I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 205 Two crazy plans proposed by Wu Song! (3/4 for subscription!)

The figure of Lu Jie appeared on the blue star.

To be precise, in the highest meeting room of mankind.

The high-level human beings are watching a video with great joy.

That was the surveillance footage from the hidden monitors they had placed in the solar system.

A huge meteorite came to the solar system and headed straight towards the original blue star.

This is a scene they are familiar with.

In the past, many humans in parallel worlds were killed by meteorites. But now they are crying with joy.

A meteorite is a signal!

It shows that the blue grid civilization has taken the safest measures. Using meteorites to destroy the Blue Star civilization really didn't take them seriously.

In addition, they did not sense any monitoring equipment on the meteorite, indicating that the other party was simply throwing a meteorite. There is no intention to continue to deal with the Blue Star civilization.

It is estimated that the Blue Star Civilization, a bum civilization, is not worth the risk of exposure, or the consequences of damaging a starship and a few scouts.

And this, completely met Blue Star Civilization's plan expectations. The ending is perfect.

Blue Star, this time, is really safe.


Even the elders of Xuan Da were extremely overjoyed and could not control their emotions at all.

"It's time for us to tell the good news to all mankind. This time, all mankind will be fine!

"Today is a festive day. Let the public eat, drink and have fun during the holidays.""

"Yes yes yes! It should be done.

The rest of the elders also spoke with 993 red light on their faces.

In the presence, Wu Song was also relieved. However, her beautiful eyes stared at the screen, her eyes flickering.

Although human beings have escaped the first dilemma, it does not mean that they are completely safe.

The vast universe is full of dangers.

There are still many problems that human beings need to solve. For example, the number one enemy of the Silver Horn civilization.

"I have several proposals for the future development of mankind."

At this time, Wu Song glanced at the elders and spoke in a deep voice.

"Xiao Song, tell me."

These words shocked the hearts of the elders present, and the elder Xuan Da spoke earnestly.

Although Wu Song was not an elder, she was qualified to attend such a supreme meeting. After all, she is the strongest human brain. Her proposal must be taken seriously at all times.

"There is a limit to development close to the current level of human intelligence. For example, I can't analyze the two-way foil. After thinking about it, I came up with a few ways to break the limit. 39

Wu Song showed unwillingness, but spoke truthfully.

"The first method is. The clone project. Drawing on the idea of ​​an animation, clone 20,000 mes to form the Wusong network. The body of me is the main brain, and the cloned body is the supplement to carry out scientific research together."5

Wu Song was in a complicated mood, but spoke calmly.


As soon as these words were spoken, Elder Xuan Da and others looked at Wu Song in astonishment, not expecting that she would come up with such a plan.


Lu Jie looked strange, and immediately admired it. Most people don't want to see their clones. After all, there are too many fantasies about cloning. If the clone is not done well, it is possible to replace the original body.

Of course, if used well, it might be a good tool. It will increase the efficiency of scientific research many times.

If I can't do one, then I will do thousands of them together.

To be honest, Wu Song's position in Lu Jie's mind rose a lot as soon as Wu Song said this.

Well, it is indeed his most valued pawn.

"Xiao Song, did you really decide to do this?"

Elder Xuan was silent for a while, and then spoke seriously.

The cloning program, in fact, human beings have always considered it. However, scientists couldn't accept it, so they could only put it on hold. And this is normal. Most people can't accept this kind of plan.

"If human beings want to surpass the Silver Horn civilization, it is not enough to rely on me alone.

Wu Song spoke slowly.


Elder Xuan looked at Wu Song distressedly and hesitated.

The rest of the elders also flickered, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Elder Xuan, I know you are worried about the clones going rampant. However, as the mastermind, I only need to be stronger than the clones. The only genetic medicine 5.9, I can inject it. In this case, the spiritual power Always better than them. Plus I can monitor their memories at any time, no problem."

Wu Song spoke slowly.

Of course, the real plan is not as simple as she said. However, she has already done all kinds of preparations and is not worried about what will happen.

Even in this era, there is no need to worry about the genetic defects of cloned human beings. Genetic medicine is a good thing.

"(beab) Well, start the clone program."

Elder Xuan looked at the girl with admiration and distress, and spoke earnestly.

The rest of the elders were also in a complicated mood.

"The second proposal, that is, the stellar-level computer plan. If human technology wants to continue to break through, it is not enough for me, even if there are 20,000 clones, it is not enough. Stellar-level supercomputer, must be made.

"Using the energy of Yanru stars to create a cross-ring supercomputer that wraps stars. I believe that with these two plans, mankind should be able to enter the era of technological big bang. High-end weapons such as two-way foils and higher-level weapons should be developed. The energy absorption method, or the genetic medicine, is not a dream."

Wu Song didn't have any ink marks, and spoke with a serious face.

"A stellar computer! Such a bold idea. 35

Elder Xuan's eyes flickered.

"It's a really good plan.

"I think it can be done.""

"However, if it takes tens of thousands of years for humans to create a stellar-level computer, it will be difficult for humans to do it."

"No, I think a conservative estimate will take 100,000 years.... The size of the star Yanru is twice the size of the sun.

"If it is more than 100,000 years, is it a bit of a gamble? And if you want to create a Bissen sphere, human beings will definitely pour all resources into it, which will delay the development of other fields."5

"I think human beings need to gamble. Otherwise, if they survive, they will be discovered sooner or later, and then destroyed.

"If you win the bet, you can even help other parallel worlds. All humans in parallel worlds will sing praises for us."

"Even Lord World Observer will look at us humans highly."

"That's right, then I agree. 35

All the elders were discussing.

"The stellar computer plan, passed. We will do everything we can to create a stellar computer... I believe that human beings will be able to create a stellar computer, Shuimu Gong, and truly get rid of the identity of the prey."

Elder Xuan Da glanced at the elders, and found that few people raised objections, then he smiled and glanced at Wu Song who was calm, and said with a serious face.

"Grandpa Xuan, the name Shui Mugong is not cute at all.

Seeing the proposal passed, Wu Song finally showed a smile and joked.

"Hahaha, it's just these three words when you split the word Song. Or, Xiaosong, you just want to name it. Stellar-level computer, Xiaosong?"

Elder Xuan laughed and joked.

"Uh...that's fine.

The thought of a bunch of people calling her name at the computer made her a little subtle. For this reason, Wu Song's pretty face stiffened and she smiled helplessly.

"Wu Song clone project, stellar computer project... Interesting. Has humanity finally taken this step? 359

Lu Jie watched all this quietly and smiled lightly.

In "Three-Body Problem", the singer civilization also created a giant computer through the energy of stars to achieve a technological explosion.

Of course, the reality is not so simple.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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