I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 20 Zombie Siege! ? (44 For Collection!)

"System, speed up the timeline." Lu Jie said casually.

After that, there is nothing to see, it is better to let the system speed up the timeline and enter the key plot.

[As the sample was brought back to Xuanguo, Zhao Xian discovered the horror of the mutant MR virus and began to do his best to study it. At the same time, the Great Elder decisively shrank the defense line, abandoned most of the land in Yazhou, and let all Xuanguo's citizens who were outside return to Xuanguo immediately after being inspected. 】

[One week later, the elder of Xuanguo issued an order to carpet bomb the mutant tyrant zombies with a large-yield intercontinental missile, and the area of ​​tens of kilometers in Hasa country was reduced to scorched earth. After struggling for a while, the mutant tyrant zombie finally died. 】

[However, the super zombie devoured the mutant tyrant zombie after it died, all of which acquired the strong mutant MR virus in his body, and more or less began to evolve. 】

[One month later, the super zombies carried millions of zombies in the seagull continent and headed in the direction of Xuanguo, trying to devour a lot of flesh and blood in Xuanguo and continue to evolve. At the same time, the mutated MR virus also spilled into the territory of Xuan Kingdom. Although they had been prepared for a long time, many people still turned into zombies, but they were annihilated by the well-defended Xuanguo guards and troops. Although the entire Xuanguo was in turmoil, there was no major problem. 】

[The appearance of the corpse tide made Xuanguo give an all-round warning and bombard the corpse tide in all directions from a long distance. Although the corpse tide has reached millions, it is still difficult for it to impact the territory of Xuan Nation. In the end, the super zombies abandoned the corpse tide and used it as a bait, and secretly rushed into the territory of Xuanguo, easily turning cities into places of blood eating, and a large number of Xuanguo people were infected into zombies. 】

[In this regard, the Xuanguo Elders were furious, and decisively used ICBMs to carpet bomb, directly razing several zombie cities to the ground. At the same time, the defense line was once again contracted, and a large area of ​​genetic medicine was distributed to form a superhuman army. Heavily armed superhuman troops began to encircle the super zombies. 】

[However, because super zombies have good intelligence and are extremely cunning, unless they bombard them in all directions immediately after finding the trail, it is impossible to kill them. When super zombies break into the city, it is a disaster. For this reason, the encirclement and suppression process was not smooth, and the two sides entered a tug-of-war. The situation of the entire Xuan Nation gradually deteriorated. 】

[The tug-of-war lasted for five years. Within five years, the number of super zombies increased rather than decreased, but the number of humans was greatly reduced, and most of the cities fell. The remaining 100 million human beings are huddled in three megacities with steel walls as high as 200 meters, guarded by superhuman troops. 】

[Humans huddled and survived in the super metropolis. Under various iron-blooded policies, although the food supply had problems and life became increasingly difficult, because the mutant MR virus serum was developed in the past five years, it did not reappear after all because of the virus air. A large-scale infection has occurred due to the spread. 】

[Even for a super zombie, it is a very difficult task to break into a steel wall that is up to 200 meters high and guarded by superhuman troops. In this way, the war between humans and zombies is so deadlocked. 】

[Another year has passed, Zhao Xian, the chief biochemist of mankind, and other top scientists have successfully developed Gene Medicine 2.0. The Great Elder reluctantly injected 300,000 loyal soldiers with Gene Potion 2.0, 250,000 soldiers died, and the remaining 50,000 successfully strengthened their genes and became new human beings, forming a new human army of 50,000 people. With the ability to confront super zombies head-on, he has become the trump card on the human side. 】

"In six years, did you develop Gene Medicine 2.0?" Lu Jie stood at a high altitude, overlooking the steel city below, and he smiled slightly.

In the archive copy of Biochemical Doom: New Humanity, Zhao Lao spent fifteen years developing it.

The situation is also very bad now, but the number of talents and resources are much more than in the new human chapter, no doubt nine years faster.

Sure enough, human beings can only stimulate their potential when they are in a desperate situation.

"Hopefully we can develop Gene Pharmacy 4.0 this time." Lu Jie murmured.

[While the host was thinking, something happened to Xuanguo again. 】

The sound of the system sounded, making Lu Jie come back to his senses.

At this time, his figure was moved to a certain position.

Below, there are densely packed zombies, and the boundary cannot be seen at a glance.

Among them, there are many tall super zombies, and there is even a super zombie that is close to the original mutant tyrant zombie.

[Unable to attack humans for a long time, the super zombies chose to summon the zombies that attacked the subcontinent within two years. A total of 2.5 billion corpses surrounded the only remaining steel city in Xuan Kingdom from all directions. 】

"2.5 billion zombies?" Hearing this number, Lu Jie took a deep breath as he looked at the dense group of zombies below.

The population of the entire Haiya continent is about 5 billion. Because of the encirclement and suppression of Xuan Kingdom in the past few years, the number of zombies is undoubtedly much less, but because of the fall of Xuan Kingdom, there are still a large number.

2.5 billion, you can't kill it if you kill it softly. This number is simply terrifying.

It is impossible for humans to gather so many armies.

But zombies are different. Zombies do not need food and can turn this scene into reality.

"Humans are in trouble." Lu Jie frowned.

An army of 2.5 billion zombies, besieging the steel city, and 50,000 new human troops are not enough to watch. Not to mention that there are now more super zombies than new humans.

Unable to hold, impossible to hold.

Even if it can block the super zombies, ordinary zombies can completely invade the city in the form of a wall of flesh.

So many zombies, ordinary people will only be eaten clean.

Variant MR virus serum was injected. Ordinary people can't be infected by ordinary zombies into zombies, only the fate of being eaten cleanly.

Only super zombies can infect ordinary people who have been injected with serum.

"If nothing else, humans have only that choice." Lu Jie pondered and narrowed his eyes.

As Lu Jie expected, Xuanguo's high-level officials had already quarreled.

"The pictures in the satellite live broadcast made everyone in the conference room terrified and the noise turned upside down."

"Don't be noisy." The elder patted the table with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice.

When the first elder spoke, everyone quieted down, with different expressions, but most of them were numbly watching the terrifying scene of the projection.

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