I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 237 New deduction, the choice of the star-devouring dragon! The world observer reappears! (3

In the new Zijin Pavilion, Elder Xuan also listened to the assistant's report, and his face was full of regret.

Xu Xinying is indeed trustworthy. Working with Wu Song to study and formulate plans can do more with less.

Even the Star Devourer was turned into a reliable ally of mankind by the two of them.

It's just a pity that the unfortunate encounter with a black hole, resulting in a shortfall.

"The Silver Horn civilization will most likely escape to the Myron galaxy after a million years, which is also a problem.

Elder Xuan tapped on the table and muttered.

"Forget it, humans don't need to think so much. If humans can successfully migrate to the Myron system. Millions of years later, if the Blue Star civilization still exists, a fleet of the Silver Horn civilization is nothing. Time for revenge.

At that time, the main trouble of Blue Star Civilization might be Three Eyes Civilization.

Elder Xuan thought a lot, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Although this movie still ends in tragedy, there is undoubtedly a lot of good news in it, which is very valuable for reference.

Elder Xuan Da believed that their world, as well as other parallel worlds, would definitely be able to overcome the first difficulty with these precious experiences.

At the same time, on Xu Xinying's side, she also finished watching the movie, but she didn't have any expression fluctuations, and continued to study the space wormhole technology calmly.

The next day, after eight o'clock in the evening, after the system's deduction function had cooled down, Lu Jie planned to conduct the deduction directly.

"System, let's carry out a new deduction."

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

【Deduction in progress....】

The sound of the system rang, and Lu Jie also felt a sway of consciousness, his vision changed, and he came to Handu.

"What is the root possibility this time?"

Lu Jie glanced at the scene and muttered to himself.

The root cause possibility is nothing but chance. Sometimes it's just an ordinary volcanic eruption, but sometimes there's something like high-dimensional debris.

[When the host was curious, a terrifying new network virus appeared in the water, causing large riots around the world, and ordinary red guests could not deal with it at all. To this end, the water began to report the situation. 】

[The high-level human beings paid more attention to this matter, summoned a large number of top red guests to deal with it, and brought the situation under control. It took fifteen days to finally eliminate the new network virus. This matter, after all, is just an episode, not many people pay attention. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

"So, the root cause this time is probably just a new virus on the Internet. And it's the kind that doesn't deserve shoes for MR viruses.

Lu Jie shook his head, a little disappointed.

The new deduction this time is non-chief again.

"System, speed up the timeline.""

Immediately, Lu Jie said.

[When the host was disappointed, eleven years passed. The development of these eleven years is similar to the development of the last parallel world. The difference is that ordinary people have basically accepted Xu Xinying, and some details have been developed differently, but they are generally similar. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another period of time passed, and after the human beings were fully prepared, the Star Devouring Dragon came to the solar system. Xu Xinying repeated the old trick, the difference was that Xu Xinying called out Kuin's eyes directly, which surprised the Star Devourer. After all, only the dragon of the Dragon Star Region knows his name. 】

[Because Xu Xinying called out his name, the Star Devouring Dragon was very curious. For this reason, under Star Devourer's inquiry, Xu Xinying let Star Devourer start watching the movies on the Observer website more easily than in the previous parallel world. It's just that Star Devourer finally understood everything, but he was also stunned. 】

The explanation of the system stopped again.

Lu Jie's figure also appeared in space.

At this moment, the huge scarlet dragon pupil of the Star Devourer was staring at Xu Xinying.

"Lord World Observer is indeed great, detached from the universe. However, Xu Xinying, Blue Star Civilization killed me once in the last parallel world, do you think I will continue to form an alliance with Blue Star Civilization?

Star Devourer said with dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry about that. It's my fault."

After Xu Xinying was silent, she didn't defend anything, and didn't say anything like this time, but sincerely thanked her.


Xu Xinying's apology made Star Devouring Dragon stunned for a moment.

"You are really interesting. Your character and style are very much in my liking. However, you actually complained about me being stupid, unreliable or something, it's too much! Benlong is so domineering and powerful, how can he be unreliable! 35

Immediately, the Star Devouring Dragon first praised, and then roared with dissatisfaction.

"It was my fault too. Sorry.

Xu Xinying's face twitched slightly and apologized again, without any pretence.

"It is not impossible for me to continue to be an ally of you weak humans.

Seeing this, the Star Devouring Dragon is not good for anything else, it said tangled.

"However, Xu Xinying... We were friends in the last world, can we still be friends in this world?"

"Of course you can. I've always regarded you as a friend. Kuin, when we first communicated, I said it, my friend Kuin..."

Xu Xinying smiled and said softly.

"Hahaha, as expected you are very interesting. Then we will be friends in the future. That's what I said. In the future, I will be overshadowed by Blue Star Civilization."5

The Star Devourer opened his mouth happily.

"However, this time, don't be so pitiful. You have to prepare everything, I don't want to die so suffocated.

Immediately, the Star Devourer said vigilantly.

"Yes, I will.

Xu Xinying nodded seriously.

"That's good. However, if the energy is not enough this time, I can also help deliver the energy. It's not that I want to help, it's just that the elders have taught me that if my friends are in trouble, they can help if they can."

Star Devourer said.

Although the elder said that if the same race is in trouble, help, and if the other race is in trouble, just ignore it... but Xu Xinying has my genes in the body, and if he can transform into a dragon, he should be considered half a clan. I do, yes.

Immediately, the Star Devouring Dragon muttered in his heart again.

"Then I'm welcome. Thank you, Kuin."5

Hearing this, Xu Xinying's smile became even more intense.

"See you next time."

After the Star Devourer nodded, it flew out of the solar system.

And Xu Xinying also returned to Blue Star and announced this exciting news.

For a time, both the high-level human beings and the ordinary people were ecstatic.

After all, they were worried that the Star Devourer Dragon had been pitted once before and might not become an ally of the Blue Star Civilization anymore.

As a result, the character of this dragon is really good.

For a time, most of the humans of the Blue Star Civilization had an extremely high opinion of the Star Devouring Dragon. There are also many people who have become 0.5 fans of Star Devouring Dragon, and even some fanatics, affectionately calling Long Dad, Long Brother and so on.

In short, there are all kinds of sand sculpture netizens.

And human beings are also officially launching various plans to save energy.

"Help Xu Xinying and Wu Song a little."

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie smiled lightly, chose to cancel the ghost mode, and appeared in front of Xu Xinying and Wu Song.

"Lord World Watcher!"

Seeing Lu Jie's appearance, Xiao Wusong was full of joy and stared at Lu Jie without blinking.

"Lord World Watcher...! 35

Xu Xinying's eyes flickered slightly, suppressing her heart, trying her best to keep calm, and bowing her knees with incomparable respect. That's all she can do. After all, what happened in this world is likely to be uploaded as a movie, and she cannot reveal her identity.

This kind of performance can let outsiders not see the slightest bit of strangeness.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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