I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 323 The new movie is the World Observer's warning to mankind!? (Two more please subscri

In the new purple gold pavilion, the elder Xuan Da also stopped his work and stood up in surprise.

Unlike ordinary people, he believes that the world watcher must have not given up on human beings.

Because if the World Watcher gave up on human beings, he would not instill all that knowledge in Xu Xinying's mind.

Even when Xu Xinying and Wu Song were still injecting the Xuyue version of genetic medicine 4.0, they felt mysterious and mysterious, and they absorbed the effect of the medicine perfectly.

The current intelligence level of the two is higher than that of Lin Xuyue.

According to Xu Xinying's guess, it must have been Lord World Observer who helped them, which was counted as a reward.

So, from every angle, Lord World Watcher has not given up on human beings.

Otherwise, it would not be so good to Xu Xinying.

The upper echelons of mankind just think that their world has become an experimental world.

Unexpectedly, today after a lapse of ten thousand years, the movie has been updated.

Of course, this does not mean that their world is not an experimental world.

Everything is undecided. No one knows what the World Watcher thinks.

After all, those rules have long been overturned.

"An update after 10,000 years."

After Elder Xuan Da sighed again, he saw the name of the movie clearly, and he was slightly taken aback.

"Void Demon: Repentance of the Remaining"?"


"Void Demon, a new race? What does it mean for the rest to repent?"

Elder Xuan Da was quite puzzled, and with curiosity, he entered the virtual reality world.

Called the elders and Xu Xinying to watch together.

Elder Xuan did not say much, and started playing the movie directly.

As soon as the movie started, Elder Xuan Da and others were stunned.

Because the timeline of this movie is actually 10,000 years ago.

To be more precise, it was more than a month after "The Birth of Dragon and Phoenix, Five Civilizations, Star Standing Competition, One".


Elder Xuan and the others all frowned, a little puzzled.

Why is a movie whose timeline is ten thousand years old, and it is not played until now? What does it mean?

Immediately, they saw a strange shadow appear in the prison, and took Huang Yu from the prison.

Next, the Void Demon despises the weakness of human beings.

It was only after he learned about the Observer website and the World Observer through Huang Yu's memory that he became solemn. He said words that shocked Elder Xuan Da and others.

Huh? World Observer? In this universe, there is such a mysterious existence

"This universe!? Could he be from another universe! `〃?"

"If that's the case, isn't this Void Demon Clan an invader just like the Zerg?

"It seems that there are many invaders in the universe... We still underestimate the true pattern of the universe.

"I just don't know if this Void Demon family is in the same universe as the Zerg."

Immediately, Elder Xuan Da and the others began to discuss with a heavy face.

Invaders from another universe...

Xu Xinying narrowed her eyes and stared at the weird Void Demon in the movie.

In the movie, Huang Yu's elders asked about the situation.

But the Void Demon ignored it, laughed wantonly, and felt that he was lucky.

He led out the evil thoughts of the prisoners and guards in the prison, controlled them, and absorbed the evil thoughts of human beings with enjoyment on his face.

"This Void Demon from other universes can not only take away others, but also guide the evil thoughts of human beings into food and control themselves. This is a dangerous race. It is even weirder than the Zerg.

"Trouble. In this parallel world, at this point in time, humans are not yet strong. And the enemy is dark and we are bright."

When Elder Xuan saw this, his face became more and more serious, and he knew that something bad was going to happen.

"Void demon, what is the significance of the existence of this race being told to human beings by the World Watcher?

And Xu Xinying's eyes flickered, thinking about more questions, and muttering to herself.


These words made Elder Xuan Da and the others shrink their pupils.

Next, before Elder Xuan Da and the others discussed, the scene in the movie changed.

The Void Demon hibernated, guided the evil thoughts of mankind through the Observer website, and planted the seeds of evil thoughts.

Human beings are a race that is easily influenced by foreign information. At this moment, it is vividly displayed.

The Observer website has not been updated for a long time. Humans have no way of knowing the aftermath of the war. People think that humanity has been defeated and abandoned.

These are easily exploited by the Void Demon.

The Void Demon has grown rapidly, and has easily grown to the point where it can control all human beings.

It erupted into the realm of evil and completely guided the evil thoughts of mankind.

The vast majority of humanity has simply fallen. The Void Demon used this as food to grow rapidly.

"It's human again...?

"Damn, we have to pay attention to cleaning up the Internet."

"It's useless to clear the Internet. Observer website, we can't intervene."

Elder Xuan Da and other elders all had ugly expressions on their faces.

What they are most afraid of is watching movies about the dark side of human nature. It was really miserable before.

As a result, it has now exploded again.

In the face of the realm of evil, only a very small number of talents are not affected, even Xu Xinying has gradually fallen because of obsession, which is too miserable.

"Void demons are extremely dangerous... It is estimated that the adult wants to warn us about this. Humans, sooner or later, will face the Void Demon family. We must take protective measures."

Xu Xinying suddenly spoke slowly.

~Otherwise, facing more Void Demons, humans will be miserable.

After a pause, she continued.

"The possibility is very high.

"Huh, if that's the case, that would be great."

Hearing this, Elder Xuan's expression finally softened.

However, when they saw the next scene, their faces became ugly again.

Because the fallen people actually launched an attack on the few good people left.

Many people actually have bad thoughts and evil intentions towards Xiao Wusong.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru died for protecting Xiao Wu Song.

Xiao Wusong is also about to be captured alive.

If you are captured alive, you can imagine what will greet Xiao Wusong. nurture, and then...

"Damn things!"

Seeing this, Elder Xuan showed a sullen look on his face and roared angrily.

Although the evil thoughts were guided by the Void Demon, if it wasn't for such a wisp of evil thoughts in the depths of his heart, how could he have done such a thing.

"These people should be killed!

"Well, those of us who are alive in this world must (Nori Hao) go to jail.

The expressions of the other elders were also not very good-looking.

Xu Xinying's expression was equally indifferent, revealing murderous intent.

The other party actually wants to do such a thing to the self on the bright side, damn it!

Everything about her and Wu Song is obviously owned by the World Observer, and no one is allowed to take it away!

On Wu Song's side, her expression was also extremely stiff and her face paled. Wu Yan and others were extremely angry.

And many people all over the world. The people of the old generation are a little ashamed. People in the new era are in a delicate mood when they look at their elders. The atmosphere around the world is a little subtle, and the scolding is endless.

At this moment, everyone in the Blue Star Civilization was quiet.

Because in the moment before Xiao Wusong was about to be caught, all the fallen beings, including the rampant Void Demon, were all deleted.

"Lord World Watcher!!!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Xinying and Wu Song both had moist eyes and muttered to themselves.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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