I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 168 Wu Song's cruelty! Human despair under the attack of light particles! (3/5 for subs

[After the complete evolution, Wu Song did not take back his aura, so he walked on the sky indifferently and went to the elder pavilion. Today is the day of the annual public meeting of Blue Star Civilization. Wu Song also specially chose to evolve at this point in time. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

Lu Jie's figure also appeared in the elder pavilion.

In the elder pavilion at this time, all the elders were kneeling on the ground, their faces pale.

In particular, the hawk elders such as Elder Xing had only fear in their hearts, and could not even think of resisting. This is the suppression of the human gene level by the transcendental human beings.

And Elder Xuan's face changed uncertainly, glaring at Elder Xing and others.

He has been investigating the truth of that incident, but has not been able to find out. He also maintains a skeptical and investigative attitude towards the fact that so many "killers" in the underground world have been chasing Wu Song in the past five years.

It was not until Wu Song took away the research materials that he was shaken.

Because Wu Song's approach is indeed more and more excessive, and all kinds of murders do not blink.

But Elder Xuan was now looking at Elder Xing's obviously frightened, flustered, and desperate expression, and he was angry.

Even if there is no evidence, through the abnormal performance of this group of people, he can guess what happened at the beginning, and they must have done it.

Otherwise, even if Wu Song became detached, they, as the leaders of the Blue Star Civilization, would be too embarrassed. This is an act of guilt.

"Elder Xing 14, did you frame that incident?"

Elder Xuan said with a gloomy expression.


Elder Xing and the others looked ugly and did not answer.

At this time, it is still on the way to the national live broadcast.

If he answered, wouldn't he be ruined.

He only hoped that Wu Song didn't realize that it was their plan. In that case, there is still help.


The blue veins on the front of Elder Xuan's forehead bulged, and he roared loudly.

"Elder Xuan, you don't need to be angry, do you?

At this time, a petite figure broke in and spoke indifferently.

This made Elder Xuan look over. Elder Xing and the others were even paler.

Although they were kneeling, those who were still able to watch the live broadcast were in an uproar.

Because of Elder Xuan's questioning and the appearance of the girl, this group of people understood that the matter was not simple.

"Elder Xing, tell us what happened to you back then.

Wu Song controlled Elder Lion, sat on his waist, raised his legs, and said indifferently.

In the face of Wu Song's mental power, Elder Xing had no ability to resist at all, and with a stiff expression, he explained all the causes and consequences.

When the world heard it, they were all shocked and looked at Elder Xing in disbelief.

It turned out that everything in the beginning was calculated by Elder Xing. When Wu Song was born a month ago, he began to plan to destroy Wu Song.

"Damn it!

Elder Xuan's expression was extremely ugly, and he could only roar in a low voice.

Obviously, in the first two years, Wu Song behaved so well-behaved and sensible, without the slightest tendency to endanger all human beings, this group of people was still uneasy and wanted to persecute Wu Song.

In your eyes, are you so intolerant?

Not only Elder Xuan is cursing.

After people all over the world heard the truth, they all drenched the blood of the elders such as Elder Xing.

Wu Song didn't care about the thoughts of all mankind.

After Elder Xing told the truth, she directly burned these people to ashes with fire ability.

For a time, most of the high-level human beings were killed and injured.

This terrifying scene made people all over the world watching the live broadcast with a chill that reached the sky.

Even though Elder Xing and the others have done that kind of thing, being dismissed from the position of elder and going to prison is understandable.

But Wu Song actually killed him so directly, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was too vicious.

They did not expect that in the past few years, human beings have treated Wu Song like this.

"Little Song..."

Seeing this scene, Elder Xuan laughed bitterly, his face full of shame.

"In the beginning, you could just find me.

"High-level human beings cannot be trusted. This is my original judgment. 55

Wu Song destroyed the live broadcast device, withdrew his aura, came to Elder Xuan, and spoke slowly.


These words made Elder Xuan speechless.

In that situation, it was really impossible to trust the high-level human beings, and he was also among the objects of suspicion.

