I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 27 Lu Jie: For Balance, Let Me Be The Boss! (34 For Collection!)

[Another year has passed, and human beings have finally developed Gene Medicine 1.0. High-level human beings don't have to hide in isolation rooms, they are overjoyed. 】

[The Great Elder who was injected with Gene Medicine 1.0 began to order the manufacture of Gene Medicine 1.0 enough to popularize the number of all human beings. At the same time, the Great Elder also ordered Zhao Lao and other biochemists to start research on Gene Medicine 2.0. Half a year later, tens of millions of soldiers in the top ten bases have all been injected with Gene Medicine 1.0, making them the strongest counter-offensive force of mankind. Humans are no longer afraid of the threat of the super zombies that have evolved in the past two and a half years. 】

[Relying on superhuman troops and various technological weapons, humans sounded the horn of a counterattack. With the protection of superhuman troops, steel city walls and various heavy-fire guns, humans don't have to worry too much about the base being invaded by super zombies. Even began to take the initiative to regain lost ground. The zombies started to fail. 】

"Has the balance been broken? This time, it took humans only two years to create Gene Medicine 1.0. Not bad." Lu Jie smiled.

There is a terrifying external threat, and the interior is not very stable. From time to time, some people can't bear the invasion of the mutant MR virus and the phenomenon of zombies occurs.

Although there are no major problems under the various iron and blood policies of mankind, it is still troublesome.

So many factors are forcing human biochemists to do their best to squeeze their own brains to study Genetic Medicine 1.0.

Plus Lu Jie gave them the best samples. have this foundation. It was made within two years, and it seems to be normal.

"However, the balance must be maintained." Standing in the air, Lu Jie saw the human army sweeping away the corpse tide outside the base step by step. He bit the apple and grinned.

The current combat power of human beings is higher than that of zombies.

The existence of super zombies is extremely dangerous in the absence of technological weapons. For example, in the New Era chapter, the super zombies that Lin Hua and others turned into easily slaughtered 20,000 human superhumans.

However, today's human beings, fighter tanks, cannons, and various weapons are not lacking in everything.

Super zombies or something, ordinary missiles will kill them after a few bombardments, not to mention humans and intercontinental missiles, nuclear warheads, real nuclear bombs.

Before shrinking, the zombies were prone to major internal problems because of the mutated MR virus, and the threat of the zombies itself was second.

Now that this problem has been overcome, and the steel base has been established early, there is no super human being infected and transformed into intelligent super zombies with human information to carry out various threats inside, and there is no tug of war that tires human beings. In the eyes of humans, zombies are food delivery.

If Lu Jie doesn't intervene, it is estimated that the scene in the biochemical doomsday, zero, transcendence chapter will be played, and human beings will gradually recover Yazhou and other continents.

This kind of ending is not what Lu Jie wants.

He must give humans a strong sense of crisis at critical moments and make them struggle for survival.

In this case, Gene Medicine 2.0 and Gene Medicine 3.0 can be researched more quickly.

Finally, there is hope to develop Gene Medicine 4.0, so that Lu Jie can become a real transcendence.

"Well, how to intervene next." Lu Jie pondered slightly.

Release the J virus?

This option is undoubtedly impossible.

The J virus is too scary. If you become a superhuman without the injection of genetic medicine 1.0, even if you inject the mutant MR virus serum, regardless of physical strength, ordinary people are 100% directly infected into zombies, and they are not ordinary zombies, but directly become super zombies.

In the end, human beings spiraled into the sky and went extinct directly, with no other possibility at all.

"No way, let me be the boss of the zombie side." Lu Jie sighed. "You must strengthen the strength of the zombies."

Lu Jie shook his head, and his figure disappeared directly in place, appearing in a certain forest.

Next, Lu Jie chose Xianxing and disguised himself as a zombie king, with exactly the same breath and body.

It has to be said that this function of the system is quite convenient. You can freely choose the display mode.

Next, Lu Jie summoned a large number of zombies, and even injected a tube full of mutated MR virus into a tyrant super zombie, which spawned the tyrant lord.

The strength of this tyrant lord is more perverted than the tyrant super zombie in the Biochemical Doomsday Zero Beyonder chapter, but it is still in the category of zombie lords.

Ordinary human missiles can't blow up. A large-yield intercontinental missile carpet bombing can kill it. There is also a great threat to the steel city walls of mankind.

Without the use of intercontinental missiles, only dozens of new human superpowers who have been injected with genetic medicine 3.0 can join forces to kill it.

Having spawned such terrifying zombies with his own hands, Lu Jie didn't worry about him being disobedient. After all, he is now pretending to be the Zombie King.

The Zombie King has absolute control over zombies below his level.

Just like super zombies can control ordinary zombies.

Next, Lu Jie, with the tyrant lord and a large number of zombies, began to attack the stronghold of the human superhuman force outside the steel base.

Before Lu Jie rushed to the stronghold with the corpse tide, humans also discovered the trail of the corpse tide.

"What is that?" The second-level officer in this stronghold looked at the 30-meter-high monster tyrant lord in the video in surprise, and he swallowed.

"It should be a tyrant super zombie... but a normal tyrant super zombie can't even reach half of his size." Another third-level officer said timidly.

"Notify all the troops to prepare for heavy fire defense. At the same time, aircraft and tanks are dispatched to bomb the corpse tide. Especially the mutant tyrant zombie, he must be killed." The second-level officer Shen Sheng issued the military order.

"By the way, send me the picture here back to the base."

The second-level officer thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

For a time, the entire base was running.

The fighter jets soared into the sky, approaching the corpse group first, and the tanks lined up outside the stronghold, ready to bombard at any time.

As for the superhuman troops, each of them has a heavy sniper in their hands. They plan to shoot zombies first, and then consider hand-to-hand combat.

After all, according to Zhao Lao and other biochemists, even superhuman beings will be infected into super zombies if they are injured too much by zombies and inject too much mutated MR virus into their bodies.

Once the injury is serious, and the skin is festering and dizzy, the person must blow his head with a grenade. Well, it's better to blow yourself up in the midst of a zombie swarm.

Although this policy is ruthless, it is the best way to solve the hidden danger. Most of the human soldiers strictly abide by it, and there are no problems so far.

(ps: ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for flowers, ask for ticket support~!)

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