I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 14 Weakened Version Of The Virus Serum! (24 For Collection!)

Water Capital, in the rental house where Lu Jie lived, he came here.

"Is there no one living there?" Lu Jie raised an eyebrow.

Immediately, Lu Jie went to the original company to investigate again, and found that he was not the same person.

There is also no record of his existence in the orphanage.

"I don't exist in these deduction worlds. Am I independent from these worlds? My existence is the only one." Lu Jie pondered.

[The host guessed right, because the host has this system, so it has long been independent of the world, the host is the only one, and there will be no second you. 】

The sound of the system rang.

"Sure enough." Lu Jie nodded relievedly, in a happy mood.

He's the only one, which is something to be happy about.

After all, seeing myself in various parallel worlds is quite subtle to be honest.

[When the host was alone and happy, three days passed, Zhao Xian and other top biologists of Xuan Kingdom successfully produced a weakened version of the virus serum. The elders of Xuanguo were extremely happy and began to gather the strength of the whole country to make virus serum. 】

The sound of the system sounded again, bringing Lu Jie back to his senses.

"What is the effect of the weakened version of the virus serum?" Lu Jie frowned and asked in his heart.

[The weakened version of the virus serum does not have the effect of strengthening the body, but only has the function of resisting the airborne transmission of the MR virus. However, if the MR virus in the body is too much caused by being bitten directly by a zombie and causing serious injury or death, it will not be effective. 】

"I see." Lu Jie nodded in relief.

It's both pros and cons. MR virus serum, equivalent to the low version of the genetic drug XW.

If you are infected by the MR virus and then injected, there is a ten percent chance of strengthening the body's effect, and the strengthening range is about five times.

The weakened version of the virus serum does not strengthen the body's functions, and even the ability to resist viruses is relatively weak, but there is no danger of failure, which is equivalent to safety.

Undoubtedly the best thing in this period.

[No, the weakened version of the virus serum is better than the host imagined. The weakened version of the virus serum is relatively simple to manufacture and can be mass-produced in a short period of time. And it also has the effect of killing other viruses in the body. 】

the system explained.

"------!" These words made Lu Jie's pupils congeal.

If there is such an effect, then the value will be greatly improved. You know, many terminal illnesses are caused by viruses.

The weakened version of the virus serum can actually kill other viruses in the body.

"So, genetic medicine can do the same?" Lu Jie asked.

[Host, the effect of genetic medicine is much stronger than this. Not to mention genetic medicine 3.0, even if it is genetic medicine XW, as long as it becomes superhuman after injection, the immune function in the body will become terrifying, and any viruses and bacteria and fungi that are known to be harmful to the human body will be excluded by the immune system. devour. 】

"That's it." Lu Jie nodded, but he didn't answer unexpectedly.

After all, even the weakened version can do this, and there is no reason why genetic medicine can't do it.

In this way, superhumans and new human beings are all invulnerable existences.

"Although there are samples, the weakened version of the virus serum can be produced within three days, as expected of Mr. Zhao." Lu Jie sighed softly.

Whether it is the MR virus serum, the genetic medicine XW, the genetic medicine 2.0, or the strongest genetic medicine 3.0, they were all developed under the leadership of Mr. Zhao.

In terms of biochemical ability, Elder Zhao is undoubtedly the strongest human being.

[When the host praised Zhao Xian, another month passed. During this month, Xuanguo produced a large amount of weakened version of the virus serum and shipped it all over the country. At the same time, it announced to the whole country that the virus serum had been developed, which caused a sensation in the whole country and even the whole world. 】

The system's voice sounded again, and Lu Jie raised an eyebrow.

Although a weakened version of the virus serum has been developed and mass-produced, the next step is the highlight, and the world will become more and more lively.

At this point, there was already a sensation on the Internet.

"Fuck, my Daxuan country is awesome!"

"Yeah, the motherland is awesome, and the virus serum was developed so quickly, we don't have to become zombies, that's great!"

"Is it really developed? Why do I feel something is wrong, the time is too short."

"Upstairs, do you want to lose your mother? How dare you question the elder at this time!"

"Haha, just sit and watch how miserable the end of those crazy criminals will be."

"It's cool to be a citizen of the Xuan Kingdom. The foreigner is the one who panics."

"Of course panic, the entire Star Country and even the Star Continent has fallen. Part of the Bear Country area that has been handed over has also fallen. Experts predict that due to storms and other reasons, the virus will cover the world in about a month. They did not Virus serum, of course panic!"

"Wait, our country has virus serum, other countries don't, doesn't it mean that our Great Xuan Kingdom is going to rule the world?"

"Fuck, biochemical doomsday is good in a sense!"

"But you also have to worry about other countries putting pressure on us and pulling our Xuan Kingdom to die together."

"Wait, don't discuss it, lest the foreigners find out."

"Do you have any sympathy. This is billions of human lives, and you actually want billions of human beings to die?"

"Upstairs, bitch? Hehe, if you like foreign countries so much, then go abroad."

The Xuanguo Internet was extremely lively, and all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods ran out.

However, in general, it is universally celebrated.

At the same time, the countries headed by the Lion Kingdom were also shocked that Xuan Kingdom produced the virus serum.

In the face of this pressure, the elders and others publicly vetoed, but secretly promised countries with nuclear bombs to send many virus serums to prevent them from dying.

As for those countries that do not have nuclear bombs but have relatively strong military power, the Great Elder also promised those high-level and high-end talents to send enough injections for them to prevent them from messing around, and to absorb those talents.

At the same time, they also promised that they who had been injected with medicine could come to Xuanguo.

As for the rest of the weaker countries, there is no need to worry about it at all.

The Great Elder ordered a special level of martial law across the country, and millions of troops who had been injected with virus serum were dispatched to guard all borders, not only to prevent countries from entering, but also to prevent zombies from other countries from running over.

The air defense system is also fully activated to prevent any accidents.

This kind of iron-blooded behavior makes foreign countries a little crazy, but the high-level officials of many countries do not say anything, which is full of strangeness.

(ps: ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for flowers, ask for ticket support~!)

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