I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 185 System upgrade, the past ten months in the real world! (3/4 for subscription!)

Later, Wu Yan wanted to look for analysis posts, but what he missed was that there was no information worthy of analysis in the recent movies.

The source of light particles has been discussed before. It was the three electromagnetic signals emitted by the Lange Civilization that exposed the solar system to the eyes of unknown alien civilizations, and then they launched light particles. I don't know what civilization this civilization is.

But this is a good solution. So far, the primary enemy of mankind has always been the Blue Ge civilization. As long as you prepare the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan while defeating the Lange Civilization, you can avoid the attack of the light particles.

After all, although light particles can penetrate the sun, they also rely on the sun to destroy the surrounding planets. There are many ways to circumvent it, as long as you know it years in advance.

Then there is the discussion of the Silver Horn civilization. Too little information. Only know that the other party is very abnormal whether it is a technology tree or an individual strength level, and can only be labeled as not to be provoked and not to be discovered by them.

The next step is the sci-fi cultivation method that Xiaosong researched. Although this made a lot of people's hearts and admired, but there are no details in the movie, you can only watch it.

At the same time, the major political districts of the newly established Blue Star Civilization were in chaos.

The Star District and the Lion District are particularly chaotic. A large number of people began to march to protest, asking their elders to come out and apologize, and then abdicate to make way for the virtuous.

For a time, the faces of Elder Xing, Elder Lion and others turned pale. They know they're in real trouble.

Completely lost people's hearts.

And Elder Xuan attracts countless fans.

The turmoil in the world has awakened many people. Even if your world becomes an experimental ground, you must try your best to restrain yourself and don't do anything wrong.

Otherwise, the movie is released. Maybe all parallel worlds since 937 will suffer.

Of course, even though they think so, when a crisis really breaks out, it is still a question whether these people will care so much.

Xuanzheng District, Zijin Pavilion.

"It was unexpected..."

Elder Xuan also pressed his eyebrows, his eyes subtle.

The general trend of the world, because of the two experiments on human nature by the World Observer, inexplicably turned towards him.

"That's the best way to go."

Elder Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After watching the movie, the Presbyterian Church is really not good. These people are so pitiful. He didn't want to be killed.

Also, I believe that after today, few people would dare to shoot Wu Song again.

However, the protection must still be protected.

Elder Xuan thought deeply.

"After the problems of human beings themselves are solved, it is time to start to fight back against the Lange Civilization. We can't let the world observers lose interest in human beings. That would be too bad. 99

Elder Xuan's eyes shone brightly.

"System, the magic change is good."

On Lu Jie's side, he praised the system.

Some of the plots in the movie Data World·Devil's Cage have been systematically modified. Hmm, made him pretty darn good.

In particular, high-dimensional fragments are just small toys.

Even if he uses it in the future, he won't think too much about what the grown-up humans will research in the future.

Only more shocked.

After all, even the high-dimensional debris is just a small toy, and the world observers estimate that it is more mysterious and terrifying than they think?

Not bad, no bugs.

[Products produced by the system must be high-quality products. 】

The system answered proudly.

"Che, praise you, you will go to heaven.""

Lu Jie complained a bit.


A series of dots appeared in front of Lu Jie's eyes, but he ignored them.

"Speaking of which, should we delay the deduction for a while? For example, wait for the regime change in the real world.

Lu Jie touched his chin. I think this seems feasible.

Let the real world change regimes, and then the real world also digests the science and technology he gave.

In this case, the foundation of the Blue Star civilization that deduces the world is also strengthened.

Carrying out various deductions, the possibility of surviving some early stages is also higher.

But Lu Jie is also afraid that there will be problems in the real world, and then it will be completely destroyed, which would be embarrassing.

In the deduction world, it is the best and safest to let human beings obtain a method that can perfectly solve the blue grid civilization, and then radiate it to the real world.

"However, there are still more than two years before the small surveillance ship arrives at Blue Star, so there should be no problem."

Lu Jie thinks about gains and losses.

[Host, congratulations on breaking through 10 million deduction points, whether to upgrade the system. 】

The sound of the system suddenly rang.


Lu Jie raised her eyebrows, was surprised, and asked.

"What's the benefit of upgrading the system? 95

[After the system is upgraded, the chance of the host getting good things increases. Hidden features will also increase. What's more, in each future deduction, the host can directly obtain the cultivation of the strongest human beings and increase himself. 】

the system explained.

Lu Jie raised his eyebrows slightly.

This breaks the system, and the previous explanation is vague. The chance of a good thing increases, and it doesn't give a (beab) detail. What the hell is there a hidden function, and let him explore it by himself?

The only thing that is clear is that it can obtain the cultivation of the strongest human beings. This is a nice perk.

After all, it is calculated based on the current situation. Genetic medicine is the end of it. There may be stronger genetic medicines in the future, but in general, after the stellar rank, the sci-fi cultivation system is the orthodox.

No need to cultivate or anything, it is naturally the best.

"Does it cost 10 million deduction points to upgrade?"

Lu Jie asked.

[It does cost 10 million deduction points. But every normal game won't cost 5,000 game points anymore. 】

The system quickly explained.

"Then upgrade."

Lu Jie looked at the deduction points that were still growing, and spoke slowly.

Now the real world has changed a lot, and he has no shortage of deduction points. System upgrade, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, there is no need to hesitate.

Not to mention, with various changes in the real world, deduction points will only be obtained in the future.

[Spend 10 million deduction points, the system is being upgraded. So, dear host. See you in ten months. 】

The sound of the system sounded, and then quickly disappeared.


The corners of Lu Jie's mouth twitched, stunned.

Mom sells batches, what did the dog system just say?

See you in ten months?

Damn, it takes so long to upgrade a system, what a fool! Why didn't you say it just now!

This dog system is too pitiful!

Come on, he is no longer in a situation where he hesitates, and is forced to let the real world develop for ten months.

Lu Jie swears directly, and his temples jump.

"Master, do you want dessert?"

Seeing that Lu Jie was in a bad mood, Hubby said softly with some desserts she made.

"I don't want dessert..."

Lu Jie glanced faintly at the whole body of Hubby, who was wearing the off-the-shoulder maid outfit he bought, and spoke slowly.

In the blink of an eye, ten months have passed.

In the past ten months, Elder Xing and other hawk elders abdicated one after another and were replaced by new elders, but these new elders are all human beings. Knowing that Elder Xuan is the thigh now, they all expressed their attitudes. , stood firmly on the side of Elder Xuan. This allowed the people of various political districts to let go of the fierce and various remarks.

As a result, the Blue Star Civilization's Presbyterian Church became the Yiyantang of Elder Xuan and the Great Elder of the Presbyterian Church.

And Elder Xuan also showed his qualifications to sit in this position.

The integration of the Blue Star civilization went very smoothly. Although he favored the Xuanzheng District a little, he did not favor too much.

The regions blend well.

The development of science and technology is also extremely rapid, faster than the deduction world.

The world, unprecedented peace. Humanity, unprecedented unity.

Of course, Elder Xuan can hold this position firmly. The reason why human beings can be so united is that several movies that exposed human nature ten months ago have awakened human beings.

And then, the Observer website hasn't released a new movie for ten months!

The human beings in the real world have determined that they are the next experimental world, and they are preparing for the battle one by one!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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