I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 246 Read the copy! Human's choice! Wu Song's sense of powerlessness! (4/4 for subs

"It makes a lot of sense... It's really not cruel enough, and it's too greedy. However, with so many benefits, it's hard for me to give up..."

"Alas...how do I feel, the path of mankind is narrowed..."

"There is no way, now there is only one way to go to the dark. 39

"I suddenly understand why the World Observer Lord appeared to Xu Xinying for the energy crystal and the two-way foil. It is estimated that he wants human beings to make a choice. He is looking forward to the next ~ development.

"Yeah... sigh, I just didn't expect it to end like this."

"Speaking of which, aren't you all worried about the Star Devouring Dragon? The Star Devouring Dragon was trapped twice in a row, which is too miserable. I doubt whether he will form an alliance with humans in the future."

"Fuck... This is a big problem. Father Long had been vigilant and said before his cooperation with Xu Xinying this time that he didn't want to die any longer. As a result, this time the death was even worse. 99

"I suddenly panicked..."

"Fuck, if you say that, I panic too!"

"Human, it's too difficult. I don't know if there will be another chance..."

"Only pray. 99

After seeing that the comments that followed were worthless, Wu Yan also silently left the post, feeling more complicated.

In the new Zijin Pavilion, Elder Xuan also listened to the assistant's report, and his expression changed uncertainly.

The existence of the Hongzhang civilization was something he did not expect.

And the potential of this nation is much stronger than that of human beings.

To be honest, Elder Xuan Da felt a little bit that God was unfair. Although there is no God in this world.

"Next time, if there is a next time, you must do it a little bit.

Elder Xuan Da is different from those indecisive people. As the leader of Blue Star Civilization, he must see farther.

Not to mention, he is that kind of character himself.

"Also, you can't fully expect the Star Devourer Dragon to form an alliance with humans, and you have to consider alternate plans.

Elder Xuan's complexion changed uncertainly.

If not, he must make a choice.

Whether to abandon the vast majority of human beings and leave the fire behind.

The group has been destroyed, this is really not good.

"Of course, it's better to continue to escape the Myron galaxy and then conquer the Hongzhang civilization.

Elder Xuan sighed deeply.

On the other hand, Xu Xinying also finished watching the movie.

However, she was silent, without sentimental thoughts, but more determined what she should do.

While the world was full of hustle and bustle, Lu Jie was reading a book leisurely, waiting for the system's deduction function to cool down.

The next day, after eight o'clock in the evening, the system's deduction function had cooled down, so Lu Jie chose to conduct the deduction directly.

"System, read "Blue Star Invasion, Red Chapter Counterattack". If it is time. Well, when Xu Xinying arrives at the Red Chapter star system and has a meeting with the high-level human beings.

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Now that he has determined that this is a feasible path, he naturally has to let mankind develop a wave.

Although the situation is getting bigger and bigger now, in order to maintain the deterrent power of his identity as a world observer to all races in the universe, he can't arbitrarily do things that are forced, but it is necessary to help humans properly.


The sound of the system rang.

Afterwards, Lu Jie felt a flash of consciousness and his vision changed.

"This time is just right.

Lu Jie watched with satisfaction Xu Xinying finished talking about the current situation and her plan, and the scene of the changing colors of the high-level human beings, and muttered.

Immediately, Lu Jie released the ghost mode and appeared in front of everyone.

"Lord World Watcher!"

"Lord World Watcher!!!"

When Lu Jie, who was shrouded in black mist, appeared, Wu Song, Xu Xinying, and the high-level human beings were all stunned, and then saluted with different emotions.

"Whether I want to continue to incarnate as an Asura evil ghost, and how far humans can go after incarnating as an Asura evil ghost, I am very curious about this."

Lu Jie spoke slightly, but spoke indifferently.

These words made everyone tense, their scalps numb, and they swallowed.

"The system, instill the memory of "Blue Star Invasion, Red Chapter Counterattack" in the minds of this group of people.

Lu Jie said in the bottom of his heart.

【Indoctrination succeeded. 】

The sound of the system sounded.


After Lu Jie nodded with satisfaction, he returned to ghost mode again.

At the same time, Xu Xinying, Wu Song, Elder Xuan Da and other high-level human beings were all attracted by the extra memories in their minds, and Shen invaded them.

Because they understand that this is a gift from the world watcher.

After a while, Xu Xinying and Wu Song both knew the whole content, and they looked at each other. Xu Xinying's eyes became colder.

But Wu Song smiled bitterly. She understands the meaning of the World Observer-sama...

"We, have to change the plan.""

Elder Xuan's complexion changed uncertainly.

"Yes, it has to change. 35

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

"I think we can try to coexist... In our world line, the Red Seal Civilization still doesn't know the content of the new movie. If we are sincere, coupled with the existence of the World Observer, the civilization has a high probability of getting their Trust. With their help. We humans will have no problem spending millions of years in peace.

After a million years, there is hope for survival. I believe that the Red Seal civilization, which has developed for millions of years, has the ability to defeat the Silver Horn civilization and even the Three Eyes civilization.

If he turned into an Asura evil spirit, the human land would be narrowed. "

Wu Song took a deep breath, stood up, and said.


As soon as these words came out, the high-level humans looked at each other, and their expressions changed indefinitely.

"Coexistence is impossible. Humans should not hand over their destiny to foreign races to judge. Humans should not become vassals of other civilizations, which will disappoint the World Observer. You think, at that time, World Observer Will the Lord continue to pay attention to human beings?

The red seal civilization is stronger than human beings in all aspects. What human beings can do is to deviate from the usual path, so as not to lose everything. "

Xu Xinying opened her mouth slowly and spoke indifferently.


Wu Song wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Elder Xuan.

"Xiao Song, I understand your painstaking efforts, but this time Xu Xinying is right. If it really becomes a vassal, the Blue Star Civilization may be able to exist for a long time, but we will lose more things.

And if we take another path, human beings may be able to surpass the limits of the race and truly have the strength to compete with the Silver Horn civilization. We can go back to our home. 39

"I agree with Elder Xuan's words."

"Elder Xuan is right. Strengthening yourself is the most important thing. 35

"Xiao Song, you are still too kind. However, if you want to truly gain a place in the universe and survive better. Certain means are necessary. 99

The other elders also spoke up.

This made Wu Song pursed his lips and silently sat back to his original position.

What Xu Xinying and Elder Xuan Da said were correct in a sense. But emotionally, she couldn't accept it.

More importantly, she had an uneasy foreboding.

It seems that if human beings really embark on this road, everything will go berserk...

However, now she has absolutely no ability to stop this.

In the face of the general trend, although she, Wu Song, is still a monster of human beings, she has lost the right to speak in the parallel world a long time ago. Because Xu Xinying is even better...

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) Five.

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