I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 348 Humans vs Zerg, a desperate fight! (For a more subscription!)

This reasoning is quite possible.

If that's the case, do they seem to have a chance of winning?

Even if they can't win, since the fifth-order female worms are injured, their chances of evacuating are much higher.

For a time, some people were excited.

"The ability of the Zerg is not invincible. Take ordinary female insects as an example. The female insect at the beginning can even damage it with heavy machine guns. Later, it evolved defensive measures such as scale armor. Down, humans used the missile. After it was injured, it evolved a means of resisting shock and high temperature. However, the intercontinental missile behind it still damaged it. The same is true for the last nuclear bomb."

"The same attack is useless to the female worm, there is nothing wrong with that, but its evolution is only the intensity of the previous attack, not to say that after the nuclear bomb is useless, the nuclear bomb of how much yield is useless. We only need Immediately use an attack that it cannot defend against, and it can be annihilated.35

Xu Xinying said calmly.

"If it was a normal fifth-order female worm, humans might not be able to do anything right now. But it was injured. It revealed a huge weakness. We only need to attack the area covered by the red mist. The regeneration ability there is extremely weak. And I also suspect that its evolutionary means in that area are also weakened."

At the end, Xu Xinying said in a deep voice, her eyes shining brightly.


This remark made many high-level officials shocked, and there were many discussions.

Ultimately, they had to believe it. What Xu Xinying said makes sense. The fifth-order female insect is not invincible, and now it has revealed a big flaw, and there is hope for mankind to win.

"Well, what Dean Xu said makes sense. We have hope of winning. For this reason, this war must be fought."

At this moment, Elder Xuan made a sound, attracting everyone's attention.

"Lin Hua, the corpse king, was defeated by the Zerg, and he may have disappointed that great existence. Humans cannot repeat the same mistakes. The current situation of human beings is very similar to that of the corpse king Lin Hua.

Humans do not have fifth-order powerhouses, but they have powerful technology. The fifth-order female worm is also in a state of serious injury. If we escaped, wouldn't it be worse than the corpse king Lin Hua? You know the result

Elder Xuan glanced at everyone and said meaningfully.

These words made many people nervous, their faces changed uncertainly, and they were speechless.

"I'm also not in favor of running away. It's not just the factors that Sister Xu said. More importantly, it's a good opportunity to practice."

"Humans use Zerg cells to make genetic medicines, will something go wrong...

Wu Song also said softly.

"Indeed, although Lunar Civilization has explained this many times, it is only after my own experiments that it is more accurate.

Zhao Lao also nodded in approval.

For a time, the whole audience looked at each other. After the discussion, many people expressed their opinions and agreed to go to war.

Since some of the top bigwigs have said so, if they still object, they will die.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline."

Lu Jie raised her eyebrows slightly and said slowly.

If human beings really choose to escape as soon as possible, then he will really be disappointed.

If you gather the achievements of all parallel worlds and develop comfortably for ten thousand years, then if you raise this group of cowards, it really doesn't make any sense.

"The real world may have to undergo a wave of reform.

Lu Jie thought for a moment.

Too comfortable, just sit back and enjoy the success, and will only raise some cowards and waste.

[While the host was thinking, the upper echelons of humanity had already taken action. They sent some high-profile dark energy starships with ordinary fifth-order damage and many fourth-order powerhouses to help the Myron galaxy through the "space-time vortex". 】

[Fourth-tier powerhouses and ordinary dark energy starships rush to the major life planets to help them annihilate the Zerg. The dark energy starship sneaked into the dark universe, trying to get close to the fifth-order female insect and hurt it. 】

[This time, the plan was successful. The dark energy starship that had already accumulated tens of thousands of energy and rushed out of the dark universe directly attacked the 'wound' of the fifth-order mother insect, and several thick beams directly bombarded the wound, and a big explosion occurred. 】

[This sudden attack made the fifth-order female insects, who were really preying on the bloodshots caught by the insect swarm to heal themselves, screamed. These attacks, although it is not at all useful to it in its normal state.

But it is already seriously injured now, and the area injured by the law is difficult to recover, and encountering these attacks again makes its injury aggravated again. 】

[For this reason, the enraged female worm screamed angrily, and before the dark energy starship launched a second attack, it directly destroyed these dark energy starships. 】

[On the human side, although the dark energy starship was destroyed, the high-level human beings knew that the attack was undoubtedly effective through the transmitted pictures, which made them extremely happy.

To this end, they launched a second round of attacks, but this time the dark energy starship was directly destroyed as soon as it rushed out. 】

[This makes the high-level human minds heavy again. They know that the fifth-order female worm can indeed perceive the position of life in the dark universe, just as Zhao Lao speculated. And this is also perceived when humans have life-shielding devices.

The last attack was successful, but the fifth-order female worm was recovering, so I didn't care too much. After all, the means of attack displayed by the human body is only at the fourth-order level. It did not expect that humans actually have the means to injure the fifth-order. 】

[Next, under Xu Xinying's suggestion, mankind launched a second plan. This plan is exactly the means that once allowed mankind to defeat the three major civilizations. Devour a huge star through the Star Devourer, and then use the 'Supernova Stone' to detonate the huge star. 】

[However, it is between the horror of fifth-order female insects. Humans also launched the death-defying flow tactics. Carrying dark energy through the starship to blast the fifth-order female insect and attracting the attention of the fifth-order female insect through the suicide attack of the fourth-order powerhouse, and then let the Star Devourer make a lore blow. 】

[However, there are still two important points in the plan, that is, to ensure the safety of the Star Devouring Dragon. To this end, human beings are going to make every effort to create two dark energy barriers that can withstand fifth-order attacks. 】

[After half a year, everything (of Li's) is ready. When the life planets of the Myron galaxy are more and more difficult to defend under the blasting attack of the Zerg. Humanity officially started the plan. 】

The explanation of the system stopped.

The figure of Lu Jie also appeared in the Myron galaxy again.

To be precise, it appeared not far from the fifth-order female worm.

At the same time, a series of pictures flashed before his eyes.

That is the state of the major life planets in the Myron galaxy.

The fourth-order female insects ate a lot of blood food in the war, and the more they fought, the more fierce they were. Human beings are getting worse and worse because of sacrifice and the consumption of weapons.

If it weren't for the reinforcements of the other three galaxies, the life planets of the Myron galaxy would have been wiped out long ago.

Of course, it is said to be reinforcements, but in fact, humans have not sent too many Tier 4 powerhouses and dark energy starships.

Because if too much combat power is dispatched, it is easy to scare the snakes.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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