I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 370 Knowing that human beings have been abandoned, Nibi has become a new favorite! Human bei

The great world observers disdain to care about human beings, but the will of the universe has come out, and they are so angry that they may lose their qualifications for observation. It is conceivable how exaggerated the dimensions of the existence of the great world observers are.

No, it should be an existence beyond dimensions.

Xu Xinying is extremely respected.

At the same time, I felt very powerless. At this level, she just became an ordinary high-dimensional existence, and she couldn't touch its back in the slightest.

In the movie, the punishment of the will of the universe to mankind continues.

A large number of scarlet lightning struck down, human beings were killed without any resistance, and then their souls were imprisoned.

In the end, only five billion human beings who truly respect the world watchers will survive. Even Elder Xuan was hacked to death.

Seeing this scene, Elder Xuan's face turned ashen, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

However, this is not the end, the second punishment begins~.

Human beings return to the original world and have gone through millions of reincarnations.

Every world line is destroyed by human beings for various reasons, no one is an exception.

The end of mankind is to be destroyed, but the great observer of the world has changed all this.

After watching this, the human face in the movie was ashes, completely numb, and cried out in repentance.

And the human beings such as Elder Xuan Da who watched the movie were also full of bitterness and had aged a lot. Yeah, human farts aren't without great world watchers.

Human beings in this universe are just ants-like existences.

Xu Xinying saw all this expressionlessly, and was even a little happy.

These filthy humans who dare to defy the great world watcher, the worse the better!

Those human beings who revere the great observers of the world will not have any thoughts of changing their minds when they see these things. The human world will be better.

The premise is that the human beings in the main universe still have that chance.

Xu Xinying looked mocking.

They are all black sheep, and as a result, it is the group that harms a small number of individuals, which is really ironic.

As for this universe, hehe, no surprise, the ending will be terrible.

At this time, in the movie, the will of the universe took away the wisdom and power of the surviving human beings and knocked them down from the world. Only Xu Xinying and Wu Song were not affected.

"Humans, abandoned."

Elder Xuan muttered to himself in a hoarse voice.

Yes, without the acquiescence of world observers, how could the will of the universe dare to take away the wisdom and power of human beings.

It turns out, too.

Xu Xinying in the movie searched the Observer website and found that she couldn't find it at all. The experimental materials are also all gone. Xu Xinying threatened that human beings were completely abandoned.

"However, our universe still has observer sites, and humans are not necessarily completely abandoned.

The second elder twitched his lips and spoke with difficulty.

"Ha ha."

Xu Xinying smiled coldly, mocking her face, but she didn't say much nonsense.

This sneer made several elders silent again.

Not abandoned? Is that possible?

This time the movie might be the final chapter. The world observers just want to tell human beings how ignorant they are.

Most likely, after some time, the Observer website will disappear completely. And what will happen to the human world? Everything is uncertain, but it must be bad.

At this time, all human beings are also emotionally broken, and they are arguing fiercely about whether human beings have been abandoned.

Many people think that it is only the humans of the main universe that have been abandoned. Since this universe still has observer sites, they haven't been abandoned!

There are even a very small number of people who are somewhat gloating. The human beings in the main universe were punished and wiped out, so wouldn't they be able to ascend to the top of the parallel universe?

There are also many people who feel that humanity is finished.

For a time, human nature became more prominent.

Next, the picture jumped suddenly and jumped directly to the Nibi Supercluster.

This makes many human beings a little stunned.

Elder Xuan also looked at this numbly.

By the way, the name of the movie is Nibi...

So, this kind of thing of human beings is completely unimportant to world observers?

Is it completely ignored?

Humans think of themselves as special.

As a result, even when this happened, the world watchers didn't care at all. The central name of the film, also Nibby. It's ironic enough.


Xu Xinying's eyes flickered slightly, thinking of a possibility, her eyes gradually lit up.

At this time, in the movie, the Nibi civilization and the Zerg are still fighting.

This made Xu Xinying understand that the previous wars between the two parallel worlds had changed.

And this war in the main universe is real.

The war was fierce, and the Nibi civilization was in a desperate situation. Although materials science has made breakthroughs under the leadership of chief scientist Fei Yu, he still cannot get out of the predicament.

In addition, the "King" failed to break through and died suddenly, which led to a sharp drop in morale.

The elders of the Nibi civilization also began to discuss whether to flee or not.

They were very responsible and considered the issue of atonement for the people.

Next, the World Watcher appeared. Terrify the Nibby Elders.

I think that the protagonist is at least a sixth-order existence, so I respectfully ask.

The World Observer answered the identity indifferently.

・・・・・Seeking flowers 0......

These words frightened the Nibi elders.

Afterwards, the World Observer disappeared directly, but left the information of the Observer website.

"Sure enough, the Nibi civilization is the next observation object!"

Xu Xinying showed excitement.

Very good, if she knows the next observation object, she can go directly.

At that time, she can still continue to follow the footsteps of the great world observer.


Seeing Xu Xinying's appearance, Elder Xuan's face was full of bitterness, but he didn't say much.

This is all done by human beings, no one is to blame.

If everyone could have one-fifth of Xu Xinying's respect for world observers, this would never happen.


Elder Xuan sighed deeply in a decadent manner.

At this time, when all mankind sees this place, it is also extremely difficult to see the complexion.


Some people are annoyed and remorseful, but there are also brainless and angry World Observers who gave up human beings so ruthlessly. Well, these people are the same group as the people who were wiped out in the main universe for the first time.

However, as soon as these people spoke, they were fanned to the ground. In general, after the previous trial plot. Many people are cowardly.

Of course, more people scolded the Nibi civilization as a bitch civilization.

They all forgot. It was the fire left by the Nibi civilization that led to the birth of the Blue Star people.

They also forgot that it was their own creation that would be abandoned, and that the Nibi civilization would become a new observation object.

In the movie, the Nibby Elders also watched the movie. They evaluate human beings, some are disappointed, some are angry, some are speechless, some also hate that iron is not steel. Overall, after reading everything, the attitude is not bad.

In their hearts, the Blue Stars were created by them after all, and they still have a little affection for them.

It was not until they saw the final trial plot that they were completely speechless and angry, and felt that the human nature was terrifying.

They were shocked and horrified to see the will of the universe appear and punish mankind.

After knowing the meaning of observation qualification in the universe, it was even more shocking.

Finally, seeing the human beings being abandoned, they also understood what it meant for the World Observer to appear in front of them. They were shocked and their bodies were shaking. I don't know whether to be excited or panic.

Looking at these plots, many human beings feel depressed, uncomfortable, and regretful, but also feel ashamed.

It's hard to feel that his ugly state is known to others, but it's still related.

But there are also a lot of irrational people who start spewing shit all over their mouths. What qualifications do bb Nibi people have to evaluate human beings, they will become the same as human beings sooner or later.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) Six.

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