I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 304 The gap between civilizations, destroying the three major civilizations! The total victo

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline."

Immediately, Lu Jie smiled lightly and continued.

[When the host sighed, the high-level human beings also fell into ecstasy because of the success of the battle. Soon after, they informed all mankind of the great victory of mankind. The entire human race is caught in a carnival. 】

[Even on Lin Xuri's side, they knew the news, and they were equally overjoyed. The application methods such as dark matter engine and dark energy barrier have been researched, which shows the transition of human civilization level. The annihilation of nearly 10,000 Tier 4 powerhouses and millions of starships from the three major civilizations will undoubtedly weaken the military strength of the three major civilizations to freezing point! 】

[The three major civilizations have been weakened to the freezing point, while the combat power of human beings is well preserved, and even the technology has advanced further, and human beings will never lose the possibility of losing! For this reason, Lin Xuri excitedly applied to continue the guerrilla warfare. The current three major civilizations are no longer capable of chasing and killing them in the White River System. 】

[Lin Xuri's request to fight was accepted. Meanwhile, on the Blue Star side. The Blue Star Civilization started a huge mourning ceremony. The human heroes who mourned the sacrifice of this plan also informed all human beings of their exploits. 】

[After the mourning ceremony ended, the top human level directly dispatched 70% of the military force to go to the White River System to carry out a counterattack and occupy the White River System. Humanity's counterattack has begun! 】

[At the same time, the three major civilizations were completely panicked. They did not expect that Blue Star Civilization actually had such a terrifying means to wipe out all their millions of fleets. If the current three major civilizations continue to spread apart, they will only be wiped out one by one by Blue Star Wen 873 Ming. 】

[To this end, they began to discuss countermeasures. One is to give up everything and become a fugitive civilization. But at this point, the three major civilizations are particularly unwilling to abandon this choice. The second option is to integrate the three major civilizations into one, regardless of each other. The Mechanical Empire and Santong Civilization abandoned the base camp of the Andromeda galaxy and went to the Big Myron galaxy to confront the Blue Star civilization. 】

[In the end, the King of the Machinery Empire and the Three Eyes Civilization chose to establish a Civilization Federation and took a large army to the Big Myron galaxy. Combine the final battle strength of the three major civilizations to fight against the Blue Star civilization. 】

[For this reason, in the past thousand years, the Blue Star Civilization did not encounter any attacks in the process of occupying the White River System, which made the Blue Star Civilization extremely surprised. However, Blue Star Civilization is also happy to see such a situation, they began to colonize, transforming armed planets, mining resources, and developing themselves. A dark fusion starship was created. 】

[At the same time, Lin Xuri also went to the Andromeda Galaxy, discovered the Andromeda Galaxy, and found that the Mechanical Empire and Santong Civilization had disappeared. Blue Star Civilization began to analyze whether the three major civilizations fled. However, when the Blue Star Civilization detected the abnormal reaction of the Big Myron galaxy, they understood that the three major civilizations were completely combined and planned to make a last-ditch effort. 】

[However, human beings are also completely true, their current confidence is very sufficient. Gene medicine can easily spawn fourth-order powerhouses. After technological innovation, the dark fusion starship can burst out a terrifying beam that can easily hit the fourth-order powerhouse! 】

[In the blink of an eye, another 500 years have passed. When the Big Myron Federation is completely stable and the Mechanical Empire has produced enough robots regardless of resource consumption, it is ready to defeat the Blue Star civilization in the Big Myron galaxy by relying on its geographical advantages. 】

[However, what greeted them was ruthless destruction. When more than 500 years later, a large number of dark fusion starships of the Blue Star civilization shuttled through the dark universe at 300 times the speed of light and appeared silently on the Maiji star, the Big Myron Federation suddenly understood that their millions of starships You will lose contact in an instant. 】

[That's not because the other party seized the loophole and used the space wormhole to destroy their fleet. It is because the civilization level of the Blue Star civilization has surpassed them. It has become a powerful civilization like the "Nibi civilization". Can freely travel through the dark universe. 】

[When the Blue Star Civilization had a stalemate with them outside the void space outside the Myron galaxy, it completed the big explosion of technology by unknown means! 】

[This makes the Great Myron Federation despair. The gap between civilization levels is an abyss of despair. They can't have a chance of winning, not even defensively. In fact, it is exactly that. When the dark fusion starship erupted with terrifying power, everything was settled. 】

[Faced with the general attack of the Blue Star Civilization, the Big Myron Federation only held on for less than a month before it completely fell. The Great Myron civilization was slaughtered. Only a few (beaf) beings outside escaped by luck on the starship. 】

[This time, the civilization war, the Blue Star civilization has completely won. With one enemy and four, he surpassed himself and completely qualified to become a star-level civilization. 】

[The overall victory of the Blue Star Civilization has made the high-level human beings extremely happy, and the elders of Xuan Da are even more tearful. They waited for this day, and waited too long. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

Lu Jie's figure also appeared on Blue Star.

At this time, the elder Xuan Da looked at the sky outside with tears in his eyes, clenched his fists, and his veins were bulging.

"Finally, mankind has finally reached this stage, defeating the existence that mankind once looked up to. From then on, the vast universe can be accessed by mankind.

Elder Xuan muttered to himself.

On Xu Xinying's side, he was also deeply relieved.

Although she knows that when mankind researches dark matter technology, it can already be said to be a victory. But you can only relax when you truly achieve victory.

"Lord World Observer, this time, I finally did it. 35

Xu Xinying showed the appearance of a little girl after a long absence, and whispered to herself.

At the same time, Lin Xuyue's side was also extremely happy, and nervously prayed for the appearance of the World Observer.

"Well, it's time to deliver on the promise. 99

Seeing this, Lu Jie smiled lightly, released the ghost mode, and appeared in front of Lin Xuyue.

"Lord World Watcher!

Lin Xuyue nervously looked at the black mist figure in front of her eyes with awe and hope.

However, Lu Jie did not say anything to her, but chose to talk to the system.


"System, resurrect Lin Xuyue's parents. 99

[Host, a total of 10,000 deduction points. 】

The system said with a smile.

"Pay. 99

Lu Jie replied calmly.


The sound of the system rang.

At the same time, in front of Lin Xuyue, two figures suddenly appeared, they were Lin Xuyue's parents.

Next, Lu Jie didn't say much nonsense and returned to the ghost mode directly.

"Dad, Mom.

Seeing these two still young voices, Lin Xuyue was stunned. First, she bowed deeply to the place where the World Observer had disappeared, and then looked at her parents with moist eyes.

"Son, it's hard for you."

Lin Xuyue's parents hugged Lin Xuyue lovingly.

"Mom and Dad, you know..."

Lin Xuyue was stunned.

"Yeah, we know why we are resurrected. We also know everything you do, just like watching your growth like a ghost. All of this is the mighty power of the World Observer."

Lin Xuyue's parents spoke in awe.

"That's it.

These words made Lin Xuyue unable to help showing a beautiful smile.

Lord World Watcher, thank you for keeping the souls of our parents on us.

Immediately, Lin Xuyue's family contacted Lin Xuri, who was far away in the Large Myron System. For a time, Lin Xuri was also extremely happy. The family chatted, and there was a lot of gratitude and respect for the World Observer in the words.

(ps: Ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~! Recommend a friend's book "Comprehensive Comics: Future Plunder", and interested readers can go and read it.)

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