I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 172 The blackening trend of Xiao Wusong? All human beings panic! (2/4 for subscription!)

While everyone was talking and laughing, the plot was still advancing.

Wu Song was born.

Wu Song, who had just shot, was closely watched by all the high-level officials of Blue Star Civilization, and one by one took time out to watch it together.

This card face is really big, and everyone is amazed.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. During this year, the weapon application of various antimatter devices of mankind, and even the application of the ladder and quantum network, made everyone stunned.

"What's going on, I can still understand that humans have antimatter technology, and antimatter weapons can also be said to be developed by themselves. But what the hell is the Ladder Quantum Network..."

"It is estimated that it was given by the world observers? This is the only explanation.

People were discussing.

"Yeah, I don't think it was researched by humans. After all, even Xiaosong spent five years. The world observers are huge, and they seem to be getting better and better for humans?"

Wu Yan also said.

The words "Nine One Zero" were recognized by everyone, and they all showed hope, hoping it was really the case.

Suddenly, the screen switched to Wu Song's body, which made Wu Yan and others shocked and looked over.

Because they can feel like being in the movie world, they can clearly see Wu Song's little face, but they can't touch it.

However, the next development made them look at each other in dismay.

Because under the watchful eyes of the people. Just one year old, Wu Song, who was protected by the military and educated, didn't seem to be very happy. I feel so bored and lonely these days.

Wu Yan opened his mouth when he saw the plot, not knowing what to say.

After all, the high-level human beings are also for Xiaosong's good.

Soon, the screen switched again. Time, more than a year has passed. Various antimatter weapons of mankind were built. The small surveillance ship disguised as a meteorite from Lange Civilization also arrived in the solar system and came towards the blue star.

As a result, humans can easily destroy it with antimatter space railguns.

This is a victory for mankind. Humanity rejoices.

The Lange Civilization is also extremely jealous of human beings as expected by human beings. Its parent star only ordered the small reconnaissance ship to launch electromagnetic signals in three directions to mark the location of the solar system.

"This start, it's like a gigantic start.

"It's really a good start. Blue Star Civilization is like what we discussed last time. After the small surveillance ship is destroyed by anti-material weapons, it will be jealous of Blue Star Civilization. Then I dare not continue to invade."

"This time the Blue Star civilization should be much safer."

"I hope so. After all, Lange Civilization is still a thief, and it has launched electromagnetic signals in three directions to mark the Blue Star without exposing itself. I just hope that humans have better luck this time.

"The universe is so big, there shouldn't be a problem. After all, Blue Star also sent an electromagnetic signal back then, and it has only attracted the Blue Star civilization for so many years. Blue Star has not been completely destroyed in millions of years.

For a time, everyone was also shocked, and there were discussions.

Some have forgotten the abnormal psychology of Xiao Wusong before, and just regarded it as a child's mood.

After all, they have seen many such children. It was the same when I was a kid.

But they forgot. This is Wu Song, not an ordinary little kid.

The next screen switched to Wu Song again.

Wu Song, two years later, when he was only four years old, he filled the traditional human technology tree, which made the high-level human beings ecstatic. Seeing this, Wu Yan and Lin Ru in the real world also showed pride.

The current Wu Song is more enchanting than the previous two. Under the guidance of all human beings, four years old! Only four years old and so perverted.

Then, the screen gradually jumped to Wu Song's room.

Little Wu Song hugged his knees and watched the movie "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack". Her expression was very cold, not like a normal child at all.

Her mental journey was also played out in the film in the form of memories.

In order to cope with the so-called good scientists and teachers for her own good and the good of all mankind, she learned to wear a mask.

She was deeply disgusted by all this, and felt very bored and lonely. Even the arms of parents are no longer warm.

Because when she got home, even if she complained, her parents would only persuade her to endure for a while, and it was the same words of persuasion. For her own good, for all mankind.

"Why does she want to save all of humanity so much. Humans, what a boring creature.

"Could it be that the meaning of my birth is just to save this group of boring humans? 99

Xiao Wusong looked at the self in "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack" and said this, his eyes turned from cold to indifferent.

Seeing this, a chill appeared in the hearts of all mankind inexplicably.

For a time, many people's perceptions of Wu Song had subtle changes. Many people feel sorry for her, but some people are also a little upset because she said this.


Wu Yan and others also looked at each other in dismay... Those memories and the indifferent words spoken by Xiao Song made their minds a little heavy.

"This...that's something wrong.""

"The little Wu Song in this movie is too cold and lonely, and even hates human beings and learning. 99

"Why do I have an ominous premonition.""

"I think the upper echelons of human beings have done something wrong. No matter how smart Wu Song is, he is just a child. Forcing her to study like this will have the opposite effect."

"Fuck, I'm so panicked. 35

"Hey, I feel sorry for Xiaosong. I was forced to study, so I learned to wear a mask."

"Also, Lao Wu, you guys in the movie don't seem to have fulfilled your parental responsibilities. You didn't even notice Xiaosong's psychological changes."

Wu Yan and Lin Ru's roommates spoke one after another.

Wu Yan was speechless, clenching his fists, full of shame in his heart.

The self in the movie is being promoted by all kinds of human beings, and even the high-level human beings treat each other with courtesy. My thoughts have changed completely, and I can't even notice my daughter's emotions.

It's so similar to who I am now. Now he is also being blown away by human beings, all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred, and he is a little flirtatious. Do you even accept the advocacy and envy of others as a matter of course, is it cool?

Lin Ru also covered her mouth, her face full of shame and a little overwhelmed.

While the atmosphere has become a little depressing, the film is still moving forward.

Another two years have passed. During these two years, Wu Song, who was only six years old, showed all kinds of incredible scientific research abilities. The new application of controllable nuclear fusion technology, the new application of antimatter 0.1 technology, and the design of many starships are from her. The whole human society is more and more outrageous in boasting about Wu Song.

However, seeing this propaganda now, Wu Yan and the others are not happy anymore. They were all a little flustered and had an ominous premonition.

Because the six-year-old Wu Song's expression was much colder than two years ago. Looking at the eyes of the rest of the human beings, it is extremely indifferent. Some people don't even think of them as the same kind. But another boring, self-righteous species.

Up to now, he is not stupid, and he can see that the current Wu Song is already turning black.

No, no, it should be said that it has turned black.

The main factor of blackening is the oppression of human beings on her education and research.

For a time, most of the human beings were panicked, but they could only watch with apprehension and prayer.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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