by the planetary engine, and divided into small fleets to pursue. The starship accelerated to forty percent of the speed of light quickly disappeared in the solar system.


Seeing this scene, Wu Yan and the others felt their scalps go numb. The gap in technology level is vividly displayed.

Under the nervous attention of Wu Yan and the others, a small fleet caught up with the escaping Blue Star, hung far behind, and notified the entire fleet.

Half a year later, the fleet of alien civilization assembled again. No longer hide, choose to hunt down Blue Star.

"Still caught up.

"I can already foresee Blue Star's ending.


For a time, Wu Yan and the others groaned.

The next plot made Wu Yan and others extremely nervous, silently praying for the victory of mankind.

Under their watchful eyes, the high-level human beings confidently dispatched six starships with six hundred transcendental beings to fight against the alien civilization.

The fleet of alien civilizations used laser cannons, but they were blocked by the transcendentalists.

This made Wu Yan and others instinctively show joy and hope.

However, the next scene made them stunned.

Because of the alien civilization, the antimatter cannon was directly used.

Terrifying energy fluctuations appeared, causing the human starship and even the energy sensors on the blue star to issue a dazzling red alarm.

Even the Great Elder is desperate.

at last. Both the human starship and the Blue Star were destroyed by the terrifying power of the antimatter cannon. Blue Star, turned into fireworks and rubble in the universe.

"Antimatter cannon or something. It's too foul!

"Alas.... The plot begins to correspond to the title. The World Observer has never fooled people."

Wu Yan and others looked complicated, helpless, and sad.

Alien civilizations even have antimatter technology. Do humans really have any hope of winning?

For a time, Wu Yan and the others were confused.

When a few people are confused, the plot is still moving forward.

After the alien civilization wiped out the Blue Star, after returning to the solar system, it wiped out the remaining seven planets.

The backhand left by human beings is also completely destroyed.

There are still only a few humans wandering in the universe.

The movie ends here.

Wu Yan and the others looked at the computer with the black screen in silence, clenched their fists, and finally let go.

Humans are not good enough?

No, the humans in this movie can already be said to be the strongest humans in so many movies.

The level of technology is higher than any parallel world.

In terms of biochemical research, it is even more unparalleled.

Gene Medicine 4.0 is ready for mass production. Genetic Medicine 4.5 has also been developed.

Humanity has more than seven hundred transcendental beings.

Even so, human beings are still defeated.

It's so easy to lose.

With a single shot, the human race will be wiped out.

It's really just a random order.

And then the humans are gone. . . .

"Human, how can we win..."

Wu Yan smiled bitterly, and the thought of giving up treatment appeared in his heart.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either.""

The rest also smiled wryly.

In this short period of time, human beings have developed controllable nuclear fusion technology, and it is already smoke from the ancestral grave.

Higher-end antimatter technology. Give human beings another thousand years, and they may not be able to study it.

I want to study it in this short decades or a hundred years. Too unrealistic.

Human beings face various threats. Only a short period of decades, or a hundred years or so.

Time is too short.

Humans, what to do.

Wu Yan and others lamented.

Afterwards, Wu Yan shook his hands, held the mouse, and clicked on the comment area.

The comment area at this time is as they expected. Fryer.

Even the frying pan this time was more violent than the one in "Star Devourer: Blue Star Dessert".

The Star Devouring Dragon has indeed brought a deep sense of despair to mankind. It was absolute powerlessness, the despair of waiting to die. But that is only for the parallel world facing the Star Devourer. Those of them who watched the movie felt powerless and nervous, but the deep sense of despair did not exist.

But the threat of the Star Devourer is fundamentally different from the alien civilization.

This has been discussed by many people.

Because of the threat of alien civilizations, almost all parallel worlds exist.

And Star Devourer may only threaten a small number of specific parallel worlds.

Extraterrestrial civilization is the confidant of human beings.

And now the strength displayed by this confidant really makes human beings feel powerless and hopeless.

That kind of despair staring into the abyss!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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