I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 327 Corpse King: Great 'God', I will do my best to make you happy! (Please subscri


When Lu Jie appeared, the corpse king Lin Hua was shocked at first, and then instinctively showed his fangs, trying to kill Lu Jie.

After all, being able to appear so quietly in front of him now, the existence shrouded in darkness in front of him is undoubtedly very dangerous. If the other party thinks, it seems to be a threat to him.

However, just as he clenched his fist, his body froze, and then his body trembled instinctively, looking at the black shadow in front of him in horror.

The instinct of survival told him that if he really dared to make a move, he would disappear from this world in an instant.

"...Who are you?"

Corpse King Lin Hua distanced himself and said with a face full of horror.

Lu Jie looked at Lin Hua, the corpse king, and didn't say anything, but just let the system force all the information from the observer's website into his brain.

For a moment, Lin Hua's expression froze, accepting the memory in his mind.

When he received all the memories in his mind, he knew the truth of the world.

And, the existence that appeared in front of his eyes, how terrifying the personality was.

It is an existence that cannot be described in words.

"Great 'God', may I call you that?"

Corpse King Lin Hua was full of excitement, knelt down nervously, and asked cautiously.

In his opinion, it is very bad behavior to call the world watcher. 14

This terrifying existence who observes the endless dimension, calling him a mere 'adult' is simply an insult to him.

It's just that this stalwart existence, the real 'God', doesn't bother to care about these races. God, will not care about the thoughts of ants.

"As for the name, I don't care.

Lu Jie spoke slightly and spoke calmly.

Although the words were plain, in the ears of the Corpse King Lin Hua, it was like a divine decree.

"Then I'll dare to call you a great 'God'.

Corpse King Lin Hua was very cautious, and said carefully.

The gods in myths are all false existences, and their expressive power is very weak. Perhaps, in the endless dimension, only a great being like a world observer can truly be called an omniscient and almighty 'God'.


Lu Jie answered indifferently.

These words made the Corpse King Lin Hua heave a sigh of relief.

"Dare you ask, great god, what kind of performance do you need from me?

Immediately, Corpse King Lin Hua asked in awe.

"Zombie civilization, the end of evolution.

Lu Jie spoke slowly.


These words made the Corpse King Lin Hua raise his head, his face full of excitement.

Endless evolution is what he desires. And the great 'God' actually wanted to see him perform such a performance.

He got the 'attention' of this great 'God', or in other words, he became an experimental object for this great 'God' to pass the time when he was bored.


This is his chance.

"I will absolutely make you happy!

Corpse King Lin Hua said with excitement and awe.

Perhaps, I really have to thank the humans and the Big Myron Federation.

Humans, in the end, did well. But the Big Myron Federation finally killed humanity. So there is me, or there is hope for other races to be the subjects of experiments and observations!

When the Corpse King Lin Hua returned to God, he was stunned to find that the great 'God' was no longer there.

However, there are colorful whirlpool entrances everywhere in the sky, the earth, and the ocean. It is full of unknown space-time fluctuations.

Either strong or weak.

"This is a space wormhole...?35

Corpse King Lin Hua looked at the space-time passage in front of him in surprise.

"No, that's not right, how could the great 'God' only create a mere spatial wormhole.

Corpse King Lin Hua hurriedly shook his head, full of awe.

Next, without any hesitation, he stepped directly into a vortex with the weakest fluctuations in time and space.

"Have you started? It's prudent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie smiled lightly.

These time-space vortexes are all created by him with his abilities, and there are many places where they are connected.

The weak civilization in the Baihe system. For example, the planets of the Lange civilization.

There are also planets of the 'Red Seal Civilization'.

There are also planets of the Silver Horn Civilization, the Three Eyed Civilization, the Mechanical Empire, and the Big Myron Civilization.

The fluctuations of space-time wormholes are also different according to the size of the overall force on the planet.

The farthest one is the 'Nibi supercluster' where the 'Nibi civilization' is located. There, at this point in time, there should be a fiery final battle with the Zerg.

Of course, even if he is an incomparably powerful fifth-order powerhouse, creating so many space-time vortices, its fluctuations are difficult to hide. At least the 'Nibi civilization' side is difficult to hide.

So he let the system help the handle a little bit to prevent it from being exposed.

"A great 'God'? This corpse king Lin Hua is quite a flatterer."

Lu Jie touched his chin and smiled.

Well, the thinking on the human side has become somewhat fixed because of various movies. Always called 'adult' and 'adult'. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but after thinking about it carefully, it is indeed a bit low to be called an 'adult'.

This movie makes the rest of the race change their minds.

Perhaps, this group of guys will be frightened.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline. 99

Lu Jie came back to his senses, snapped his fingers, and said slowly.

[When the host was in a bad mood, Lin Hua had already reached the Lange Star directly through the vortex of time and space. He was amazed at the magic of the 'space-time vortex', but he didn't think it was an unacceptable thing. 】

[The great 'God' shot, this small scene, it is estimated that the 'God' suppressed the ability. Otherwise, because the gods are too powerful, they might have a great influence on this universe. Therefore, 'God' is covering itself, and it is rarely used in parallel worlds. 】

"This guy is really good at brain repair. Don't call him the corpse king 957 in the future. I, Lu Jie, would like to call him the brain repair king in terms of brain repair.

Lu Jie complained with a weird expression.

[When the host was frantically playing tricks, there was also a meeting on the side of Lange Civilization. The issue they negotiated was how to deal with the Blue Star issue. 】

[In their opinion, the evolution speed of the zombies on the Blue Star is too abnormal. It has evolved so quickly that even meteorites can explode, and they have intelligence. They are extremely dangerous groups and must be eliminated. 】

[But there are also high-level doubts, thinking that zombie civilization is no different from beasts, and it will not develop technology anymore, so there is nothing to be afraid of. 】

[However, before their intense discussions and the scouts on the small reconnaissance ship monitoring the Blue Star through the small surveillance ship had not had time to tell the mother star about the latest happenings on the Blue Star, the accident happened. 】

[Lin Hua, the corpse king who came to the Lange Star, quickly determined which planet it was. He was extremely excited. Because of the blue grid civilization, there is no doubt that there is a lot of fresh blood food, and there are also a lot of powerhouses. If these people are infected, he will establish a new zombie empire, and he can also evolve again. 】

【For this reason, Lin Hua, the corpse king, started to destroy without hesitation. He directly released the terror virus in his body and used gravity to spread it over a huge area. 】

[In a short period of time, a large number of organisms were infected. The animals and plants in this area have not escaped the fate of being infected. 】

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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