I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 333 This is really the rhythm of a cosmic tumor!? (Please subscribe for more!)

[Lin Hua, the corpse king who devoured a lot of blood again, chose to return to the White River System to make a breakthrough. Over the past 100 years, relying on the supply of a large amount of blood food, he successfully broke through from the fourth-order 100 stars to the fourth-order 108 stars. After passing the Hundred Stars, his strength progress is undoubtedly much slower. 】

[For such a situation, Corpse King Linhua is not surprised. After all, after 100 stars, it is equivalent to another class, and it can even travel through the dark universe without dying. 】

[At the same time, on the Big Myron galaxy, the remnants of the Silver Horn civilization that had just passed through the space wormhole were caught by the Big Myron civilization. However, when the remnants of the Silver Horn civilization revealed that they had come to take refuge in the Big Myron civilization and told the existence of the terrifying 'zombie clan', the Big Myron civilization took it seriously. 】

[If the remnants of the Silver Horn civilization are true, then this strange race is also an extremely dangerous existence for their Great Myron civilization. If one is not good, their Great Myron civilization will also become each other's blood food. This is unacceptable. 】

[For this reason, after a high-level meeting, the Mecha King of the Big Myron civilization plans to find a way to help the White River System and destroy the 'zombie clan'. Although they only want to stick to the Big Myron System, the other party is undoubtedly an extremely cruel danger factor and must be annihilated. Just do it. 】

[However, the Great Myron civilization has just launched an operation and is preparing to gather its forces to go to the White River System. Corpse King Lin Hua quietly appeared in Maiji Star through the time-space vortex on Blue Star. 】

[Perhaps under normal circumstances, the Great Myron civilization is stronger than the Mechanical Empire, but for the Corpse King Lin Hua, it is the other way around. 】

[Although the Big Myron civilization is powerful, they are also carbon-based beings, and they rely on mechas to fight. For him now, it is an extremely good solution! 】

[It can even be said that if he infected those mecha masters of the Great Myron civilization and then controlled them. The mecha master will become the ace deadpool under his hands, so there is no need to worry about betrayal. 】

[After all, it is impossible for a mecha master with a weak body to resist his brainwashing and control. 】

[As long as the Big Myron civilization is under his control, then it is not difficult to rule the mechanical empire. The reason why he didn't take action against the Mechanical Empire was that his single combat power was unable to secure the victory. 】

[But if there is another Great Myron civilization that is not weaker than the Mechanical Empire, and even stronger than the Mechanical Empire after being infected, then all the problems will not be a problem. 】

[With a terrifying ambition, Lin Hua, the corpse king, directly launched an action. He has reached the fourth rank and 108 stars, and he made a move with all his strength. 】

[In an instant, the life on the entire Maiji star was infected and turned into zombies, and even the energy barriers of those mechas didn't have time to activate. Even the mecha king is the same. 】

[In this way, it is much simpler than dealing with the Silver Horn civilization and the Three Eyes civilization. The mother galaxy of the Big Myron civilization is directly included in the rule of the Corpse King Lin Hua. 】

【The plan went so smoothly, the Corpse King Lin Hua was a little surprised. However, considering his current strength, this is not difficult to understand. 】

[Next, the excited corpse king Lin Hua began to infect all the major planets of the Great Myron civilization one by one through the vortex of time and space, bringing them all under control. 】

[He did not eat the life of the Great Myron civilization. Because the individual strength of the Big Myron civilization is not strong, it is enough to eat it, and it is impossible for him to quickly improve his strength. 】

[Instead of eating them, let them become zombie mecha masters. The low-level zombies killed each other, and finally became the existence of the second order, the existence of the second order was ruled by the existence of the third order, and the third order was directly ruled by him. The existence of the fourth order is not allowed. 】

[Next, Lin Hua, the corpse king, is waiting for the remnants of the Silver Horn civilization to pass by and throw themselves into the net. A few months later, when the remnants of the Silver Horn civilization arrived at Maijixing led by the fleet of the Big Myron civilization, they were all stunned. 】

[However, their reaction speed is also very fast, under despair and horror, they want to run away immediately. But how could Lin Hua, the corpse king who had been prepared for a long time, let them run away. He shot directly and devoured all these guys. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed. during these twenty years. When Zombie King Lin Hua devoured blood from time to time on various planets, he also observed the changes in his Zombie Mecha army. 】

[He was surprised to find that the zombie mecha master, who was full of negative emotions, also dyed his mecha black. It is difficult to suppress the terrifying negative emotions and will, so that the mecha degenerates and evolves. 】

[A large number of mechas have evolved and become more powerful. The mecha also affects the negative emotions of the zombies, and the infinite vicious circle continues. 】

【Gradually, even a Tier 3 mecha master lost his will and became a killing machine dominated by negative emotions. The combat power he possesses is a fourth-order 100-star, which is much stronger than the original him. 】

[However, because the Corpse King Lin Hua had prepared in advance. His orders still work. This made the Corpse King Lin Hua ecstatic. Because of this, the zombie mecha army that only knows how to kill, can continue to be strong, and obey his orders is the most perfect Deadpool army in his ideal. 】

"Zombie mech army...`〃."

Lu Jie's eyes flickered slightly, and his face was delicate.

The most troublesome thing about zombie civilization is that it is strong and can only do it alone. This is also the most troublesome point for Corpse King Lin Hua.

But can't imagine. The Great Myron civilization perfectly solved this problem of the corpse king Lin Hua.

Individuals are not strong and are easily infected and controlled. But it has a terrifying combat power. This is really the perfect subordinate. Can help him solve many problems. The key point is that after turning into a zombie, it is outrageous to actually be strengthened.

Well, with the idealism of the idealistic mecha system, it seems to be normal.

The potential estimate before ~ ​​is still low.

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes.

Controlling mechas is not unique to the Great Myron civilization. Although they play the most powerful mech, it is because they have a history of millions of years. Various systems have been formed, so it is difficult for the latecomers to catch up with them.

But what when none of that is needed?

Zombie mecha masters do not have as many growth training and thinking will training as the original mecha masters. Just create a mecha with a spiritual energy ball as the core, and then let some zombies control it. A zombie mecha master dominated by a lot of negative emotions can easily evolve the mecha.

No matter which race it is, as long as it is a carbon-based life and is transformed into a zombie by the corpse king Lin Hua, it can be equipped with a set of mecha. what does that mean. Zombie mecha troops will become the most perfect killer with infinitely increasing numbers.

"Even the problem of quantity has been solved. Shouldn't this really become a cancer of the universe.... Wherever it goes, it will usher in destruction.

Lu Jie's eyes became more and more subtle.

An idea that appeared inadvertently in the past, to actually make such a big movement, is also drunk.

【Host, your sins are getting more and more, Amitabha. 】

The system muttered silently.

"What are you ranting about breaking the system. Also Amitabha.

Lu Jie slapped his face and spit in the opposite direction.


A series of dots appeared in front of Lu Jie's eyes.

[Host, are you so domineering? You are only allowed to complain about me, not this system to complain about you. This system wants to protest, protesting that you have taken the system's right to complain. decoration]

The system joked.

"Cut, don't be long-winded, let's continue to speed up the timeline. 35

Lu Jie shook his head and spoke slowly.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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