I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 157 Heaven's sin, but still alive. People do evil, can't live, and suffer by thems

[Wu Song understands that he is about to explode himself. And it's still unstoppable. The negative emotions in her heart made her give up everything and just exploded on Blue Star, turning everything into dust. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

Lu Jie frowned slightly and calmly saw the scene in front of him.

Wu Song, who was completely dragon-shaped, hugged his head, screamed in pain, his body swelled up, and the huge energy was chaotically uncontrollably. There are countless dark voices in her mind, telling her to blow up directly, then everything will end.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru also saw this scene, which made them feel less panic and fear.

They came to their senses.

Recalling the previous scenes, when their daughter was not born, they watched a movie to be proud of their daughter. The cute appearance of his own child when he was born. The look of smiling in the arms of the two of them.

When did the daughter lose her smile, and they "eight eight three" didn't notice it?

By the way, it was when my daughter was taken to the research institute.

What were they doing at that time?

They advised their daughters to be patient and study hard, all for the sake of all mankind and to save the world.

At that time, the daughter's smile was less.

The young ones, because of the bragging on the Internet and the bragging of scientists, were fluttering about, unaware of these things.

When they recalled their daughter's later experiences, they couldn't think about it carefully!?

When her daughter said she wanted to escape from Blue Star, there was obviously a problem in her heart. They didn't have a good conversation.

It was a direct and severe lesson.

Wu Yan, even slapped his daughter?

The daughter at the time laughed.

Now that I think about it, that smile, although cute, is full of twists.


"Really sorry.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru burst into tears as they stepped forward and hugged Wu Song.

They are too derelict as parents. Really, so derelict.


The embrace of the two and their words made Wu Song, who was gradually engulfed by negative emotions, sober up a little.

Feeling the long-lost warm embrace, and looking at the parents who were crying and apologizing, Wu Song was silent.

She will not forgive her parents, nor will she forgive everything in this world.

An apology did nothing.

It's obviously useless to do so.

Why does she still feel satisfied?

It shouldn't be like this...


Wu Song did not use human language anymore, but roared irritably, broke free from his parents' embrace, rushed into the sky, and disappeared above the blue star in an instant.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru, who could only see this scene in a daze, knelt on the ground powerlessly, their faces wrinkled with remorse.

In the space, Wu Song's body had swelled to the extreme, and he could no longer suppress the tyrannical energy flow.

"Well, I really want to go to the amusement park with Grandpa Zhao again..."

Looking at the deep space, Wu Song said the last words. Pure, yet yearning.

Although she met a disgusting fly on the way to the amusement park, she was unforgettable in her life as she was free, cheerful, and somewhat childish.

"Ah, I forgot to say goodbye to Grandpa Zhao..."

At this moment, in Wu Song's mind, apart from Elder Zhao, there was no one, not even his parents.


Suddenly, Wu Song's body exploded, and a terrifying explosion erupted in space, even though it was already some distance away from Blue Star.

The huge energy flow still impacted the atmosphere of the Blue Star, and the amazing explosion sounded throughout the Blue Star, causing the Blue Star to vibrate wildly.


Wu Yan collapsed and cried, hammering the ground, excruciating pain.

Lin Ru was even more foolish, and only muttered her daughter's name. The huge blow caused her brain to go wrong. A huge blow that even a transcendent could not bear.


Zhao Lao looked at the sky, sighed deeply, and went to Wu Yan and Lin Ru.

When Elder Zhao came to Wu Yan's side, Wu Yan knelt on the ground numbly, like a puppet.

"Cry enough.

Elder Zhao found a place to sit down and sighed.

"Zhao... old."

Wu Yan's neck twisted like an old machine, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Elder Zhao.

"You are indeed wrong. You failed to fulfill the parental duties of Wu Yan and Lin Ru in "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack". But the high-level human beings, and even all human beings, are outrageously wrong. They arbitrarily arranged Xiaosong's life, Disregarding her own opinions, teach her own, let her conduct scientific research... Salvation is not the responsibility of anyone, who must do it

Zhao Lao has a complicated expression on his face.

"Human beings put the pressure of salvation on an unborn child, and all she felt was loneliness, coldness, and naked desire. In this way, how could Xiaosong's psychology not be distorted. No matter how smart she is, No matter how evil she is, she is still just a child!""

"She is just a child. The three views have not yet been finalized, and the child is full of strangeness and curiosity about the world. It is human beings who have cultivated her into a demon king, no one can blame. Humans themselves chose her and made her go wrong. It is human beings. To blame. To perish is doomed. 39

Why is Xiao Song in the parallel world of "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack" so kind and lovely, strong and great. That's because after she was born, she had a good childhood. Wu Yan and Lin Ru in that world fulfilled their parental duties, taught her carefully, and played with her. Give her a good perspective. The three views were also set at that time. For this reason, even if she is picked up and cultivated by the higher-level human beings later, she will not feel bored and lonely, and will even take the initiative to do it. Because she has sustenance in her heart. It's not a big word in words, but a real spiritual sustenance. Of course, there are also factors of interest. This also has to do with childhood education.

Zhao Lao Yang sighed.

In his mind, the rare sincere smile that Xiaosong showed when he and Xiaosong went to the amusement park to play still echoed.

She is just a child. A child who likes to play and enjoy a carefree life.

Then, he thought of the man who wanted to kidnap Wu Song and the so-called underground world.

0.1 Mr. Zhao laughed at himself.

Human, arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful and pathetic. World Watcher, you're right. But it also missed a point. Humans are selfish.

"Don't think about dying. In the end, Xiaosong still didn't choose to blow up Blue Star together. It means that she doesn't want you to die. The three of us also need to bear the sins of mankind and the guilt of Xiaosong to live."

After Mr. Zhao finished speaking, he looked a lot older. He was obviously a detached person, but he hunched his back and left here silently.

Wu Yan also covered his face and smiled miserably.

God does evil, but still can live. People do evil, they can't live, they do it by themselves.

(ps: Please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~! Damn, I accidentally deleted the manuscript during the last update. There are only a few hundred words. Now it is updated again. The number of words in the last update did not cost money. Sorry. ).

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