I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 198 New deduction, the first negotiation between Blue Star Civilization and Blue Ge Civiliza

Afterwards, Wu Yan also visited the comment area of ​​the meeting, and the content of the discussion was almost the same as what he and his dorm friends discussed.

To this end, he shook his head and stopped posting posts, but went with his wife and children.

Not long after, the assistants reported the content of the movie and the reasonable comments in the comment area, plus some of their own analysis.

"Star Devourer Dragon..."

In the new Zijin Pavilion, Elder Xuan tapped on the table with a solemn expression.

This is really a big problem. Because there was only one accident in the past, they all decided that only one accident in each parallel world would appear in Blue Star.

Now even the star-devouring dragon, which has not appeared for a long time, has come out. Other mishaps may also appear one by one. Have to guard against.

At present, all human beings can do is wait and see.

Only the MR virus can be effectively prevented... The Institute of Biochemistry has to be instructed to expeditiously develop the virus serum. Genetic medicine is not in a hurry.

and also...

While Elder Xuan was thinking about various issues, Lu Jie took Hubby to the streets after a long absence.

Well, I have finished reading the books at home, which is also a reason.

Although e-books can also be read online, he prefers the feeling of flipping through books.

After playing enough, Lu Jie took Hubby home.

14 While Hubby went to watch anime, Lu Jie watched the new sci-fi masterpiece alone in a peaceful atmosphere.

The next day, after eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Jie quietly closed the book.

"System, read "Blue Star Colony Space Battlefield", the timeline starts from zero.

Lu Jie spoke slowly.


The sound of the system rang, and Lu Jie also felt a sway of consciousness, and appeared in the room of Bazef, the father of the curvature drive engine.

Next, Lu Jie glanced at Baazef who was excitedly writing various formulas on the paper, and his figure disappeared here.

"The system uploads the movie "Blue Star Colony - Space Battlefield" on the observer website of this world."

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

【Host, you are a little funny... 】

The system complained.

Upload the movie in the copy, and then cause the same reaction in the real world. Then humans in the real world will feel dumbfounded.

Next, they will think that it is no longer possible to judge whether it has become an experimental site just by watching whether the movie has been updated.

"Leave me alone.

Lu Jie shrugged.

He did it on purpose, of course.

Now that human thinking has been reversed, it is believed that the accident is not just one. Then it's okay to add fire.

He uploads the movie in the copy, and then uploads it to the real world, modifying it slightly. People in the real world panicked. So, what will they do? They will be more nervous and will develop faster.

His original decision was to let the real world develop after he had the ability to perfectly clear the novice village boss of Lange Civilization in the real world. Right now, it still seems a little unstable. How to squeeze the potential, how to squeeze it. Let the real world have the ability to develop in the shortest time, and to deal with various crises can let it develop for a period of time.

Otherwise, if there is one or more root possibilities in the deduced world, the real world will really be GG.

[Uploaded successfully. 】

The sound of the system sounded again.

"System, Speed ​​Up Timeline. 99

Lu Jie nodded, pondered slightly, and then said.

[While the host was contemplating, a day passed. Humans are shaken by the movies uploaded by the host. And Bazef, the father of the curvature-driven engine, just wanted to publish a theory, but he was stunned to find that the world had changed... Although he was still being praised, it made him quite depressed. 】

【the next day. When human beings stared at the movie on the Observer website with anticipation, they were surprised to find that there was no update. For a time, human beings panicked again, and some did not understand what was going on. 】

[After a lapse of ten months, the movie was finally updated, making them think that this world is not an experimental field. The result was broken again. This makes human beings puzzled, unable to determine whether their world is an experimental field. 】

[In this atmosphere, the elder Xuan Da made a public declaration and woke up all mankind. Whether it has become an experimental world or not, it doesn't matter. Because no matter which world it is, human beings must make every effort to develop in order to have the possibility of survival. 】

[In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. In the past two years, human beings no longer care about whether their world has become an experimental world, and they are developing with all their strength. Two years later, the small surveillance ships of the Lange civilization arrived in the solar system. 】

[It is greeted by an antimatter space rail gun. This time, though, the humans deliberately missed the hit. But this still frightened the three Lange Stars who were controlling the small surveillance ship several light years away and staying on the small reconnaissance ship. 】

[The technological level shown by the Blue Star civilization may not be weaker than them. For a time, they plan to report their situation to the parent star, and let the parent star's high-level officials issue new instructions. 】

[However, at this time, humans sent a message with electromagnetic signals, which shocked the three Lange stars. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

Lu Jie's figure also appeared on the small reconnaissance ship of Lange Civilization.

"The scouts of Lange Civilization, the location of your home planet is.... Let the leader of your home planet, Gata, come and talk to me.

This sentence made the three Lange stars discuss in panic.

In the end, they chose to report the situation to the top of the parent star using quantum communication technology.

For a time, the high-level collective of Lange Civilization made a sensation, and the complexion was extremely ugly.

In the end, Gata, the leader of the Lange civilization, chose to accept the communication.

After all, the location of their home planet has been revealed, and now there is no choice.

This is suspected of deliberately revealing the location of the civilization that attracted them, and the intention is unknown. If you don't get it right, you will be dragged to death together.

"System, speed up the timeline. 35

Lu Jie smiled playfully and said.

[The leader of the Lange Civilization, Jiata, chose 977 to communicate with the elder Xuan Da. He tried all kinds of tests, but the elder Xuan Da did not have much bbw. Although he has analyzed the Lange language through the film in the past two years, he does not know much of the language, and it is easy to expose it when he speaks too much. For this reason, he only said a few points. 】

[Let Lange Civilization transmit all its own science and technology, and then are not allowed to enter the solar system. In this case, the starship of the Blue Star Civilization monitoring the Lan Ge Galaxy will not reveal the location of the Lan Ge Civilization. 】

[Elder Xuan Da expressed the hope that the two sides will live in a friendly and peaceful coexistence, rather than perish together. Blue Star Civilization has no malice towards Blue Ge Civilization. 】

[The words of Elder Xuan made the leader of Lange Civilization, Jiata, so angry that he almost blew up his palace. But he could only hold back and agree to the proposal. Because he is very afraid that this crazy civilization that exposes its position and deliberately fishes will really do such a crazy thing. 】

[The two parties that have been exposed can only have peace talks. But Gata also said that the Blue Star civilization must also share their science and technology in turn. Otherwise, they will die together. In this regard, Elder Xuan agreed with a smile. The two mortal enemy civilizations have thus become 'allies', secretly preparing to find opportunities to backstab each other in a foolproof situation.

The explanation of the system stopped.

(ps: please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~! Cough, some people said that the last chapter was a bit perfunctory, in fact, the author did not dig well, it seemed dry, and still a little inexperienced, sorry, next Attention!).

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