I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 176 The evil consequences of human beings themselves, but they don't want to bear it! (

When many people cheered Wu Song's death, Wu Yan was here.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru were full of pain, and their bodies were shaking.

As parents, even if they are still young people and their children have not yet been born, they are deeply immersed in their understanding and understanding of looking at themselves in the parallel world.

What is wrong with the child. Wu Song, who is full of shining points in the first two worlds, is so dazzling and great.

In the end, it's largely their fault.


The dorm friends of Wu Yan and Lin Ru also came back to their senses, recalling the scenes, they had mixed feelings, laughed at themselves, and sighed.

They were also frightened by their conscience, and almost said that Wu Song was a monster...

If it weren't for the plot just now, they would have completely become the people they once hated.

When everyone's mood is complicated, the plot is still advancing.

In the movie, after Wu Song blew himself up, Wu Yan, a big man, knelt down and cried in pain.

Lin Ru was even more stupefied by the blow, and only knew how to pronounce her daughter's name.

Not long after, Zhao Lao came.

She said something that shocked many people all over the world.

"You are indeed wrong. You failed to fulfill the parental duties of Wu Yan and Lin Ru in "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack". But the high-level human beings, and even all human beings, are outrageously wrong. They arbitrarily arranged Xiaosong's life, Regardless of her own opinion, she will teach her own and let her carry out scientific research. Salvation is not someone's responsibility, and who must do it.

"Human beings put the pressure of salvation on an unborn child, and all she felt was loneliness, coldness, and naked desire. In this way, how could Xiaosong's psychology not be distorted. No matter how smart she is, No matter how evil she is, she is just a child!

"She is just a child. The three views have not yet been finalized, and the child is full of strangeness and curiosity about the world. It is human beings who have cultivated her into a demon king, no one can blame. Humans themselves chose her and made her go wrong. It is human beings. Blame it on oneself. Destruction is doomed.

"Why is Xiao Song in the parallel world of "Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack" so kind and lovely, strong and great. That's because she had a good childhood after she was born. 99

"Wu Yan and Lin Ru in that world have fulfilled their responsibilities as parents, taught her carefully, and played with her. They gave her a good perspective."

"Three views, that's when the shape was finalized. For this reason, even if she was picked up and cultivated by high-level human beings later, she would not feel bored and lonely, and would even take the initiative to do it. Because she had a sustenance in her heart. Reason, but the real spiritual sustenance. Of course, there are also factors of interest. This is also related to the education in childhood."

Zhao Lao Yang sighed.

In his mind, the rare sincere smile that Xiaosong showed when he and Xiaosong went to the amusement park to play still echoed.

She is just a child. A child who likes to play and enjoy a carefree life.

Then, he thought of the man who wanted to kidnap Wu Song and the so-called underground world.

Old Zhao laughed at himself.

Human, arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful and pathetic. World Watcher, you're right. But it also missed a point. Humans are selfish.

After saying this, Zhao Lao in the movie let Wu Yan and Lin Ru also live with repentance, and then left.

These words woke up many people, and made many people wake up from their fears.

Yes, the reason why Wu Song in this world has become like this is because of the lack of education, and it is the fault of human beings who arbitrarily arranged Wu Song's life.

From the moment of birth, there is no freedom, and he is forced to accept and study with high intensity.... Then there are a series of mistakes that follow, and it becomes like this.

The Wu Song of the first two worlds is so great and full of humanity.

For a time, many people were ashamed and felt that they were too narrow-minded.

It was all the fault of human beings, but they turned a blind eye to all the reasons, and only feared and cursed a child. Not to mention, this kid is the hero of the humans in the first two parallel worlds.

Of course, those who woke up were only some people with kind-hearted nature and good three views.

More people scoffed at Zhao Lao's words. He still hates Wu Song. I feel that this kind of person is too dangerous, it is better to let her die.

At this moment, in front of everyone, several black fonts appeared, causing all human beings to sweat and numb their scalps.

"Humanity, humanity, fun."

This is undoubtedly the handwriting of world observers.

But what does this mean? This is interesting, and what changes will it cause, they are very panicked.

After three seconds, everyone felt a flash of consciousness and disappeared into this virtual reality world.

Wu Yan and others also returned to their room, staring blankly at the empty room.

"Wu Yan, we..."

Lin Ru cried and hugged Wu Yan.

"It's all right. The child has to be born. She's innocent. We just need to educate her.""

Wu Yan patted Lin Ru's back and said through gritted teeth.

He can already imagine what kind of sensation this movie will cause when it comes out.

Many people will vent their malice on them, and on the unborn Wu Song.

Humanity, rated as interesting by world watchers, but it never stands the test of time!


Lin Ru also had tears in her eyes and nodded.

Next, after Wu Yan still comforted Lin Ru for a while, he looked at the comment area.

Although he wanted Lin Ru not to look at it, there was nothing she could do if she insisted.

Just clicked into the comment area, and the top post made Wu Yan feel a chill in his heart.

"As for Wu Song's birth, I think it's better not to be born as a monster. It's too dangerous. As long as she has a little bit of malice, all human beings will let her knead it."5

.....for flowers

Wu Yan gritted his teeth and clicked into this post with anger.

"The landlord is right. Wu Song is too dangerous. If this kind of high-IQ evildoer commits a crime, all mankind will be in danger."

"It is the best to kill danger in the cradle. I am also in favor of not letting Wu Song be born."

"Tens of billions of people! She actually killed them all with a smile and turned them into nourishment for herself. This guy is a devil, a real monster."

"To be honest, when I was watching this movie, I started to feel bad for her, but now, oh my, she should die. The laborers who watched it got chills and almost got a heart attack.

"Yes, me too.

"So she should die. I think we should vote online, let the high-level human beings pay attention to this, and then let Lin Ru abort the child. 35

"If the high-level human beings don't do it. Old irons, have you formed a team to break into Shuidu University? Force Lin Ru to take birth control pills."

"Your news is really out of date, Wu Yan and Lin Ru are both protected and sent to the Shuidu Military Region. 35

"Hey, that's it. Was there any brother soldier from the Shuidu Military Region who secretly knocked out Lin Ru's child. We named you a human hero. QAQ.

Seeing these posts, Wu Yan felt cold all over his body and cold hands and feet.

Does this group of people think so? Hehehe, the Songsong goddess one after another called Huan. Now the attitude is really a 180-degree turn.

Whether or not to have a child is a matter of labor and management. What are you bb?

Just when Wu Yan and Lin Ru were disheartened and wanted to withdraw from this post with full anger, the following comments made his eyes widen a little, and he finally felt a little better.

"Are all of you upstairs orphans? What Mr. Zhao said, you are all farting? Which child is born evil? After all, it's not the evil result of human beings!? Now it's all Xiaosong's fault. Go, don't consider the fault of human beings themselves? This is a terrible dump."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Zhao is right. Humans are arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful and pathetic, and selfish. Damn, a bunch of cerebral palsy. 35

"Although I was also afraid, I'm really not ashamed to be in the company of people who curse Wu Song. It's faster to turn your face than to turn a book. Two days ago, I was bragging about the hope that the goddess Song Song would be born soon. Now I can't wait for her Go to hell, let her not be born. I still remember the id on the second floor, who was outrageous at the time. One mouthful of Songsong goddess, and one mouthful of flower guardians. Bah, it's really disgusting.

(ps: Please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~! Then what, if Mr. Zhao, someone will definitely say that I am water. But I thought about it for a long time, and I still got it carefully. Because of this, the sense of substitution is deeper, It's more convincing. If you want to scold, just scold, don't greet your family, I'll take it...) 1.

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