I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 147 The prayer in despair touched Wu Song, who moved all mankind! (3/4 for subscription!)

In the next episode, Wu Yan's smile never stopped, and his eyes were fixed on his future daughter.

In the film, the fifteen-year-old Wu Song, with his talented team, easily developed a material transformation technology that the older generation of scientists could not understand.

Even gave lectures to a bunch of people.

A fifteen-year-old girl, wearing a white coat and holding chalk, was giving lectures to the most powerful scientists at Blue Star, which made people feel like they couldn't complain.

But considering the level of Wu Song's evil spirit, many people were speechless. It can only be said that in the world of evildoers, they don't understand.

After easily getting the material defect technology, Wu Song spent another five years researching antimatter-technology.

Although she already has an idea, she still can't step into that field.

At this time, the small reconnaissance starship of the alien civilization also arrived in the solar system, directly approaching the Blue Star, and directly shot down all the Blue Star's orbital guns and satellites.

This scene made Wu Yan nervous again. I pray that my daughter doesn't have an accident.


His roommates also swallowed. tense up.

It should be said that when the whole world saw the people here, most of them became nervous.

For fear that Wu Song will be arrested.

The plot that followed was depressing to the extreme.

As soon as the Lange people arrived at the Blue Star, they threatened mankind to hand over Wu Song, otherwise they would slaughter all mankind.

All mankind does not follow.

The two sides began to fight.

The Langues crushed humans with overwhelming advantage.

Even if this is only a small reconnaissance starship, and there is no anti-material weapon at the level of fragmentation, it is still not something that humans can resist. One cannon, one city.

The slaughter of human beings by the Langues began.

Even in order to save energy, the three Lange people actually killed human beings by themselves.

They showed great individual strength. That is the level of power that is comparable to that of a transcender. Humans are slaughtered like pigs, and they can only flee for their lives, hiding in deep mountains, old forests and underground cities.

Because the cities on earth are no longer safe.

"Damn aliens!"

"Is the blood of these guys cold!?


"These guys actually take pleasure in abusing humans!"

When Wu Yan and the others saw this, they gritted their teeth and were full of anger.

What they saw, it was good for the other party to destroy the city with one blow at the beginning and cause heavy casualties to human beings. Because it was an instant death.

But after killing them, the three aliens got bored and began to abuse human beings with extremely cruel methods.

In the back, after killing and abusing human beings, they eat human beings as food, and then continue to kill.

"It's useless to talk about this with aliens. In their eyes, maybe we, the weak and weak, are edible food like pigs, cattle and sheep, and there is no difference. What we have to do is to destroy them sooner or later. .

Wu Yan growled.

These words made the roommates look ugly, gritted their teeth, stopped uttering a word, and stared at the screen.

After a period of time in which the picture of killing humans was carried out, the picture finally jumped to Wu Song.

The current Wu Song no longer has the attitude of a beautiful girl. His hair was disheveled, his body was dirty, his face was tired, and it seemed that he hadn't bathed or rested for a long time.

She has been conducting research, researching antimatter technology.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and the others showed distressed expressions.

And Lin Ru didn't dare to look at it.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Song showed a look of joy, and said with a smile that he finally succeeded, and that mankind was saved.

This made Wu Yan and the others heave a sigh of relief and looked forward to it again.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru were both distressed for their daughter and extremely proud.

However, the good times did not last long.

At this time, the antimatter technology in the movie suddenly sounded a harsh red alarm. The device is also unstable.

This made Wu Song's expression froze.

Directly panicked, panic controlled.

However, all this was in vain. Antimatter devices are becoming more and more unstable.

"Why, why is this happening. I clearly succeeded.""

Wu Yan watched Wu Song in the movie with a mournful face, slumped on the ground, and looked at the antimatter device in despair. When he said such words, his fists clenched, his teeth clenched, and his veins bulged.

He really didn't dare to look anymore. But he had to watch.

He was so desperate and flustered even sitting in front of a computer desk watching a movie, how terrifying despair and pressure does Xiao Song in this parallel world endure?

He couldn't imagine.

Lin Ru was also staring at the computer, her eyes were extremely wet, and she covered her mouth with tears.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru's roommates were also speechless, so they could only silently put their hands on their backs to comfort him (her).

.....for flowers 0.

At this time, Wu Song in the movie suddenly froze and returned to normal, staring at the antimatter device.

"Wait, could it be... the antimatter device of the alien civilization itself has a trivial error, which is why this is the case. Yes, my theory is absolutely correct. It is the antimatter device of the alien civilization that is wrong!

Wu Song's inner thoughts appeared.

"I failed. But I also succeeded.

Wu Song muttered to himself.

Seeing Wu Yan's face full of sadness, he could only smile bitterly.

oh, it looks like...

Just when Wu Yan and others were depressed to the extreme, they felt that the tragedy would end soon.

The next episode shocked them all, so they could only stare blankly at the screen.

Because Wu Song in the movie figured out the reason, his face became unwilling, and then his face was full of prayer, just like a drowning person trying to grab the last straw to survive.

"Lord World Watcher, I know you're watching. Please tell the humans in the parallel world what I'm saying now in the form of a movie, I beg you."

Next, Wu Song turned pale and began to talk about the principles of antimatter technology.

At the end of the day, she kept a hand, implying that only the real top high-end talents who spend a lot of energy on research can understand it.

This scene made Wu Yan, Lin Ru, and even the people from all over the world covered their mouths and felt their hearts pounding. As long as they weren't cold-blooded, their eyes would feel a little wet.

What a lovely, smart, strong, great girl this is.

She is not worried about her own death, she just wants to tell all human beings in parallel worlds about antimatter technology, so that human beings have the hope of fighting against alien civilization.

For the sake of all mankind, she prayed to the observers of the world, her fragile, hopeful and hesitant eyes were enough to make anyone feel soft and distressed.

At this moment, almost all the moviegoers were moved by Wu Song and fascinated by this petite but great girl.

Everyone's heart is screaming and praying.

Pray for the World Observer to appear, respond to Wu Song's words, and promise her.

Because the substitution was too deep, I was completely moved. They didn't think about it at all, or they forgot, when this movie appeared, Wu Song's words appeared word by word, which means that the World Observer has agreed.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) One.

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