I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 355 Buddhist mentality, the title mother is missing (two more subscriptions!)

In the next episode, Elder Xiong made a speech and proposed two plans. One is the migration plan, and the other is the mother worm prevention plan.

These two plans have been recognized by many people. Even the group started debating which galaxy to migrate.

This made Elder Xuan Da, Xu Xinying and others speechless.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao stood up. He spoke out about the potential danger.

When many high-level human beings heard that the fifth-order female worm is extremely sensitive to life, it is likely that they have already known the existence of humans in other galaxies, and that they are equally sensitive to the analysis of time and space fluctuations, their faces pale.

"Do these guys only know how to escape?"

"Can't you observe and analyze the abnormality of the female worm well?

"It's still too long.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and the others showed angry expressions on their faces.

Xu Xinying saw this scene expressionlessly. She knew what was going on inside the human race, and she was too lazy to care.

Human beings all over the world are also talking about it, and they are extremely contemptuous of the performance of the high-level human beings. Many people even said sarcastic words like 'I can do it too'.

In the different emotions of human beings, the plot of the movie is still moving forward.

At this moment, Xu Xinying finally stood up. Indicates that the situation is not so bad, and then let everyone observe the abnormality of the female worm's body.

This made many high-level human beings react and discovered the wound that was difficult to recover from the fifth-order female insect.

They were astonished and puzzled.

In the end, Xu Xinying directly speculated that it was done by a sixth-order powerhouse or a higher civilization.

These words made many high-level human minds instantly relaxed and excited.

Later, Xu Xinying pointed out that although the female worm is abnormal, it is not without the upper limit of ability. As long as the weak point is attacked, humans have a chance to kill it.

These words made the high-level human beings present even more excited. Because the possibility is really high.

And Elder Xuan also spoke up.

It is directly pointed out that this war must be fought and must be won. Humans cannot repeat the same mistakes as the corpse king Lin Hua, otherwise, that great being will be disappointed.

These words changed the complexion of many high-level human beings.

Because they all forget that. The corpse king Lin Hua died at the hands of the female worm.

Humans, indeed, cannot escape and cannot be defeated.

Even many humans feel that this is a trial for humanity by the great world watchers.

Next, Wu Song also showed that the female worm must be defeated. One of the reasons is to think whether the female worm cell is really dangerous.

In the end, due to various factors, the upper echelons of mankind agreed to go to war.

And this also made the people watching the movie relieved and a little nervous.

"The title of the movie really goes to the core. Human choice.

"Yeah, fortunately, these guys still have some bottom lines. Otherwise, there's really no need to exist."

The elders also breathed a sigh of relief and discussed.

Only Xu Xinying only thought about the problem of the mother worm cell experiment.

At this time, the plot of the movie is still moving forward.

The high-level human beings dispatched some dark energy starships and Tier 4 powerhouses to aid the life planet of the Myron galaxy.

Among them, some dark energy starships equipped with weapons that can injure fifth-order powerhouses attack the wounds of fifth-order female insects through the dark universe.

The first attack was very successful, causing the fifth-order female worm to scream in agony, and the injury aggravated.

But the angry mother bug also easily destroyed the starship.

Delighted humans begin their second attack.

However, this time, the fifth-order female worm, who was on guard, directly destroyed the starship that had just emerged.

This hit a wave of human morale.

"It's really not that simple.

"However, this level is not enough to defeat mankind. 35

Seeing this, many human beings feel a chill in their hearts. Elder Xuan and others were discussing it.

Sure enough, in the movie, Xu Xinying directly proposed a new plan. 'Project Supernova'

This plan makes all the human beings who watch the movie brighten their eyes and look forward to it.

In the past half a year, human beings have tried their best to create a dark energy barrier generator that can resist fifth-order attacks, and started the plan.

At this time, the life planet of the Myron galaxy was almost occupied by the blasting troops of the insect swarm.

Humans, however, ignored it.

Instead, the Star Devouring Dragon swallowed a star with a hundred times the mass of the sun and dived into the dark universe.

Subsequently, the dark energy starship began to attack the fifth-order female insect, attracting its attention.

Star Devourer is also quietly preparing for action.

This also makes many human beings nervous. After all, this plan determines the survival of mankind.

In the movie, after Star Devourer found an opportunity, it rushed out, spit out the stars, and wrapped the fifth-order mother insect and the stars with a dark energy barrier.

Then he fled directly into the dark universe.

The huge star began to collapse under the action of the 'Supernova Stone' when the Star Eater Dragon escaped.

And the fifth-order female worm also realized the danger and began to attack the dark energy hood frantically.

.....for flowers 0......

But its attack only penetrated the dark energy barrier that wraps itself, and failed to penetrate the barrier of the star and destroy the sun.

In addition, the dark energy barrier has the effect of interfering with time and space, and it cannot escape.

Humanity's plan succeeded, and the supernova erupted, directly engulfing the fifth-order female worm.


"It's cool, it's so cool! This wave is fried enough!

"The plan is successful, it should be able to kill the fifth-order female insect!

"I hope to kill the fifth-order female worm directly. 99

All human beings are excited, looking forward to the results.

In the end, the fifth-order female worm broke through the energy trend, and her miserable appearance appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Only one third of the fifth-order female worm's body remained, and she fled into the dark universe in horror, avoiding the gamma ray burst.


Seeing this, the high-level human beings in the movie are all heartbroken.

Humans watching the movie are also a little depressed.


"Well, it's still a little short. After all, when it reaches the fifth order, there is no way to kill the supernova. It can blow up the fifth order female worm, or it is seriously injured by itself, and it is cheap for humans to pick it up."

"Yeah. However, if the fifth-order female worm can be blown up like that, human beings are still victorious. 39

"However, the female worm escaped, it is still a huge threat.

Elder Xuan Da and the others started to discuss, with sad faces on their faces.

"Don't worry. Humans, it's a win."

Xu Xinying suddenly said.

These words made Elder Xuan Da and the others stunned for a moment. They took a deep look at Xu Xinying and relaxed a lot.

Since Xu Xinying said so, there should be no suspense.

However, other human beings did not know what Xu Xinying said, and they were still extremely nervous and felt that the problem was very big.

When human emotions are different, the plot is still progressing.

At this time, Xu Xinying in the movie also spoke up.

It means that it is nothing if not killed, and human beings have won thousands of years of development time.

Whether it is the innovation of dark energy weapons or the research of genetic medicine, Xu Xinying is confident that he can do it.

To this end, she uttered a declaration of great hope for the victory of mankind.

This has greatly boosted morale.

In particular, when Elder Xuan Da asked if there was a time flow rate in the dark universe, Xu Xinying said no. In fact, when human beings were 100,000 years old, all the high-level human beings believed what Xu Xinying said, and they all became excited.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) Six.

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