I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 216 Fuck the bitch civilization! Humans will never be slaves? (2/4 for subscription!)

In the movie, Wu Song calmly used the two-way foil.

Kuaka calmly watched Erxiang Foil float in front of him.

All human beings in the real world are also holding on to the last trace of luck and watching eagerly.

Dimensionality reduction has finally begun.

As a result, everyone really collapsed.

The dimensionality reduction did begin, but Kuaka was strangely not reduced. It is a three-dimensional existence, but it exists strangely on a two-dimensional plane.

Even Wu Song in the movie had the idea of ​​'this is unscientific'.

In the end, the outbreak of Erxiang Foil made Wu Song himself dimensionally reduced. It's just that she saw a light group in Kuaka before the dimensionality reduction.

With the passage of time, all Yanru galaxies have been reduced in dimension.

On the other hand, Kuaka was full of fanaticism, facing the void in awe and asking the World Observer if he was satisfied with the show.

The World Observer did not appear, but a force of deletion was incorporated into Kuaka's ring.

This is the answer. Very satisfied.

Kuaka was extremely grateful for the gift of the World Observer. With the expectation that the Silver Horn civilization will get the attention of the world observer, I left here.

Next, the screen switches to the rest of the galaxy, where the humans are also fiasco.

With the demise of the human race, the movie ends there.

Seeing this, everyone fell silent, left the virtual world with mixed feelings, and returned to reality.


Wu Yan sighed bitterly, causing Lin Ru, who was taking care of Wu Song, to feel a lump in her heart, knowing that this time it was a bad ending, and it was much worse than before.

Later, Wu Yan clicked into the comment area with a complicated mood.

At this time, the comment area has been completely fried.

The plot of this movie is really amazing. And it also shattered the human mind.

This time, clicking on the first comment made Wu Yan smile again.

"Humans must correct their attitude and status, otherwise, they will only be abandoned.

You may think that the Silver Horn Civilization, a high-level civilization that is madly killing humans, has abandoned its dignity and madly knelt down and licked the world observer, which makes people speechless.

The so-called stand tall and look far, because the Silver Horn civilization stands tall, so they are more aware of what the existence of the world observer means, and how terrifying and great it is. What they do is understandable.

According to them, getting the attention of the world observers, even if they become guinea pigs, can make their power skyrocket. If you can get appreciation and gifts, you may become the overlord of the universe.

And this is also true. A fact that no one can deny.

Don't feel that the senior officials of the Silver Horn Civilization are licked and have no dignity. They just have a broad enough vision and made the right attitude and choice.

In contrast to humans. Why are we humans still complaining about ourselves here? Oh, the sadness in my heart is really a funny word.

I know. Because I am also an ordinary person, and I used to feel sad in my heart. This was the case until the movie came out. Now, I've slapped myself hard.

We humans have never understood what the existence of the World Observer-sama means.

Self-deprecating yourself as an experimental ant? Facts have proved that even this identity is an identity that Silver Horn civilization is envious of, envious and jealous enough to want to kill humans and replace it!

If there is no world watcher, how could we human beings develop so quickly? No. perished long ago. Maybe many people also know this, but it is still more or less depressed and sad because of issues such as identity and dignity.

Now, it's time for humanity to figure it out. They are not qualified to be sad. Because this is an identity that even higher civilizations envy, and even wants to compete for the past.

We must correct our attitude towards the world watcher. Otherwise, human beings will be abandoned.

The universe is so vast, and human beings are just a trivial intelligent race.

To get the attention of the world observers, it is human beings who stepped on the shit luck, really lucky. But humans are definitely not the most special. If it goes on like this, the status of human beings will be replaced sooner or later.

For example, the Silver Horn civilization.

I'm a little excited, and the words are a bit complicated, please understand everyone... I can't calm down, the landlord. 39

"What the landlord said is very reasonable. I have also reflected on it. Humans, we must correct our attitude.

"Hey, let's talk about it. When I watched Lord World Observer give the King of Silver Horn Civilization the power to delete three copies of data, I was still dissatisfied... I felt that Lord World Observer favored one over the other... What am I? , It's really a slap in the face."

"Upstairs, I actually thought about it. Now think about it, what an arrogant idea. Because we are used to the Observer website and the things that World Observer uses for experiments to help human growth, we actually take it for granted. I'm really sick.

"Me too.... Think about it carefully. What does the World Watcher want to give to us? It's none of our business. We can get so many benefits and get the attention and help of the World Watcher. Gifted.

"Human's bad faults, nose-on-face, greed. The last movie still didn't let us correct it."

"The landlord is right. Humans are not special. On the Silver Horn Civilization, you can also log in to the Observer website. Explain what. The major races in the universe are treated equally in the eyes of the World Observer. It's just that he now treats human beings. Just more interested."

.....For flowers 0・・

"Not much to say. In the future, I will respect the world watcher from the bottom of my heart. And I have to teach my descendants to respect the world watcher. Let it become the ancestor's teaching. Otherwise, directly break the leg.

"The one upstairs is ruthless. However, well done. I want to do the same. The high-level human beings in the new era in the movie don't respect the world watcher so much, and they dare to criticize the world watcher. It's really dead. ...'

"Heh, it must be respected. Isn't this a matter of course? Otherwise, human beings will definitely be abandoned. Although the world watcher doesn't care what human beings think. But if you put your nose on your face, it's not necessarily true."

"Also, the Silver Horn civilization, this bitch civilization, actually wants to compete with us humans. We humans will never die with them. Humans will never be slaves. Well, except for the world observer..."


"Indeed, the Silver Horn civilization, the bitch civilization, actually wants to replace us humans to get the attention of the world watcher. It must not die. Also, it is the best to become the slave of the world watcher.

"Upstairs, you think so. The Silver Horn civilization in the parallel world in the future will probably think the same. If they discover the Observer website. It will definitely be more crazy than the Silver Horn civilization in this parallel world. Humans must be Their must-see list at the meeting."

"How can you fix it, scolding.

"Can you beat it?

This made many people silent.

Wu Yan also opened his mouth, but was speechless.

With the help of the World Observer, human beings have developed for 100,000 years, but as a result, they were easily destroyed.

It can even be said that the other party has single-handedly overturned the headquarters galaxy of the Blue Star Civilization.

The individual strength was completely exploded. The technology tree is far behind others.

Thinking about it carefully, the Blue Star civilization has developed for 100,000 years. The Silver Horn civilization has also developed for 100,000 years. Moreover, the technology of 100,000 years ago has completely exploded the Blue Star civilization 100,000 years later.

Why are you catching up.

If it goes on like this, it seems very bad.

Humans, will it really be replaced by the Silver Horn civilization in the eyes of world observers?

After all, in this movie, the attitude of the World Observer towards the Silver Horn civilization is much better than that of humans.

They even appreciated their attitude.

Thinking of this, many people panic.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) Two.

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