"However, the reason for this time, in the final analysis, is just an observation of human nature by the world watcher. Because in addition to the parallel world on the watcher website, there must be many world lines. One of the world lines is that I became The story of the demon king of the world. The world watcher, I want to know how human beings will treat me as a child who may become both the savior and the demon king.”

At this time, Wu Song read Elder Xing's memory and spoke expressionlessly.

"Human nature, sometimes, is really ugly enough. The regime of Blue Star Civilization is dirty enough.

Wu Song sneered and dismissed.

After saying this, Wu Song was about to leave.

Her mental power invaded the brains of everyone present. Knowing that Elder Xuan and the rest of the elders are innocent. Even Elder Xuan was still investigating the facts for a time, and he helped her a lot during her escape.


Elder Xuan was speechless and could only sigh deeply.

"You, won't you stay? Humanity needs you. 99

Elder Xuan opened his mouth and spoke helplessly.

Although it was too late, he still wanted to fight for it.

"Humans need me, what to do with me. I don't need humans.

Wu Song spoke calmly.

After the words fell, she left here.

"System, speed up the timeline."

Seeing this, Lu Jie shook his head and said.

[When the host sighed, a day passed. On this day, the human world was extremely noisy. People's mixed evaluations of Wu Song appeared one after another, and there were disputes everywhere. But Wu Song didn't care. She did one more thing. That is to grab a starship and leave Blue Star with his parents, a few trustworthy female subordinates and some robots he made himself, and head to the unknown starry sky. 】

[As for Wu Song's departure, Elder Xuan did not stop it, nor was he able to stop it. In order to make up for the mistakes of the past. Elder Xuan suppressed Wu Song's departure from Blue Star. In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed. 】

[These three years. Human beings have been developing military power all the time, and beware of the possible incoming Lange civilization. But even if the blue grid civilization strikes, humans are not afraid. Because they feel that the current human beings can win. The only regrettable and controversial one is Wu Song. 】

[But with the passage of time, Wu Song did not appear in front of the public again, and the controversy was much less. Before long, human astronomers discovered a particle of light coming towards the solar system. If it hits the sun, the blue star will definitely penetrate the sun's spurt of flames and burn to ashes. For a time, the top human beings panicked. 】

[They discuss countermeasures. I regret that I never started the "Wandering Blue Star" plan of the backup plan, and devoted all global resources to build the engine. Now, it's too late. In the end, human beings had no choice but to launch two plans. One is to use the starship to retain human fire during these three years. Another plan is to create a large 903-power antimatter cannon on the orbit of the light particle to the solar system, trying to make it deviate from the trajectory. But this requires careful calculation. It's not that simple to hit an object at the speed of light. 】

[Three years later, the human plan was successfully executed. Particles of light are about to reach the solar system. The antimatter cannon was activated, and although it successfully hit the light particle, to the despair of mankind, the antimatter cannon did not deflect the light particle or destroy it at all. The light particles still hit the sun. 】

[In an instant, more than one-third of the central area of ​​the sun was directly broken down, and a huge void appeared. The interior of the sun spews tens of millions of degrees Celsius of material inside the star. From the perspective of the planet, it looks like the sun has grown a tree of fire. Humans screamed in despair, wanting to escape but there was nowhere to escape. I can only watch helplessly as the treetops of the fire tree come towards the blue star


[As time goes by, the planet touches the treetops of the fire tree. During this time, the planet is equivalent to running inside the sun, and the ejected material still has a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius after cooling in space. When the planet moved out of the ejection belt, it was already a celestial body with a dark red light, the surface was melted, and the ocean of magma covered everything

[A white trail trails behind the planet, which is the vapor of the evaporated ocean; then the trail is blown away by the solar wind, and the planet becomes a comet with long white hair scattered. Human beings are dead to the point where there is no scum left. 】

[Only the human who escaped the crisis while sitting on the starship looked at this apocalyptic scene from a distance with a terrified face. It is only now that human beings think of Wu Song. If Wu Song, like in the movie, became a hero of mankind, would it be possible to save Blue Star and save all mankind? All the surviving people couldn't help but think so. Perhaps, the human beings who were waiting to die on the blue star also had this thought in their minds?]

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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