I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 202 Humans finally realized that there are limits to evildoers, so... (4/4 for subscription!

Next, Elder Xuan Da showed Wu Yan and others what is called the art of negotiation. He suppressed the leader of the Lange Civilization, Gata, and extorted various technologies. He was so angry that Gata almost blew up his own. palace.

In the end, Gata was even more annoyed when he said that the Blue Star civilization is a rogue robbery civilization, a lunatic civilization.

This is the end of the first negotiation between the two parties.

"Pfft.... Elder Xuan is too 6.

"The sudden situation of space warfare, the sudden situation of space warfare, is really awesome."

"Cough cough, not only did it make Lan Ge Civilization not dare to act recklessly, but also extorted various cutting-edge technologies of Lan Ge Civilization. It's too cool."

"If this wave of operations continues, humanity will probably accelerate its development.

Wu Yan and the others were all beaming with joy, marveling at Elder Xuan Da's wrist.

The next step is to enter the development period of human beings, and various industrial chains are formed rapidly.

During this period, he also relied on the starship to fly into the depths of space, continuing to deter the Lange civilization.

This time, there are various complete materials "Nine Nine Zeros" and theories. When Wu Song was nine years old, he cooperated with a large number of top scientists, perfected the theory of the curvature-driven engine, designed the manufacturing diagram of the curvature-driven engine, and humans began to manufacture light-speed starships.

Seeing this series of developments, Wu Yan and others looked at each other in dismay.

Not surprised that Wu Song has advanced the time again. After all, with more and more scientific and technological materials, more and more perfect. If only absorbed, this time is normal.

The key point is that in this movie, the detailed information of various technologies was released without any cover up.

This also means that humans can directly acquire these technologies by relying on this movie.

This is a great gift.

Of course, there are also hidden dangers, which are obtained by some villains. However, people who are not the most advanced still cannot understand it, let alone create it.

"The world watchers are big, is this a change in attitudes towards human beings?

One of Wu Yan's roommates couldn't help speaking excitedly.

"I advise you not to make such delusions better. Humans thought the same way back then, don't forget the consequences."

"Such an idea is extremely arrogant.

‘It’s not so much that the attitude of the world watchers towards human beings has changed greatly…. It’s more that the world watchers hate this thousand-and-a-half human development?

"Perhaps, it is because you want to give benefits to human beings and perform a new drama?"

"This is the real reason. But it also shows that the world observers value us humans more than the Lange civilization. Although, both sides are ants."


Everyone was discussing one after another, happy and complicated.

The next picture made them even more happy.

Because Wu Song spent the next year learning from scratch and cooperated with Mr. Zhao and other top biochemists to develop Gene Medicine 4.0, he began to study the technology of Lange Civilization.

After spending five years, with the support of complete technical materials, she brought the top scientific research team to thoroughly understand the technology of Lange Civilization.

These were originally boring research plots, but everyone had no irritable thoughts.

Because, whether it is the specific manufacturing method of genetic medicine, or the science and technology of Lange Civilization, the research process is relatively detailed!

Even if the conditions allow, some geniuses are estimated to be able to make their own genetic medicine after thinking carefully about the movie for a period of time.

Of course, without material, it is all clouds.

Human high-level materials, but the control is deadly.

Next, a year later, Wu Song developed Gene Medicine 4.9. The research process has also been accelerated, but still in more detail.

Subsequently, Wu Song began to study Gene Medicine 5.0 again.

Everyone also knows about the strength of the Star Devouring Dragon gene. It turns out that Gene Medicine 5.0 is a defective product.

However, as for how to make perfect use of dragon meat, even Wu Song has no clue in three years, which is surprising.

When everyone sighed, the screen turned, and the world observer actually appeared.

This made Wu Yan and the others startled and stared intently.

In the movie, World Observer gave Wu Song more dragon meat and, Erxiang Foil!

"Fuck, two-way foil..."

"The World Observer actually gave this thing to Xiaosong!"

"It seems that the World Observer really wants to accelerate the development of mankind. The same drama makes him a little tired. 95

"That's right. But with the two-way foil. Humans may have the possibility to resist the Silver Horn civilization!"

"Xiaosong should be able to study it."

Wu Yan and the others were full of joy and discussed excitedly. For Wu Song, they have a mysterious trust. It should be said that many people are like this.

However, the next development made everyone silent.

Because let alone two-way foil, even if it is a genetic medicine in a higher field, it is difficult for Wu Song to research it.

In the end, he still failed to use the dragon's genes perfectly, and only produced Gene Medicine 5.9.

For this reason, Wu Yan and others couldn't help comforting themselves, thinking that as Xiao Song said in the movie, there is a limit to the genetic medicine. The upper limit is 5.9.

However, the plot of the film continued to advance. In the past 20 years, the research team led by Wu Song has made no progress in the research of two-way foil. Even Wu Song was depressed.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yan and the others couldn't help but smile bitterly...

What kind of feeling is there.... Disillusionment? Disillusionment.

They have always regarded Wu Song as an omnipotent existence in their subconscious.

At least, in the field of scientific research.

Just give Wu Song samples and materials. She can research it.

This time, it seems to be different.

Even Wu Song couldn't understand a high-end thing like Erxiang Foil. Twenty years later, the research has made no progress.

It also made them understand.

Wu Song is also human. No matter how evil you are, there is a limit.

It is unrealistic to want to rely on Wu Song to surpass the Silver Horn civilization with a single evildoer.

It has to be done by all human beings. Give birth to more monsters.

When Wu Yan and others were thinking wildly, the screen switched again.

First, I briefly talked about the colonization plan of the Blue Star Civilization on the Green Star, which was to switch to the Blue Star Civilization.

The plot made Wu Yan and others' faces sank instantly.

Because Lange Civilization has gradually increased its efforts to test the bottom line of Blue Star Civilization in recent years.

Until now, they have transferred all the high-level executives away from Lange Star, and the Blue Star civilization still has no response, which has made the senior officials of Lange Civilization extremely suspicious. Even guessed a lot of truth. The senior management of Lange Civilization was furious.

In the next two years, they directly and with great fanfare, transferred high-level and military relatives without any cover.

The Blue Star Civilization remained unresponsive.

This made the top management of Blue Star Civilization determine that Blue Star Civilization is completely fooling them, cheating technology, and cheating resources.

This made their revenge soar to a critical point. The senior leaders of Blue Star Civilization madly abandoned their home planet and ordinary people.

After the people who have been transferred have been settled within five years, and the planetary shielding system has been deployed on the colonized planet, they will begin their revenge against the Blue Star civilization!

This is a means they have seen many times. Sacrifice the starship and use the advanced civilization to destroy the Blue Star civilization.

Only this time, it was more ruthless, and even the parent star was abandoned.

Jingjing 99

Seeing this, Wu Yan and the others all looked gloomy and uncertain. The atmosphere at the scene was depressing to the extreme.

They really didn't expect that the senior management of Lange Civilization could be so cruel that even the parent star and the people were abandoned and didn't care.

This is completely different from humans.

Humans, seeking skin with tigers, are about to be eaten...

The crime of greed, the movie suffix, they finally understood its meaning.

Humans, indeed, are going to suffer extinction because of greed...!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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