I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 262 A new movie after a year! Human horror! (2/4 for subscription!)

"System, upload "Failed Backstab Gamma Ray Burst".

Immediately, Lu Jie said to the system.

[Uploaded successfully, does the host look at it?]

The system beeps.

"Don't look, I want to extract the reward for cultivation.

Lu Jie shook his head.

Immediately, he took Hubby aside and wrapped the entire house with spiritual power, extracting his cultivation.

The cultivation base of 47 fourth-order powerhouses, Lu Jie is looking forward to which level he can reach.

When Lu Jie extracted his cultivation base, Blue Star Civilization was also a sensation because of the new movie.

After a year, there is finally a new movie coming out!

They were overjoyed and looked forward to it.

After all, humans backstab the Silver Horn Civilization, they hope to see the Blue Star Civilization win.

The World Observer is too good to play if he breaks the chapter for a year.

However, the reality is cruel.

When they saw the name of the movie, they were all dumbfounded.

"Failed Backstab Gamma Ray Burst... well, it's a bad feeling to be spoiled. 35

Looking at the title of the movie, Wu Yan became a little disheartened and smiled bitterly.

Immediately, he didn't have any ink marks or anything, and watched the movie with Lin Ru, and he also watched the movie with friends and friends.

Soon, they were playing the movie.

The opening scene is the scene where Xu Xinying and other humans and Star Devourer go through the space wormhole to the empty space between the White River System and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Relying on the information in the movie, human beings avoided the battlefield on both sides, and various details were explained clearly, so that Wu Yan and others watched intently.

After humans successfully returned to the Baihe system, Wu Yan and others were relieved.

Although they have been spoiled by the movie title, they can't help but be nervous. Even if the ending is bleak, it's good to have a good backstab.

Later, Wu Yan and others saw the bold decision made by Xu Xinying and others, ignoring the energy detection device of the Silver Horn civilization, and the fourth-order powerhouses except Wu Song went straight to Huanglong. Wu Song leads the fleet to colonize the Baihe system and other news will do.

In an instant, a thousand years have passed. The fourth-order powerhouses such as Xu Xinying and Star Devourer Dragon all broke into the sphere of influence of the Silver Horn civilization.

This also makes the Silver Horn civilization directly fry the pot.

Because the war with Santong Civilization involved too much of their high-end combat power. They simply can't stop so many Tier 4 powerhouses.

The screen switched to Yin Tai Xing, the royal palace.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others were a little dumbfounded.

"If there were no spoilers for the name of the power supply, I guess I would have laughed now. 99

"Yeah, we will definitely think that we have caught the pain of Silver Horn civilization this time.

"Alas. No way, who made the movie title spoiler. However, spoilers also have the benefit of spoilers, at least they won't make the psychological gap too big."

"Uh, that's the truth. However, I'm very satisfied to see the Silver Horn civilization panicking because of humans. Humans have really grown too much."


While Wu Yan and others were discussing, the high-level meeting of the Silver Horn civilization was also being held urgently.

At this time, the words of the first general of the Silver Horn civilization made them bewildered.

What is it that perishes with Santong Civilization? Let the two galaxies cease to exist?

Is the Silver Horn civilization so bad? Even galaxies can be destroyed? Or is it just bragging?

For a time, Wu Yan and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Next, the king of Silver Horn Civilization felt that it was not necessarily Santong Civilization who did it.

Second General Kuaka asked back in doubt.

At the same time, he also used his perspective to illustrate the pattern of the surrounding galaxies.

This really shocked Wu Yan and others.

Andromeda Galaxy, a huge mechanical empire! Santong civilization is completely suppressed by the mechanical empire.

It is equivalent to the strategic weapon of the nuclear bomb of the original Blue Star major powers.

The three galaxy-level hegemonic civilizations—Mechanical Empire, Three Eyes Civilization, and Silver Horn Civilization—all have strategic weapons such as the ‘black hole bomb’ that can destroy galaxies.

The reason and current situation of the war between the three pupil civilization and the silver horn civilization is also clear.

There is also the existence of the mysterious Great Myron civilization that seems to make the mechanical empire fearful.

Seeing this astonishing pattern, all human beings were speechless and drooled.

Damn, in front of these civilizations, the pattern of human beings is completely playing a small game... has been living a life of hide and seek.

It is not safe to stay in the Myron galaxy... If the other party finds that there is a civilization as powerful as the Blue Star civilization in the Myron galaxy, and it is very threatening, it may use the 'black hole bomb'.

Blue Star Civilization has only two choices. Destroy, or take refuge in a galaxy overlord-level civilization.

Thinking of this, most human beings are in a cold sweat.

When many human beings were horrified, the king of the Silver Horn civilization probably analyzed that the Blue Star civilization came from the Myron galaxy. He also guessed the level of the Blue Star civilization. It is believed that the Blue Star civilization belongs to the type with strong individuals.

This also makes many senior officials of the Silver Horn civilization regret not taking good care of the Myron galaxy.

Seeing this, many human beings are a little scared.

Fortunately, the Silver Horn civilization did not care about the Myron galaxy, otherwise it would be really dangerous.


However, after Wu Yan and the others reacted, their eyes narrowed and they noticed the two key words in front of them.

Some of them understand the reason why the galaxy-level overlord civilization regards the two-way foil as a useful tool....

However, before they could think about it, the king of the Silver Horn Civilization directly said that he would use the 'Supernova Project' to bury the human race.

As soon as the 'Supernova Project' opened, the senior members of the Silver Horn civilization were shocked.

Wu Yan and others were also silent.

The suffix of the movie tells them that it is probably not as simple as a supernova explosion.

Subsequently, the metamorphosis of the 'Supernova Stone' and its origin were also known by Wu Yan and others.

"Silver Horn Civilization, it's really bad luck.

"Yeah. There are two powerful civilizations left behind. Otherwise, I don't think they will be able to secure the position of the overlord of the White River system.

"Alas, people are lucky, what can we say. We humans are luckier than them. Although the process is a bit miserable. 35

"Uh, that's right. To be honest, if it really gives us the legacy of two civilizations, we don't think so. It's like a primary school student, you ask him to read a doctor's textbook, the kind that no one has taught yet. Look, can't understand.

"Yeah. It is the greatest luck of mankind to be noticed by the world watchers."

While Wu Yan and others were talking a lot, the Silver Horn civilization had already started to implement the plan.

The screen directly switches to a star MS-200-1 with a mass 200 times that of the sun. The time line jumped to more than 3,000 years later. A wave of Silver Horn Civilization was also inserted in the middle because the second general Kuaka left the front line and was bullied by Santong Civilization.

However, although the Silver Horn civilization is not angry, but they don't care, they pay more attention to the 'Supernova Project'.

At this time, Xu Xinying and others were already close to the star ms-200-1.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others felt bitter in their hearts.

It seems that there is no escape.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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