I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 278 The powerful Nibi civilization! The fifth-order powerhouse! The disaster of all civiliza

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline.

Lu Jie breathed a sigh of relief and spoke slowly.

He is now looking forward to what will happen after the remnants of the 'Nibi civilization' return to the White River System.

[When the host was looking forward to it, the Blue Star civilization also underwent major changes. They absorbed the technology of the parallel time and space that was given to them when the system was upgraded last time, and developed rapidly. 】

[At the same time, Xu Xinying and other human scientists also began to study dimension-raising technology and 'black hole bomb' technology. In addition, spiritual energy balls are also among the key research projects. 】

[Human scientists such as Xu Xinying are trying to find a way to develop spiritual energy balls, so that human beings can move towards a new path of combining the cultivation system and the mecha system. 】

[During the rapid development of the Blue Star civilization, Wu Song also grew up. After watching all the movies, she also made a decision. That is to leave the Blue Star and go to the Big Myron galaxy to seek a new way out for mankind. 】

[For Wu Song's idea, the high-level human beings quite agree. To this end, it was decided to store enough energy for her to open a space wormhole large enough to reach the Large Myron galaxy. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed, and human beings have enough energy to open the space wormhole, allowing the third-order Wu Song to go to the Big Myron galaxy. 】

[When Wu Song arrived in the Large Myron Galaxy, thousands of years had passed from the outside world. When Wuxi officially entered the Myron galaxy, it was discovered by the Big Myron civilization. The reconnaissance ship directly blocked Wu Song's way and let Wu Song leave. 】

[Wu Song kindly conveyed her intention to come, saying that she was an envoy of the Blue Star civilization from the Myron system when she came here to conduct civilization diplomacy, after thinking about it, Wang of the Big Myron civilization chose to let Wu Song come to the barley of the Myron system. The first star of the Lun civilization. 】

[After arriving at Maijixing, Wu Song moved the mecha king through language art and sincere heart, and successfully established an embassy in Maijixing. The two major civilizations officially began to conduct diplomacy. 】

[Although the diplomatic outcome of the two sides is only mutual non-aggression. Even the Great Myron civilization has no idea of ​​sending someone to build an embassy on Blue Star. 】

[In this regard, Wu Song is not angry but relieved. After all, the civilization level of the other party has really exploded Blue Star, and the initiative is in their hands. 】

[Not to mention, the Big Myron civilization itself is a closed civilization that only wants to stick to its own galaxy. Rather, it would be troublesome if the Great Myron civilization really built an embassy. 】

[Wu Song also understands that if he makes other requests, he will definitely be rejected, and it will leave a bad feeling in the heart of the mecha king. 】

[For this reason, Wu Song intends to take a long-term view and unilaterally provide the civilization knowledge of the Blue Star civilization, hoping to impress the Great Myron civilization in the future.

[However, Wu Song still did not explain the existence of the Observer website, and it is impossible to explain. That impact was too great. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed. In the past thousand years, Wu Song has been staying on the Maiji Star, admiring the customs and customs of the Big Myron civilization, and reading the historical stories of the Big Myron civilization. She suddenly felt very peaceful, and she liked this kind of life very much. 】

[The Great Myron civilization gave her the feeling of peace and friendliness. Sometimes, when Wu Song went shopping, when she watched many children of different races play happily, she felt mixed and envious. 】

[The current human beings are no longer pure, perhaps, they have never been pure...]

【The more you stay on the Maiji Star, the less Wu Song does not want to go back to the Blue Star. Life here is easier than Blue Star. On Blue Star, she felt like she was out of breath. 】

[For this reason, she has somewhat forgotten her mission... deceived the trust of the Big Myron civilization, and then tried to find a way to get the dimensional upgrading technology, the 'black hole bomb' and even the 'black hole waveguide' technology. Secondly, it is the technology to develop the spiritual energy ball. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

"Wu Song...

Pictures flashed in front of Lu Jie's eyes, and the figure also appeared on a high mountain, watching Wu Song in white clothes fluttering and looking at the scenery below the mountain in fascination, he shook his head.

Now, there are a lot of movies on the Observer website.

The various behaviors of human beings can no longer allow this girl to purely help human beings.

Now she can't change anything. The times are progressing, and her ability has been somewhat unable to keep up.

Can't be a hero anymore. All her presence in the human mind has been reduced a lot, a lot. No one had hope for her anymore.

Xu Xinying took the place of Xiao Wusong.

Although, this is the pattern now. Even Xu Xinying couldn't make any big changes.

In the final analysis, Xu Xinying is also Wu Song, but he has a lot more knowledge and more mature than Xiao Wu Song. He is Wu Song with a dark style.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline."

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

[When the host sighed, another thousand years had passed, and Wu Song finally made a decision. Instead of abandoning his conscience to defraud technology with a very low success rate, he warmly opened many academies to teach the Great Myron civilization. some children's knowledge. For Wu Song's "betrayal", Xu Xinying was very angry, but there was nothing she could do. 】

[Not long after, a situation occurred in the White River System, and a large number of starships appeared in the White River System. It was the fleet of the 'Nibi' civilization that spanned a distance of 200 million light-years. However, when they arrived in the solar system, they were stunned to find that the blue star had disappeared. 】

[However, they directly found the location of the Blue Star civilization through powerful means. However, they did not go to the Myron galaxy for the first time, but chose to attack the Silver Horn civilization. all】

[Faced with the sudden attack, Silver Horn Civilization panicked. Just when the king of the Silver Horn civilization was furiously planning to organize a fleet to counterattack, a starship of the 'Nibi civilization' crossed the space and appeared directly on the Silver Star. 】

[The power of the fifth-order powerhouse erupted, instantly suppressing all life on Yintai Star and making it surrender. 】

[The powerful Silver Horn civilization, facing the attack of the ‘Nibi civilization’, did not hold on to it for a month, and it fell completely, and even the envoy (King Li’s) had no chance to use his trump card. Of course, it was useless. 】

[The anomaly of the White River System was detected by the reconnaissance ships of the Three Eyes Civilization and the Mechanical Empire, and they were extremely horrified. The two major civilizations chose to become fugitive civilizations on the spot. 】

[Conquering the entire Silver Horn civilization in less than a month, this kind of terrifying civilization is not something they can resist. 】

[As for the Great Myron civilization, because it is too closed, it does not know the anomaly of the White River System. For this reason, when the disaster comes, it is too late. A large number of star systems were attacked at the same time. Each attack target is just a starship. 】

[Just, on this starship, let’s not say what kind of powerhouse it has inside. The firepower of the starship itself has subverted the Big Myron civilization's perception of the starship. This is the firepower that can hit the Tier 4 mecha with just one shot! 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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