I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 10 Everyone's shock! World observers, observe the existence of the world!? (2/5 for sub

"Well, I understand."

Wu Song was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

Friend of the Lord? That must be a great being of the same level.

"However, before the invitation, let's transfer the power of the universe. The world of T-3 Aura is already under control.""

Lu Jie said softly.

"Hmm. 39

Wu Song smiled sweetly and nodded.

Immediately, Wu Song's face was rosy again, with anticipation in his eyes.

Because of the handover of the power of the universe, in a sense, there is a kind of pleasure of blending with the main soul~.

This feeling, far beyond any comfortable feeling in the world, made her very obsessed.

This is also the reason why Xu Xinying and her have been working so hard. It is for the pleasure and happiness of such soul blending.

Seeing Wu Song's appearance, Lu Jie shook his head and immediately started to act.

For a time, an indescribable picture appeared here.

It didn't take long for Lu Jie to leave, leaving Wu Song with a rosy face and panting alone, reminiscing about the previous feeling.

She felt a sense of happiness in her heart.

Another piece, the time and space of the virtual and the real.

Lu Jie is also sitting in the same universe handover work as Xiaotong.

It's just that, unlike Wu Song, he did more than Xiaotong, a 'girl' he could truly trust and had no reservations about.

"You're really pregnant. I've been fooling those two children into doing this kind of work.

Xiaotong's fingers rubbed against Lu Jie's face, teasing.

"No way. Unless you really reach the level of almighty, otherwise, you have to keep fooling around.

Lu Jie shook his head and said.

"That's right. However, now you are still the super-large cosmic avenue. Coupled with the particularity of deduction power and data power. In a sense, it has indeed reached the level of observing endless time and space that was boasted at the beginning. The world Observers, not exaggerated.35

Xiaotong stretched her waist, and her beautiful figure was undoubtedly revealed, she chuckled lightly.

"Hmm. 35

Lu Jie nodded.

Indeed, he has achieved the previously boasted world watcher level.

However, this is not enough. The void is too vast. There are many existences on the same level as him. He didn't want to stop there.

I also want to keep the image of the past in the minds of the two girls.

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to become the all-powerful universe avenue.

"Again? 35

Xiaotong blinked his eyes.

"When did you fall in love with this human behavior?"

Lu Jie raised an eyebrow.

"I like it, can't I? You treat me as a tool person and work all the time, but you are lazy everywhere. I need to make up for it.""

Xiaotong hummed softly, and at the end, there was some resentment.

"Cough cough..."

Lu Jie was embarrassed.

Indeed, in these billion years, although he was lucky enough to pick up a prototype Ultra Universe and upgrade it to a multiverse.

But the vast majority of the universe is still managed by a small united individual.

He does get lazy a lot.

"Well, as long as you want, you can."

Lu Jie complained.

"That's about it. If you dare to say no, I want to go on strike. Strike...a month."5

Xiaotong said with a smile, and rushed up again.

When Lu Jie, Wu Song and Xiaotong were working on the handover of the universe, the chat group was very lively.

Everyone at this time has already read the chapter "Zombie Paradise: Meteor Catastrophe".

The cute group owner is me: "emmmmm, this world is too miserable. Xingguo created the MR virus, and then it harmed all mankind. Even if Zhao Lao developed Gene Medicine 1.0, it was finally pitted by Yingguo. "

I want to be a great writer: "Well... If it wasn't for the nuclear bomb that caused the MR virus to mutate, and even superhumans could be infected, there is still hope for human beings. Alas, what a pity."

Magical Girl Illya: "Zombies are so scary... woo woo woo, obviously I was afraid of this kind of movie, but I ended up watching it. Now my mind is full of zombies.

I want to collect all the famous knives: "This world is too dark. I can't imagine what pressure Elder Zhao and others are under to carry out research. I suddenly felt that the genetic medicine 1.0 in my hand is really precious. This is the product of Zhao Lao's hard work."5

The cute group owner is me: "Oh, yes. However, I'm very curious. How did the perfect version of Gene Elixir 3.0 come about. After that, all human beings were wiped out, and even the curious zombie king was wiped out by a meteorite.

I want to be a great writer: "This is impossible to know. However, I always feel that there is a follow-up."

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Humans are really a small but great race. The potential of human beings in a desperate situation is beyond imagination. Humans before they became godslayers are all like this. Zhao old, as well.""

.....for flowers 0......

The cute group owner is me: "I feel the same way.

I want to be a great writer: "I feel the same."

Magical Girl Illya: "Same.

The cute group owner is me: "Pfft, are you a repeater? By the way, this movie doesn't seem to reveal the identity of the world watcher?

Magical Girl Illya: "Well, that's right! I didn't reveal it at all. 99

I want to be a great writer: "No, it has already been revealed. You think of the name of the World Observer boss. Then think of this movie, and you can figure it out. To be honest, this movie was uploaded before Linger-sang. anime is different.

Anime is artificially created, maybe this is the reason why other worlds are projected into the human author's brain, and there are some subtle inconsistencies, which are inconsistent with our real world. But this movie is too real. "


The cute group owner is me: "So, it seems like this is the case! World Observer...observing the existence of the world!!! Could it be that the development on this blue star is all in the World Observer boss? Then, are these doomsday scenes observed by the world observers with their own eyes, and then made into a movie and uploaded? This is a real memory, not an anime!

I want to collect all famous knives: "!!!"

Dusty was silent. real memory. Humans were wiped out and turned into monsters. Such a world, for human beings, is the real darkness.

The cute group owner is me: "In this way, the products of the sci-fi world, as well as the elixir similar to the world of spiritual energy, the world of self-cultivation, and the world of fantasy, can be explained... Guy is an observer, observing the existence of the world, and it is not just a single world. Thousands of complex worlds are under the observation of the boss... So it is normal for the boss to take out these things.

Magical girl Illya: "If you say that, the world watcher is really mysterious and powerful! No wonder the chat group system gives a super tenth-order evaluation!

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Well. Everything can be explained. Lord World Watcher, is far more powerful than we imagined!"

"Ding, I am the Lord's Xiaosong, join the Wanjie chat group. 35

"Ding, Shi Emperor, join the Myriad Realms chat group.

When everyone was chatting happily, two system prompts sounded, making the group quiet for a while.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!) Six.

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